dotnet-core/release-notes/Archived Change Lists/

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Version History


  • Stabilized surface area for fixed-size types and removed "beta" pre-release tag
  • Removed Vector and Vector<T> from stable-version package, please continue using the pre-release package (1.1.6) if you rely on these types).


  • Fixed an issue in Matrix4x4.Decompose which caused the method to return incorrect values when passed a matrix transform with a degenerate (zero) scale factor.


  • Renamed Microsoft.Bcl.Simd NuGet package to System.Numerics.Vectors
  • Expanded support for graphics programming by adding types for matrices, planes, and quaternions

1.0.2 (Microsoft.Bcl.Simd)

  • Added support for new generic vector types:
    • Byte, Sbyte, UInt16, Int16
  • Mutable Fixed Vector types
  • (JIT) Added additional intrinsics for various operations:
    • CopyTo (array) method now intrinsic
    • Comparison operators completed for all types
    • Min / Max for all types
  • Some performance improvements in the BCL code and general cleanup

1.0.1 (Microsoft.Bcl.Simd)

  • Initial release