2019-03-31 20:39:22 -07:00

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Index and Range Changes


This proposes to make several changes to the index and range design based on customer feedback: particularly from the CoreFX team and their experiences adding Index / Range support to .NET Core. The change is not to the syntax but rather how the langauge maps the syntax to APIs.


The level of API churn necessary to adopt Index and Range is quite high today. Every collection type must have at least two new indexers added for Index and Range respectively. The implementation of Index is exactly the same for virtually every collection in .NET. The implementation for Range is likewise often similar by simply deferring to the underlying collection type.

This work must be done by the collection author. The reliance on indexers as the primary use case means developers can't update existing collections using extension methods. This means the adoption of the feature will be slowed by waiting for library authors to update their types.

The use of Index does come with a small performance hit. Typically a consumer of Index will pay an extra branch check (IsFromEnd and bounds) as they would with a int parameter (bounds only). Moving to Range doubles this cost as it occurs on each Index.

This penalty is small and insignificant in the vast majority of code. For highly optimized code though this extra branching can be unacceptable. It simply can't be thought of as a syntactic transformation from a call to span.Slice(start, end) to span[start..end]. Instead the performance implications must be evaluated on each usage. This will likely lead to the feature being banned in certain portions of code bases.

This proposals seeks to remove the abstraction penalties around Index and Range: both at an API and performance layer. The goal being that most collection types just work today with minimal change and the feature can be adopted in existing code without fear of lost performance.

This proposal specifically does not want to change how Index and Range type binding occurs. The index and range expressions continue to have the same syntax and types.

Detailed Design

Indexable types

Any type which has an accessible getter property named Length or Count with a return type of int is considered Indexable. The language can make use of this property to convert an index expression into an int at the point of the expression without the need to use the type Index at all.

Note: For simplicity going forward the proposal will use the name Length to represent Count or Length.

For example it allows the following simplication:

Span<char> span = ...;
char c = span[^1];

// Can be translated to 
Span<char> span = ...;
char c = span[span.Length - 1];

Transforming an index expression to an int at the call site significantly reduces the burden of frameworks to adopt Index. Vitrually any collection type will automatically work with Index now as the compiler can translate it to int in all cases.

Further this can improve performance by eliminating extra branching. The callee when accepting an Index parameter must do both test to see if the value is from the end, Index.IsFromEnd, and if the value is inside the bounds of the collection. While a small check this can be important in performance sensitive areas.

Doing the translation to int at the call site means the IsFromEnd check can often be eliminated. For example when dealing with an int the compiler can pass the value through. Or in the cases where ^ is used the computation from end can be done directly without the additional branching.

Index and Range implementations are known

The implementations of Index and Range are considered to be known and side effect free. Much like ValueTuple<T1, T2> the language can assume a standard implementation and emit code inline which represents the implementation of methods on Index and Range. This implementation includes methods like GetOffset or conversions like the implicit conversion from int to Index.

All arithemtic operations which are emitted will be done so using an unchecked context. That matches the context in which Index and Range are compiled in.

Index target type conversion

Whenever an expression with type Index is used as an argument to an instance member invocation and the receiver is Indexable then the expression will have a target type conversion to int. The member invocations applicable for this conversion include methods, indexers, properties, extension methods, etc ... Only constructors are excluded as they have no receiver.

The target type conversion will be implemented as follows on the index expression:

  • When the expression is ^expr and the type is int it will be translated to receiver.Length - expr.
  • Else it will be translated as expr.GetOffset(receiver.Length) where expr is the expression typed as Index.

The receiver will be spilled as appropriate to ensure he side effects of obtaining the receiver are only executed once. For example:

class SideEffect {
    int[] Get() {
        Console.Write("Get ");
        return new [] { 1, 2 , 3};

    void Use() { 
        int i = Get()[^1]

This code will print "Get 3".

When a range expression is used as an argument to an instance member invocation then the target type conversion to int extends to both Index operands. In the case either of the Index members are omitted then the the appropriate start or end value will be inserted using 0 or receiver.Length as appropriate.

class RangeTargettype {
    void Example() { 
        var array = new[] { 1, 2, 3 };

        // Becomes
        Console.WriteLine(array[new Range(1, array.Length));

Indexing on Range

When binding an index member on a Indexable type where the single argument is of type Range the language will attempt to translate it to a Slice call. The arguments to slice will be both Index values of the range converted to Index using their target typed conversion described in the previous section. If this translation is not succesful then normal index binding will occur.

class Collection {
    public int Length { get; }
    public int[] this[Range range] => ...;

class Slice {
    void Example(Span<int> span, Collection collection) {
        Span<int> slicedSpan = span[2..]
        int[] slicedCollection = collection[2..];

        // Translated to 
        Span<int> slicedSpan = span.Slice(2, span.Length);
        int[] slicedCollection = collection[new Range(2, collection.Count)v;

The Slice method can instance or extension so long as it is accessible has types that are convertible from int.

The compiler will special case the following receiver types binding to Slice:

  • string: instead of Slice the method Substring will be used.
  • array: the runtime helper for array slicing will be used.

Open Issues


Detect Indexable based on ICollection

The inspiration for this proposal was collection initializers. Using the structure of a type to convey that it had opted into a feature. In the case of collection initializers types can opt into the feature by implementing the interface IEnumerable (non generic).

Initially this proposal required that types implement ICollection in order to qualify as Indexable. That though required a number of special cases:

  • ref struct: these cannot implement interfaces yet types like Span<T> are ideal for index / range support.
  • string: does not implement ICollection and adding that interface has a large cost.

This means to support key types special casing is already needed. The special casing of string is less interesting as the language does this in other areas (foreach lowering, constants, etc ...). The special casing of ref struct is more concerning as it's special casing an entire class of types. The get labeled as Indexable if they simply have a property named Count with a return type of int.

After consideration the design was normalized to say that any type which has a property Count / Length with a return type of int is Indexable. That removes all special casing, even for string and arrays.

Detect just Count

Detecting on the property names Count or Length does complicate the design a bit. Picking just one to standardize though is not sufficient as it ends up excluding a large number of types:

  • Use Length: excludes pretty much every collection in System.Collections and sub-namespaces. Those tend to derive from ICollection and hence prefer Count over length.
  • Use Count: excludes string, arrays, Span<T> and most ref struct based types

The extra complication on the initial detection of Indexable types is outweighed by it's simplification in other aspects.

Choice of Slice as a anme

The name Slice was chosen as it's the de-facto standard name for slice style operations in .NET. Starting with netcoreapp2.1 all span style types use the name Slice for slicing operations. Prior to netcoreapp2.1 there really aren't any examples of slicing to look to for an example. Types like List<T>, ArraySegment<T>, SortedList<T> would've been ideal for slicing but the concept didn't exist when types were added.

Thus Slice being the sole example it was chosen as the name.

Design Meetings