Thomas Neirynck ee9d469295
[RFC][Maps] Adding a timeslider to Maps (#98355)
Accepted. Additional notes in the github issue.
2021-05-13 10:39:37 -04:00

12 KiB

  • Start Date: 2020-04-26
  • RFC PR: (leave this empty)
  • Kibana Issue: (leave this empty)

1. Summary

A timeslider is a UI component that allows users to intuitively navigate through time-based data.

This RFC proposes adding a timeslider control to the Maps application.

It proposes a two phased roll-out in the Maps application. The design proposal focuses on the first phase.

Since the timeslider UI is relevant for other Kibana apps, the implementation should be portable. We propose to implement the control as a React-component without implicit dependencies on Kibana-state or Maps-state.

The RFC details the integration of this control in Maps. It includes specific consideration to how timeslider affects data-refresh in the context of Maps.

This RFC also outlines a possible integration of this Timeslider-React component with an Embeddable, and the introduction of a new piece of embeddable-state Timeslice.

This RFC does not address how this component should behave in apps other than the Maps-app.

2. Detailed design

Below outlines:

  • the two delivery phases intended for Kibana Maps
  • outline of the Timeslider UI component implementation (phase 1)
  • outline of the integration in Maps of the Timeslider UI component (phase 1)

2.1 Design phases overview

2.1.1 Time-range selection and stepped navigation

A first phase includes arbitrary time-range selection and stepped navigation.

Timeslider version 1

This is the focus of this RFC.

Check for a POC implementation.

2.2.2 Data distribution preview with histogram and playback

A second phase adds a date histogram showing the preview of the data.

Timeslider version 2

Details on this phase 2 are beyond the scope of this RFC.

2.2 The timeslider UI React-component (phase 1)

This focuses on Phase 1. Phase 2, with date histogram preview and auto-playback is out of scope for now.

2.2.1 Interface of the React-component

The core timeslider-UI is a React-component.

The component has no implicit dependencies on any Kibana-state or Maps-store state.

Its interface is fully defined by its props-contract.

export type Timeslice = {
  from: number; // epoch timestamp
  to: number;   // epoch timestamp

export interface TimesliderProps {
  onTimesliceChanged: (timeslice: Timeslice) => void;
  timerange: TimeRange; // TimeRange The start and end time of the entire time-range. TimeRange is defined in `data/common` 
  timeslice?: Timeslice; // The currently displayed timeslice. Needs to be set after onTimesliceChange to be reflected back in UI. If ommitted, the control selects the first timeslice.

timeslice is clamped to the bounds of timeRange.

Any change to timeslice, either by dragging the handles of the timeslider, or pressing the back or forward buttons, calls the onTimesliceChanged handler.

Since the initial use is inside Maps, the initial location of this React-component is inside the Maps plugin, x-pack/plugins/maps/public/timeslider.

Nonetheless, this UI-component should be easily "cut-and-pastable" to another location.

2.2.2 Internals

The timeslider automatically subdivides the timerange with equal breaks that are heuristically determined.

It assigns about 6-10 breaks within the timerange, snaps the "ticks" to a natural "pretty date" using calcAutoIntervalNear from data/common.

For example;

  • a timerange of 8.5 days, it would assign a 8 day-steps, plus some padding on either end, depending on the entire timerange.
  • a timerange of 6.9 years would snap to year-long step, plus some padding on either end, depending on the entire timerange.

The slider itself is a <EuiDualRange>.

2.2.2 End-user behavior

  • the user can manipulate the timeslice-double ranged slider to any arbitrary range within timerange.
  • the user can press the forward and back buttons for a stepped navigation. The range of the current time-slice is preserved when there is room for the timeslice within the timerange.
    • when the user has not modified the width of the timeslice, using the buttons means stepping through the pre-determined ticks (e.g. by year, by day, ...)
    • when the user has already modified the width of the timeslice, it means stepping through the timerange, with a stride of the width of the timeslice.
  • the timeslice "snaps" to the beginning or end (depending on direction) of the timerange. In practice, this means the timeslice will collaps or reduce in width.

2.3 Maps integration of the timeslider React component

This control will be integrated in the Maps-UI.

Maps is Redux-based, so timeslice selection and activation/de-activation all propagates to the Redux-store.

2.3.1 Position in the UI

The timeslider control is enabled/disabled by the timeslider on/off toggle-button in the main toolbar.

Timeslider version 1

2.3.2 Layer interactions

Enabling the Timeslider will automatically retrigger refresh of all time-based layers to the currently selected timeslice.

The Layer-TOC will indicate which layer is currently "time-filtered" by the timeslider.

On a layer-per-layer basis, users will be able to explicitly opt-out if they should be governed by the timerange or not. This is an existing toggle in Maps already. This is relevant for having users add contextual layers that should not depend on the time.

2.3.3 Omitting timeslider on a dashboard

Maps will not display the timeslider-activation button on Maps that are embedded in a Dashboard.

We believe that a Timeslider-embeddable would be a better vehicle to bring timeslider-functionality do Dashboards. See also the last section.

2.3.3 Data-fetch considerations


The below section is very Maps-specific, although similar challenges would be present in other applications as well.

Some of these considerations will not generalize to all of Kibana.

The main ways that Maps distinguishes in data-fetch from other use-cases:

  • the majority of the data-fetching for layers in Maps depends on the scale and extent. Ie. different data is requested based on the current zoom-level and current-extent of the Map. So for example, even if two views share the same time, query and filter-state, if their extent and/or scale is different, their requests to ES will be different.
  • for some layer-types, Maps will fetch individual documents, rather than the result of an aggregation.

Data-fetch for timeslider should be responsive and smooth. A user dragging the slider should have an immediate visual result on the map.

In addition, we expect the timeslider will be used a lot for "comparisons". For example, imagine a user stepping back&forth between timeslices.

For this reason, apps using a timeslider (such as Maps) ideally:

  • pre-fetch data when possible
  • cache data when possible

For Maps specifically, when introducing timeslider, layers will therefore need to implement time-based data fetch based on two pieces of state

  • the entire timerange (aka. the global Kibana timerange)
  • the selected timeslice (aka. the timeslice chosen by the user using the UI-component) Pre-fetching individual documents and masking of data

ES-document layers (which display individual documents) can prefetch all documents within the entire timerange, when the total number of docs is below some threshold. In the context of Maps, this threshold is the default index-search-size of the index.

Maps can then just mask data on the map based on some filter-expression. The evaluation of this filter-expression is done by mapbox-gl is fast because it occurs on the GPU. There is immediate visual feedback to the user as they manipulate the timeslider, because it does not require a roundtrip to update the data. Caching of aggregated searches

Aggregated data can be cached on the client, so toggling between timeslices can avoid a round-trip data-fetch. The main technique here is for layers to use .mvt-data format to request data. Tiled-based data can be cached client-side

We do not propose pre-fetching of aggregated data in this initial phase of the Maps timeslider effort. There is a couple reasons:

  • Based on the intended user-interactions for timeslider, because a user can flexibly select a timeslice of arbitrary widths, it would be really hard to determine how to determine which timeslices to aggregate up front.
  • Maps already strains the maximum bucket sizes it can retrieve from Elasticsearch. Cluster/grid-layers often push up to 10k or more buckets, and terms-aggregations for choropleth maps also is going up to 10k buckets. Prefetching this for timeslices (e.g. say x10 timeslices) would easily exceed the default bucket limit sizes of Elasticsearch. Decouple data-fetch from UI-effort

Apart from refactoring the data-fetch for layers to now use two pieces of time-based state, the implementation will decouple any data-fetch considerations from the actual timeslider-UI work.

The idea is that dial in data-fetch optimizations can be dialed into Maps in a parallel work-thread, not necessarily dependent on any changes or additions to the UI. Any optimizations would not only affect timeslider users, but support all interaction patterns that require smooth data-updates (e.g. panning back&forth to two locations, toggling back&forth between two filters, ...)

The main effort to support efficient data-fetch in a maps-context is to use .mvt as the default data format ( This is a stack-wide effort in collaboration with the Elasticsearch team (, which will add .mvt as a core response format to Elasticsearch.

Growing the use of mvt( in Maps will help with both pre-fetching and client-side caching:

  • mvt is a binary format which allows more data to be packed inside, as compared to Json. Multiple tiles are patched together, so this introduces a form of parallelization as well. Due to growing the amount of data inside a single tile, and due to the parallelization, Maps has a pathway to increase the number of features that can be time-filtered.
  • Because vector tiles have fixed extents and scales (defined by a {x}/{y}/{scale}-tuple), this type of data-fetching allows tiles to be cached on the client. This cache can be the implicit browser disc-cache, or the transient in-mem cache of mapbox-gl. Using mvt thus provides a pathway for fast toggling back&forth between timeslices, without round-trips to fetch data.

It is unclear on what the practical uses for async-search would be in the context of a timeslider-control in Maps.

Timeslider is a highly interactive control that require immediate visual feedback. We also do not intend to activate timeslider in Maps on a Dashboard (see above).

End-users who need to view a dashboard with a long-running background search will need to manipulate the global Kibana time picker to select the time-range, and will not be able to use the timeslider to do so.

3. Unresolved questions

Making Timeslider a Kibana Embeddable

This below is a forward looking section. It is a proposal of how the Timeslider-UI can be exposed as an Embeddable, when that time should come.

We expect a few steps:

  • This would require the extraction of the timeslider React-component out of Maps into a separate plugin. As outlined above, this migration should be fairly straightforward, a "cut and paste".
  • It would require the creation of a TimesliderEmbeddable which wraps this UI-component.
  • It would also require the introduction of a new piece of embeddable-state, Timeslice, which can be controlled by the TimesliderEmbeddable. We believe it is important to keep timeslice and timerange separate, as individual apps and other embeddables will have different mechanism to efficiently fetch data and respond to changes in timeslice and/or timerange.

Having timeslider as a core Embeddable likely provides a better pathway to integrate timeslider-functionality in Dashboards or apps other than Maps.