E1e5en 9ac4325a00 On Tap Screen - node for handling touches (double, triple…)
Input parameters:

Duration - time during which the number of touches is counted (default value is 0.3 seconds);
Interval - the time that must elapse between touches (default value is 0);
Repeat - the number of touches that need to be done to execute the event (default value is 2).
Output parameters:

Done - event for a successful completed action;
Fail - an event for a failed action;
Tap - event on each touch;
Tap Number - how many times the user has already touched the screen;
Coords - coordinates of the touch.
2020-09-18 08:37:44 +03:00

108 lines
3.1 KiB

package armory.logicnode;
import iron.math.Vec4;
class OnTapScreen extends LogicNode {
var duration = 0.3;
var interval = 0.0;
var repeat = 2;
var timer_run = false;
var timer_duration = 0.0;
var timer_interval = 0.0;
var count_taps = 0;
var coords_last_tap = new Vec4();
// New (constructor)
public function new(tree: LogicTree) {
// Clear var
function clear_var() {
timer_run = false;
count_taps = 0;
timer_duration = 0.0;
timer_interval = 0.0;
// Save vector coords
function save_vector_coord(x: Float, y: Float) {
coords_last_tap.x = x;
coords_last_tap.y = y;
// Update
function update() {
var surface = iron.system.Input.getSurface();
// In parameters
if (surface.started() == true) {
duration = inputs[0].get();
interval = inputs[1].get();
repeat = inputs[2].get();
// Check
if ((repeat <= 0) || (duration <= 0)) {
// timer_duration check
if (timer_run == true) {
timer_duration +=;
if (interval > 0) timer_interval +=;
// First Tap, start timer
if ((surface.started() == true) && (count_taps == 0)) {
count_taps += 1;
save_vector_coord(surface.x, surface.y);
runOutput(2); // action Tap
timer_run = true;
} else {
// Next Taps
if ((surface.started() == true) && (timer_duration < duration)) {
if (interval > 0) {
if (timer_interval >= interval) {
count_taps += 1;
save_vector_coord(surface.x, surface.y);
runOutput(2); // action Tap
timer_interval = 0;
} else {
count_taps += 1;
save_vector_coord(surface.x, surface.y);
runOutput(2); // action Tap
// Time passed
if (timer_duration >= duration) {
// Taps completed
if (count_taps >= repeat) {
save_vector_coord(surface.x, surface.y);
runOutput(0); // action Done
runOutput(1); // action Fail
} else if (count_taps >= repeat) {
// Taps completed
save_vector_coord(surface.x, surface.y);
runOutput(0); // action Done
// Get - out
override function get(from: Int): Dynamic {
switch (from) {
// Out value - Tap Number
case 3: return count_taps;
// Out value - Coords last tap
case 4: return coords_last_tap;
return null;