Jared Parsons 8cf85e8021
Parameter does not escape annotation (#3961)
* Parameter does not escape annotation

This updates the low level struct proposal section on annotations for
parameters that do not escape. This is intended to remove low level
friction points that result from using `ref struct` as arguments to
instance methods on `ref struct`.

* Update proposals/low-level-struct-improvements.md

Co-authored-by: Fred Silberberg <fred@silberberg.xyz>

* Apply suggestions from code review

Co-authored-by: Jan Kotas <jkotas@microsoft.com>

Co-authored-by: Fred Silberberg <fred@silberberg.xyz>
Co-authored-by: Jan Kotas <jkotas@microsoft.com>
2020-12-03 20:36:26 -08:00

44 KiB

Low Level Struct Improvements


This proposal is an aggregation of several different proposals for struct performance improvements. The goal being a design which takes into account the various proposals to create a single overarching feature set for struct improvements.


Over the last few releases C# has added a number of low level performance features to the language: ref returns, ref struct, function pointers, etc. ... These enabled .NET developers to create write highly performant code while continuing to leverage the C# language rules for type and memory safety. It also allowed the creation of fundamental performance types in the .NET libraries like Span<T>.

As these features have gained traction in the .NET ecosystem developers, both internal and external, have been providing us with information on remaining friction points in the ecosystem. Places where they still need to drop to unsafe code to get their work, or require the runtime to special case types like Span<T>.

This proposal aims to address many of these concerns by building on top of our existing low level features. Specifically it aims to:

  • Allow ref struct types to declare ref fields.
  • Allow the runtime to fully define Span<T> using the C# type system and remove special case type like ByReference<T>
  • Allow struct types to return ref to their fields.
  • Allow the declaration of safe fixed buffers for managed and unmanaged types in struct

Detailed Design

The rules for ref struct safety are defined in the span-safety document. This document will describe the required changes to this document as a result of this proposal. Once accepted as an approved feature these changes will be incorporated into that document.

Provide ref fields

The language will allow developers to declare ref fields inside of a ref struct. This can be useful for example when encapsulating large mutable struct instances or defining high performance types like Span<T> in libraries besides the runtime.

Today ref fields accomplished in the runtime by using the ByReference<T> type which the runtime treats effective as a ref field. This means though that only the runtime repository can take full advantage of ref field like behavior and all uses of it require manual verification of safety. Part of the motivation for this work is to remove ByReference<T> and use proper ref fields in all code bases. The challenging part about allowing ref fields declarations though comes in defining rules such that Span<T> can be defined using ref fields without breaking compatibility with existing code.

Before diving into the problems here it should be noted that ref fields only require a small number of targeted changes to our existing span safety rules. In some cases it's not even to support new features but to rationalize our existing Span<T> usage of ref data. This section of the proposal is quite involved though because I feel it's important to communicate the "why" of these changes in as much detail as possible and providing supporting samples. This is to both ensure the changes are sound as well as giving future developers a better understanding of the choices made here.

To understand the challenges here let's first consider how Span<T> will look once ref fields are supported.

// This is the eventual definition of Span<T> once we add ref fields into the
// language
readonly ref struct Span<T>
    ref readonly T _field;
    int _length;

    // This constructor does not exist today however will be added as a
    // part of changing Span<T> to have ref fields. It is a convenient, and
    // safe, way to create a length one span over a stack value that today 
    // requires unsafe code.
    public Span(ref T value)
        ref _field = ref value;
        _length = 1;

The constructor defined here presents a problem because its return values must necessarily have restricted lifetimes for many inputs. Consider that if a local parameter is passed by ref into this constructor that the returned Span<T> must have a safe-to-escape scope of the local's declaration scope.

Span<int> CreatingAndReturningSpan()
    int i = 42;

    // This must be an error in the new design because it stores stack 
    // state in the Span. 
    return new Span<int>(ref i);

    // This must be legal in the new design because it is legal today (it 
    // cannot store stack state)
    return new Span<int>(new int[] { });

At the same time it is legal to have methods today which take a ref parameter and return a Span<T>. These methods bear a lot of similarity to the newly added Span<T> constructor: take a ref, return a Span<T>. However the lifetime of the return value of these methods is never restricted by the inputs. The existing span safety rules consider such values as effectively always safe-to-escape outside the enclosing method.

class ExistingScenarios
    Span<T> CreateSpan<T>(ref T p)
        // The implementation of this method is irrelevant. From the point of
        // the consumer the returned value is always safe to return.

    Span<T> Examples<T>(ref T p, T[] array)
        // Legal today
        return CreateSpan(ref p); 

        // Legal today, must remain legal
        T local = default;
        return CreateSpan(ref local);

        // Legal for any possible value that could be used as an argument
        return CreateSpan(...);

The reason that all of the above samples are legal is because in the existing design there is no way for the return Span<T> to store a reference to the input state of the method call. This is because the span safety rules explicitly depend on Span<T> not having a constructor which takes a ref parameter and stores it as a field.

class ExistingAssumptions
    Span<T> CreateSpan<T>(ref T p)
        // !!! Cannot happen today !!!
        // The existing span safety rules specifically call out that this method
        // cannot exist hence they can assume all returns from CreateSpan are
        // safe to return.
        return new Span<T>(ref p);

The rules we define for ref fields must ensure the Span<T> constructor properly restricts the safe-to-escape scope of constructed objects in the cases it captures ref state. At the same time it must ensure that we don't break the existing consumption rules for methods like CreateSpan<T>.

class GoalOfRefFields
    Span<T> CreateSpan<T>(ref T p)
        // ERROR: the existing consumption rules for CreateSpan believe this 
        // can never happen hence we must continue to enforce that it cannot
        return new Span<T>(ref p);

        // Okay: this is legal today
        return new Span<int>(new int[] { });

    Span<int> ConsumptionCompatibility()
        // Okay: this is legal today and must remain legal.
        int local = 42;
        return CreateSpan(ref local);

        // Okay: the arguments don't actually matter here. Literally any value 
        // could be passed to this method and the return of it would still be 
        // *safe-to-escape* outside the enclosing method. 
        return CreateSpan(...);

This tension between allowing constructors such as Span<T>(ref T field) and ensuring compatibility with ref struct returning methods like CreateSpan<T> is a key pivot point in the design of ref fields.

To do this we will change the escape rules for a constructor invocation, which today are the same as method invocation, on a ref struct that directly contains a ref field as follows:

  • If the constructor contains any ref, out or in parameters, and the arguments do not all refer to the heap, then the safe-to-escape of the return will be the current scope
  • Else if the constructor contains any ref struct parameters then the safe-to-escape of the return will be the current scope
  • Else the safe-to-escape will be the outside the method scope

Let's examine these rules in the context of samples to better understand their impact.

ref struct RS
    ref int _field;

    public RS(int[] array, int index)
        ref _field = ref array[index];

    public RS(ref int i)
        ref _field = ref i;

    static RS CreateRS(ref int i)
        // The implementation of this method is irrelevant to the safety rule
        // examples below. The returned value is always *safe-to-escape* outside
        // the enclosing method scope

    static RS RuleExamples(ref int i, int[] array)
        var rs1 = new RS(ref i);

        // ERROR by bullet 1: the safe-to-escape scope of 'rs1' is the current
        // scope.
        return rs1; 

        var rs2 = new RS(array, 0);

        // Okay by bullet 2: the safe-to-escape scope of 'rs2' is outside the 
        // method scope.
        return rs2; 

        int local = 42;

        // ERROR by bullet 1: the safe-to-escape scope is the current scope
        return new RS(ref local);
        return new RS(ref i);

        // Okay because rules for method calls have not changed. This is legal
        // today hence it must be legal in the presence of ref fields.
        return CreateRS(ref local);
        return CreateRS(ref i);

It is important to note that for the purposes of the rule above any use of constructor chaining via this is considered a constructor invocation. The result of the chained constructor call is considered to be returning to the original constructor hence safe-to-escape rules come into play. That is important in avoiding unsafe examples like the following:

ref struct RS1
    ref int _field;
    public RS1(ref int p)
        ref _field = ref p;

ref struct RS2
    RS1 _field;
    public RS2(RS1 p)
        // Okay
        _field = p;

    public RS2(ref int i)
        // ERROR: The *safe-to-escape* scope of the constructor here is the 
        // current method scope while the *safe-to-escape* scope of `this` is
        // outside the current method scope hence this assignment is illegal
        _field = new RS1(ref i);

    public RS2(ref int i)  
        // ERROR: the *safe-to-escape* return of :this the current method scope
        // but the 'this' parameter has a *safe-to-escape* outside the current
        // method scope
        : this(new RS1(ref i))


The limiting of the constructor rules to just ref struct that directly contain ref field is another important compatibility concern. Consider that the majority of ref struct defined today indirectly contain Span<T> references. That mean by extension they will indirectly contain ref fields once Span<T> adopts ref fields. Hence it's important to ensure the safe-to-return rules of constructors on these types do not change. That is why the restrictions must only apply to types that directly contain a ref field.

Example of where this comes into play.

ref struct Container
    LargeStruct _largeStruct;
    Span<int> _span;

    public Container(in LargeStruct largeStruct, Span<int> span)
        _largeStruct = largeStruct;
        _span = span;

Much like the CreateSpan<T> example before the safe-to-escape return of the Container constructor is not impacted by the largeStruct parameter. If the new constructor rules were applied to this type then it would break compatibility with existing code. The existing rules are also sufficient for existing constructors to prevent them from simulating ref fields by storing them into Span<T> fields.

ref struct RS4
    Span<int> _span;

    public RS4(Span<int> span)
        // Legal today and the rules for this constructor invocation 
        // remain unchanged
        _span = span;

    public RS4(ref int i)
        // ERROR. Bullet 1 of the new constructor rules gives this newly created
        // Span<T> a *safe-to-escape* of the current scope. The 'this' parameter
        // though has a *safe-to-escape* outside the current method. Hence this
        // is illegal by assignment rules because it's assigning a smaller scope
        // to a larger one.
        _span = new Span(ref i);

    // Legal today, must remain legal for compat. If the new constructor rules 
    // applied to 'RS4' though this would be illegal. This is why the new 
    // constructor rules have a restriction to directly defining a ref field
    // Only ref struct which explicitly opt into ref fields would see a breaking
    // change here.
    static RS4 CreateContainer(ref int i) => new RS4(ref i);

This design also requires that the rules for field lifetimes be expanded as the rules today simply don't account for them. It's important to note that our expansion of the rules here is not defining new behavior but rather accounting for behavior that has long existed. The safety rules around using ref struct fully acknowledge and account for the possibility that ref struct will contain ref state and that ref state will be exposed to consumers. The most prominent example of this is the indexer on Span<T>:

readonly ref struct Span<T>
    public ref T this[int index] => ...; 

This directly exposes the ref state inside Span<T> and the span safety rules account for this. Whether that was implemented as ByReference<T> or ref fields is immaterial to those rules. As a part of allowing ref fields though we must define their rules such that they fit into the existing consumption rules for ref struct. Specifically this must account for the fact that it's legal today for a ref struct to return its ref state as ref to the consumer.

To understand the proposed changes it's helpful to first review the existing rules for method invocation around ref-safe-to-escape and how they account for a ref struct exposing ref state today:

An lvalue resulting from a ref-returning method invocation e1.M(e2, ...) is ref-safe-to-escape the smallest of the following scopes:

  1. The entire enclosing method
  2. The ref-safe-to-escape of all ref and out argument expressions (excluding the receiver)
  3. For each in parameter of the method, if there is a corresponding expression that is an lvalue, its ref-safe-to-escape, otherwise the nearest enclosing scope
  4. the safe-to-escape of all argument expressions (including the receiver)

The fourth item provides the critical safety point around a ref struct exposing ref state to callers. When the ref state stored in a ref struct refers to the stack then the safe-to-escape scope for that ref struct will be at most the scope which defines the state being referred to. Hence limiting the ref-safe-to-escape of invocations of a ref struct to the safe-to-escape scope of the receiver ensures the lifetimes are correct.

Consider as an example the indexer on Span<T> which is returning ref fields by ref today. The fourth item here is what provides the safety here:

ref int Examples()
    Span<int> s1 = stackalloc int[5];
    // ERROR: illegal because the *safe-to-escape* scope of `s1` is the current
    // method scope hence that limits the *ref-safe-to-escape" to the current
    // method scope as well.
    return ref s1[0];

    // SUCCESS: legal because the *safe-to-escape* scope of `s2` is outside
    // the current method scope hence the *ref-safe-to-escape* is as well
    Span<int> s2 = default;
    return ref s2[0];

To account for ref fields the ref-safe-to-escape rules for fields will be adjusted to the following:

An lvalue designating a reference to a field, e.F, is ref-safe-to-escape (by reference) as follows:

  • If F is a ref field and e is this, it is ref-safe-to-escape from the enclosing method.
  • Else if F is a ref field its ref-safe-to-escape scope is the safe-to-escape scope of e.
  • Else if e is of a reference type, it is ref-safe-to-escape from the enclosing method.
  • Else its ref-safe-to-escape is taken from the ref-safe-to-escape of e.

This explicitly allows for ref fields being returned as ref from a ref struct but not normal fields (that will be covered later).

ref struct RS
    ref int _refField;
    int _field;

    // Okay: this falls into bullet one above. 
    public ref int Prop1 => ref _refField;

    // ERROR: This is bullet four above and the *ref-safe-to-escape* of `this`
    // in a `struct` is the current method scope.
    public ref int Prop2 => ref _field;

    public RS(int[] array)
        ref _refField = ref array[0];

    public RS(ref int i)
        ref _refField = ref i;

    public RS CreateRS() => ...;

    public ref int M1(RS rs)
        ref int local1 = ref rs.Prop1;

        // Okay: this falls into bullet two above and the *safe-to-escape* of
        // `rs` is outside the current method scope. Hence the *ref-safe-to-escape*
        // of `local1` is outside the current method scope.
        return ref local;

        // Okay: this falls into bullet two above and the *safe-to-escape* of
        // `rs` is outside the current method scope. Hence the *ref-safe-to-escape*
        // of `local1` is outside the current method scope.
        // In fact in this scenario you can guarantee that the value returned
        // from Prop1 must exist on the heap. 
        RS local2 = CreateRS();
        return ref local2.Prop1;

        // ERROR: the *safe-to-escape* of `local4` here is the current method 
        // scope by the revised constructor rules. This falls into bullet two 
        // above and hence based on that allowed scope.
        int local3 = 42;
        var local4 = new RS(ref local3);
        return ref local4.Prop1;


The rules for assignment also need to be adjusted to account for ref fields. This design only allows for ref assignment of a ref field during object construction or when the value is known to refer to the heap. Object construction includes in the constructor of the declaring type, inside init accessors and inside object initializer expressions. Further the ref being assigned to the ref field in this case must have ref-safe-to-escape greater than the receiver of the field:

  • Constructors: The value must be ref-safe-to-escape outside the constructor
  • init accessors: The value limited to values that are known to refer to the heap as accessors can't have ref parameters
  • object initializers: The value can have any ref-safe-to-escape value as this will feed into the calculation of the safe-to-escape of the constructed object by existing rules.

A ref field can only be assigned outside a constructor when the value is known to refer to the heap. That is allowed because it is both safe at the assignment location (meets the field assignment rules for ensuring the value being assigned has a lifetime at least as large as the receiver) as well as requires no updates to the existing method invocation rules.

This design does not allow for general ref field assignment outside object construction due to existing limitations on lifetimes. Specifically it poses challenges for scenarios like the following:

ref struct SmallSpan
    public ref int _field;

    // Notice once again we're back at the same problem as the original 
    // CreateSpan method: a method returning a ref struct and taking a ref
    // parameter
    SmallSpan TrickyRefAssignment(ref int i)
        // *safe-to-escape* is outside the current method by current rules.
        SmallSpan s = default;

        // The *ref-safe-to-escape* of 'i' is the same as the *safe-to-escape*
        // of 's' hence most assignment rules would allow it.
        ref s._field = ref i;

        // ERROR: this must be disallowed for the exact same reasons we can't 
        // return a Span<T> wrapping the parameter: the consumption rules
        // believe such state smuggling cannot exist
        return s;

    SmallSpan SafeRefAssignment()
        int[] array = new int[] { 42, 13 };
        SmallSpan s = default;

        // Okay: the value being assigned here is known to refer to the heap 
        // hence it is allowed by our rules above because it requires no changes
        // to existing method invocation rules (hence preserves compat)
        ref s._field = ref array[i];

        return s;

    SmallSpan BadUsage()
        // Legal today and must remain legal (and safe)
        int i = 0;
        return TrickyRefAssignment(ref i);

There are designs choices we could make to allow more flexible ref re-assignment of fields. For example it could be allowed in cases where we knew the receiver had a safe-to-escape scope that was not outside the current method scope. Further we could provide syntax for making such downward facing values easier to declare: essentially values that have safe-to-escape scopes restricted to the current method. Such a design is discussed here). However extra complexity of such rules do not seem to be worth the limited cases this enables. Should compelling samples come up we can revisit this decision.

This means though that ref fields are largely in practice ref readonly. The main exceptions being object initializers and when the value is known to refer to the heap.

A ref field will be emitted into metadata using the ELEMENT_TYPE_BYREF signature. This is no different than how we emit ref locals or ref arguments. For example ref int _field will be emitted as ELEMENT_TYPE_BYREF ELEMENT_TYPE_I4. This will require us to update ECMA335 to allow this entry but this should be rather straight forward.

Developers can continue to initialize a ref struct with a ref field using the default expression in which case all declared ref fields will have the value null. Any attempt to use such fields will result in a NullReferenceException being thrown.

struct S1 
    public ref int Value;

S1 local = default;
local.Value.ToString(); // throws NullReferenceException

While the C# language pretends that a ref cannot be null this is legal at the runtime level and has well defined semantics. Developers who introduce ref fields into their types need to be aware of this possibility and should be strongly discouraged from leaking this detail into consuming code. Instead ref fields should be validated as non-null using the runtime helpers and throwing when an uninitialized struct is used incorrectly.

struct S1 
    private ref int Value;

    public int GetValue()
        if (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.IsNullRef(ref Value))
            throw new InvalidOperationException(...);

        return Value;

Misc Notes:

  • A ref field can only be declared inside of a ref struct
  • A ref field cannot be declared static
  • A ref field can only be ref assigned in the constructor of the declaring type.
  • The reference assembly generation process must preserve the presence of a ref field inside a ref struct
  • A ref readonly struct must declare its ref fields as ref readonly
  • The span safety rules for constructors, fields and assignment must be updated as outlined in this document.
  • The span safety rules need to include the definition of ref values that "refer to the heap".

Provide struct this escape annotation

The rules for the scope of this in a struct limit the ref-safe-to-escape scope to the current method. That means neither this, nor any of its fields can return by reference to the caller.

struct S
    int _field;
    // Error: this, and hence _field, can't return by ref
    public ref int Prop => ref _field;

There is nothing inherently wrong with a struct escaping this by reference. Instead the justification for this rule is that it strikes a balance between the usability of struct and interfaces. If a struct could escape this by reference then it would significantly reduce the use of ref returns in interfaces.

interface I1
    ref int Prop { get; }

struct S1 : I1
    int _field;
    public ref int Prop => _ref field;

    // When T is a struct type, like S1 this would end up returning a reference
    // to the parameter
    static ref int M<T>(T p) where T : I1 => ref p.Prop;

The justification here is reasonable but it also introduces unnecessary friction on struct members that don't participate in interface invocations.

One key compatibility scenario that we have to keep in mind when approaching changes here is the following:

struct S1
    ref int GetValue() => ...

class Example
    ref int M()
        // Okay: this is always allowed no matter how `local` is initialized
        S1 local = default;
        return local.GetValue();

This works because the safety rules for ref return today do not take into account the lifetime of this (because it can't return a ref to internal state). This means that ref returns from a struct can return outside the enclosing method scope except in cases where there are ref parameters or a ref struct which is not safe-to-escape outside the enclosing method scope. Hence the solution here is not as easy as allowing ref return of fields in non-interface methods.

To remove this friction the language will provide the attribute [ThisRefEscapes]. When this attribute is applied to an instance method, instance property or instance accessor of a struct or ref struct then the this parameter will be considered ref-safe-to-escape outside the enclosing method.

This allows for greater flexibility in struct definitions as they can begin returning ref to their fields. That allows for types like FrugalList<T>:

struct FrugalList<T>
    private T _item0;
    private T _item1;
    private T _item2;

    public int Count = 3;

    public ref T this[int index]
            switch (index)
                case 0: return ref _item1;
                case 1: return ref _item2;
                case 2: return ref _item3;
                default: throw null;

This will naturally, by the existing rules in the span safety spec, allow for returning transitive fields in addition to direct fields.

struct ListWithDefault<T>
    private FrugalList<T> _list;
    private T _default;

    public ref T this[int index]
            if (index >= _list.Count)
                return ref _default;

            return ref _list[index];

Members which contain the [ThisRefEscapes] attribute cannot be used to implement interface members. This would hide the lifetime nature of the member at the interface call site and would lead to incorrect lifetime calculations.

To account for this change the "Parameters" section of the span safety document will be updated to include the following:

  • If the parameter is the this parameter of a struct type, it is ref-safe-to-escape to the top scope of the enclosing method unless the method is annotated with [ThisRefEscapes] in which case it is ref-safe-to-escape outside the enclosing method.

Misc Notes:

  • A member marked as [ThisRefEscapes] can not implement an interface method or be overrides
  • A member marked as [ThisRefEscapes] will be emitted with a modreq on that attribute.
  • The RefEscapesAttribute will be defined in the System.Runtime.CompilerServices namespace.

Safe fixed size buffers

The language will relax the restrictions on fixed sized arrays such that they can be declared in safe code and the element type can be managed or unmanaged. This will make types like the following legal:

internal struct CharBuffer
    internal fixed char Data[128];

These declarations, much like their unsafe counter parts, will define a sequence of N elements in the containing type. These members can be accessed with an indexer and can also be converted to Span<T> and ReadOnlySpan<T> instances.

When indexing into a fixed buffer of type T the readonly state of the container must be taken into account. If the container is readonly then the indexer returns ref readonly T else it returns ref T.

Accessing a fixed buffer without an indexer has no natural type however it is convertible to Span<T> types. In the case the container is readonly the buffer is implicitly convertible to ReadOnlySpan<T>, else it can implicitly convert to Span<T> or ReadOnlySpan<T> (the Span<T> conversion is considered better).

The resulting Span<T> instance will have a length equal to the size declared on the fixed buffer. The safe-to-escape scope of the returned value will be equal to the safe-to-escape scope of the container.

For each fixed declaration in a type where the element type is T the language will generate a corresponding get only indexer method whose return type is ref T. The indexer will be annotated with the [ThisRefEscapes] attribute as the implementation will be returning fields of the declaring type. The accessibility of the member will match the accessibility on the fixed field.

For example, the signature of the indexer for CharBuffer.Data will be the following:

internal ref char <>DataIndexer(int index) => ...;

If the provided index is outside the declared bounds of the fixed array then an IndexOutOfRangeException will be thrown. In the case a constant value is provided then it will be replaced with a direct reference to the appropriate element. Unless the constant is outside the declared bounds in which case a compile time error would occur.

There will also be a named accessor generated for each fixed buffer that provides by value get and set operations. Having this means that fixed buffers will more closely resemble existing array semantics by having a ref accessor as well as byval get and set operations. This means compilers will have the same flexibility when emitting code consuming fixed buffers as they do when consuming arrays. This should be operations like await over fixed buffers easier to emit.

This also has the added benefit that it will make fixed buffers easier to consume from other languages. Named indexers is a feature that has existed since the 1.0 release of .NET. Even languages which cannot directly emit a named indexer can generally consume them (C# is actually a good example of this).

There will also be a by value get and set accessor generated for every

The backing storage for the buffer will be generated using the [InlineArray] attribute. This is a mechanism discussed in isuse 12320 which allows specifically for the case of efficiently declaring sequence of fields of the same type.

This particular issue is still under active discussion and the expectation is that the implementation of this feature will follow however that discussion goes.

Provide parameter does not escape annotations

One source of repeated friction in low level code is the default escape scope for parameters being safe-to-escape outside the enclosing method body. This is a sensible default because it lines up with the coding patterns of .NET as a whole. In low level code there is a larger usage of ref struct and this default scope can cause friction with other parts of our span safety rules.

The main friction point occurs because of the following constraint around method invocations:

For a method invocation if there is a ref or out argument of a ref struct type (including the receiver), with safe-to-escape E1, then no argument (including the receiver) may have a narrower safe-to-escape than E1

This rule most commonly comes into play with instance methods on ref struct where at least one parameter is also a ref struct. This is a common pattern in low level code where ref struct types commonly leverage Span<T> parameters in their methods. Consider any builder or writer style object that uses Span<T> to pass around buffers.

This rule exists to prevent scenarios like the following:

ref struct RS
    Span<int> _field;
    void Set(Span<int> p)
        _field = p;

    static void DangerousCode(ref RS p)
        Span<int> span = stackalloc int[] { 42 };

        // Error: if allowed this would let the method return a reference to 
        // the stack

Essentially this rule exists because the language must assume that all inputs to a method escape to their maximum allowed scope. In the above case the language must assume that parameters escape into fields of the receiver.

In practice though there are many such methods which never escape the parameter. It is just a value that is used within the implementation.

ref struct JsonReader
    Span<char> _buffer;
    int _position;

    internal bool TextEquals(ReadOnySpan<char> text)
        var current = _buffer.Slice(_position, text.Length);
        return current == text;

class C
    static void M(ref JsonReader reader)
        Span<char> span = stackalloc char[4];
        span[0] = 'd';
        span[1] = 'o';
        span[2] = 'g';

        // Error: The *safe-to-escape* of `span` is the current method scope 
        // while `reader` is outside the current method scope hence this fails
        // by the above rule.
        if (reader.TextEquals(span)

In order to work around this low level code will resort to unsafe tricks to lie to the compiler about the lifetime of their ref struct. This significantly reduces the value proposition of ref struct as they are meant to be a means to avoid unsafe while continuing to write high performance code.

The other place where parameter default escape scope causes friction is when they are re-assigned within a method body. For instance if a method body decides to conditionally apply escaping to input by using stack allocated values. Once again this runs into some friction.

void WriteData(ReadOnlySpan<char> data)
    if (data.Contains(':'))
        Span<char> buffer = stackalloc char[256];
        Escape(data, buffer, out var length);

        // Error: Cannot assign `buffer` to `data` here as the *safe-to-escape*
        // scope of `buffer` is to the current method scope while `buffer` is
        // outside the current method scope
        data = buffer.Slice(0, length);


This pattern is fairly common across .NET code and it works just fine when a ref struct is not involved. Once users adopt ref struct though it forces them to change their patterns here and often they just resort to unsafe to work around the limitations here.

To remove this friction the language will provide the attribute [DoesNotEscape]. This can be applied to parameters of any type or instance members defined on ref struct. When applied to parameters the safe-to-escape and ref-safe-to-escape scope will be the current method scope. When applied to instance members of ref struct the same limitation will apply to the this parameter.

class C
    static Span<int> M1(Span<int> p1, [DoesNotEscape] Span<int> p2)
        // Okay: the *safe-to-escape* here is still outside the enclosing scope
        // of the current method.
        return p1; 

        // ERROR: the [DoesNotEscape] attribute changes the *safe-to-escape* 
        // to be limited to the current method scope. Hence it cannot be 
        // returned
        return p2; 

        // ERROR: `local` has the same *safe-to-escape* as `p2` hence it cannot
        // be returned.
        Span<int> local = p2;
        return p2; 

To account for this change the "Parameters" section of the span safety document will be updated to include the following bullet:

  • If the parameter is marked with [DoesNotEscape]it is safe-to-escape and ref-safe-to-escape to the scope of the containing method.

It's important to note that this will naturally block the ability for such parameters to escape by being stored as fields. Receivers that are passed by ref, or this on ref struct, have a safe-to-escape scope outside the current method. Hence assignment from a [DoesNotEscape] parameter to a field on such a value fails by existing field assignment rules: the scope of the receiver is greater than the value being assigned.

ref struct S
    Span<int> _field;

    void M1(Span<int> p1, [DoesNotEscape] Span<int> p2)
        // Okay: the *safe-to-escape* here is still outside the enclosing scope
        // of the current method and hence the same as the receiver.
        _field = p1;

        // ERROR: the [DoesNotEscape] attribute changes the *safe-to-escape* 
        // to be limited to the current method scope. Hence it cannot be 
        // assigned to a receiver than has a *safe-to-escape* scope outside the 
        // current method.
        _field = p2;

Given that parameters are restricted in this way we will also update the "Method Invocation" section to relax its rules. In all cases where it is considering the ref-safe-to-escape or safe-to-escape lifetimes of arguments the spec will change to ignore those arguments which line up to parameters which are marked as [DoesNotEscape]. Because these arguments cannot escape their lifetime does not need to be considered when considering the lifetime of returned values.

For example the last line of calculating safe-to-escape of returns will change to

the safe-to-escape of all argument expressions including the receiver. This will exclude all arguments that line up with parameters marked as [DoesNotEscape]

Misc Notes:

  • The DoesNotEscapeAttribute will be defined in the System.Runtime.CompilerServices namespace.
  • The DoesNotEscapeAttribute cannot be combined with the [ThisRefEscapes] attribute, doing so results in an error.
  • The DoesNotEscapeAttribute will be emitted as a modreq


Keywords vs. attributes

This design calls for using attributes to annotate the new lifetime rules for struct members. This also could've been done just as easily with contextual keywords. For instance: scoped and escapes could have been used instead of DoesNotEscape and ThisRefEscapes.

Keywords, even the contextual ones, have a much heavier weight in the language than attributes. The use cases these features solve, while very valuable, impact a small number of developers. Consider that only a fraction of high end developers are defining ref struct instances and then consider that only a fraction of those developers will be using these new lifetime features. That doesn't seem to justify adding a new contextual keyword to the language.

This does mean that program correctness will be defined in terms of attributes though. That is a bit of a gray area for the language side of things but an established pattern for the runtime.

Open Issues

Allow fixed buffer locals

This design allows for safe fixed buffers that can support any type. One possible extension here is allowing such fixed buffers to be declared as local variables. This would allow a number of existing stackalloc operations to be replaced with a fixed buffer. It would also expand the set of scenarios we could have stack style allocations as stackalloc is limited to unmanaged element types while fixed buffers are not.

class FixedBufferLocals
    void Example()
        Span<int> span = stakalloc int[42];
        int buffer[42];

This holds together but does require us to extend the syntax for locals a bit. Unclear if this is or isn't worth the extra complexity. Possible we could decide no for now and bring back later if sufficient need is demonstrated.

Example of where this would be beneficial: https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/pull/34149

Allow multi-dimensional fixed buffers

Should the design for fixed buffers be extended to include multi-dimensional style arrays? Essentially allowing for declarations like the following:

struct Dimensions
    int array[42, 13];

Future Considerations

Allowing attributes on locals

Another friction point for developers using ref struct is local variables can suffer from the same issues as parameters with respect to their lifetimes being decided at declaration. Than can make it difficult to work with ref struct that are assigned on multiple paths where at least one of the paths is a limited safe-to-escape scope.

int length = ...;
Span<byte> span;
if (length > StackAllocLimit)
    span = new Span(new byte[length]);
    // Error: The *safe-to-escape* of `span` was decided to be outside the 
    // current method scope hence it can't be the target of a stackalloc
    span = stackalloc byte[length];

For Span<T> specifically developers can work around this by initializing the local with a stackalloc of size zero. This changes the safe-to-escape scope to be the current method and is optimized away by the compiler. It's effectively a syntax for making a [DoesNotEscape] local.

int length = ...;
Span<byte> span = stackalloc byte[0];
if (length > StackAllocLimit)
    span = new Span(new byte[length]);
    // Okay
    span = stackalloc byte[length];

This only works for Span<T> though, there is no general purpose mechanism for ref struct values. However the [DoesNotEscape] attribute provides exactly the semantics that are desired here. If we decide in the future to allow attributes to apply to local variables it would provide immediate relief to this scenario.


The following issues are all related to this proposal:


The following proposals are related to this proposal:

Existing samples


This particular snippet requires unsafe because it runs into issues with passing around a Span<T> which can be stack allocated to an instance method on a ref struct. Even though this parameter is not captured the language must assume it is and hence needlessly causes friction here.


This snippet wants to mutate a parameter by escaping elements of the data. The escaped data can be stack allocated for efficiency. Even though the parameter is not escaped the compiler assigns it a safe-to-escape scope of outside the enclosing method because it is a parameter. This means in order to use stack allocation the implementation must use unsafe in order to assign back to the parameter after escaping the data.

Fun Samples

ref struct StackLinkedListNode<T>
    T _value;
    ref StackLinkedListNode<T> _next;

    public T Value => _value;

    public bool HasNext => !Unsafe.IsNullRef(ref _next);

    public ref StackLinkedListNode<T> Next 
            if (!HasNext)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("No next node");

            return ref _next;

    public StackLinkedListNode(T value)
        this = default;
        _value = value;

    public StackLinkedListNode(T value, ref StackLinkedListNode<T> next)
        _value = value;
        ref _next = ref next;