Anirudh Agnihotry fdaef4427a
Api diff between net5.0 and netcoreapp3.1 & netstandard2.1 (#5610)
* .net shared framework changes

* standalone net 5.0 packages

* netstanard2.1 diff

* improving the directory structure

* adding a readme file

* aspnetcore shared framework changes

* remove wrong process type change diff

* adding comments about apis being to inbox from package
2020-11-18 10:40:01 -08:00

10 KiB


+namespace System.Text.Unicode {
+    public sealed class UnicodeRange {
+        public UnicodeRange(int firstCodePoint, int length);
+        public int FirstCodePoint { get; }
+        public int Length { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Create(char firstCharacter, char lastCharacter);
+    }
+    public static class UnicodeRanges {
+        public static UnicodeRange All { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange AlphabeticPresentationForms { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Arabic { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange ArabicExtendedA { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange ArabicPresentationFormsA { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange ArabicPresentationFormsB { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange ArabicSupplement { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Armenian { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Arrows { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Balinese { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Bamum { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange BasicLatin { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Batak { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Bengali { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange BlockElements { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Bopomofo { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange BopomofoExtended { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange BoxDrawing { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange BraillePatterns { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Buginese { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Buhid { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Cham { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Cherokee { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange CherokeeSupplement { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange CjkCompatibility { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange CjkCompatibilityForms { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange CjkCompatibilityIdeographs { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange CjkRadicalsSupplement { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange CjkStrokes { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange CjkSymbolsandPunctuation { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange CjkUnifiedIdeographs { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange CjkUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange CombiningDiacriticalMarks { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange CombiningDiacriticalMarksExtended { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange CombiningDiacriticalMarksforSymbols { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange CombiningDiacriticalMarksSupplement { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange CombiningHalfMarks { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange CommonIndicNumberForms { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange ControlPictures { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Coptic { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange CurrencySymbols { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Cyrillic { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange CyrillicExtendedA { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange CyrillicExtendedB { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange CyrillicExtendedC { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange CyrillicSupplement { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Devanagari { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange DevanagariExtended { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Dingbats { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange EnclosedAlphanumerics { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange EnclosedCjkLettersandMonths { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Ethiopic { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange EthiopicExtended { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange EthiopicExtendedA { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange EthiopicSupplement { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange GeneralPunctuation { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange GeometricShapes { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Georgian { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange GeorgianExtended { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange GeorgianSupplement { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Glagolitic { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange GreekandCoptic { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange GreekExtended { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Gujarati { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Gurmukhi { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange HalfwidthandFullwidthForms { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange HangulCompatibilityJamo { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange HangulJamo { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange HangulJamoExtendedA { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange HangulJamoExtendedB { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange HangulSyllables { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Hanunoo { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Hebrew { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Hiragana { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange IdeographicDescriptionCharacters { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange IpaExtensions { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Javanese { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Kanbun { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange KangxiRadicals { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Kannada { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Katakana { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange KatakanaPhoneticExtensions { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange KayahLi { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Khmer { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange KhmerSymbols { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Lao { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Latin1Supplement { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange LatinExtendedA { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange LatinExtendedAdditional { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange LatinExtendedB { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange LatinExtendedC { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange LatinExtendedD { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange LatinExtendedE { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Lepcha { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange LetterlikeSymbols { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Limbu { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Lisu { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Malayalam { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Mandaic { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange MathematicalOperators { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange MeeteiMayek { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange MeeteiMayekExtensions { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange MiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsA { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange MiscellaneousMathematicalSymbolsB { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange MiscellaneousSymbols { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange MiscellaneousSymbolsandArrows { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange MiscellaneousTechnical { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange ModifierToneLetters { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Mongolian { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Myanmar { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange MyanmarExtendedA { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange MyanmarExtendedB { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange NewTaiLue { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange NKo { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange None { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange NumberForms { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Ogham { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange OlChiki { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange OpticalCharacterRecognition { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Oriya { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Phagspa { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange PhoneticExtensions { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange PhoneticExtensionsSupplement { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Rejang { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Runic { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Samaritan { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Saurashtra { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Sinhala { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange SmallFormVariants { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange SpacingModifierLetters { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Specials { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Sundanese { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange SundaneseSupplement { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange SuperscriptsandSubscripts { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange SupplementalArrowsA { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange SupplementalArrowsB { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange SupplementalMathematicalOperators { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange SupplementalPunctuation { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange SylotiNagri { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Syriac { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange SyriacSupplement { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Tagalog { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Tagbanwa { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange TaiLe { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange TaiTham { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange TaiViet { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Tamil { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Telugu { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Thaana { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Thai { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Tibetan { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Tifinagh { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange UnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange UnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabicsExtended { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange Vai { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange VariationSelectors { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange VedicExtensions { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange VerticalForms { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange YijingHexagramSymbols { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange YiRadicals { get; }
+        public static UnicodeRange YiSyllables { get; }
+    }
+    public static class Utf8 {
+        public static OperationStatus FromUtf16(ReadOnlySpan<char> source, Span<byte> destination, out int charsRead, out int bytesWritten, bool replaceInvalidSequences = true, bool isFinalBlock = true);
+        public static OperationStatus ToUtf16(ReadOnlySpan<byte> source, Span<char> destination, out int bytesRead, out int charsWritten, bool replaceInvalidSequences = true, bool isFinalBlock = true);
+    }