CJ Cenizal ebbd2db041
Conform Search Profiler application organization to other ES UI plugins (#82085) (#82365)
* Add testing steps to README.
* Update Search Profiler application organization to conform to organization of other ES UI plugins.
* Organize styles to live alongside the components they decorate.
2020-11-02 14:01:28 -08:00

758 B

Search Profiler


The search profiler consumes the Profile API by sending a search API with profile: true enabled in the request body. The response contains detailed information on how Elasticsearch executed the search request. People use this information to understand why a search request might be slow.

How to test

Query profile

Execute the default query to generate results in the Query profile tab.

    "match_all" : {}

Aggregation profile

Execute an aggregation query to generate results in the Aggregation profile tab.

  "aggs": {
    "avg_grade": { "avg": { "field": "grade" } }