2015-05-27 20:16:38 -07:00

1.9 KiB

Minio Server (minio) Build Status

Minio is a minimal object storage server written in Golang and licensed under Apache license v2. Minio is compatible with Amazon S3 APIs.


Storage Backend:
- Donut: Erasure coded backend.
  - Status: Standalone mode complete.
- Memory: In-memory backend.
  - Status: Complete.
- Filesystem: Local disk filesystem backend.
  - Status: Work in progress.

Storage Operations:
- Collective:
  - Status: Not started.

Storage Management:
- WebCLI: 
  - Status: Work in progress.
- Authentication:
  - Status: Work in progress.
- Admin Console:
  - Status: Work in progress.
- User Console: 
  - Status: Work in progress.
- Logging: 
  - Status: Work in progress.

How to use Minio?


Minio Client (mc)

mc provides minimal tools to work with Amazon S3 compatible object storage and filesystems. Go to Minio Client.

Minimal S3 Compatible Client Libraries

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-- No releases yet --

Supported platforms

Name Supported
Linux Yes
Mac OSX Yes
Windows Work in progress