Bill Wagner 37efea9c83
markdown lint fixes for 8.0 proposals (#2318)
* markdown lint fixes for 8.0 proposals


1. a few header formatting fixes
1. use `csharp` or `antlr` as the language identifier for code fences.
1. update links to relative links for articles published on docs.

* change the links to records.md to absolute links

When published on docs.microsoft.com, the links from these proposals will resolve to the source on dotnet/csharplang.

That's the desired behavior for records.md, because that is a proposal feature that has not been implemented.
2019-03-08 08:30:23 -05:00

2.4 KiB

null coalescing assignment

  • Proposed
  • Prototype: Not Started
  • Implementation: Not Started
  • Specification: Below


Simplifies a common coding pattern where a variable is assigned a value if it is null.

As part of this proposal, we will also loosen the type requirements on ?? to allow an expression whose type is an unconstrained type parameter to be used on the left-hand side.


It is common to see code of the form

if (variable == null)
    variable = expression;

This proposal adds a non-overloadable binary operator to the language that performs this function.

There have been at least eight separate community requests for this feature.

Detailed design

We add a new form of assignment operator

    : '??='

Which follows the existing semantic rules for compound assignment operators, except that we elide the assignment if the left-hand side is non-null. The rules for this feature are as follows.

Given a ??= b, where A is the type of a, B is the type of b:

  1. If A does not exist or is a non-nullable value type, a compile-time error occurs.
  2. If B is not implicitly convertible to A, a compile-time error occurs.
  3. The type of a ??= b is A.
  4. a ??= b is evaluated at runtime as a ?? (a = b), except that a is only evaluated once.

For the relaxation of the type requirements of ??, we update the spec where it currently states that, given a ?? b, where A is the type of a:

  1. If A exists and is not a nullable type or a reference type, a compile-time error occurs.

We relax this requirement to:

  1. If A exists and is a non-nullable value type, a compile-time error occurs.


As with any language feature, we must question whether the additional complexity to the language is repaid in the additional clarity offered to the body of C# programs that would benefit from the feature.


The programmer can write (x = x ?? y), if (x == null) x = y;, or x ?? (x = y) by hand.

Unresolved questions

  • Requires LDM review
  • Should we also support &&= and ||= operators?

Design meetings
