2014-09-18 14:03:59 -07:00

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The dashboard is used to group and display any Visualizations you've created. Once you have a collection of visualizations that you like, you can save it as a custom dashboard to share or reload later.

Getting Started

Using the dashboard requires that you have at least one saved visualization.

Creating a New Dashboard

The first time you open the Dashboard, it will be ready for you to build a new dashboard. However, once you build or load a dashboard, it will default to loading that and you will have to specifically create a new one.

You can create a new dashboard by clicking the left-most icon in the toolbar panel. This will clear the content of the existing dashboard (if any) and allow you to start building a new dashboard from scratch.

Adding Visualizations To a Dashboard

To add a visualization to the dashboard, click the plus button in the toolbar panel and a menu with all of your saved visualizations will appear.

From the menu, click on the visualization you want to include in your dashboard. If you have a lot of saved visualizations, you can use the Visualization Filter at the top of the list to find the visualization you want to use.

Once you've clicked on the visualization, you will see it appear in a container in the dashboard below.

NOTE: You may see a message saying that the height and/or width of the container is too small. If you see this message, you can fix it by making the container larger - described below.

Saving Dashboards

Once you have built a dashboard, you will most likely want to save it for loading and sharing later. To do this, click on the save button in the toolbar panel.

Clicking the save icon will shwo you a menu below the toolbar panel where you can enter a name for your dashboard. After giving it a name, click the Save button.

Loading a Saved Dashboard

To load an existing dashboard, other than the one that you currently have open, click on the Open icon in the toolbar menu. This will present you with a list of existing dashboard you can load. If you have a lot of dashboards, you can use the filter input at the top to search for the dashboard you want to load.

Sharing Dashboards

To obtain the code needed to embed a dashboard in other applications, click the right-most icon in the toolbar menu. It will present you with menu containing two links.

Embedding Dashboards

Dashboards can be embedded in other web apps by using the embed code. Simply copy the embed code from the Share menu and paste it in your external web application.

Sharing Dashboards

Dashboards can also be shared with anyone else that has access to Kibana. Simply copy the share code from the Share menu and share it with others via email or other means.

Customizing Your Dashboard

The dashboard can be customized in a number of ways to suit your needs.

Moving Containers

To move containers around, simply drag the container by clicking and holding the header and moving it where you want it. Other containers may shift around to make room for the container you are moving.

When you are happy with the location of the container, simply let geo of the mouse button.

Resizing Containers

As you move the mouse cursor of the container, a small icon will appear on the bottom right of the container. If you move your mouse down to that icon, you can click and drag the container to make it the size you need.

When you let go of the mouse button, the visualization inside the container will adjust to the new container size.

Removing Containers

Containers can be removed from your dashboard by clicking on the close icon, located at the top right of the container. This will not delete the saved visualization, it will simply remove it from the Dashboard.

Viewing Detailed Information

It may sometimes be useful to view the data that is being used to create the visualization. You can view this information by clicking on the bar at the bottom of the container. Doing so will hide the visualization and show the raw data it's using.

There are four tabs at the top of this view that break down the data in various ways.


This is a representation of all the underlying data, presented as a paginated data grid.

The items in this table can be sorted by clicking on the table headers at the top of each column.


This is the raw request used to query the server, presented as prettified JSON text.


This is the raw response from the server, presented as prettified JSON text.


This is a summary of the statistics related to the request and the response, presented as a data grid. It includes information such as the query duration, the request duration, the total number of records found on the server and the index pattern used to make the query.

Changing the Visualization

To change a visualization, click on the Edit icon at the top right of the visualization container. This will open that visualization in the Visualization app.

Refer to the Visualization docs for usage instructions.