
189 lines
6.6 KiB
Executable file

import collections
from typing import Any, Generator, Type, Union
import bpy
import mathutils
from bpy.types import NodeSocket, NodeInputs, NodeOutputs
from nodeitems_utils import NodeItem
import arm.log
import arm.logicnode.arm_sockets
import arm.utils
if arm.is_reload(__name__):
arm.log = arm.reload_module(arm.log)
arm.logicnode.arm_sockets = arm.reload_module(arm.logicnode.arm_sockets)
arm.utils = arm.reload_module(arm.utils)
def find_node_by_link(node_group, to_node, inp):
for link in node_group.links:
if link.to_node == to_node and link.to_socket == inp:
if link.from_node.bl_idname == 'NodeReroute': # Step through reroutes
return find_node_by_link(node_group, link.from_node, link.from_node.inputs[0])
return link.from_node
def find_node_by_link_from(node_group, from_node, outp):
for link in node_group.links:
if link.from_node == from_node and link.from_socket == outp:
return link.to_node
def find_link(node_group, to_node, inp):
for link in node_group.links:
if link.to_node == to_node and link.to_socket == inp:
return link
def get_node_by_type(node_group, ntype):
for node in node_group.nodes:
if node.type == ntype:
return node
def get_node_armorypbr(node_group):
for node in node_group.nodes:
if node.type == 'GROUP' and'Armory PBR'):
return node
def get_input_node(node_group, to_node, input_index):
for link in node_group.links:
if link.to_node == to_node and link.to_socket == to_node.inputs[input_index]:
if link.from_node.bl_idname == 'NodeReroute': # Step through reroutes
return find_node_by_link(node_group, link.from_node, link.from_node.inputs[0])
return link.from_node
def get_output_node(node_group, from_node, output_index):
for link in node_group.links:
if link.from_node == from_node and link.from_socket == from_node.outputs[output_index]:
if link.to_node.bl_idname == 'NodeReroute': # Step through reroutes
return find_node_by_link_from(node_group, link.to_node, link.to_node.inputs[0])
return link.to_node
def get_socket_index(sockets: Union[NodeInputs, NodeOutputs], socket: NodeSocket) -> int:
"""Find the socket index in the given node input or output
collection, return -1 if not found.
for i in range(0, len(sockets)):
if sockets[i] == socket:
return i
return -1
def get_socket_default(socket: NodeSocket) -> Any:
"""Get the socket's default value, or `None` if it doesn't exist."""
if isinstance(socket, arm.logicnode.arm_sockets.ArmCustomSocket):
if socket.arm_socket_type != 'NONE':
return socket.default_value_raw
# Shader-type sockets don't have a default value
elif socket.type != 'SHADER':
return socket.default_value
return None
def set_socket_default(socket: NodeSocket, value: Any):
"""Set the socket's default value if it exists."""
if isinstance(socket, arm.logicnode.arm_sockets.ArmCustomSocket):
if socket.arm_socket_type != 'NONE':
socket.default_value_raw = value
# Shader-type sockets don't have a default value
elif socket.type != 'SHADER':
socket.default_value = value
def get_export_tree_name(tree: bpy.types.NodeTree, do_warn=False) -> str:
"""Return the name of the given node tree that's used in the
exported Haxe code.
If `do_warn` is true, a warning is displayed if the export name
differs from the actual tree name.
export_name = arm.utils.safesrc([0].upper() +[1:])
if export_name !=
arm.log.warn('Logic node tree and generated trait names differ! Node'
f' tree: "{}", trait: "{export_name}"')
return export_name
def get_export_node_name(node: bpy.types.Node) -> str:
"""Return the name of the given node that's used in the exported
Haxe code.
return '_' + arm.utils.safesrc(
def get_haxe_property_names(node: bpy.types.Node) -> Generator[tuple[str, str], None, None]:
"""Generator that yields the names of all node properties that have
a counterpart in the node's Haxe class.
for i in range(0, 10):
prop_name = f'property{i}_get'
prop_found = hasattr(node, prop_name)
if not prop_found:
prop_name = f'property{i}'
prop_found = hasattr(node, prop_name)
if prop_found:
# Haxe properties are called property0 - property9 even if
# their Python equivalent can end with '_get', so yield
# both names
yield prop_name, f'property{i}'
def haxe_format_socket_val(socket_val: Any, array_outer_brackets=True) -> str:
"""Formats a socket value to be valid Haxe syntax.
If `array_outer_brackets` is false, no square brackets are put
around array values.
Make sure that elements of sequence types are not yet in Haxe
syntax, otherwise they are strings and get additional quotes!
if isinstance(socket_val, bool):
socket_val = str(socket_val).lower()
elif isinstance(socket_val, str):
socket_val = '"{:s}"'.format(socket_val.replace('"', '\\"'))
elif isinstance(socket_val, (collections.Sequence, bpy.types.bpy_prop_array, mathutils.Color, mathutils.Euler, mathutils.Vector)):
socket_val = ','.join(haxe_format_socket_val(v, array_outer_brackets=True) for v in socket_val)
if array_outer_brackets:
socket_val = f'[{socket_val}]'
elif socket_val is None:
# Don't write 'None' into the Haxe code
socket_val = 'null'
return str(socket_val)
def haxe_format_prop_value(node: bpy.types.Node, prop_name: str) -> str:
"""Formats a property value to be valid Haxe syntax."""
prop_value = getattr(node, prop_name)
if isinstance(prop_value, str):
prop_value = '"' + str(prop_value) + '"'
elif isinstance(prop_value, bool):
prop_value = str(prop_value).lower()
elif hasattr(prop_value, 'name'): # PointerProperty
prop_value = '"' + str( + '"'
if prop_value is None:
prop_value = 'null'
prop_value = str(prop_value)
return prop_value
def nodetype_to_nodeitem(node_type: Type[bpy.types.Node]) -> NodeItem:
"""Create a NodeItem from a given node class."""
# Internal node types seem to have no bl_idname attribute
if issubclass(node_type, bpy.types.NodeInternal):
return NodeItem(node_type.__name__)
return NodeItem(node_type.bl_idname)