2018-06-27 06:59:09 -07:00

7.5 KiB

Commits to .NET Core 2.1.1

This is a somewhat currated list of commits across the entire .NET Core 2.1.1 developement cycle. Working on automation to scrub out the uninteresting listings but there is still a bit of noise. Will be working to make that process better in future releases.


  • [4050c6374] The "pack" command under 'buildCrossTargeting' for 'Microsoft.DotNet.MSBuildSdkResolver' now throws a "NU5104" warning/error because the SDK stage0 was changed to "2.1.300" [change was intended].
  • [ea539c7f6] Add retry when Directory.Move (#9313)


  • [13ea3c2c8e] Fix alternate stack for Alpine docker on SELinux (#17936) (#17975)
  • [88db627a97] Update g_highest_address and g_lowest_address in StompWriteBarrier(WriteBarrierOp::StompResize) on ARM (#18107)
  • [0ea5fc4456] Use sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF) instead of sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN) in PAL and GC on ARM and ARM64


  • [3700c5b793] Update to a xUnit Performance Api that has a bigger Etw buffer size. … (#30328)
  • [6b38470265] Use _SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF instead of _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN in Unix_ProcessorCountTest on ARM/ARM64 (#30132)
  • [fe653a068c] check SwitchingProtocol before ContentLength (#29948) (#29993)
  • [f11f3e1fcf] Fix handling of cursor position when other ESC sequences already in stdin (#29897) (#29923)
  • [77a4a19622] [release/2.1] Port nano test fixes (#29995)
  • [7ce9270ac7] Fix Sockets hang caused by concurrent Socket disposal (#29786) (#29846)
  • [ed23f5391f] Fix terminfo number reading with 32-bit integers (#29655) (#29765)
  • [1c34018f14] Fix getting attributes for sharing violation files (#29790) (#29832)
  • [bc71849976] [release/2.1] Fix deadlock when waiting for process exit in Console.CancelKeyPress (#29749)
  • [adc1c4d0d5] Fix WebSocket split UTF8 read #29834 (#29840) (#29853)


  • [0a99dd88] Add net461 as a supported framework for S.SM.Security.
  • [45855085] Generate ThisAssembly.cs, update the version and links for svcutil.xmlserializer (#2893)
  • [68457365] Target svcutil.xmlserializer app at dotnetcore. (#2855)


Entity Framework


  • [c6f1dbf3] Fix Json perf regression in Socket Transport (#2578)
  • [[448ece73]](448ece73cc Add Memory overloads to HttpUpgradeStream
  • [28a7dbf6] Use correct TaskCompletionSource ctor
  • [4d276baa] Lower severity of AuthenticationException logs from SslStream handshake
  • [340eaf68] Provide clearer exception message for breaking change


  • [2d636696] ApiBehaviorApplicationModelProvider overwrites existing BindingInfo in entirety when inferring binding sources (#7609)
  • [624a5ed5] XmlSerializerOutputFormatter throws InvalidCastException on async method (#7782)



  • [9e17d93a] Remove obsolete reference in Angular template home. (#470)
  • [c6b50011] Remove reference to Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.ViewCompilation from desktop templates (#531)
  • [74883b2c] Windows authentication is not applied on launchSettings.json (#528)
  • [a5fb8a3d] Fix the jquery.min.js file in RazorPages web application (#525)
