2018-08-28 13:50:52 +02:00

93 lines
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package armory.trait;
import iron.math.Vec4;
import iron.system.Input;
import armory.trait.physics.RigidBody;
import armory.trait.physics.KinematicCharacterController;
Simple script to scale an object around using the keyboard.
All axis can be scaled at once using the Z and X keys.
Individual axis can be scaled using YU(x), HJ(y), NM(z).
Can be used for testing and debuging.
class SimpleScaleObject extends iron.Trait {
var speed:Float = 0.1;
var keyboard:Keyboard;
var rb:RigidBody;
var character:KinematicCharacterController;
public function new() {
notifyOnInit(function() {
rb = object.getTrait(RigidBody);
character = object.getTrait(KinematicCharacterController);
keyboard = Input.getKeyboard();
notifyOnUpdate(function() {
var scale = new Vec4(0, 0, 0);
if (keyboard.down("y")) {
scale.x += speed;
if (keyboard.down("u")) {
scale.x -= speed;
if (keyboard.down("h")) {
scale.y += speed;
if (keyboard.down("j")) {
scale.y -= speed;
if (keyboard.down("n")) {
scale.z += speed;
if (keyboard.down("m")) {
scale.z -= speed;
if (keyboard.down("z")) {
scale.set(speed, speed, speed);
if (keyboard.down("x")) {
scale.set(-speed, -speed, -speed);
if (!scale.equals(new Vec4(0, 0, 0))) {
function scaleObject(vec:Vec4){
var s = object.transform.scale;
if (rb != null) {
#if arm_physics
rb.transform.scale.set(s.x + vec.x, s.y + vec.y, s.z + vec.z);
else if (character != null) {
#if arm_physics
character.transform.scale.set(s.x + vec.x, s.y + vec.y, s.z + vec.z);
else {
object.transform.scale.set(s.x + vec.x, s.y + vec.y, s.z + vec.z);