Ignacio Etcheverry ced77b1e9b C#: Switch games to MSBuild Sdks and .NET Standard

Godot uses its own custom MSBuild Sdk for game
projects. This new Sdk adds its own functionality
on top of 'Microsoft.NET.Sdk'.

The new Sdk is resolved from the NuGet package.

All the default boilerplate was moved from game
projects to the Sdk. The default csproj for
game project can now be as simple as:

<Project Sdk="Godot.NET.Sdk/4.0.0-dev2">

Source files are included by automatically so
Godot no longer needs to keep the csproj in sync
when creating new source files.

Define constants

Godot defines a list of constants for conditional
compilation. When exporting games, this list also
included engine 'features' and platform 'bits'.
There were a few problems with that:

- The 'features' constants were only defined when
  exporting games. Not when building the game for
  running in the editor player.
- If the project was built externally by an IDE,
  the constants wouldn't be defined at all.

The new Sdk assigns default values to these
constants when not built from the Godot editor,
i.e.: when built from an IDE or from the command
line. The default define constants are determined
from the system MSBuild is running on.

However, it's not possible for MSBuild to
determine the set of supported engine features.
It's also not possible to determine if a project
is being built to run on a 32-bit or 64-bit
Godot executable.

As such the 'features' and 'bits' constants had
to be removed.
The benefit of checking those at compile time
was questionable, and they can still be checked
at runtime.

The new list of define constants includes:

  Defaults to the platform MSBuild is running on.
  When building with the 'Debug' configuration
  (editor and editor player).
  Not defined by default unless $(GodotRealTIsDouble)
  is overriden to be 'true'.

.NET Standard

The target framework of game projects was changed
to 'netstandard2.1'.
2020-07-25 19:22:01 +02:00

101 lines
3.1 KiB

using System;
using GodotTools.Core;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Build.Construction;
using Microsoft.Build.Globbing;
namespace GodotTools.ProjectEditor
public sealed class MSBuildProject
internal ProjectRootElement Root { get; set; }
public bool HasUnsavedChanges { get; set; }
public void Save() => Root.Save();
public MSBuildProject(ProjectRootElement root)
Root = root;
public static class ProjectUtils
public static MSBuildProject Open(string path)
var root = ProjectRootElement.Open(path);
return root != null ? new MSBuildProject(root) : null;
private static List<string> GetAllFilesRecursive(string rootDirectory, string mask)
string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(rootDirectory, mask, SearchOption.AllDirectories);
// We want relative paths
for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)
files[i] = files[i].RelativeToPath(rootDirectory);
return new List<string>(files);
// NOTE: Assumes auto-including items. Only used by the scripts metadata generator, which will be replaced with source generators in the future.
public static IEnumerable<string> GetIncludeFiles(string projectPath, string itemType)
var excluded = new List<string>();
var includedFiles = GetAllFilesRecursive(Path.GetDirectoryName(projectPath), "*.cs");
var root = ProjectRootElement.Open(projectPath);
Debug.Assert(root != null);
foreach (var item in root.Items)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Condition))
if (item.ItemType != itemType)
string normalizedExclude = item.Exclude.NormalizePath();
var glob = MSBuildGlob.Parse(normalizedExclude);
excluded.AddRange(includedFiles.Where(includedFile => glob.IsMatch(includedFile)));
includedFiles.RemoveAll(f => excluded.Contains(f));
return includedFiles;
public static void MigrateToProjectSdksStyle(MSBuildProject project, string projectName)
var origRoot = project.Root;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(origRoot.Sdk))
project.Root = ProjectGenerator.GenGameProject(projectName);
project.Root.FullPath = origRoot.FullPath;
project.HasUnsavedChanges = true;
public static void EnsureGodotSdkIsUpToDate(MSBuildProject project)
var root = project.Root;
string godotSdkAttrValue = ProjectGenerator.GodotSdkAttrValue;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(root.Sdk) && root.Sdk.Trim().Equals(godotSdkAttrValue, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
root.Sdk = godotSdkAttrValue;
project.HasUnsavedChanges = true;