2014-09-22 18:43:53 +01:00

835 B

Dogecoin Core 1.8.1


Dogecoin Core 1.8.1 is primarily a bugfix release, bringing Dogecoin Core in line with Bitcoin 0.9.3. Dogecoin Core 1.8.1 also adds in support for printing paper wallets, and disables connections to pre-1.8 clients.

Paper wallet support has been developed by AndyMeows (IRC username), and can be accessed via the "File" menu. It's intended for two purposes; to generate small value paper wallets to hand out, and more permanent deposit paper wallets for keeping balances offline.

IMPORTANT: If you are producing offline paper wallets, you should do so on a computer that's disconnected from the Internet. While the wallet generator does not save the keys it generates, this ensures there is no risk of a virus or similar capturing the key from memory or interfering with its generation.