AbcSxyZ 4676f8f008
Author:    AbcSxyZ <>
Cherry-picked and squashed from:
20480d33b README: change social media position
39a209b98 README: Change section order
bdb727981 README: reorganize social medias, split dev specific
                  & and more community related in 2 sections
bbc6c921c Add emote to titles
e39256825 : Improve first title
ebef882c5 Fix typo
1cec6b16b Extract FAQ and INSTALL into respective files
314b6f8e2 Add developement & contribution information directly
          on readme
a7e556924 Remove original block reward schedule
8cb73041a Move licence section at README bottom
2021-08-20 01:30:07 +02:00

2.5 KiB
Raw Blame History

Dogecoin Core [DOGE, Ð]


DogecoinBadge Build Status MuchWow

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Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, although it does not use SHA256 as its proof of work (POW). Taking development cues from Tenebrix and Litecoin, Dogecoin currently employs a simplified variant of scrypt.

Ongoing development - Moon plan 🌒

Dogecoin Core is an open source and community driven software.
Development process is done publicly. Anyone can see, discuss and work on them.

Main tools used for the core development :

Installation omg developers 👨‍💻

To get all information to setup Dogecoin Core locally, see

Contribute 🤝

Look at to see how you can participate !

Do not limitate yourself to guidelines, feel free to contribute in your own way 🚀.

Community 🚀🍾

You can join the community on different social media ! To see what's going on, meet people & discuss, find the lastest meme, learn about dogecoin, give or ask different type of help, to share your project... some places to visit !

Very Much Frequently Asked Questions

You have a question regarding dogecoin ? An answer is perhaps already in the FAQ !

License Much license ⚖️

Dogecoin Core is released under the terms of the MIT license. See COPYING for more information or see