2016-05-14 22:27:23 -07:00

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RC2 Known Issues

This document lists known issues for .NET Core 1.0 RC2 and .NET Core SDK 1.0 Preview 1 which may be encountered during usage. Issues and bugs that are being considered for the final release can be seen in the following GitHub repos.

.NET Core 1.0 SDK Preview 1

All previous version of .NET Core need to be removed before installing RC2. Details and stpes to uninstall can be found on the .NET Core Getting Started pages. Any system which has previously installed the older CLI tools installed will need to uninstall using Programs and Features before installing Preview 1. Clearing the package cache is also recommended.

.NET Core RC2 Packages and UWP Projects

.NET Core 1.0 RC2 will not work in UWP projects. It is recommended that RC2 packages not be referenced.


Adding certificates to an X509Store on Unix systems may result in an exception similar to System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException : Invalid directory permissions.

The directory '/Users/dotnet-bot/.dotnet/corefx/cryptography/x509stores/my' must be readable, writable and executable by the owner. It must not be readable, writable or executable by anyone other than the owner. when the X509Store was not created with a pre-RC2 build of .NET Core, due to an incorrect permissions check on the directory. A one time (per-store) workaround is possible:

  • (Optional) Create the directory ahead of program execution. The name of the directory will be the lower-cased version of the storeName parameter under ~/.dotnet/corefx/cryptography/x509stores/.
new X509Store(ThisIsATest, StoreLocation.CurrentUser)` => ~/.dotnet/corefx/cryptography/x509stores/thisisatest
  • Make all of the directories within the x509stores directory have the right permissions: chmod 700 ~/.dotnet/corefx/cryptography/x509stores/*


NegotiateStream relies on the gssapi implementation available on the platform on Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS only.

NegotiateStream relies on the gssapi implementation and it uses SPNEGO via the GSS-NTLMSSP on RHEL and CentOS. For other distros individuals need to have a similar package supporting GSS-NTLMSSP to have it working.