rtgi template

This commit is contained in:
Lubos Lenco 2017-11-02 12:10:01 +01:00
parent 37eace7d42
commit 3226c6e420
13 changed files with 387 additions and 183 deletions

Assets/blue_noise64.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 16 KiB

View File

@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
// http://kayru.org/articles/dssdo/
#version 450
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
#include "../compiled.glsl"
#include "../std/gbuffer.glsl"
uniform sampler2D gbufferD;
uniform sampler2D gbuffer0;
uniform sampler2D gbuffer1;
uniform sampler2D snoise;
uniform mat4 invVP;
uniform vec3 eye;
const vec2 screenSize = vec2(800.0, 600.0);
const vec2 aspectRatio = vec2(min(1.0, screenSize.y / screenSize.x), min(1.0, screenSize.x / screenSize.y));
const int num_samples = 32;
const float g_occlusion_radius = 0.279710;
const float g_occlusion_max_distance = 0.639419;
const float fudge_factor_l0 = 2.0;
const float fudge_factor_l1 = 10.0;
const float sh2_weight_l0 = fudge_factor_l0 * 0.28209; //0.5*sqrt(1.0/pi);
const vec3 sh2_weight_l1 = vec3(fudge_factor_l1 * 0.48860); //0.5*sqrt(3.0/pi);
const vec4 sh2_weight = vec4(sh2_weight_l1, sh2_weight_l0) / num_samples;
in vec2 texCoord;
out vec4 fragColor;
vec4 doDO(vec3 point, vec3 noise, float radius, vec3 center_pos, float max_distance_inv, vec3 center_normal) {
vec2 textureOffset = reflect( point.xy, noise.xy ).xy * radius;
vec2 sample_tex = texCoord + textureOffset;
// float depth = 1.0 - texture(gbuffer0, sample_tex).a;
float depth = texture(gbufferD, sample_tex).r * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec3 sample_pos = getPos2(invVP, depth, sample_tex);
vec3 center_to_sample = sample_pos - center_pos;
float dist = length(center_to_sample);
vec3 center_to_sample_normalized = center_to_sample / dist;
float attenuation = 1.0 - clamp(dist * max_distance_inv, 0.0, 1.0);
float dp = dot(center_normal, center_to_sample_normalized);
const float attenuation_angle_threshold = 0.1;
attenuation = attenuation*attenuation * step(attenuation_angle_threshold, dp);
return attenuation * sh2_weight * vec4(center_to_sample_normalized, 1.0);
void main() {
float depth = texture(gbufferD, texCoord).r * 2.0 - 1.0;
if (depth == 1.0) {
fragColor.rgb = vec3(1.0);
vec3 points[num_samples];
points[0] = vec3(-0.134, 0.044, -0.825);
points[1] = vec3(0.045, -0.431, -0.529);
points[2] = vec3(-0.537, 0.195, -0.371);
points[3] = vec3(0.525, -0.397, 0.713);
points[4] = vec3(0.895, 0.302, 0.139);
points[5] = vec3(-0.613, -0.408, -0.141);
points[6] = vec3(0.307, 0.822, 0.169);
points[7] = vec3(-0.819, 0.037, -0.388);
points[8] = vec3(0.376, 0.009, 0.193);
points[9] = vec3(-0.006, -0.103, -0.035);
points[10] = vec3(0.098, 0.393, 0.019);
points[11] = vec3(0.542, -0.218, -0.593);
points[12] = vec3(0.526, -0.183, 0.424);
points[13] = vec3(-0.529, -0.178, 0.684);
points[14] = vec3(0.066, -0.657, -0.570);
points[15] = vec3(-0.214, 0.288, 0.188);
points[16] = vec3(-0.689, -0.222, -0.192);
points[17] = vec3(-0.008, -0.212, -0.721);
points[18] = vec3(0.053, -0.863, 0.054);
points[19] = vec3(0.639, -0.558, 0.289);
points[20] = vec3(-0.255, 0.958, 0.099);
points[21] = vec3(-0.488, 0.473, -0.381);
points[22] = vec3(-0.592, -0.332, 0.137);
points[23] = vec3(0.080, 0.756, -0.494);
points[24] = vec3(-0.638, 0.319, 0.686);
points[25] = vec3(-0.663, 0.230, -0.634);
points[26] = vec3(0.235, -0.547, 0.664);
points[27] = vec3(0.164, -0.710, 0.086);
points[28] = vec3(-0.009, 0.493, -0.038);
points[29] = vec3(-0.322, 0.147, -0.105);
points[30] = vec3(-0.554, -0.725, 0.289);
points[31] = vec3(0.534, 0.157, -0.250);
vec2 enc = texture(gbuffer0, texCoord).rg;
vec3 n;
n.z = 1.0 - abs(enc.x) - abs(enc.y);
n.xy = n.z >= 0.0 ? enc.xy : octahedronWrap(enc.xy);
n = normalize(n);
vec3 currentPos = getPos2(invVP, depth, texCoord);
// float currentDistance = length(currentPos);
vec2 noise_texture_size = vec2(8.0,8.0);
vec3 center_pos = currentPos;
vec3 eye_pos = eye;
float center_depth = distance(eye_pos, center_pos);
float radius = g_occlusion_radius / center_depth;
float max_distance_inv = 1.0 / g_occlusion_max_distance;
// float attenuation_angle_threshold = 0.1;
vec3 noise = texture(snoise, (texCoord * screenSize) / noise_texture_size).xyz * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec3 center_normal = n;
vec4 occlusion_sh2 = vec4(0.0);
// for( int i=0; i<num_samples; ++i ) {
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[0], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[1], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[2], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[3], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[4], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[5], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[6], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[7], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[8], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[9], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[10], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[11], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[12], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[13], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[14], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[15], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[16], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[17], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[18], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[19], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[20], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[21], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[22], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[23], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[24], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[25], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[26], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[27], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[28], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[29], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[30], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
occlusion_sh2 += doDO(points[31], noise, radius, center_pos, max_distance_inv, center_normal);
// }
fragColor.rgb = vec3(1.0 - occlusion_sh2.rgb);

View File

@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
"contexts": [
"name": "ssdo_pass",
"depth_write": false,
"compare_mode": "always",
"cull_mode": "none",
"links": [
"name": "snoise",
"link": "_noise8"
"name": "invVP",
"link": "_inverseViewProjectionMatrix"
"name": "eye",
"link": "_cameraPosition"
"texture_params": [],
"vertex_shader": "ssdo_pass.vert.glsl",
"vertex_shader_path": "../include/pass.vert.glsl",
"fragment_shader": "ssdo_pass.frag.glsl"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
// Exclusive to SSAO for now
#version 450
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
#include "../compiled.glsl"
#include "../std/gbuffer.glsl"
uniform sampler2D tex;
uniform sampler2D gbuffer0;
uniform vec2 dirInv; // texStep
in vec2 texCoord;
out vec4 fragColor;
const float blurWeights[5] = float[] (0.227027, 0.1945946, 0.1216216, 0.054054, 0.016216);
// const float blurWeights[10] = float[] (0.132572, 0.125472, 0.106373, 0.08078, 0.05495, 0.033482, 0.018275, 0.008934, 0.003912, 0.001535);
const float discardThreshold = 0.95;
float doBlur(const float blurWeight, const int pos, const vec3 nor, const vec2 texCoord) {
const float posadd = pos + 0.5;
vec3 nor2 = getNor(texture(gbuffer0, texCoord + pos * dirInv).rg);
float influenceFactor = step(discardThreshold, dot(nor2, nor));
vec4 col = texture(tex, texCoord + posadd * dirInv);
fragColor += col * blurWeight * influenceFactor;
float weight = blurWeight * influenceFactor;
nor2 = getNor(texture(gbuffer0, texCoord - pos * dirInv).rg);
influenceFactor = step(discardThreshold, dot(nor2, nor));
col = texture(tex, texCoord - posadd * dirInv);
fragColor += col * blurWeight * influenceFactor;
weight += blurWeight * influenceFactor;
return weight;
void main() {
vec3 nor = getNor(texture(gbuffer0, texCoord).rg);
fragColor = texture(tex, texCoord) * blurWeights[0];
float weight = blurWeights[0];
// for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) {
weight += doBlur(blurWeights[1], 1, nor, texCoord);
weight += doBlur(blurWeights[2], 2, nor, texCoord);
weight += doBlur(blurWeights[3], 3, nor, texCoord);
weight += doBlur(blurWeights[4], 4, nor, texCoord);
// weight += doBlur(blurWeights[5], 5, nor, texCoord);
// weight += doBlur(blurWeights[6], 6, nor, texCoord);
// weight += doBlur(blurWeights[7], 7, nor, texCoord);
// weight += doBlur(blurWeights[8], 8, nor, texCoord);
// weight += doBlur(blurWeights[9], 9, nor, texCoord);
// }
fragColor = vec4(fragColor / weight);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
"contexts": [
"name": "ssgi_blur_pass_x",
"color_write_alpha": false,
"depth_write": false,
"compare_mode": "always",
"cull_mode": "none",
"links": [
"name": "dirInv",
"link": "_vec2xInv"
"texture_params": [],
"vertex_shader": "ssgi_blur_pass.vert.glsl",
"vertex_shader_path": "../include/pass.vert.glsl",
"fragment_shader": "ssgi_blur_pass.frag.glsl"
"name": "ssgi_blur_pass_y",
"color_write_alpha": false,
"depth_write": false,
"compare_mode": "always",
"cull_mode": "none",
"links": [
"name": "dirInv",
"link": "_vec2yInv"
"texture_params": [],
"vertex_shader": "ssgi_blur_pass.vert.glsl",
"vertex_shader_path": "../include/pass.vert.glsl",
"fragment_shader": "ssgi_blur_pass.frag.glsl"
"name": "ssgi_blur_pass_y_blend",
"color_write_alpha": false,
"depth_write": false,
"compare_mode": "always",
"cull_mode": "none",
"blend_source": "destination_color",
"blend_destination": "blend_zero",
"blend_operation": "add",
"links": [
"name": "dirInv",
"link": "_vec2yInv"
"texture_params": [],
"vertex_shader": "ssgi_blur_pass.vert.glsl",
"vertex_shader_path": "../include/pass.vert.glsl",
"fragment_shader": "ssgi_blur_pass.frag.glsl"
"name": "ssgi_blur_pass_y_blend_add",
"color_write_alpha": false,
"depth_write": false,
"compare_mode": "always",
"cull_mode": "none",
"blend_source": "blend_one",
"blend_destination": "blend_one",
"blend_operation": "add",
"alpha_blend_source": "blend_one",
"alpha_blend_destination": "blend_one",
"alpha_blend_operation": "add",
"links": [
"name": "dirInv",
"link": "_vec2yInv"
"texture_params": [],
"vertex_shader": "ssgi_blur_pass.vert.glsl",
"vertex_shader_path": "../include/pass.vert.glsl",
"fragment_shader": "ssgi_blur_pass.frag.glsl"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
#version 450
#ifdef GL_ES
precision mediump float;
#include "../compiled.glsl"
#include "../std/math.glsl"
#include "../std/gbuffer.glsl"
uniform sampler2D tex;
uniform sampler2D gbufferD;
uniform sampler2D gbuffer0; // Normal, roughness
uniform mat4 P;
uniform mat4 tiV;
// const int maxSteps = 20;
// const int numBinarySearchSteps = 5;
// const float ssrRayStep = 0.04;
// const float ssrMinRayStep = 0.05;
// const float ssrSearchDist = 5.0;
// const float ssrFalloffExp = 5.0;
// const float ssrJitter = 0.6;
in vec3 viewRay;
in vec2 texCoord;
out vec4 fragColor;
vec3 hitCoord;
float depth;
vec2 getProjectedCoord(vec3 hitCoord) {
vec4 projectedCoord = P * vec4(hitCoord, 1.0);
projectedCoord.xy /= projectedCoord.w;
projectedCoord.xy = projectedCoord.xy * 0.5 + 0.5;
#ifdef _InvY
projectedCoord.y = 1.0 - projectedCoord.y;
return projectedCoord.xy;
float getDeltaDepth(vec3 hitCoord) {
// depth = 1.0 - texture(gbuffer0, getProjectedCoord(hitCoord)).a;
depth = texture(gbufferD, getProjectedCoord(hitCoord)).r * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec3 viewPos = getPosView(viewRay, depth);
return viewPos.z - hitCoord.z;
vec4 binarySearch(vec3 dir) {
// for (int i = 0; i < numBinarySearchSteps; i++) {
dir *= 0.5;
hitCoord -= dir;
if (getDeltaDepth(hitCoord) < 0.0) hitCoord += dir;
dir *= 0.5;
hitCoord -= dir;
if (getDeltaDepth(hitCoord) < 0.0) hitCoord += dir;
dir *= 0.5;
hitCoord -= dir;
if (getDeltaDepth(hitCoord) < 0.0) hitCoord += dir;
dir *= 0.5;
hitCoord -= dir;
if (getDeltaDepth(hitCoord) < 0.0) hitCoord += dir;
dir *= 0.5;
hitCoord -= dir;
if (getDeltaDepth(hitCoord) < 0.0) hitCoord += dir;
dir *= 0.5;
hitCoord -= dir;
if (getDeltaDepth(hitCoord) < 0.0) hitCoord += dir;
dir *= 0.5;
hitCoord -= dir;
if (getDeltaDepth(hitCoord) < 0.0) hitCoord += dir;
// Ugly discard of hits too far away
if (abs(getDeltaDepth(hitCoord)) > 0.01) {
return vec4(0.0);
// }
return vec4(getProjectedCoord(hitCoord), 0.0, 1.0);
vec4 rayCast(vec3 dir) {
dir *= ssrRayStep;
// for (int i = 0; i < maxSteps; i++) {
hitCoord += dir;
if (getDeltaDepth(hitCoord) > 0.0) return binarySearch(dir);
hitCoord += dir;
if (getDeltaDepth(hitCoord) > 0.0) return binarySearch(dir);
hitCoord += dir;
if (getDeltaDepth(hitCoord) > 0.0) return binarySearch(dir);
hitCoord += dir;
if (getDeltaDepth(hitCoord) > 0.0) return binarySearch(dir);
hitCoord += dir;
if (getDeltaDepth(hitCoord) > 0.0) return binarySearch(dir);
hitCoord += dir;
if (getDeltaDepth(hitCoord) > 0.0) return binarySearch(dir);
hitCoord += dir;
if (getDeltaDepth(hitCoord) > 0.0) return binarySearch(dir);
hitCoord += dir;
if (getDeltaDepth(hitCoord) > 0.0) return binarySearch(dir);
hitCoord += dir;
if (getDeltaDepth(hitCoord) > 0.0) return binarySearch(dir);
hitCoord += dir;
if (getDeltaDepth(hitCoord) > 0.0) return binarySearch(dir);
hitCoord += dir;
if (getDeltaDepth(hitCoord) > 0.0) return binarySearch(dir);
hitCoord += dir;
if (getDeltaDepth(hitCoord) > 0.0) return binarySearch(dir);
hitCoord += dir;
if (getDeltaDepth(hitCoord) > 0.0) return binarySearch(dir);
hitCoord += dir;
if (getDeltaDepth(hitCoord) > 0.0) return binarySearch(dir);
hitCoord += dir;
if (getDeltaDepth(hitCoord) > 0.0) return binarySearch(dir);
hitCoord += dir;
if (getDeltaDepth(hitCoord) > 0.0) return binarySearch(dir);
hitCoord += dir;
if (getDeltaDepth(hitCoord) > 0.0) return binarySearch(dir);
hitCoord += dir;
if (getDeltaDepth(hitCoord) > 0.0) return binarySearch(dir);
// }
return vec4(0.0);
void main() {
vec4 g0 = texture(gbuffer0, texCoord);
float roughness = unpackFloat(g0.b).y;
if (roughness == 1.0) {
fragColor.rgb = vec3(0.0);
float d = texture(gbufferD, texCoord).r * 2.0 - 1.0;
if (d == 1.0) {
fragColor.rgb = vec3(0.0);
vec2 enc = g0.rg;
vec3 n;
n.z = 1.0 - abs(enc.x) - abs(enc.y);
n.xy = n.z >= 0.0 ? enc.xy : octahedronWrap(enc.xy);
n = normalize(n);
if (n.z <= 0.9) { // Only up facing surfaces for now
fragColor.rgb = vec3(0.0);
vec4 viewNormal = vec4(n, 1.0);
viewNormal = tiV * viewNormal;
vec3 viewPos = getPosView(viewRay, d);
vec3 reflected = normalize(reflect((viewPos), normalize(viewNormal.xyz)));
hitCoord = viewPos.xyz;
vec3 dir = reflected * max(ssrMinRayStep, -viewPos.z) * (1.0 - rand(texCoord) * ssrJitter * roughness);
vec4 coords = rayCast(dir);
vec2 deltaCoords = abs(vec2(0.5, 0.5) - coords.xy);
float screenEdgeFactor = clamp(1.0 - (deltaCoords.x + deltaCoords.y), 0.0, 1.0);
float reflectivity = 1.0 - roughness;
float intensity = pow(reflectivity, ssrFalloffExp) *
screenEdgeFactor * clamp(-reflected.z, 0.0, 1.0) *
clamp((ssrSearchDist - length(viewPos.xyz - hitCoord)) * (1.0 / ssrSearchDist), 0.0, 1.0) * coords.w;
intensity = clamp(intensity, 0.0, 1.0);
if (intensity == 0.0) {
fragColor.rgb = vec3(0.0);
vec3 reflCol = texture(tex, coords.xy).rgb;
reflCol = clamp(reflCol, 0.0, 1.0);
fragColor.rgb = reflCol * intensity * 0.5; //

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
"contexts": [
"name": "ssgi_pass",
"depth_write": false,
"color_write_alpha": false,
"compare_mode": "always",
"cull_mode": "none",
"links": [
"name": "P",
"link": "_projectionMatrix"
"name": "tiV",
"link": "_transposeInverseViewMatrix"
"name": "invP",
"link": "_inverseProjectionMatrix"
"texture_params": [],
"vertex_shader": "ssgi_pass.vert.glsl",
"vertex_shader_path": "../include/pass_viewray2.vert.glsl",
"fragment_shader": "ssgi_pass.frag.glsl"

View File

@ -534,7 +534,10 @@ def make_deferred(rpdat):
relink('SSS', 'SSR')
if not rpdat.rp_ssr:
relink('SSR', 'Draw Compositor')
relink('SSR', 'SSGI')
if not rpdat.rp_ssgi:
relink('SSGI', 'Draw Compositor')
if rpdat.rp_motionblur != 'None':
last_node = nodes['Draw Compositor'].inputs[0].links[0].from_node

View File

@ -374,6 +374,11 @@ def make_ssr_pass(stages, node_group, node):
make_quad_pass(stages, node_group, node, target_index=3, bind_target_indices=[2, 6], bind_target_constants=['tex', 'gbuffer0'], shader_context='blur_adaptive_pass/blur_adaptive_pass/blur_adaptive_pass_x')
make_quad_pass(stages, node_group, node, target_index=1, bind_target_indices=[3, 6], bind_target_constants=['tex', 'gbuffer0'], shader_context='blur_adaptive_pass/blur_adaptive_pass/blur_adaptive_pass_y3_blend')
def make_ssgi_pass(stages, node_group, node):
make_quad_pass(stages, node_group, node, target_index=2, bind_target_indices=[4, 5, 6], bind_target_constants=['tex', 'gbufferD', 'gbuffer0'], shader_context='ssgi_pass/ssgi_pass/ssgi_pass')
make_quad_pass(stages, node_group, node, target_index=3, bind_target_indices=[2, 6], bind_target_constants=['tex', 'gbuffer0'], shader_context='ssgi_blur_pass/ssgi_blur_pass/ssgi_blur_pass_x')
make_quad_pass(stages, node_group, node, target_index=1, bind_target_indices=[3, 6], bind_target_constants=['tex', 'gbuffer0'], shader_context='ssgi_blur_pass/ssgi_blur_pass/ssgi_blur_pass_y_blend_add')
def make_bloom_pass(stages, node_group, node):
make_quad_pass(stages, node_group, node, target_index=2, bind_target_indices=[4], bind_target_constants=['tex'], shader_context='bloom_pass/bloom_pass/bloom_pass')
make_quad_pass(stages, node_group, node, target_index=3, bind_target_indices=[2], bind_target_constants=['tex'], shader_context='blur_gaus_pass/blur_gaus_pass/blur_gaus_pass_x')
@ -665,6 +670,9 @@ def buildNode(stages, node, node_group):
elif node.bl_idname == 'SSRPassNodeType':
make_ssr_pass(stages, node_group, node)
append_stage = False
elif node.bl_idname == 'SSGIPassNodeType':
make_ssgi_pass(stages, node_group, node)
append_stage = False
elif node.bl_idname == 'BloomPassNodeType':
make_bloom_pass(stages, node_group, node)
append_stage = False
@ -815,7 +823,7 @@ def traverse_renderpath(node, node_group, render_targets, depth_buffers):
if node.inputs[1].is_linked:
tnode = nodes.find_node_by_link(node_group, node, node.inputs[1])
parse_render_target(tnode, node_group, render_targets, depth_buffers)
elif node.bl_idname == 'SSRPassNodeType' or node.bl_idname == 'ApplySSAOPassNodeType' or node.bl_idname == 'BloomPassNodeType' or node.bl_idname == 'SMAAPassNodeType':
elif node.bl_idname == 'SSRPassNodeType' or node.bl_idname == 'SSGIPassNodeType' or node.bl_idname == 'ApplySSAOPassNodeType' or node.bl_idname == 'BloomPassNodeType' or node.bl_idname == 'SMAAPassNodeType':
for i in range(1, 4):
if node.inputs[i].is_linked:
tnode = nodes.find_node_by_link(node_group, node, node.inputs[i])

View File

@ -97,6 +97,23 @@ class SSRPassNode(Node, CGPipelineTreeNode):
self.outputs.new('NodeSocketShader', "Stage")
class SSGIPassNode(Node, CGPipelineTreeNode):
'''Screen-space global illumination node'''
bl_idname = 'SSGIPassNodeType'
bl_label = 'SSGI'
bl_icon = 'SOUND'
def init(self, context):
self.inputs.new('NodeSocketShader', "Stage")
self.inputs.new('NodeSocketShader', "Target")
self.inputs.new('NodeSocketShader', "A")
self.inputs.new('NodeSocketShader', "B")
self.inputs.new('NodeSocketShader', "Color")
self.inputs.new('NodeSocketShader', "GBufferD")
self.inputs.new('NodeSocketShader', "GBuffer0")
self.outputs.new('NodeSocketShader', "Stage")
class BloomPassNode(Node, CGPipelineTreeNode):
'''Bloom node'''
bl_idname = 'BloomPassNodeType'
@ -870,6 +887,7 @@ node_categories = [
@ -937,6 +955,7 @@ def register():
@ -1002,6 +1021,7 @@ def unregister():

View File

@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ class ArmRPListItem(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
rp_volumetriclight = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="Volumetric Light", description="Use volumetric lighting", default=False, update=update_renderpath)
rp_ssao = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="SSAO", description="Screen space ambient occlusion", default=True, update=update_renderpath)
rp_ssr = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="SSR", description="Screen space reflections", default=False, update=update_renderpath)
rp_ssgi = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="SSGI", description="Screen space global illumination", default=False, update=update_renderpath)
rp_dfao = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="DFAO", description="Distance field ambient occlusion", default=False)
rp_dfrs = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="DFRS", description="Distance field ray-traced shadows", default=False)
rp_dfgi = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name="DFGI", description="Distance field global illumination", default=False)

View File

@ -1004,10 +1004,11 @@ class ArmRenderPathPanel(bpy.types.Panel):
layout.prop(rpdat, "rp_compositornodes")
layout.prop(rpdat, "rp_volumetriclight")
layout.prop(rpdat, "rp_ssao")
# layout.prop(wrd, 'arm_ssao_half_res')
layout.prop(rpdat, "rp_ssr")
if rpdat.rp_ssr:
layout.prop(rpdat, 'arm_ssr_half_res')
# layout.prop(wrd, 'arm_ssao_half_res')
layout.prop(rpdat, "rp_ssgi")
# layout.prop(rpdat, "rp_dfao")
# layout.prop(rpdat, "rp_dfrs")
# layout.prop(rpdat, "rp_dfgi")

Binary file not shown.