Ignacio Etcheverry e2afe700f6 Add C# source generator for a new ScriptPath attribute
This source generator adds a newly introduced attribute,
`ScriptPath` to all classes that:

- Are top-level classes (not inner/nested).
- Have the `partial` modifier.
- Inherit `Godot.Object`.
- The class name matches the file name.

A build error is thrown if the generator finds a class that meets these
conditions but is not declared `partial`, unless the class is annotated
with the `DisableGodotGenerators` attribute.

We also generate an `AssemblyHasScripts` assembly attribute which Godot
uses to get all the script classes in the assembly, eliminating the need
for Godot to search them. We can also avoid searching in assemblies that
don't have this attribute. This will be good for performance in the
future once we support multiple assemblies with Godot script classes.

This is an example of what the generated code looks like:

using Godot;
namespace Foo {
	// Multiple partial declarations are allowed
	partial class Player {}

[assembly:AssemblyHasScripts(new System.Type[] { typeof(Foo.Player) })]

The new attributes replace script metadata which we were generating by
determining the namespace of script classes with a very simple parser.
This fixes several issues with the old approach related to parser
errors and conditional compilation.
It also makes the task part of the MSBuild project build, rather than
a separate step executed by the Godot editor.
2021-03-06 21:50:32 +01:00

273 lines
10 KiB

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using GodotTools.Ides.Rider;
using GodotTools.Internals;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using static GodotTools.Internals.Globals;
using File = GodotTools.Utils.File;
using OS = GodotTools.Utils.OS;
namespace GodotTools.Build
public static class BuildManager
private static BuildInfo _buildInProgress;
public const string PropNameMSBuildMono = "MSBuild (Mono)";
public const string PropNameMSBuildVs = "MSBuild (VS Build Tools)";
public const string PropNameMSBuildJetBrains = "MSBuild (JetBrains Rider)";
public const string PropNameDotnetCli = "dotnet CLI";
public const string MsBuildIssuesFileName = "msbuild_issues.csv";
public const string MsBuildLogFileName = "msbuild_log.txt";
public delegate void BuildLaunchFailedEventHandler(BuildInfo buildInfo, string reason);
public static event BuildLaunchFailedEventHandler BuildLaunchFailed;
public static event Action<BuildInfo> BuildStarted;
public static event Action<BuildResult> BuildFinished;
public static event Action<string> StdOutputReceived;
public static event Action<string> StdErrorReceived;
private static void RemoveOldIssuesFile(BuildInfo buildInfo)
var issuesFile = GetIssuesFilePath(buildInfo);
if (!File.Exists(issuesFile))
private static void ShowBuildErrorDialog(string message)
var plugin = GodotSharpEditor.Instance;
plugin.ShowErrorDialog(message, "Build error");
public static void RestartBuild(BuildOutputView buildOutputView) => throw new NotImplementedException();
public static void StopBuild(BuildOutputView buildOutputView) => throw new NotImplementedException();
private static string GetLogFilePath(BuildInfo buildInfo)
return Path.Combine(buildInfo.LogsDirPath, MsBuildLogFileName);
private static string GetIssuesFilePath(BuildInfo buildInfo)
return Path.Combine(buildInfo.LogsDirPath, MsBuildIssuesFileName);
private static void PrintVerbose(string text)
if (Godot.OS.IsStdoutVerbose())
public static bool Build(BuildInfo buildInfo)
if (_buildInProgress != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("A build is already in progress");
_buildInProgress = buildInfo;
// Required in order to update the build tasks list
catch (IOException e)
BuildLaunchFailed?.Invoke(buildInfo, $"Cannot remove issues file: {GetIssuesFilePath(buildInfo)}");
int exitCode = BuildSystem.Build(buildInfo, StdOutputReceived, StdErrorReceived);
if (exitCode != 0)
PrintVerbose($"MSBuild exited with code: {exitCode}. Log file: {GetLogFilePath(buildInfo)}");
BuildFinished?.Invoke(exitCode == 0 ? BuildResult.Success : BuildResult.Error);
return exitCode == 0;
catch (Exception e)
BuildLaunchFailed?.Invoke(buildInfo, $"The build method threw an exception.\n{e.GetType().FullName}: {e.Message}");
return false;
_buildInProgress = null;
public static async Task<bool> BuildAsync(BuildInfo buildInfo)
if (_buildInProgress != null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("A build is already in progress");
_buildInProgress = buildInfo;
catch (IOException e)
BuildLaunchFailed?.Invoke(buildInfo, $"Cannot remove issues file: {GetIssuesFilePath(buildInfo)}");
int exitCode = await BuildSystem.BuildAsync(buildInfo, StdOutputReceived, StdErrorReceived);
if (exitCode != 0)
PrintVerbose($"MSBuild exited with code: {exitCode}. Log file: {GetLogFilePath(buildInfo)}");
BuildFinished?.Invoke(exitCode == 0 ? BuildResult.Success : BuildResult.Error);
return exitCode == 0;
catch (Exception e)
BuildLaunchFailed?.Invoke(buildInfo, $"The build method threw an exception.\n{e.GetType().FullName}: {e.Message}");
return false;
_buildInProgress = null;
public static bool BuildProjectBlocking(string config, [CanBeNull] string[] targets = null, [CanBeNull] string platform = null)
var buildInfo = new BuildInfo(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectSlnPath, targets ?? new[] {"Build"}, config, restore: true);
// If a platform was not specified, try determining the current one. If that fails, let MSBuild auto-detect it.
if (platform != null || OS.PlatformNameMap.TryGetValue(Godot.OS.GetName(), out platform))
if (Internal.GodotIsRealTDouble())
return BuildProjectBlocking(buildInfo);
private static bool BuildProjectBlocking(BuildInfo buildInfo)
if (!File.Exists(buildInfo.Solution))
return true; // No solution to build
// Make sure the API assemblies are up to date before building the project.
// We may not have had the chance to update the release API assemblies, and the debug ones
// may have been deleted by the user at some point after they were loaded by the Godot editor.
string apiAssembliesUpdateError = Internal.UpdateApiAssembliesFromPrebuilt(buildInfo.Configuration == "ExportRelease" ? "Release" : "Debug");
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(apiAssembliesUpdateError))
ShowBuildErrorDialog("Failed to update the Godot API assemblies");
return false;
using (var pr = new EditorProgress("mono_project_debug_build", "Building project solution...", 1))
pr.Step("Building project solution", 0);
if (!Build(buildInfo))
ShowBuildErrorDialog("Failed to build project solution");
return false;
return true;
public static bool EditorBuildCallback()
if (!File.Exists(GodotSharpDirs.ProjectSlnPath))
return true; // No solution to build
// Make sure our packages are added to the fallback folder
catch (Exception e)
Godot.GD.PushError("Failed to setup Godot NuGet Offline Packages: " + e.Message);
if (GodotSharpEditor.Instance.SkipBuildBeforePlaying)
return true; // Requested play from an external editor/IDE which already built the project
return BuildProjectBlocking("Debug");
public static void Initialize()
// Build tool settings
var editorSettings = GodotSharpEditor.Instance.GetEditorInterface().GetEditorSettings();
BuildTool msbuildDefault;
if (OS.IsWindows)
if (RiderPathManager.IsExternalEditorSetToRider(editorSettings))
msbuildDefault = BuildTool.JetBrainsMsBuild;
msbuildDefault = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(OS.PathWhich("dotnet")) ? BuildTool.DotnetCli : BuildTool.MsBuildVs;
msbuildDefault = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(OS.PathWhich("dotnet")) ? BuildTool.DotnetCli : BuildTool.MsBuildMono;
EditorDef("mono/builds/build_tool", msbuildDefault);
string hintString;
if (OS.IsWindows)
hintString = $"{PropNameMSBuildMono}:{(int)BuildTool.MsBuildMono}," +
$"{PropNameMSBuildVs}:{(int)BuildTool.MsBuildVs}," +
$"{PropNameMSBuildJetBrains}:{(int)BuildTool.JetBrainsMsBuild}," +
hintString = $"{PropNameMSBuildMono}:{(int)BuildTool.MsBuildMono}," +
editorSettings.AddPropertyInfo(new Godot.Collections.Dictionary
["type"] = Godot.Variant.Type.Int,
["name"] = "mono/builds/build_tool",
["hint"] = Godot.PropertyHint.Enum,
["hint_string"] = hintString