Implemented, The Amazing Zylann Hack (tm), fixes #10603

This commit is contained in:
Juan Linietsky 2017-08-25 00:34:32 -03:00
parent a7e8aa4053
commit b1c0e45b03
3 changed files with 19 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -930,6 +930,20 @@ static bool _guess_expression_type(GDCompletionContext &context, const GDParser:
static bool _guess_identifier_type_in_block(GDCompletionContext &context, int p_line, const StringName &p_identifier, GDCompletionIdentifier &r_type) {
if (context.block->if_condition && context.block->if_condition->type == GDParser::Node::TYPE_OPERATOR && static_cast<const GDParser::OperatorNode *>(context.block->if_condition)->op == GDParser::OperatorNode::OP_IS) {
//is used, check if identifier is in there! this helps resolve in blocks that are (if (identifier is value)): which are very common..
//super dirty hack, but very useful
//credit: Zylann
//TODO: this could be hacked to detect ANDed conditions too..
const GDParser::OperatorNode *op = static_cast<const GDParser::OperatorNode *>(context.block->if_condition);
if (op->arguments[0]->type == GDParser::Node::TYPE_IDENTIFIER && static_cast<const GDParser::IdentifierNode *>(op->arguments[0])->name == p_identifier) {
if (_guess_expression_type(context, op->arguments[1], op->line, r_type)) {
return true;
GDCompletionIdentifier gdi = _get_native_class(context);
if (gdi.obj_type != StringName()) {
bool valid;

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@ -2470,6 +2470,8 @@ void GDParser::_parse_block(BlockNode *p_block, bool p_static) {
cf_if->body = alloc_node<BlockNode>();
cf_if->body->parent_block = p_block;
cf_if->body->if_condition = condition; //helps code completion
if (!_enter_indent_block(cf_if->body)) {

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@ -146,10 +146,13 @@ public:
Vector<StringName> variables;
Vector<int> variable_lines;
Node *if_condition; //tiny hack to improve code completion on if () blocks
//the following is useful for code completion
List<BlockNode *> sub_blocks;
int end_line;
BlockNode() {
if_condition = NULL;
type = TYPE_BLOCK;
end_line = -1;
parent_block = NULL;