Small improvements for the Shadow Map Atlas Blender UI

* Made shadow map atlas sizes enum's values dynamic:
This allows reducing issues related to picking a "wrong" size for the atlases.
* Added a legend below shadow map sizes to have an idea of how much lights can an option fit.
* Separated listing of subdivisions to include point lights.
* Disable cubemap size if single map is enabled to show that cascade size option is only used.
This commit is contained in:
N8n5h 2021-05-14 11:12:46 -03:00
parent 98eeccd71d
commit 1945439cd1
2 changed files with 123 additions and 43 deletions

View file

@ -4,6 +4,37 @@ from bpy.props import *
import arm.assets as assets
import arm.utils
atlas_sizes = [ ('256', '256', '256'),
('512', '512', '512'),
('1024', '1024', '1024'),
('2048', '2048', '2048'),
('4096', '4096', '4096'),
('8192', '8192', '8192'),
('16384', '16384', '16384'),
('32768', '32768', '32768') ]
def atlas_sizes_from_min(min_size: int) -> list:
""" Create an enum list of atlas sizes from a minimal size """
sizes = []
for i in range(len(atlas_sizes)):
if int(atlas_sizes[i][0]) > min_size:
return sizes
def update_spot_sun_atlas_size_options(scene: bpy.types.Scene, context: bpy.types.Context) -> list:
wrd =['Arm']
if len(wrd.arm_rplist) <= wrd.arm_rplist_index:
return []
rpdat = wrd.arm_rplist[wrd.arm_rplist_index]
return atlas_sizes_from_min(int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cascade))
def update_point_atlas_size_options(scene: bpy.types.Scene, context: bpy.types.Context) -> list:
wrd =['Arm']
if len(wrd.arm_rplist) <= wrd.arm_rplist_index:
return []
rpdat = wrd.arm_rplist[wrd.arm_rplist_index]
return atlas_sizes_from_min(int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cube) * 2)
def update_preset(self, context):
rpdat = arm.utils.get_rp()
if self.rp_preset == 'Desktop':
@ -271,33 +302,17 @@ class ArmRPListItem(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
('8', '8', '8'),],
name="LOD Subdivisions", description="Number of subdivisions of the default tile size for LOD", default='2', update=update_renderpath)
rp_shadowmap_atlas_max_size_point: EnumProperty(
items=[('1024', '1024', '1024'),
('2048', '2048', '2048'),
('4096', '4096', '4096'),
('8192', '8192', '8192'),
('16384', '16384', '16384')],
name="Max Atlas Texture Size Points", description="Sets the limit of the size of the texture.", default='8192', update=update_renderpath)
name="Max Atlas Texture Size Points", description="Sets the limit of the size of the texture.", update=update_renderpath)
rp_shadowmap_atlas_max_size_spot: EnumProperty(
items=[('1024', '1024', '1024'),
('2048', '2048', '2048'),
('4096', '4096', '4096'),
('8192', '8192', '8192'),
('16384', '16384', '16384')],
name="Max Atlas Texture Size Spots", description="Sets the limit of the size of the texture.", default='8192', update=update_renderpath)
name="Max Atlas Texture Size Spots", description="Sets the limit of the size of the texture.", update=update_renderpath)
rp_shadowmap_atlas_max_size_sun: EnumProperty(
items=[('1024', '1024', '1024'),
('2048', '2048', '2048'),
('4096', '4096', '4096'),
('8192', '8192', '8192'),
('16384', '16384', '16384')],
name="Max Atlas Texture Size Sun", description="Sets the limit of the size of the texture.", default='8192', update=update_renderpath)
name="Max Atlas Texture Size Sun", description="Sets the limit of the size of the texture.", update=update_renderpath)
rp_shadowmap_atlas_max_size: EnumProperty(
items=[('1024', '1024', '1024'),
('2048', '2048', '2048'),
('4096', '4096', '4096'),
('8192', '8192', '8192'),
('16384', '16384', '16384')],
name="Max Atlas Texture Size", description="Sets the limit of the size of the texture.", default='8192', update=update_renderpath)
name="Max Atlas Texture Size", description="Sets the limit of the size of the texture.", update=update_renderpath)
rp_shadowmap_cube: EnumProperty(
items=[('256', '256', '256'),
('512', '512', '512'),

View file

@ -1332,6 +1332,20 @@ class ARM_PT_RenderPathShadowsPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
max = max / 2
return l
def tiles_per_light_type(self, rpdat: arm.props_renderpath.ArmRPListItem, light_type: str) -> int:
if light_type == 'point':
return 6
elif light_type == 'spot':
return 1
return int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cascades)
def lights_number_atlas(self, rpdat: arm.props_renderpath.ArmRPListItem, atlas_size: int, shadowmap_size: int, light_type: str) -> int:
'''Compute number lights that could fit in an atlas'''
lights = atlas_size / shadowmap_size
lights *= lights / self.tiles_per_light_type(rpdat, light_type)
return int(lights)
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
layout.use_property_split = True
@ -1342,7 +1356,9 @@ class ARM_PT_RenderPathShadowsPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
rpdat = wrd.arm_rplist[wrd.arm_rplist_index]
layout.enabled = rpdat.rp_shadows
layout.prop(rpdat, 'rp_shadowmap_cube')
col = layout.column()
col.enabled = not rpdat.rp_shadowmap_atlas_single_map or not rpdat.rp_shadowmap_atlas
col.prop(rpdat, 'rp_shadowmap_cube')
layout.prop(rpdat, 'rp_shadowmap_cascade')
layout.prop(rpdat, 'rp_shadowmap_cascades')
col = layout.column()
@ -1367,39 +1383,88 @@ class ARM_PT_RenderPathShadowsPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
colatlas_lod_info = colatlas_lod.row()
colatlas_lod_info.alignment = 'RIGHT'
subdivs_list = self.compute_subdivs(int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cascade), int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_atlas_lod_subdivisions))
subdiv_text = "Subdivisions: " + ', '.join(map(str, subdivs_list))
subdiv_text = "Subdivisions for spot lights: " + ', '.join(map(str, subdivs_list))
colatlas_lod_info.label(text=subdiv_text, icon="IMAGE_ZDEPTH")
if not rpdat.rp_shadowmap_atlas_single_map:
colatlas_lod_info = colatlas_lod.row()
colatlas_lod_info.alignment = 'RIGHT'
subdivs_list = self.compute_subdivs(int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cube), int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_atlas_lod_subdivisions))
subdiv_text = "Subdivisions for point lights: " + ', '.join(map(str, subdivs_list))
colatlas_lod_info.label(text=subdiv_text, icon="IMAGE_ZDEPTH")
size_warning = int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cascade) > 2048 or int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cube) > 2048
colatlas.prop(rpdat, 'rp_shadowmap_atlas_single_map')
# show size for single texture
if rpdat.rp_shadowmap_atlas_single_map:
colatlas_single = colatlas.column()
colatlas_single.prop(rpdat, 'rp_shadowmap_atlas_max_size')
if int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cascade) >= int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_atlas_max_size):
colatlas_warning = colatlas_single.row()
colatlas_warning.alignment = 'RIGHT'
colatlas_warning.label(text=f'Warning: {rpdat.rp_shadowmap_atlas_max_size} is too small for the shadowmap size: {rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cascade}', icon="ERROR")
if rpdat.rp_shadowmap_atlas_max_size != '':
atlas_size = int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_atlas_max_size)
shadowmap_size = int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cascade)
if shadowmap_size > 2048:
size_warning = True
point_lights = self.lights_number_atlas(rpdat, atlas_size, shadowmap_size, 'point')
spot_lights = self.lights_number_atlas(rpdat, atlas_size, shadowmap_size, 'spot')
dir_lights = self.lights_number_atlas(rpdat, atlas_size, shadowmap_size, 'sun')
col = colatlas_single.row()
col.alignment = 'RIGHT'
col.label(text=f'Enough space for { point_lights } point lights or { spot_lights } spot lights or { dir_lights } directional lights.')
# show size for all types
colatlas_mixed = colatlas.column()
colatlas_mixed.prop(rpdat, 'rp_shadowmap_atlas_max_size_spot')
if int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cascade) > int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_atlas_max_size_spot):
colatlas_warning = colatlas_mixed.row()
colatlas_warning.alignment = 'RIGHT'
colatlas_warning.label(text=f'Warning: {rpdat.rp_shadowmap_atlas_max_size_spot} is too small for the shadowmap size: {rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cascade}', icon="ERROR")
if rpdat.rp_shadowmap_atlas_max_size_spot != '':
atlas_size = int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_atlas_max_size_spot)
shadowmap_size = int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cascade)
spot_lights = self.lights_number_atlas(rpdat, atlas_size, shadowmap_size, 'spot')
if shadowmap_size > 2048:
size_warning = True
col = colatlas_mixed.row()
col.alignment = 'RIGHT'
col.label(text=f'Enough space for {spot_lights} spot lights.')
colatlas_mixed.prop(rpdat, 'rp_shadowmap_atlas_max_size_point')
if int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cascade) >= int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_atlas_max_size_point):
colatlas_warning = colatlas_mixed.row()
colatlas_warning.alignment = 'RIGHT'
colatlas_warning.label(text=f'Warning: {rpdat.rp_shadowmap_atlas_max_size_point} is too small for the shadowmap size: {rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cube}', icon="ERROR")
if rpdat.rp_shadowmap_atlas_max_size_point != '':
atlas_size = int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_atlas_max_size_point)
shadowmap_size = int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cube)
point_lights = self.lights_number_atlas(rpdat, atlas_size, shadowmap_size, 'point')
if shadowmap_size > 2048:
size_warning = True
col = colatlas_mixed.row()
col.alignment = 'RIGHT'
col.label(text=f'Enough space for {point_lights} point lights.')
colatlas_mixed.prop(rpdat, 'rp_shadowmap_atlas_max_size_sun')
if int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cascade) >= int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_atlas_max_size_sun):
colatlas_warning = colatlas_mixed.row()
colatlas_warning.alignment = 'RIGHT'
colatlas_warning.label(text=f'Warning: {rpdat.rp_shadowmap_atlas_max_size_sun} is too small for the shadowmap size: {rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cascade}', icon="ERROR")
if rpdat.rp_shadowmap_atlas_max_size_sun != '':
atlas_size = int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_atlas_max_size_sun)
shadowmap_size = int(rpdat.rp_shadowmap_cascade)
dir_lights = self.lights_number_atlas(rpdat, atlas_size, shadowmap_size, 'sun')
if shadowmap_size > 2048:
size_warning = True
col = colatlas_mixed.row()
col.alignment = 'RIGHT'
col.label(text=f'Enough space for {dir_lights} directional lights.')
# show warning when user picks a size higher than 2048 (arbitrary number).
if size_warning:
col = layout.column()
row = col.row()
row.alignment = 'RIGHT'
row.label(text='Warning: Game will crash if texture size is higher than max texture size allowed by target.', icon='ERROR')
class ARM_PT_RenderPathVoxelsPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
bl_label = "Voxel AO"