Rémi Verschelde 8d300cc8a8 i18n: Disable line numbers in location context
Can be toggled on with --with-line-nb.
2016-05-21 18:59:27 +02:00

96 lines
2.3 KiB
Executable file

import fnmatch
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
line_nb = False
for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
if (arg == "--with-line-nb"):
print("Enabling line numbers in the context locations.")
line_nb = True
os.sys.exit("Non supported argument '" + arg + "'. Aborting.")
if (not os.path.exists("tools")):
os.sys.exit("ERROR: This script should be started from the root of the git repo.")
matches = []
for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('.'):
for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.cpp'):
if (filename.find("collada") != -1):
matches.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.h'):
if (filename.find("collada") != -1):
matches.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
unique_str = []
unique_loc = {}
main_po = ""
print("Updating the tools.pot template...")
for fname in matches:
f = open(fname, "rb")
l = f.readline()
lc = 1
while (l):
pos = 0
while (pos >= 0):
pos = l.find('TTR(\"', pos)
if (pos == -1):
pos += 5
msg = ""
while (pos < len(l) and (l[pos] != '"' or l[pos - 1] == '\\')):
msg += l[pos]
pos += 1
location = os.path.relpath(fname).replace('\\','/')
if (line_nb):
location += ":" + str(lc)
if (not msg in unique_str):
main_po += "\n#: " + location + "\n"
main_po += 'msgid "' + msg + '"\n'
main_po += 'msgstr ""\n'
unique_loc[msg] = [location]
elif (not location in unique_loc[msg]):
# Add additional location to previous occurence too
msg_pos = main_po.find('\nmsgid "' + msg)
main_po = main_po[:msg_pos] + ' ' + location + main_po[msg_pos:]
l = f.readline()
lc += 1
f = open("tools.pot", "wb")
shutil.move("tools.pot", "tools/translations/tools.pot")
# TODO: Make that in a portable way, if we care; if not, kudos to Unix users
if (os.name == "posix"):
added = subprocess.check_output("git diff tools/translations/tools.pot | grep \+msgid | wc -l", shell = True)
removed = subprocess.check_output("git diff tools/translations/tools.pot | grep \\\-msgid | wc -l", shell = True)
print("Template changes compared to the staged status:")
print(" Additions: %s msgids.\n Deletions: %s msgids." % (int(added), int(removed)))