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C# Design Meeting 2015-03-25

Discussion thread for these notes can be found at https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/1572.

These are notes that were part of a presentation on 2015-03-25 of a snapshot of our design discussions for C# 7 and VB 15. The features under discussion are described in detail in #206 and elsewhere.


Changes since Semih Okur's work:

  • Remove record modifier
  • with expressions (#5172)
  • Working on serialization

Working proposal resembles Scala case classes with active patterns.

class Point(int X, int Y);
  • defines a class (struct) and common members
    • constructor
    • readonly properties
    • GetHashCode, Equals, ToString
    • operator== and operator!= (?)
    • Pattern-matching decomposition operator
  • an association between ctor parameters and properties
  • Any of these can be replaced by hand-written code
  • Ctor-parameter and property can have distinct names

Use Cases

  • Simplifies common scenarios
  • Simple immutable user-defined data types
    • Roslyn Syntax Trees, bound nodes
  • Over-the-wire data
  • Multiple return values

With expressions

Illustrates an example of the value of having parameter-property association.


struct Point(int X, int Y);
Point p = ...

the expression

p with { Y = 4 }

is translated to

new Point(p.X, 4)

Open issues

  • Closed hierarchy (and tag fields)
  • Readonly
  • Parameter names
  • Can you opt out of part of the machinery?
  • Serialization (in all of its forms)
  • Construction and decomposition syntax

Pattern Matching

Sources of Inspiration

  • Scala
  • F#
  • Swift
  • Rust
  • Erlang
  • Nemerle

A pattern-matching operation

  • Matches a value with a pattern
  • Either succeeds or fails
  • Extracts selected values into variables
    object x = ...;
    if (x is 3) ...
	if (x is string s) ...
	if (x is Point { X is 3, Y is int y }) ...
    if (x is Point(3, int y)) ...

Other aspects

  • Patterns defined recursively
  • "select" from among a set of pattern forms
  • Typically an expression form
  • active patterns support interop and user-defined types
switch (o)
    case 3:
	case string s:
	case Point(3, int y):
	case Point(int x, 4):

We think we want an expression form too (no proposed syntax yet, but for inspiration):

   M(match(e) {
		3 => x,
		string s => s.foo,
		Point(3, int y) => y,
		* => null })


  • Condenses long sequences of complex logic with a test that resembles the shape of the thing tested

Use Cases

  • Simplifies common scenarios
  • Language manipulation code
    • Roslyn
    • Analyzers
  • Protocol across a wire

Open questions

  • How much of the pattern-matching experience do we want (if any)?
  • Matching may be compiler-checked for completeness
  • May be implemented using tags instead of type tests
  • Which types have syntactic support?
    • Primitives and string
    • Records
    • Nullable
    • objects with properties
    • anonymous types?
    • arrays?
    • List? Dictionary?
    • Tuple<...>?
    • IEnumerable?