Ignacio Etcheverry 86274b9fc9 Mono/C#: Re-structure API solution and GodotTools post-build target
Previously we had a placeholder solution called 'Managed' to benefit from
tooling while editing the a part of the C# API.
Later the bindings generator would create the final 'GodotSharp' solution
including these C# files as well as the auto-generated C# API.
Now we replaced the 'Managed' solution with the final 'GodotSharp' solution
which is no longer auto-generated, and the bindings generator only takes
care of the auto-generated C# API.
This has the following benefits:
- It's less confusing as there will no longer be two versions of the same file
(the original and a generated copy of it). Now there's only one.
- We no longer need placeholder for auto-generated API classes, like Node or
Resource. We used them for benefiting from tooling. Now we can just use the
auto-generated API itself.
- Simplifies the build system and bindings generator. Removed lot of code
that is not needed anymore.

Also added a post-build target to the GodotTools project to copy the output to
the data dir. This makes it easy to iterate when doing changes to GodotTools,
as SCons doesn't have to be executed anymore just to copy these new files.
2019-12-28 20:48:55 +01:00

61 lines
1.6 KiB

using System;
using real_t = System.Double;
using real_t = System.Single;
namespace Godot
public static partial class Mathf
// Define constants with Decimal precision and cast down to double or float.
public const real_t E = (real_t) 2.7182818284590452353602874714M; // 2.7182817f and 2.718281828459045
public const real_t Sqrt2 = (real_t) 1.4142135623730950488016887242M; // 1.4142136f and 1.414213562373095
public const real_t Epsilon = 1e-14; // Epsilon size should depend on the precision used.
public const real_t Epsilon = 1e-06f;
public static int DecimalCount(real_t s)
return DecimalCount((decimal)s);
public static int DecimalCount(decimal s)
return BitConverter.GetBytes(decimal.GetBits(s)[3])[2];
public static int CeilToInt(real_t s)
return (int)Math.Ceiling(s);
public static int FloorToInt(real_t s)
return (int)Math.Floor(s);
public static int RoundToInt(real_t s)
return (int)Math.Round(s);
public static bool IsEqualApprox(real_t a, real_t b, real_t tolerance)
// Check for exact equality first, required to handle "infinity" values.
if (a == b)
return true;
// Then check for approximate equality.
return Abs(a - b) < tolerance;