2017-05-06 00:22:15 +02:00

198 lines
5.2 KiB

package armory.logicnode;
import armory.system.Cycles;
class LogicTree extends armory.Trait {
public var loopBreak = false; // Trigger break from loop nodes
public static var packageName = "armory.logicnode";
static var parsedNodes:Map<String, LogicNode> = null;
static var canvas:TNodeCanvas;
public function new() {
public static function fromCanvas(_canvas:TNodeCanvas):LogicTree {
// notifyOnAdd(function({ }));
canvas = _canvas;
parsedNodes = new Map();
// parsedLabels = new Map();
var tree = new LogicTree();
var rootNodes = getRootNodes(canvas.nodes);
for (node in rootNodes) {
buildNode(tree, node);
return tree;
static function buildNode(tree:LogicTree, node:TNode):LogicNode {
// if (node.type == 'REROUTE') {
// return buildNode(tree, node.inputs[0].links[0].from_node);
// }
// Get node name
var name = '_' + safeSourceName(;
// Link nodes using labels
// if (node.label != '') {
// if node.label in parsedLabels:
// return parsedLabels[node.label]
// parsedLabels[node.label] = name
// }
// Check if node already exists
if (parsedNodes.exists(name)) {
return parsedNodes.get(name);
// Create node
var lnode:LogicNode = createClassInstance(node.type, [tree]);
parsedNodes.set(name, lnode);
// Properties
// for (i in 0...5) {
// if hasattr(node, 'property' + str(i)):
// f.write('\t\t' + name + '.property' + str(i) + ' = "' + getattr(node, 'property' + str(i)) + '";\n')
// }
// Create inputs
for (inp in node.inputs) {
// Is linked - find node
var inpNode:LogicNode = null;
var inpFrom = 0;
var l = getInputLink(inp);
if (l != null) {
var n = getNode(l.from_id);
inpNode = buildNode(tree, n);
inpFrom = l.from_socket;
// Not linked - create node with default values
else {
inpNode = buildDefaultNode(inp, tree);
inpFrom = 0;
// Add input
lnode.addInput(inpNode, inpFrom);
// Create outputs
for (out in node.outputs) {
var outNodes = [];
var ls = getOutputLinks(out);
if (ls != null && ls.length > 0) {
for (l in ls) {
var n = getNode(l.to_id);
outNodes.push(buildNode(tree, n));
// Not linked - create node with default values
else {
outNodes.push(buildDefaultNode(out, tree));
// Add input
return lnode;
static function createClassInstance(className:String, args:Array<Dynamic>):Dynamic {
var cname = Type.resolveClass(packageName + '.' + className);
if (cname == null) return null;
return Type.createInstance(cname, args);
static function safeSourceName(s):String {
return s;
static function getRootNodes(nodes:Array<TNode>):Array<TNode> {
var roots:Array<TNode> = [];
for (node in nodes) {
// if (node.type == 'FRAME') continue;
var linked = false;
for (out in node.outputs) {
var ls = getOutputLinks(out);
if (ls != null && ls.length > 0) {
linked = true;
if (!linked) roots.push(node); // Assume node with no connected outputs as roots
return roots;
static function buildDefaultNode(inp:TNodeSocket, tree:LogicTree):LogicNode {
if (inp.type == 'OBJECT') {
return createClassInstance('ObjectNode', [tree, inp.default_value]);
else if (inp.type == 'VECTOR') {
return createClassInstance('VectorNode', [tree, inp.default_value[0], inp.default_value[1], inp.default_value[2]]);
else if (inp.type == 'RGBA') {
return createClassInstance('ColorNode', [tree, inp.default_value[0], inp.default_value[1], inp.default_value[2], inp.default_value[3]]);
else if (inp.type == 'RGB') {
return createClassInstance('ColorNode', [tree, inp.default_value[0], inp.default_value[1], inp.default_value[2]]);
else if (inp.type == 'VALUE') {
return createClassInstance('FloatNode', [tree, inp.default_value]);
else if (inp.type == 'INT') {
return createClassInstance('IntegerNode', [tree, inp.default_value]);
else if (inp.type == 'BOOLEAN') {
return createClassInstance('BooleanNode', [tree, inp.default_value]);
else if (inp.type == 'STRING') {
return createClassInstance('StringNode', [tree, inp.default_value]);
else { // ACTION
return createClassInstance('NullNode', [tree]);
// Merge with Cycles.hx
static function getNode(id: Int): TNode {
for (n in canvas.nodes) if ( == id) return n;
return null;
static function getLink(id: Int): TNodeLink {
for (l in canvas.links) if ( == id) return l;
return null;
static function getInputLink(inp: TNodeSocket): TNodeLink {
for (l in canvas.links) {
if (l.to_id == inp.node_id) {
var node = getNode(inp.node_id);
if (node.inputs.length <= l.to_socket) return null;
if (node.inputs[l.to_socket] == inp) return l;
return null;
static function getOutputLinks(out: TNodeSocket): Array<TNodeLink> {
var ls:Array<TNodeLink> = null;
for (l in canvas.links) {
if (l.from_id == out.node_id) {
var node = getNode(out.node_id);
if (node.outputs.length <= l.from_socket) continue;
if (node.outputs[l.from_socket] == out) {
if (ls == null) ls = [];
return ls;