niacdoial 17daabeb29 Improved quaternion and angle handling in logic nodes (+2bugfixes)
- Made so all nodes outputting a quaternion object also output it as a XYZ (vector) + W (float) combination
- Modernized the interface of the "Action/Rotate Object" node, to align on the newer "Action/Set Rotation" node interface  ("Action/Rotate Object Along Axis" is now depreciated, but still usable)
- Fixed a blender-side-only bug with the "Logic/Switch" node (...which technically could have lead to a compile-time problem if exploited the right way)
- Fixed a bug on the "Action/Set Rotation" node: now, quaternion input is automatically normalized in order to avoid accidental scaling
- Added a "Value/Separate Quaternion" node
- Made so the names of some sockets change in the "Set Rotation" and "Rotate Object" nodes, so they adapt to those nodes' input types.
  (Same thing with "Value/Vector From Transform"'s output type)
2020-08-30 15:50:06 +02:00

24 lines
418 B

package armory.logicnode;
import iron.math.Quat;
import kha.FastFloat;
class SeparateQuaternionNode extends LogicNode {
var q:Quat = null;
public function new(tree:LogicTree) { super(tree); }
override function get(from:Int):Dynamic{
q = inputs[0].get();
if (from==0)
return q.x;
else if (from==1)
return q.y;
else if (from==2)
return q.z;
return q.w;