E1e5en 6116c665c4 Modifying the Screen To World Space node
Modifying the Screen To World Space node

Input parameters:
- Screen X - value of screen coordinates along the X axis (data type Int);
- Screen Y - the value of the screen coordinates along the Y axis (data type Int).

- Separator Out - whether or not to separate the output parameters (vectors) into components (XYZ).

Output parameters:
- World - coordinates of a point in 3D space (Vector data type)
- Direction - normalized direction vector from the camera towards the point/cursor indication (data type Vector).
- X, Y, Z - components of the corresponding vectors (data type Float).
2020-10-13 20:50:30 +03:00

75 lines
1.6 KiB

package armory.logicnode;
import iron.math.Vec4;
import iron.math.RayCaster;
class ScreenToWorldSpaceNode extends LogicNode {
public var property0: Bool; // Separator Out
public function new(tree: LogicTree) {
override function get(from: Int): Dynamic {
var vInput: Vec4 = new Vec4();
vInput.x = inputs[0].get();
vInput.y = inputs[1].get();
var cam =;
if (cam == null) return null;
// Separator Out
if (property0) {
switch (from) {
// World
case 0: {
return RayCaster.getRay(vInput.x, vInput.y, cam).origin;
// World X
case 1: {
return RayCaster.getRay(vInput.x, vInput.y, cam).origin.x;
// World Y
case 2: {
return RayCaster.getRay(vInput.x, vInput.y, cam).origin.y;
// World Z
case 3: {
return RayCaster.getRay(vInput.x, vInput.y, cam).origin.z;
// Direction
case 4: {
return RayCaster.getRay(vInput.x, vInput.y, cam).direction.normalize();
// Direction X
case 5: {
return RayCaster.getRay(vInput.x, vInput.y, cam).direction.normalize().x;
// Direction Y
case 6: {
return RayCaster.getRay(vInput.x, vInput.y, cam).direction.normalize().y;
// Direction Z
case 7: {
return RayCaster.getRay(vInput.x, vInput.y, cam).direction.normalize().z;
switch (from) {
// World
case 0: {
return RayCaster.getRay(vInput.x, vInput.y, cam).origin;
// Direction
case 1: {
return RayCaster.getRay(vInput.x, vInput.y, cam).direction.normalize();
return null;