2019-03-25 16:50:16 -07:00

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# Upcoming meetings for 2019
## Schedule ASAP
## Schedule when convenient
- Nullable Reference Types: Open LDM Issues https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/issues/2201
- Allowing pattern-based `foreach` and `await foreach` to bind to an extension `GetEnumerator`/`GetAsyncEnumerator` and `MoveNext`/`MoveNextAsync` (Julien/Chris)
- Syntax of positional records/primary constructors (Andy)
- Discussion of refreshing language spec (Neal)
## Recurring topics
- *Triage championed features*
- *Triage milestones*
- *Design review*
## Apr 17, 2019
## Apr 15, 2019
## Apr 3, 2019
## Apr 1, 2019
- Pattern-based index/range translation (Jared, Stephen)
## Mar 27, 2019
#### Default Interface Methods
See also https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/issues/406
We now have a proposed runtime implementation for reabstraction. See https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/pull/23313
- Reabstraction (open)
- explicit interface abstract overrides in classes (open)
- Is `object.MemberwiseClone()` accessible in an interface?
- Confirm: `static int P { get; set; }` is an auto-property with a compiler-generated backing field?
- Confirm: `partial` on a method declaration implies `private`, and no access modifier is permitted?
#### Nullable Reference Types
- What is the nullability of a dynamic value? Oblivious?
See also https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/29893
- When we compute an annotation in the walker (e.g. type inference), do we use the context?
See also https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/33639
- Inferred nullable state from a finally block (open)
See also https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/34018
## Mar 25, 2019
- *Design review*
## Mar 13, 2019
#### Default Interface Methods
See also https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/issues/406
- Reabstraction (open)
- explicit interface abstract overrides in classes (open)
#### Pattern-Matching
See also https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/issues/2095
- Propose to change precedence of switch expression to primary (open)
The switch expression is currently at *relational* precedence. I propose to change it to *primary* precedence. See [#2331](https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/issues/2331) for details.
- Reserve `and` and `or` in patterns (open)
In anticipation of possibly permitting `and` and `or` as pattern combinators in the future, we should forbid (or at least warn) when these identifiers are used as the designator in a declaration or recursive pattern. Otherwise it would be a breaking change.
- To where do null inferences flow from a pattern in a `switch`? (open)
1. To the entry of the switch and all previous cases
2. To that branch of the switch only
3. To all code that follows the test in logical order
## Mar 6, 2019
- ~~Nullable sidecar files (Immo)~~
- Nullable Reference Types: Open LDM Issues https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/issues/2201
# C# Language Design Notes for 2019
Overview of meetings and agendas for 2019
## Mar 4, 2019
[C# Language Design Notes for March 4, 2019](LDM-2019-03-04.md)
1. Nullable user studies
2. Interpolated string and string.Format optimizations
## Feb 27, 2019
[C# Language Design Notes for Feb 27, 2019](LDM-2019-02-27.md)
1. Allow ObsoleteAttribute on property accessors
2. More Default Interface Member questions
## Feb 25, 2019
[C# Language Design Notes for Feb 25, 2019](LDM-2019-02-25.md)
- Open issues in default interface methods (https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/issues/406).
- Base calls
- We currently have open issues around `protected`, `internal`, reabstraction, and `static` fields among others.
## Feb 20, 2019
[C# Language Design Notes for Feb 20, 2019](LDM-2019-02-20.md)
- Nullable Reference Types: Open LDM Issues https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/issues/2201
## Feb 13, 2019
[C# Language Design Notes for Feb 13, 2019](LDM-2019-02-13.md)
- Nullable Reference Types: Open LDM Issues https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/issues/2201
## Jan 23, 2019
[C# Language Design Notes for Jan 23, 2019](LDM-2019-01-23.md)
Function pointers ([Updated proposal](https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/blob/master/proposals/function-pointers.md))
## Jan 16, 2019
[C# Language Design Notes for Jan 16, 2019](LDM-2019-01-16.md)
1. Shadowing in lambdas
2. Pattern-based disposal in `await foreach`
## Jan 14, 2019
[C# Language Design Notes for Jan 14, 2019](LDM-2019-01-14.md)
- Generating null-check for `parameter!`
## Jan 9, 2019
[C# Language Design Notes for Jan 9, 2019](LDM-2019-01-09.md)
1. GetAsyncEnumerator signature
2. Ambiguities in nullable array type syntax
2. Recursive Patterns Open Language Issues https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/issues/2095
## Jan 7, 2019
[C# Language Design Notes for Jan 7, 2019](LDM-2019-01-07.md)
1. Variance in overriding/interface implementation
2. Breaking change in parsing array specifiers