2017-02-09 09:02:29 -08:00

45 lines
1.7 KiB

# expression variables in initializers
* [x] Proposed
* [ ] Prototype: None
* [ ] Implementation: None
* [ ] Specification: See below
## Summary
[summary]: #summary
We extend the features introduced in C# 7 to permit expressions containing expression variables (out variable declarations and declaration patterns) in field initializers, property initializers, ctor-initializers, and query clauses.
## Motivation
[motivation]: #motivation
This completes a couple of the rough edges left in the C# language due to lack of time.
## Detailed design
[design]: #detailed-design
We remove the restriction preventing the declaration of expression variables (out variable declarations and declaration patterns) in a ctor-initializer. Such a declared variable is in scope throughout the body of the constructor.
We remove the restriction preventing the declaration of expression variables (out variable declarations and declaration patterns) in a field or property initializer. Such a declared variable is in scope throughout the initializing expression.
We remove the restriction preventing the declaration of expression variables (out variable declarations and declaration patterns) in a query expression clause that is translated into the body of a lambda. Such a declared variable is in scope throughout that expression of the query clause.
## Drawbacks
[drawbacks]: #drawbacks
## Alternatives
[alternatives]: #alternatives
The appropriate scope for expression variables declared in these contexts is not obvious, and deserves further LDM discussion.
## Unresolved questions
[unresolved]: #unresolved-questions
- [ ] What is the appropriate scope for these variables?
## Design meetings