Ignacio Etcheverry 20d7013c60 Mono/C#: Fix project export and fix FindLast/GetFile regression
d09193b08a introduced a regression in
StringExtensions.FindLast. StringExtensions.GetFile was also affected as it
relies on FindLast. This in turn broke the project exporter as it uses GetFile.
The cause of the regression is that now FindLast is calling LastIndexOf
with 'startIndex: 0'. This should be 'startIndex: str.Length - 1' instead.

Also fixed another regression in the project exporter:
de7c2ad21b moved 'GodotTools/GodotSharpExport.cs'
to 'GodotTools/Export/ExportPlugin.cs' and in doing so accidently reverted
the changes from commit e439581198.
2019-12-17 13:06:41 +01:00

677 lines
27 KiB

using Godot;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using GodotTools.Core;
using GodotTools.Internals;
using static GodotTools.Internals.Globals;
using Directory = GodotTools.Utils.Directory;
using File = GodotTools.Utils.File;
using OS = GodotTools.Utils.OS;
using Path = System.IO.Path;
namespace GodotTools.Export
public class ExportPlugin : EditorExportPlugin
public void RegisterExportSettings()
// TODO: These would be better as export preset options, but that doesn't seem to be supported yet
GlobalDef("mono/export/include_scripts_content", false);
GlobalDef("mono/export/export_assemblies_inside_pck", true);
GlobalDef("mono/export/aot/enabled", false);
GlobalDef("mono/export/aot/full_aot", false);
// --aot or --aot=opt1,opt2 (use 'mono --aot=help AuxAssembly.dll' to list AOT options)
GlobalDef("mono/export/aot/extra_aot_options", new string[] { });
// --optimize/-O=opt1,opt2 (use 'mono --list-opt'' to list optimize options)
GlobalDef("mono/export/aot/extra_optimizer_options", new string[] { });
GlobalDef("mono/export/aot/android_toolchain_path", "");
private string maybeLastExportError;
private void AddFile(string srcPath, string dstPath, bool remap = false)
AddFile(dstPath.Replace("\\", "/"), File.ReadAllBytes(srcPath), remap);
public override void _ExportFile(string path, string type, string[] features)
base._ExportFile(path, type, features);
if (type != Internal.CSharpLanguageType)
if (Path.GetExtension(path) != $".{Internal.CSharpLanguageExtension}")
throw new ArgumentException($"Resource of type {Internal.CSharpLanguageType} has an invalid file extension: {path}", nameof(path));
// TODO What if the source file is not part of the game's C# project
bool includeScriptsContent = (bool)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/include_scripts_content");
if (!includeScriptsContent)
// We don't want to include the source code on exported games.
// Sadly, Godot prints errors when adding an empty file (nothing goes wrong, it's just noise).
// Because of this, we add a file which contains a line break.
AddFile(path, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("\n"), remap: false);
public override void _ExportBegin(string[] features, bool isDebug, string path, int flags)
base._ExportBegin(features, isDebug, path, flags);
_ExportBeginImpl(features, isDebug, path, flags);
catch (Exception e)
maybeLastExportError = e.Message;
GD.PushError($"Failed to export project: {e.Message}");
// TODO: Do something on error once _ExportBegin supports failing.
private void _ExportBeginImpl(string[] features, bool isDebug, string path, int flags)
if (!File.Exists(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectSlnPath))
string platform = DeterminePlatformFromFeatures(features);
if (platform == null)
throw new NotSupportedException("Target platform not supported");
string outputDir = new FileInfo(path).Directory?.FullName ??
throw new FileNotFoundException("Base directory not found");
string buildConfig = isDebug ? "Debug" : "Release";
string scriptsMetadataPath = Path.Combine(GodotSharpDirs.ResMetadataDir, $"scripts_metadata.{(isDebug ? "debug" : "release")}");
CsProjOperations.GenerateScriptsMetadata(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectCsProjPath, scriptsMetadataPath);
AddFile(scriptsMetadataPath, scriptsMetadataPath);
// Turn export features into defines
var godotDefines = features;
if (!BuildManager.BuildProjectBlocking(buildConfig, godotDefines))
throw new Exception("Failed to build project");
// Add dependency assemblies
var dependencies = new Godot.Collections.Dictionary<string, string>();
var projectDllName = (string)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("application/config/name");
if (projectDllName.Empty())
projectDllName = "UnnamedProject";
string projectDllSrcDir = Path.Combine(GodotSharpDirs.ResTempAssembliesBaseDir, buildConfig);
string projectDllSrcPath = Path.Combine(projectDllSrcDir, $"{projectDllName}.dll");
dependencies[projectDllName] = projectDllSrcPath;
if (platform == OS.Platforms.Android)
string godotAndroidExtProfileDir = GetBclProfileDir("godot_android_ext");
string monoAndroidAssemblyPath = Path.Combine(godotAndroidExtProfileDir, "Mono.Android.dll");
if (!File.Exists(monoAndroidAssemblyPath))
throw new FileNotFoundException("Assembly not found: 'Mono.Android'", monoAndroidAssemblyPath);
dependencies["Mono.Android"] = monoAndroidAssemblyPath;
var initialDependencies = dependencies.Duplicate();
internal_GetExportedAssemblyDependencies(initialDependencies, buildConfig, DeterminePlatformBclDir(platform), dependencies);
string outputDataDir = null;
if (PlatformHasTemplateDir(platform))
outputDataDir = ExportDataDirectory(features, platform, isDebug, outputDir);
string apiConfig = isDebug ? "Debug" : "Release";
string resAssembliesDir = Path.Combine(GodotSharpDirs.ResAssembliesBaseDir, apiConfig);
bool assembliesInsidePck = (bool)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/export_assemblies_inside_pck") || outputDataDir == null;
if (!assembliesInsidePck)
string outputDataGameAssembliesDir = Path.Combine(outputDataDir, "Assemblies");
if (!Directory.Exists(outputDataGameAssembliesDir))
foreach (var dependency in dependencies)
string dependSrcPath = dependency.Value;
if (assembliesInsidePck)
string dependDstPath = Path.Combine(resAssembliesDir, dependSrcPath.GetFile());
AddFile(dependSrcPath, dependDstPath);
string dependDstPath = Path.Combine(outputDataDir, "Assemblies", dependSrcPath.GetFile());
File.Copy(dependSrcPath, dependDstPath);
// AOT
if ((bool)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/aot/enabled"))
AotCompileDependencies(features, platform, isDebug, outputDir, outputDataDir, dependencies);
public override void _ExportEnd()
string aotTempDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), $"godot-aot-{Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id}");
if (Directory.Exists(aotTempDir))
Directory.Delete(aotTempDir, recursive: true);
// TODO: Just a workaround until the export plugins can be made to abort with errors
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(maybeLastExportError)) // Check empty as well, because it's set to empty after hot-reloading
string lastExportError = maybeLastExportError;
maybeLastExportError = null;
GodotSharpEditor.Instance.ShowErrorDialog(lastExportError, "Failed to export C# project");
private static string ExportDataDirectory(string[] features, string platform, bool isDebug, string outputDir)
string target = isDebug ? "release_debug" : "release";
// NOTE: Bits is ok for now as all platforms with a data directory have it, but that may change in the future.
string bits = features.Contains("64") ? "64" : "32";
string TemplateDirName() => $"data.mono.{platform}.{bits}.{target}";
string templateDirPath = Path.Combine(Internal.FullTemplatesDir, TemplateDirName());
bool validTemplatePathFound = true;
if (!Directory.Exists(templateDirPath))
validTemplatePathFound = false;
if (isDebug)
target = "debug"; // Support both 'release_debug' and 'debug' for the template data directory name
templateDirPath = Path.Combine(Internal.FullTemplatesDir, TemplateDirName());
validTemplatePathFound = true;
if (!Directory.Exists(templateDirPath))
validTemplatePathFound = false;
if (!validTemplatePathFound)
throw new FileNotFoundException("Data template directory not found", templateDirPath);
string outputDataDir = Path.Combine(outputDir, DataDirName);
if (Directory.Exists(outputDataDir))
Directory.Delete(outputDataDir, recursive: true); // Clean first
foreach (string dir in Directory.GetDirectories(templateDirPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(outputDataDir, dir.Substring(templateDirPath.Length + 1)));
foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(templateDirPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
File.Copy(file, Path.Combine(outputDataDir, file.Substring(templateDirPath.Length + 1)));
return outputDataDir;
private void AotCompileDependencies(string[] features, string platform, bool isDebug, string outputDir, string outputDataDir, IDictionary<string, string> dependencies)
string bclDir = DeterminePlatformBclDir(platform) ?? typeof(object).Assembly.Location.GetBaseDir();
string aotTempDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), $"godot-aot-{Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id}");
if (!Directory.Exists(aotTempDir))
var assemblies = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (var dependency in dependencies)
string assemblyName = dependency.Key;
string assemblyPath = dependency.Value;
string assemblyPathInBcl = Path.Combine(bclDir, assemblyName + ".dll");
if (File.Exists(assemblyPathInBcl))
// Don't create teporaries for assemblies from the BCL
assemblies.Add(assemblyName, assemblyPathInBcl);
string tempAssemblyPath = Path.Combine(aotTempDir, assemblyName + ".dll");
File.Copy(assemblyPath, tempAssemblyPath);
assemblies.Add(assemblyName, tempAssemblyPath);
foreach (var assembly in assemblies)
string assemblyName = assembly.Key;
string assemblyPath = assembly.Value;
string sharedLibExtension = platform == OS.Platforms.Windows ? ".dll" :
platform == OS.Platforms.OSX ? ".dylib" :
platform == OS.Platforms.HTML5 ? ".wasm" :
string outputFileName = assemblyName + ".dll" + sharedLibExtension;
if (platform == OS.Platforms.Android)
// Not sure if the 'lib' prefix is an Android thing or just Godot being picky,
// but we use '-aot-' as well just in case to avoid conflicts with other libs.
outputFileName = "lib-aot-" + outputFileName;
string outputFilePath = null;
string tempOutputFilePath;
switch (platform)
case OS.Platforms.OSX:
tempOutputFilePath = Path.Combine(aotTempDir, outputFileName);
case OS.Platforms.Android:
tempOutputFilePath = Path.Combine(aotTempDir, "%%ANDROID_ABI%%", outputFileName);
case OS.Platforms.HTML5:
tempOutputFilePath = Path.Combine(aotTempDir, outputFileName);
outputFilePath = Path.Combine(outputDir, outputFileName);
tempOutputFilePath = Path.Combine(aotTempDir, outputFileName);
outputFilePath = Path.Combine(outputDataDir, "Mono", platform == OS.Platforms.Windows ? "bin" : "lib", outputFileName);
var data = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var enabledAndroidAbis = platform == OS.Platforms.Android ? GetEnabledAndroidAbis(features).ToArray() : null;
if (platform == OS.Platforms.Android)
Debug.Assert(enabledAndroidAbis != null);
foreach (var abi in enabledAndroidAbis)
data["abi"] = abi;
var outputFilePathForThisAbi = tempOutputFilePath.Replace("%%ANDROID_ABI%%", abi);
AotCompileAssembly(platform, isDebug, data, assemblyPath, outputFilePathForThisAbi);
AddSharedObject(outputFilePathForThisAbi, tags: new[] { abi });
string bits = features.Contains("64") ? "64" : features.Contains("64") ? "32" : null;
if (bits != null)
data["bits"] = bits;
AotCompileAssembly(platform, isDebug, data, assemblyPath, tempOutputFilePath);
if (platform == OS.Platforms.OSX)
AddSharedObject(tempOutputFilePath, tags: null);
Debug.Assert(outputFilePath != null);
File.Copy(tempOutputFilePath, outputFilePath);
private static void AotCompileAssembly(string platform, bool isDebug, Dictionary<string, string> data, string assemblyPath, string outputFilePath)
// Make sure the output directory exists
string exeExt = OS.IsWindows ? ".exe" : string.Empty;
string monoCrossDirName = DetermineMonoCrossDirName(platform, data);
string monoCrossRoot = Path.Combine(GodotSharpDirs.DataEditorToolsDir, "aot-compilers", monoCrossDirName);
string monoCrossBin = Path.Combine(monoCrossRoot, "bin");
string toolPrefix = DetermineToolPrefix(monoCrossBin);
string monoExeName = System.IO.File.Exists(Path.Combine(monoCrossBin, $"{toolPrefix}mono{exeExt}")) ? "mono" : "mono-sgen";
string compilerCommand = Path.Combine(monoCrossBin, $"{toolPrefix}{monoExeName}{exeExt}");
bool fullAot = (bool)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/aot/full_aot");
string EscapeOption(string option) => option.Contains(',') ? $"\"{option}\"" : option;
string OptionsToString(IEnumerable<string> options) => string.Join(",", options.Select(EscapeOption));
var aotOptions = new List<string>();
var optimizerOptions = new List<string>();
if (fullAot)
aotOptions.Add(isDebug ? "soft-debug" : "nodebug");
if (platform == OS.Platforms.Android)
string abi = data["abi"];
string androidToolchain = (string)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/aot/android_toolchain_path");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(androidToolchain))
androidToolchain = Path.Combine(GodotSharpDirs.DataEditorToolsDir, "android-toolchains", $"{abi}"); // TODO: $"{abi}-{apiLevel}{(clang?"clang":"")}"
if (!Directory.Exists(androidToolchain))
throw new FileNotFoundException("Missing android toolchain. Specify one in the AOT export settings.");
else if (!Directory.Exists(androidToolchain))
throw new FileNotFoundException("Android toolchain not found: " + androidToolchain);
var androidToolPrefixes = new Dictionary<string, string>
["armeabi-v7a"] = "arm-linux-androideabi-",
["arm64-v8a"] = "aarch64-linux-android-",
["x86"] = "i686-linux-android-",
["x86_64"] = "x86_64-linux-android-"
aotOptions.Add("tool-prefix=" + Path.Combine(androidToolchain, "bin", androidToolPrefixes[abi]));
string triple = GetAndroidTriple(abi);
var extraAotOptions = (string[])ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/aot/extra_aot_options");
var extraOptimizerOptions = (string[])ProjectSettings.GetSetting("mono/export/aot/extra_optimizer_options");
if (extraAotOptions.Length > 0)
if (extraOptimizerOptions.Length > 0)
var compilerArgs = new List<string>();
if (isDebug)
compilerArgs.Add("--debug"); // Required for --aot=soft-debug
compilerArgs.Add(aotOptions.Count > 0 ? $"--aot={OptionsToString(aotOptions)}" : "--aot");
if (optimizerOptions.Count > 0)
// TODO: Once we move to .NET Standard 2.1 we can use ProcessStartInfo.ArgumentList instead
string CmdLineArgsToString(IEnumerable<string> args)
// Not perfect, but as long as we are careful...
return string.Join(" ", args.Select(arg => arg.Contains(" ") ? $@"""{arg}""" : arg));
using (var process = new Process())
process.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(compilerCommand, CmdLineArgsToString(compilerArgs))
UseShellExecute = false
string platformBclDir = DeterminePlatformBclDir(platform);
process.StartInfo.EnvironmentVariables.Add("MONO_PATH", string.IsNullOrEmpty(platformBclDir) ?
typeof(object).Assembly.Location.GetBaseDir() :
Console.WriteLine($"Running: \"{process.StartInfo.FileName}\" {process.StartInfo.Arguments}");
if (!process.Start())
throw new Exception("Failed to start process for Mono AOT compiler");
if (process.ExitCode != 0)
throw new Exception($"Mono AOT compiler exited with error code: {process.ExitCode}");
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(outputFilePath))
throw new Exception("Mono AOT compiler finished successfully but the output file is missing");
private static string DetermineMonoCrossDirName(string platform, IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> data)
switch (platform)
case OS.Platforms.Windows:
case OS.Platforms.UWP:
string arch = data["bits"] == "64" ? "x86_64" : "i686";
return $"windows-{arch}";
case OS.Platforms.OSX:
string arch = "x86_64";
return $"{platform}-{arch}";
case OS.Platforms.X11:
case OS.Platforms.Server:
string arch = data["bits"] == "64" ? "x86_64" : "i686";
return $"linux-{arch}";
case OS.Platforms.Haiku:
string arch = data["bits"] == "64" ? "x86_64" : "i686";
return $"{platform}-{arch}";
case OS.Platforms.Android:
string abi = data["abi"];
return $"{platform}-{abi}";
case OS.Platforms.HTML5:
return "wasm-wasm32";
throw new NotSupportedException();
private static string DetermineToolPrefix(string monoCrossBin)
string exeExt = OS.IsWindows ? ".exe" : string.Empty;
if (System.IO.File.Exists(Path.Combine(monoCrossBin, $"mono{exeExt}")))
return string.Empty;
if (System.IO.File.Exists(Path.Combine(monoCrossBin, $"mono-sgen{exeExt}" + exeExt)))
return string.Empty;
var files = new DirectoryInfo(monoCrossBin).GetFiles($"*mono{exeExt}" + exeExt, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
if (files.Length > 0)
string fileName = files[0].Name;
return fileName.Substring(0, fileName.Length - $"mono{exeExt}".Length);
files = new DirectoryInfo(monoCrossBin).GetFiles($"*mono-sgen{exeExt}" + exeExt, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
if (files.Length > 0)
string fileName = files[0].Name;
return fileName.Substring(0, fileName.Length - $"mono-sgen{exeExt}".Length);
throw new FileNotFoundException($"Cannot find the mono runtime executable in {monoCrossBin}");
private static IEnumerable<string> GetEnabledAndroidAbis(string[] features)
var androidAbis = new[]
return androidAbis.Where(features.Contains);
private static string GetAndroidTriple(string abi)
var abiArchs = new Dictionary<string, string>
["armeabi-v7a"] = "armv7",
["arm64-v8a"] = "aarch64-v8a",
["x86"] = "i686",
["x86_64"] = "x86_64"
string arch = abiArchs[abi];
return $"{arch}-linux-android";
private static bool PlatformHasTemplateDir(string platform)
// OSX export templates are contained in a zip, so we place our custom template inside it and let Godot do the rest.
return !new[] { OS.Platforms.OSX, OS.Platforms.Android, OS.Platforms.HTML5 }.Contains(platform);
private static string DeterminePlatformFromFeatures(IEnumerable<string> features)
foreach (var feature in features)
if (OS.PlatformNameMap.TryGetValue(feature, out string platform))
return platform;
return null;
private static string GetBclProfileDir(string profile)
string templatesDir = Internal.FullTemplatesDir;
return Path.Combine(templatesDir, "bcl", profile);
private static string DeterminePlatformBclDir(string platform)
string templatesDir = Internal.FullTemplatesDir;
string platformBclDir = Path.Combine(templatesDir, "bcl", platform);
if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(platformBclDir, "mscorlib.dll")))
string profile = DeterminePlatformBclProfile(platform);
platformBclDir = Path.Combine(templatesDir, "bcl", profile);
if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(platformBclDir, "mscorlib.dll")))
if (PlatformRequiresCustomBcl(platform))
throw new FileNotFoundException($"Missing BCL (Base Class Library) for platform: {platform}");
platformBclDir = null; // Use the one we're running on
return platformBclDir;
/// <summary>
/// Determines whether the BCL bundled with the Godot editor can be used for the target platform,
/// or if it requires a custom BCL that must be distributed with the export templates.
/// </summary>
private static bool PlatformRequiresCustomBcl(string platform)
if (new[] { OS.Platforms.Android, OS.Platforms.HTML5 }.Contains(platform))
return true;
// The 'net_4_x' BCL is not compatible between Windows and the other platforms.
// We use the names 'net_4_x_win' and 'net_4_x' to differentiate between the two.
bool isWinOrUwp = new[]
return OS.IsWindows ? !isWinOrUwp : isWinOrUwp;
private static string DeterminePlatformBclProfile(string platform)
switch (platform)
case OS.Platforms.Windows:
case OS.Platforms.UWP:
return "net_4_x_win";
case OS.Platforms.OSX:
case OS.Platforms.X11:
case OS.Platforms.Server:
case OS.Platforms.Haiku:
return "net_4_x";
case OS.Platforms.Android:
return "monodroid";
case OS.Platforms.HTML5:
return "wasm";
throw new NotSupportedException();
private static string DataDirName
var appName = (string)ProjectSettings.GetSetting("application/config/name");
string appNameSafe = appName.ToSafeDirName(allowDirSeparator: false);
return $"data_{appNameSafe}";
private static extern void internal_GetExportedAssemblyDependencies(Godot.Collections.Dictionary<string, string> initialDependencies,
string buildConfig, string customBclDir, Godot.Collections.Dictionary<string, string> dependencies);