Anirudh Agnihotry fdaef4427a
Api diff between net5.0 and netcoreapp3.1 & netstandard2.1 (#5610)
* .net shared framework changes

* standalone net 5.0 packages

* netstanard2.1 diff

* improving the directory structure

* adding a readme file

* aspnetcore shared framework changes

* remove wrong process type change diff

* adding comments about apis being to inbox from package
2020-11-18 10:40:01 -08:00

34 KiB


+namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic {
+    public enum AppWinStyle : short {
+        Hide = (short)0,
+        MaximizedFocus = (short)3,
+        MinimizedFocus = (short)2,
+        MinimizedNoFocus = (short)6,
+        NormalFocus = (short)1,
+        NormalNoFocus = (short)4,
+    }
+    public enum CallType {
+        Get = 2,
+        Let = 4,
+        Method = 1,
+        Set = 8,
+    }
+    public sealed class Collection : ICollection, IEnumerable, IList {
+        public Collection();
+        public int Count { get; }
+        int System.Collections.ICollection.Count { get; }
+        bool System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized { get; }
+        object System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot { get; }
+        bool System.Collections.IList.IsFixedSize { get; }
+        bool System.Collections.IList.IsReadOnly { get; }
+        object System.Collections.IList.this[int index] { get; set; }
+        public object this[int Index] { get; }
+        public object this[object Index] { get; }
+        public object this[string Key] { get; }
+        public void Add(object Item, string Key = null, object Before = null, object After = null);
+        public void Clear();
+        public bool Contains(string Key);
+        public IEnumerator GetEnumerator();
+        public void Remove(int Index);
+        public void Remove(string Key);
+        void System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(Array array, int index);
+        IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator();
+        int System.Collections.IList.Add(object value);
+        void System.Collections.IList.Clear();
+        bool System.Collections.IList.Contains(object value);
+        int System.Collections.IList.IndexOf(object value);
+        void System.Collections.IList.Insert(int index, object value);
+        void System.Collections.IList.Remove(object value);
+        void System.Collections.IList.RemoveAt(int index);
+    }
+    public sealed class ComClassAttribute : Attribute {
+        public ComClassAttribute();
+        public ComClassAttribute(string _ClassID);
+        public ComClassAttribute(string _ClassID, string _InterfaceID);
+        public ComClassAttribute(string _ClassID, string _InterfaceID, string _EventId);
+        public string ClassID { get; }
+        public string EventID { get; }
+        public string InterfaceID { get; }
+        public bool InterfaceShadows { get; set; }
+    }
+    public enum CompareMethod {
+        Binary = 0,
+        Text = 1,
+    }
+    public sealed class Constants {
+        public const AppWinStyle vbHide = AppWinStyle.Hide;
+        public const AppWinStyle vbMaximizedFocus = AppWinStyle.MaximizedFocus;
+        public const AppWinStyle vbMinimizedFocus = AppWinStyle.MinimizedFocus;
+        public const AppWinStyle vbMinimizedNoFocus = AppWinStyle.MinimizedNoFocus;
+        public const AppWinStyle vbNormalFocus = AppWinStyle.NormalFocus;
+        public const AppWinStyle vbNormalNoFocus = AppWinStyle.NormalNoFocus;
+        public const CallType vbGet = CallType.Get;
+        public const CallType vbLet = CallType.Let;
+        public const CallType vbMethod = CallType.Method;
+        public const CallType vbSet = CallType.Set;
+        public const CompareMethod vbBinaryCompare = CompareMethod.Binary;
+        public const CompareMethod vbTextCompare = CompareMethod.Text;
+        public const DateFormat vbGeneralDate = DateFormat.GeneralDate;
+        public const DateFormat vbLongDate = DateFormat.LongDate;
+        public const DateFormat vbLongTime = DateFormat.LongTime;
+        public const DateFormat vbShortDate = DateFormat.ShortDate;
+        public const DateFormat vbShortTime = DateFormat.ShortTime;
+        public const FileAttribute vbArchive = FileAttribute.Archive;
+        public const FileAttribute vbDirectory = FileAttribute.Directory;
+        public const FileAttribute vbHidden = FileAttribute.Hidden;
+        public const FileAttribute vbNormal = FileAttribute.Normal;
+        public const FileAttribute vbReadOnly = FileAttribute.ReadOnly;
+        public const FileAttribute vbSystem = FileAttribute.System;
+        public const FileAttribute vbVolume = FileAttribute.Volume;
+        public const FirstDayOfWeek vbFriday = FirstDayOfWeek.Friday;
+        public const FirstDayOfWeek vbMonday = FirstDayOfWeek.Monday;
+        public const FirstDayOfWeek vbSaturday = FirstDayOfWeek.Saturday;
+        public const FirstDayOfWeek vbSunday = FirstDayOfWeek.Sunday;
+        public const FirstDayOfWeek vbThursday = FirstDayOfWeek.Thursday;
+        public const FirstDayOfWeek vbTuesday = FirstDayOfWeek.Tuesday;
+        public const FirstDayOfWeek vbUseSystemDayOfWeek = FirstDayOfWeek.System;
+        public const FirstDayOfWeek vbWednesday = FirstDayOfWeek.Wednesday;
+        public const FirstWeekOfYear vbFirstFourDays = FirstWeekOfYear.FirstFourDays;
+        public const FirstWeekOfYear vbFirstFullWeek = FirstWeekOfYear.FirstFullWeek;
+        public const FirstWeekOfYear vbFirstJan1 = FirstWeekOfYear.Jan1;
+        public const FirstWeekOfYear vbUseSystem = FirstWeekOfYear.System;
+        public const MsgBoxResult vbAbort = MsgBoxResult.Abort;
+        public const MsgBoxResult vbCancel = MsgBoxResult.Cancel;
+        public const MsgBoxResult vbIgnore = MsgBoxResult.Ignore;
+        public const MsgBoxResult vbNo = MsgBoxResult.No;
+        public const MsgBoxResult vbOK = MsgBoxResult.Ok;
+        public const MsgBoxResult vbRetry = MsgBoxResult.Retry;
+        public const MsgBoxResult vbYes = MsgBoxResult.Yes;
+        public const MsgBoxStyle vbAbortRetryIgnore = MsgBoxStyle.AbortRetryIgnore;
+        public const MsgBoxStyle vbApplicationModal = MsgBoxStyle.ApplicationModal;
+        public const MsgBoxStyle vbCritical = MsgBoxStyle.Critical;
+        public const MsgBoxStyle vbDefaultButton1 = MsgBoxStyle.ApplicationModal;
+        public const MsgBoxStyle vbDefaultButton2 = MsgBoxStyle.DefaultButton2;
+        public const MsgBoxStyle vbDefaultButton3 = MsgBoxStyle.DefaultButton3;
+        public const MsgBoxStyle vbExclamation = MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation;
+        public const MsgBoxStyle vbInformation = MsgBoxStyle.Information;
+        public const MsgBoxStyle vbMsgBoxHelp = MsgBoxStyle.MsgBoxHelp;
+        public const MsgBoxStyle vbMsgBoxRight = MsgBoxStyle.MsgBoxRight;
+        public const MsgBoxStyle vbMsgBoxRtlReading = MsgBoxStyle.MsgBoxRtlReading;
+        public const MsgBoxStyle vbMsgBoxSetForeground = MsgBoxStyle.MsgBoxSetForeground;
+        public const MsgBoxStyle vbOKCancel = MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel;
+        public const MsgBoxStyle vbOKOnly = MsgBoxStyle.ApplicationModal;
+        public const MsgBoxStyle vbQuestion = MsgBoxStyle.Question;
+        public const MsgBoxStyle vbRetryCancel = MsgBoxStyle.RetryCancel;
+        public const MsgBoxStyle vbSystemModal = MsgBoxStyle.SystemModal;
+        public const MsgBoxStyle vbYesNo = MsgBoxStyle.YesNo;
+        public const MsgBoxStyle vbYesNoCancel = MsgBoxStyle.YesNoCancel;
+        public const TriState vbFalse = TriState.False;
+        public const TriState vbTrue = TriState.True;
+        public const TriState vbUseDefault = TriState.UseDefault;
+        public const VariantType vbArray = VariantType.Array;
+        public const VariantType vbBoolean = VariantType.Boolean;
+        public const VariantType vbByte = VariantType.Byte;
+        public const VariantType vbCurrency = VariantType.Currency;
+        public const VariantType vbDate = VariantType.Date;
+        public const VariantType vbDecimal = VariantType.Decimal;
+        public const VariantType vbDouble = VariantType.Double;
+        public const VariantType vbEmpty = VariantType.Empty;
+        public const VariantType vbInteger = VariantType.Integer;
+        public const VariantType vbLong = VariantType.Long;
+        public const VariantType vbNull = VariantType.Null;
+        public const VariantType vbObject = VariantType.Object;
+        public const VariantType vbSingle = VariantType.Single;
+        public const VariantType vbString = VariantType.String;
+        public const VariantType vbUserDefinedType = VariantType.UserDefinedType;
+        public const VariantType vbVariant = VariantType.Variant;
+        public const VbStrConv vbHiragana = VbStrConv.Hiragana;
+        public const VbStrConv vbKatakana = VbStrConv.Katakana;
+        public const VbStrConv vbLinguisticCasing = VbStrConv.LinguisticCasing;
+        public const VbStrConv vbLowerCase = VbStrConv.Lowercase;
+        public const VbStrConv vbNarrow = VbStrConv.Narrow;
+        public const VbStrConv vbProperCase = VbStrConv.ProperCase;
+        public const VbStrConv vbSimplifiedChinese = VbStrConv.SimplifiedChinese;
+        public const VbStrConv vbTraditionalChinese = VbStrConv.TraditionalChinese;
+        public const VbStrConv vbUpperCase = VbStrConv.Uppercase;
+        public const VbStrConv vbWide = VbStrConv.Wide;
+        public const int vbObjectError = -2147221504;
+        public const string vbBack = "\b";
+        public const string vbCr = "\r";
+        public const string vbCrLf = "\r\n";
+        public const string vbFormFeed = "\f";
+        public const string vbLf = "\n";
+        public const string vbNewLine = "\r\n";
+        public const string vbNullChar = "\0";
+        public const string vbNullString = null;
+        public const string vbTab = "\t";
+        public const string vbVerticalTab = "\v";
+    }
+    public sealed class ControlChars {
+        public const char Back = '\b';
+        public const char Cr = '\r';
+        public const char FormFeed = '\f';
+        public const char Lf = '\n';
+        public const char NullChar = '\0';
+        public const char Quote = '"';
+        public const char Tab = '\t';
+        public const char VerticalTab = '\v';
+        public const string CrLf = "\r\n";
+        public const string NewLine = "\r\n";
+        public ControlChars();
+    }
+    public sealed class Conversion {
+        public static object CTypeDynamic(object Expression, Type TargetType);
+        public static TargetType CTypeDynamic<TargetType>(object Expression);
+        public static string ErrorToString();
+        public static string ErrorToString(int ErrorNumber);
+        public static decimal Fix(decimal Number);
+        public static double Fix(double Number);
+        public static short Fix(short Number);
+        public static int Fix(int Number);
+        public static long Fix(long Number);
+        public static object Fix(object Number);
+        public static float Fix(float Number);
+        public static string Hex(byte Number);
+        public static string Hex(short Number);
+        public static string Hex(int Number);
+        public static string Hex(long Number);
+        public static string Hex(object Number);
+        public static string Hex(sbyte Number);
+        public static string Hex(ushort Number);
+        public static string Hex(uint Number);
+        public static string Hex(ulong Number);
+        public static decimal Int(decimal Number);
+        public static double Int(double Number);
+        public static short Int(short Number);
+        public static int Int(int Number);
+        public static long Int(long Number);
+        public static object Int(object Number);
+        public static float Int(float Number);
+        public static string Oct(byte Number);
+        public static string Oct(short Number);
+        public static string Oct(int Number);
+        public static string Oct(long Number);
+        public static string Oct(object Number);
+        public static string Oct(sbyte Number);
+        public static string Oct(ushort Number);
+        public static string Oct(uint Number);
+        public static string Oct(ulong Number);
+        public static string Str(object Number);
+        public static int Val(char Expression);
+        public static double Val(object Expression);
+        public static double Val(string InputStr);
+    }
+    public sealed class DateAndTime {
+        public static string DateString { get; set; }
+        public static DateTime Now { get; }
+        public static DateTime TimeOfDay { get; set; }
+        public static double Timer { get; }
+        public static string TimeString { get; set; }
+        public static DateTime Today { get; set; }
+        public static DateTime DateAdd(DateInterval Interval, double Number, DateTime DateValue);
+        public static DateTime DateAdd(string Interval, double Number, object DateValue);
+        public static long DateDiff(DateInterval Interval, DateTime Date1, DateTime Date2, FirstDayOfWeek DayOfWeek = FirstDayOfWeek.Sunday, FirstWeekOfYear WeekOfYear = FirstWeekOfYear.Jan1);
+        public static long DateDiff(string Interval, object Date1, object Date2, FirstDayOfWeek DayOfWeek = FirstDayOfWeek.Sunday, FirstWeekOfYear WeekOfYear = FirstWeekOfYear.Jan1);
+        public static int DatePart(DateInterval Interval, DateTime DateValue, FirstDayOfWeek FirstDayOfWeekValue = FirstDayOfWeek.Sunday, FirstWeekOfYear FirstWeekOfYearValue = FirstWeekOfYear.Jan1);
+        public static int DatePart(string Interval, object DateValue, FirstDayOfWeek DayOfWeek = FirstDayOfWeek.Sunday, FirstWeekOfYear WeekOfYear = FirstWeekOfYear.Jan1);
+        public static DateTime DateSerial(int Year, int Month, int Day);
+        public static DateTime DateValue(string StringDate);
+        public static int Day(DateTime DateValue);
+        public static int Hour(DateTime TimeValue);
+        public static int Minute(DateTime TimeValue);
+        public static int Month(DateTime DateValue);
+        public static string MonthName(int Month, bool Abbreviate = false);
+        public static int Second(DateTime TimeValue);
+        public static DateTime TimeSerial(int Hour, int Minute, int Second);
+        public static DateTime TimeValue(string StringTime);
+        public static int Weekday(DateTime DateValue, FirstDayOfWeek DayOfWeek = FirstDayOfWeek.Sunday);
+        public static string WeekdayName(int Weekday, bool Abbreviate = false, FirstDayOfWeek FirstDayOfWeekValue = FirstDayOfWeek.System);
+        public static int Year(DateTime DateValue);
+    }
+    public enum DateFormat {
+        GeneralDate = 0,
+        LongDate = 1,
+        LongTime = 3,
+        ShortDate = 2,
+        ShortTime = 4,
+    }
+    public enum DateInterval {
+        Day = 4,
+        DayOfYear = 3,
+        Hour = 7,
+        Minute = 8,
+        Month = 2,
+        Quarter = 1,
+        Second = 9,
+        Weekday = 6,
+        WeekOfYear = 5,
+        Year = 0,
+    }
+    public enum DueDate {
+        BegOfPeriod = 1,
+        EndOfPeriod = 0,
+    }
+    public sealed class ErrObject {
+        public string Description { get; set; }
+        public int Erl { get; }
+        public int HelpContext { get; set; }
+        public string HelpFile { get; set; }
+        public int LastDllError { get; }
+        public int Number { get; set; }
+        public string Source { get; set; }
+        public void Clear();
+        public Exception GetException();
+        public void Raise(int Number, object Source = null, object Description = null, object HelpFile = null, object HelpContext = null);
+    }
+    public enum FileAttribute {
+        Archive = 32,
+        Directory = 16,
+        Hidden = 2,
+        Normal = 0,
+        ReadOnly = 1,
+        System = 4,
+        Volume = 8,
+    }
+    public sealed class FileSystem {
+        public static void ChDir(string Path);
+        public static void ChDrive(char Drive);
+        public static void ChDrive(string Drive);
+        public static string CurDir();
+        public static string CurDir(char Drive);
+        public static string Dir();
+        public static string Dir(string PathName, FileAttribute Attributes = FileAttribute.Normal);
+        public static bool EOF(int FileNumber);
+        public static OpenMode FileAttr(int FileNumber);
+        public static void FileClose(params int[] FileNumbers);
+        public static void FileCopy(string Source, string Destination);
+        public static DateTime FileDateTime(string PathName);
+        public static void FileGet(int FileNumber, ref Array Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1, bool ArrayIsDynamic = false, bool StringIsFixedLength = false);
+        public static void FileGet(int FileNumber, ref bool Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1);
+        public static void FileGet(int FileNumber, ref byte Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1);
+        public static void FileGet(int FileNumber, ref char Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1);
+        public static void FileGet(int FileNumber, ref DateTime Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1);
+        public static void FileGet(int FileNumber, ref decimal Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1);
+        public static void FileGet(int FileNumber, ref double Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1);
+        public static void FileGet(int FileNumber, ref short Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1);
+        public static void FileGet(int FileNumber, ref int Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1);
+        public static void FileGet(int FileNumber, ref long Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1);
+        public static void FileGet(int FileNumber, ref float Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1);
+        public static void FileGet(int FileNumber, ref string Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1, bool StringIsFixedLength = false);
+        public static void FileGet(int FileNumber, ref ValueType Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1);
+        public static void FileGetObject(int FileNumber, ref object Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1);
+        public static long FileLen(string PathName);
+        public static void FileOpen(int FileNumber, string FileName, OpenMode Mode, OpenAccess Access = OpenAccess.Default, OpenShare Share = OpenShare.Default, int RecordLength = -1);
+        public static void FilePut(int FileNumber, Array Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1, bool ArrayIsDynamic = false, bool StringIsFixedLength = false);
+        public static void FilePut(int FileNumber, bool Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1);
+        public static void FilePut(int FileNumber, byte Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1);
+        public static void FilePut(int FileNumber, char Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1);
+        public static void FilePut(int FileNumber, DateTime Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1);
+        public static void FilePut(int FileNumber, decimal Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1);
+        public static void FilePut(int FileNumber, double Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1);
+        public static void FilePut(int FileNumber, short Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1);
+        public static void FilePut(int FileNumber, int Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1);
+        public static void FilePut(int FileNumber, long Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1);
+        public static void FilePut(int FileNumber, float Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1);
+        public static void FilePut(int FileNumber, string Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1, bool StringIsFixedLength = false);
+        public static void FilePut(int FileNumber, ValueType Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1);
+        public static void FilePut(object FileNumber, object Value, object RecordNumber);
+        public static void FilePutObject(int FileNumber, object Value, long RecordNumber = (long)-1);
+        public static void FileWidth(int FileNumber, int RecordWidth);
+        public static int FreeFile();
+        public static FileAttribute GetAttr(string PathName);
+        public static void Input(int FileNumber, ref bool Value);
+        public static void Input(int FileNumber, ref byte Value);
+        public static void Input(int FileNumber, ref char Value);
+        public static void Input(int FileNumber, ref DateTime Value);
+        public static void Input(int FileNumber, ref decimal Value);
+        public static void Input(int FileNumber, ref double Value);
+        public static void Input(int FileNumber, ref short Value);
+        public static void Input(int FileNumber, ref int Value);
+        public static void Input(int FileNumber, ref long Value);
+        public static void Input(int FileNumber, ref object Value);
+        public static void Input(int FileNumber, ref float Value);
+        public static void Input(int FileNumber, ref string Value);
+        public static string InputString(int FileNumber, int CharCount);
+        public static void Kill(string PathName);
+        public static string LineInput(int FileNumber);
+        public static long Loc(int FileNumber);
+        public static void Lock(int FileNumber);
+        public static void Lock(int FileNumber, long Record);
+        public static void Lock(int FileNumber, long FromRecord, long ToRecord);
+        public static long LOF(int FileNumber);
+        public static void MkDir(string Path);
+        public static void Print(int FileNumber, params object[] Output);
+        public static void PrintLine(int FileNumber, params object[] Output);
+        public static void Rename(string OldPath, string NewPath);
+        public static void Reset();
+        public static void RmDir(string Path);
+        public static long Seek(int FileNumber);
+        public static void Seek(int FileNumber, long Position);
+        public static void SetAttr(string PathName, FileAttribute Attributes);
+        public static SpcInfo SPC(short Count);
+        public static TabInfo TAB();
+        public static TabInfo TAB(short Column);
+        public static void Unlock(int FileNumber);
+        public static void Unlock(int FileNumber, long Record);
+        public static void Unlock(int FileNumber, long FromRecord, long ToRecord);
+        public static void Write(int FileNumber, params object[] Output);
+        public static void WriteLine(int FileNumber, params object[] Output);
+    }
+    public sealed class Financial {
+        public static double DDB(double Cost, double Salvage, double Life, double Period, double Factor = 2);
+        public static double FV(double Rate, double NPer, double Pmt, double PV = 0, DueDate Due = DueDate.EndOfPeriod);
+        public static double IPmt(double Rate, double Per, double NPer, double PV, double FV = 0, DueDate Due = DueDate.EndOfPeriod);
+        public static double IRR(ref double[] ValueArray, double Guess = 0.1);
+        public static double MIRR(ref double[] ValueArray, double FinanceRate, double ReinvestRate);
+        public static double NPer(double Rate, double Pmt, double PV, double FV = 0, DueDate Due = DueDate.EndOfPeriod);
+        public static double NPV(double Rate, ref double[] ValueArray);
+        public static double Pmt(double Rate, double NPer, double PV, double FV = 0, DueDate Due = DueDate.EndOfPeriod);
+        public static double PPmt(double Rate, double Per, double NPer, double PV, double FV = 0, DueDate Due = DueDate.EndOfPeriod);
+        public static double PV(double Rate, double NPer, double Pmt, double FV = 0, DueDate Due = DueDate.EndOfPeriod);
+        public static double Rate(double NPer, double Pmt, double PV, double FV = 0, DueDate Due = DueDate.EndOfPeriod, double Guess = 0.1);
+        public static double SLN(double Cost, double Salvage, double Life);
+        public static double SYD(double Cost, double Salvage, double Life, double Period);
+    }
+    public enum FirstDayOfWeek {
+        Friday = 6,
+        Monday = 2,
+        Saturday = 7,
+        Sunday = 1,
+        System = 0,
+        Thursday = 5,
+        Tuesday = 3,
+        Wednesday = 4,
+    }
+    public enum FirstWeekOfYear {
+        FirstFourDays = 2,
+        FirstFullWeek = 3,
+        Jan1 = 1,
+        System = 0,
+    }
+    public sealed class HideModuleNameAttribute : Attribute {
+        public HideModuleNameAttribute();
+    }
+    public sealed class Information {
+        public static int Erl();
+        public static ErrObject Err();
+        public static bool IsArray(object VarName);
+        public static bool IsDate(object Expression);
+        public static bool IsDBNull(object Expression);
+        public static bool IsError(object Expression);
+        public static bool IsNothing(object Expression);
+        public static bool IsNumeric(object Expression);
+        public static bool IsReference(object Expression);
+        public static int LBound(Array Array, int Rank = 1);
+        public static int QBColor(int Color);
+        public static int RGB(int Red, int Green, int Blue);
+        public static string SystemTypeName(string VbName);
+        public static string TypeName(object VarName);
+        public static int UBound(Array Array, int Rank = 1);
+        public static VariantType VarType(object VarName);
+        public static string VbTypeName(string UrtName);
+    }
+    public sealed class Interaction {
+        public static void AppActivate(int ProcessId);
+        public static void AppActivate(string Title);
+        public static void Beep();
+        public static object CallByName(object ObjectRef, string ProcName, CallType UseCallType, params object[] Args);
+        public static object Choose(double Index, params object[] Choice);
+        public static string Command();
+        public static object CreateObject(string ProgId, string ServerName = "");
+        public static void DeleteSetting(string AppName, string Section = null, string Key = null);
+        public static string Environ(int Expression);
+        public static string Environ(string Expression);
+        public static string[,] GetAllSettings(string AppName, string Section);
+        public static object GetObject(string PathName = null, string Class = null);
+        public static string GetSetting(string AppName, string Section, string Key, string Default = "");
+        public static object IIf(bool Expression, object TruePart, object FalsePart);
+        public static string InputBox(string Prompt, string Title = "", string DefaultResponse = "", int XPos = -1, int YPos = -1);
+        public static MsgBoxResult MsgBox(object Prompt, MsgBoxStyle Buttons = MsgBoxStyle.ApplicationModal, object Title = null);
+        public static string Partition(long Number, long Start, long Stop, long Interval);
+        public static void SaveSetting(string AppName, string Section, string Key, string Setting);
+        public static int Shell(string PathName, AppWinStyle Style = AppWinStyle.MinimizedFocus, bool Wait = false, int Timeout = -1);
+        public static object Switch(params object[] VarExpr);
+    }
+    public enum MsgBoxResult {
+        Abort = 3,
+        Cancel = 2,
+        Ignore = 5,
+        No = 7,
+        Ok = 1,
+        Retry = 4,
+        Yes = 6,
+    }
+    public enum MsgBoxStyle {
+        AbortRetryIgnore = 2,
+        ApplicationModal = 0,
+        Critical = 16,
+        DefaultButton1 = 0,
+        DefaultButton2 = 256,
+        DefaultButton3 = 512,
+        Exclamation = 48,
+        Information = 64,
+        MsgBoxHelp = 16384,
+        MsgBoxRight = 524288,
+        MsgBoxRtlReading = 1048576,
+        MsgBoxSetForeground = 65536,
+        OkCancel = 1,
+        OkOnly = 0,
+        Question = 32,
+        RetryCancel = 5,
+        SystemModal = 4096,
+        YesNo = 4,
+        YesNoCancel = 3,
+    }
+    public sealed class MyGroupCollectionAttribute : Attribute {
+        public MyGroupCollectionAttribute(string typeToCollect, string createInstanceMethodName, string disposeInstanceMethodName, string defaultInstanceAlias);
+        public string CreateMethod { get; }
+        public string DefaultInstanceAlias { get; }
+        public string DisposeMethod { get; }
+        public string MyGroupName { get; }
+    }
+    public enum OpenAccess {
+        Default = -1,
+        Read = 1,
+        ReadWrite = 3,
+        Write = 2,
+    }
+    public enum OpenMode {
+        Append = 8,
+        Binary = 32,
+        Input = 1,
+        Output = 2,
+        Random = 4,
+    }
+    public enum OpenShare {
+        Default = -1,
+        LockRead = 2,
+        LockReadWrite = 0,
+        LockWrite = 1,
+        Shared = 3,
+    }
+    public struct SpcInfo {
+        public short Count;
+    }
+    public sealed class Strings {
+        public static int Asc(char String);
+        public static int Asc(string String);
+        public static int AscW(char String);
+        public static int AscW(string String);
+        public static char Chr(int CharCode);
+        public static char ChrW(int CharCode);
+        public static string[] Filter(object[] Source, string Match, bool Include = true, CompareMethod Compare = CompareMethod.Binary);
+        public static string[] Filter(string[] Source, string Match, bool Include = true, CompareMethod Compare = CompareMethod.Binary);
+        public static string Format(object Expression, string Style = "");
+        public static string FormatCurrency(object Expression, int NumDigitsAfterDecimal = -1, TriState IncludeLeadingDigit = TriState.UseDefault, TriState UseParensForNegativeNumbers = TriState.UseDefault, TriState GroupDigits = TriState.UseDefault);
+        public static string FormatDateTime(DateTime Expression, DateFormat NamedFormat = DateFormat.GeneralDate);
+        public static string FormatNumber(object Expression, int NumDigitsAfterDecimal = -1, TriState IncludeLeadingDigit = TriState.UseDefault, TriState UseParensForNegativeNumbers = TriState.UseDefault, TriState GroupDigits = TriState.UseDefault);
+        public static string FormatPercent(object Expression, int NumDigitsAfterDecimal = -1, TriState IncludeLeadingDigit = TriState.UseDefault, TriState UseParensForNegativeNumbers = TriState.UseDefault, TriState GroupDigits = TriState.UseDefault);
+        public static char GetChar(string str, int Index);
+        public static int InStr(int StartPos, string String1, string String2, CompareMethod Compare = CompareMethod.Binary);
+        public static int InStr(string String1, string String2, CompareMethod Compare = CompareMethod.Binary);
+        public static int InStrRev(string StringCheck, string StringMatch, int Start = -1, CompareMethod Compare = CompareMethod.Binary);
+        public static string Join(object[] SourceArray, string Delimiter = " ");
+        public static string Join(string[] SourceArray, string Delimiter = " ");
+        public static char LCase(char Value);
+        public static string LCase(string Value);
+        public static string Left(string str, int Length);
+        public static int Len(bool Expression);
+        public static int Len(byte Expression);
+        public static int Len(char Expression);
+        public static int Len(DateTime Expression);
+        public static int Len(decimal Expression);
+        public static int Len(double Expression);
+        public static int Len(short Expression);
+        public static int Len(int Expression);
+        public static int Len(long Expression);
+        public static int Len(object Expression);
+        public static int Len(sbyte Expression);
+        public static int Len(float Expression);
+        public static int Len(string Expression);
+        public static int Len(ushort Expression);
+        public static int Len(uint Expression);
+        public static int Len(ulong Expression);
+        public static string LSet(string Source, int Length);
+        public static string LTrim(string str);
+        public static string Mid(string str, int Start);
+        public static string Mid(string str, int Start, int Length);
+        public static string Replace(string Expression, string Find, string Replacement, int Start = 1, int Count = -1, CompareMethod Compare = CompareMethod.Binary);
+        public static string Right(string str, int Length);
+        public static string RSet(string Source, int Length);
+        public static string RTrim(string str);
+        public static string Space(int Number);
+        public static string[] Split(string Expression, string Delimiter = " ", int Limit = -1, CompareMethod Compare = CompareMethod.Binary);
+        public static int StrComp(string String1, string String2, CompareMethod Compare = CompareMethod.Binary);
+        public static string StrConv(string str, VbStrConv Conversion, int LocaleID = 0);
+        public static string StrDup(int Number, char Character);
+        public static object StrDup(int Number, object Character);
+        public static string StrDup(int Number, string Character);
+        public static string StrReverse(string Expression);
+        public static string Trim(string str);
+        public static char UCase(char Value);
+        public static string UCase(string Value);
+    }
+    public struct TabInfo {
+        public short Column;
+    }
+    public enum TriState {
+        False = 0,
+        True = -1,
+        UseDefault = -2,
+    }
+    public enum VariantType {
+        Array = 8192,
+        Boolean = 11,
+        Byte = 17,
+        Char = 18,
+        Currency = 6,
+        DataObject = 13,
+        Date = 7,
+        Decimal = 14,
+        Double = 5,
+        Empty = 0,
+        Error = 10,
+        Integer = 3,
+        Long = 20,
+        Null = 1,
+        Object = 9,
+        Short = 2,
+        Single = 4,
+        String = 8,
+        UserDefinedType = 36,
+        Variant = 12,
+    }
+    public sealed class VBFixedArrayAttribute : Attribute {
+        public VBFixedArrayAttribute(int UpperBound1);
+        public VBFixedArrayAttribute(int UpperBound1, int UpperBound2);
+        public int[] Bounds { get; }
+        public int Length { get; }
+    }
+    public sealed class VBFixedStringAttribute : Attribute {
+        public VBFixedStringAttribute(int Length);
+        public int Length { get; }
+    }
+    public sealed class VBMath {
+        public static void Randomize();
+        public static void Randomize(double Number);
+        public static float Rnd();
+        public static float Rnd(float Number);
+    }
+    public enum VbStrConv {
+        Hiragana = 32,
+        Katakana = 16,
+        LinguisticCasing = 1024,
+        Lowercase = 2,
+        Narrow = 8,
+        None = 0,
+        ProperCase = 3,
+        SimplifiedChinese = 256,
+        TraditionalChinese = 512,
+        Uppercase = 1,
+        Wide = 4,
+    }