jfons 767e374dce Upgrade Embree to the latest official release.
Since Embree v3.13.0 supports AARCH64, switch back to the
official repo instead of using Embree-aarch64.

`thirdparty/embree/patches/godot-changes.patch` should now contain
an accurate diff of the changes done to the library.
2021-05-21 17:00:24 +02:00

241 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#pragma once
#include "constants.h"
#include "col3.h"
#include "col4.h"
#include "../simd/sse.h"
namespace embree
/// SSE RGBA Color Class
struct Color4
union {
__m128 m128;
struct { float r,g,b,a; };
/// Construction
__forceinline Color4 () {}
__forceinline Color4 ( const __m128 a ) : m128(a) {}
__forceinline explicit Color4 (const float v) : m128(_mm_set1_ps(v)) {}
__forceinline Color4 (const float r, const float g, const float b, const float a) : m128(_mm_set_ps(a,b,g,r)) {}
__forceinline explicit Color4 ( const Col3uc& other ) { m128 = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_set_ps(255.0f,other.b,other.g,other.r),_mm_set1_ps(one_over_255)); }
__forceinline explicit Color4 ( const Col3f& other ) { m128 = _mm_set_ps(1.0f,other.b,other.g,other.r); }
__forceinline explicit Color4 ( const Col4uc& other ) { m128 = _mm_mul_ps(_mm_set_ps(other.a,other.b,other.g,other.r),_mm_set1_ps(one_over_255)); }
__forceinline explicit Color4 ( const Col4f& other ) { m128 = _mm_set_ps(other.a,other.b,other.g,other.r); }
__forceinline Color4 ( const Color4& other ) : m128(other.m128) {}
__forceinline Color4& operator=( const Color4& other ) { m128 = other.m128; return *this; }
__forceinline operator const __m128&() const { return m128; }
__forceinline operator __m128&() { return m128; }
/// Set
__forceinline void set(Col3f& d) const { d.r = r; d.g = g; d.b = b; }
__forceinline void set(Col4f& d) const { d.r = r; d.g = g; d.b = b; d.a = a; }
__forceinline void set(Col3uc& d) const
vfloat4 s = clamp(vfloat4(m128))*255.0f;
d.r = (unsigned char)(s[0]);
d.g = (unsigned char)(s[1]);
d.b = (unsigned char)(s[2]);
__forceinline void set(Col4uc& d) const
vfloat4 s = clamp(vfloat4(m128))*255.0f;
d.r = (unsigned char)(s[0]);
d.g = (unsigned char)(s[1]);
d.b = (unsigned char)(s[2]);
d.a = (unsigned char)(s[3]);
/// Constants
__forceinline Color4( ZeroTy ) : m128(_mm_set1_ps(0.0f)) {}
__forceinline Color4( OneTy ) : m128(_mm_set1_ps(1.0f)) {}
__forceinline Color4( PosInfTy ) : m128(_mm_set1_ps(pos_inf)) {}
__forceinline Color4( NegInfTy ) : m128(_mm_set1_ps(neg_inf)) {}
/// SSE RGB Color Class
struct Color
union {
__m128 m128;
struct { float r,g,b; };
/// Construction
__forceinline Color () {}
__forceinline Color ( const __m128 a ) : m128(a) {}
__forceinline explicit Color (const float v) : m128(_mm_set1_ps(v)) {}
__forceinline Color (const float r, const float g, const float b) : m128(_mm_set_ps(0.0f,b,g,r)) {}
__forceinline Color ( const Color& other ) : m128(other.m128) {}
__forceinline Color& operator=( const Color& other ) { m128 = other.m128; return *this; }
__forceinline Color ( const Color4& other ) : m128(other.m128) {}
__forceinline Color& operator=( const Color4& other ) { m128 = other.m128; return *this; }
__forceinline operator const __m128&() const { return m128; }
__forceinline operator __m128&() { return m128; }
/// Set
__forceinline void set(Col3f& d) const { d.r = r; d.g = g; d.b = b; }
__forceinline void set(Col4f& d) const { d.r = r; d.g = g; d.b = b; d.a = 1.0f; }
__forceinline void set(Col3uc& d) const
vfloat4 s = clamp(vfloat4(m128))*255.0f;
d.r = (unsigned char)(s[0]);
d.g = (unsigned char)(s[1]);
d.b = (unsigned char)(s[2]);
__forceinline void set(Col4uc& d) const
vfloat4 s = clamp(vfloat4(m128))*255.0f;
d.r = (unsigned char)(s[0]);
d.g = (unsigned char)(s[1]);
d.b = (unsigned char)(s[2]);
d.a = 255;
/// Constants
__forceinline Color( ZeroTy ) : m128(_mm_set1_ps(0.0f)) {}
__forceinline Color( OneTy ) : m128(_mm_set1_ps(1.0f)) {}
__forceinline Color( PosInfTy ) : m128(_mm_set1_ps(pos_inf)) {}
__forceinline Color( NegInfTy ) : m128(_mm_set1_ps(neg_inf)) {}
/// Unary Operators
__forceinline const Color operator +( const Color& a ) { return a; }
__forceinline const Color operator -( const Color& a ) {
const __m128 mask = _mm_castsi128_ps(_mm_set1_epi32(0x80000000));
return _mm_xor_ps(a.m128, mask);
__forceinline const Color abs ( const Color& a ) {
const __m128 mask = _mm_castsi128_ps(_mm_set1_epi32(0x7fffffff));
return _mm_and_ps(a.m128, mask);
__forceinline const Color rcp ( const Color& a )
#if defined(__AVX512VL__)
const Color r = _mm_rcp14_ps(a.m128);
const Color r = _mm_rcp_ps(a.m128);
return _mm_sub_ps(_mm_add_ps(r, r), _mm_mul_ps(_mm_mul_ps(r, r), a));
__forceinline const Color rsqrt( const Color& a )
#if defined(__AVX512VL__)
__m128 r = _mm_rsqrt14_ps(a.m128);
__m128 r = _mm_rsqrt_ps(a.m128);
return _mm_add_ps(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_set1_ps(1.5f),r), _mm_mul_ps(_mm_mul_ps(_mm_mul_ps(a, _mm_set1_ps(-0.5f)), r), _mm_mul_ps(r, r)));
__forceinline const Color sqrt ( const Color& a ) { return _mm_sqrt_ps(a.m128); }
/// Binary Operators
__forceinline const Color operator +( const Color& a, const Color& b ) { return _mm_add_ps(a.m128, b.m128); }
__forceinline const Color operator -( const Color& a, const Color& b ) { return _mm_sub_ps(a.m128, b.m128); }
__forceinline const Color operator *( const Color& a, const Color& b ) { return _mm_mul_ps(a.m128, b.m128); }
__forceinline const Color operator *( const Color& a, const float b ) { return a * Color(b); }
__forceinline const Color operator *( const float a, const Color& b ) { return Color(a) * b; }
__forceinline const Color operator /( const Color& a, const Color& b ) { return a * rcp(b); }
__forceinline const Color operator /( const Color& a, const float b ) { return a * rcp(b); }
__forceinline const Color min( const Color& a, const Color& b ) { return _mm_min_ps(a.m128,b.m128); }
__forceinline const Color max( const Color& a, const Color& b ) { return _mm_max_ps(a.m128,b.m128); }
/// Assignment Operators
__forceinline const Color operator+=(Color& a, const Color& b) { return a = a + b; }
__forceinline const Color operator-=(Color& a, const Color& b) { return a = a - b; }
__forceinline const Color operator*=(Color& a, const Color& b) { return a = a * b; }
__forceinline const Color operator/=(Color& a, const Color& b) { return a = a / b; }
__forceinline const Color operator*=(Color& a, const float b ) { return a = a * b; }
__forceinline const Color operator/=(Color& a, const float b ) { return a = a / b; }
/// Reductions
__forceinline float reduce_add(const Color& v) { return v.r+v.g+v.b; }
__forceinline float reduce_mul(const Color& v) { return v.r*v.g*v.b; }
__forceinline float reduce_min(const Color& v) { return min(v.r,v.g,v.b); }
__forceinline float reduce_max(const Color& v) { return max(v.r,v.g,v.b); }
/// Comparison Operators
__forceinline bool operator ==( const Color& a, const Color& b ) { return (_mm_movemask_ps(_mm_cmpeq_ps (a.m128, b.m128)) & 7) == 7; }
__forceinline bool operator !=( const Color& a, const Color& b ) { return (_mm_movemask_ps(_mm_cmpneq_ps(a.m128, b.m128)) & 7) != 0; }
__forceinline bool operator < ( const Color& a, const Color& b ) {
if (a.r != b.r) return a.r < b.r;
if (a.g != b.g) return a.g < b.g;
if (a.b != b.b) return a.b < b.b;
return false;
/// Select
__forceinline const Color select( bool s, const Color& t, const Color& f ) {
__m128 mask = s ? _mm_castsi128_ps(_mm_cmpeq_epi32(_mm_setzero_si128(), _mm_setzero_si128())) : _mm_setzero_ps();
return blendv_ps(f, t, mask);
/// Special Operators
/*! computes luminance of a color */
__forceinline float luminance (const Color& a) { return madd(0.212671f,a.r,madd(0.715160f,a.g,0.072169f*a.b)); }
/*! output operator */
__forceinline embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const Color& a) {
return cout << "(" << a.r << ", " << a.g << ", " << a.b << ")";