Pat Gavlin 7b1d6ec1ac
Reify Input and Optional types in the schema type system. (#7059)
These changes support arbitrary combinations of input + plain types
within a schema. Handling plain types at the property level was not
sufficient to support such combinations. Reifying these types
required updating quite a bit of code. This is likely to have caused
some temporary complications, but should eventually lead to
substantial simplification in the SDK and program code generators.

With the new design, input and optional types are explicit in the schema
type system. Optionals will only appear at the outermost level of a type
(i.e. Input<Optional<>>, Array<Optional<>>, etc. will not occur). In
addition to explicit input types, each object type now has a "plain"
shape and an "input" shape. The former uses only plain types; the latter
uses input shapes wherever a plain type is not specified. Plain types
are indicated in the schema by setting the "plain" property of a type spec
to true.
2021-06-24 09:17:55 -07:00

289 lines
9.7 KiB

package hcl2
import (
func sameSchemaTypes(xt, yt model.Type) bool {
xs, _ := GetSchemaForType(xt)
ys, _ := GetSchemaForType(yt)
if xs == ys {
return true
xu, ok := xs.(*schema.UnionType)
if !ok {
return false
yu, ok := ys.(*schema.UnionType)
if !ok {
return false
types := codegen.Set{}
for _, t := range xu.ElementTypes {
for _, t := range yu.ElementTypes {
if !types.Has(t) {
return false
return true
// rewriteConversions implements the core of RewriteConversions. It returns the rewritten expression and true if the
// type of the expression may have changed.
func rewriteConversions(x model.Expression, to model.Type) (model.Expression, bool) {
// If rewriting an operand changed its type and the type of the expression depends on the type of that operand, the
// expression must be typechecked in order to update its type.
var typecheck bool
switch x := x.(type) {
case *model.AnonymousFunctionExpression:
x.Body, _ = rewriteConversions(x.Body, to)
case *model.BinaryOpExpression:
x.LeftOperand, _ = rewriteConversions(x.LeftOperand, model.InputType(x.LeftOperandType()))
x.RightOperand, _ = rewriteConversions(x.RightOperand, model.InputType(x.RightOperandType()))
case *model.ConditionalExpression:
var trueChanged, falseChanged bool
x.Condition, _ = rewriteConversions(x.Condition, model.InputType(model.BoolType))
x.TrueResult, trueChanged = rewriteConversions(x.TrueResult, to)
x.FalseResult, falseChanged = rewriteConversions(x.FalseResult, to)
typecheck = trueChanged || falseChanged
case *model.ForExpression:
traverserType := model.NumberType
if x.Key != nil {
traverserType = model.StringType
x.Key, _ = rewriteConversions(x.Key, model.InputType(model.StringType))
if x.Condition != nil {
x.Condition, _ = rewriteConversions(x.Condition, model.InputType(model.BoolType))
valueType, diags := to.Traverse(model.MakeTraverser(traverserType))
x.Value, typecheck = rewriteConversions(x.Value, valueType.(model.Type))
case *model.FunctionCallExpression:
args := x.Args
for _, param := range x.Signature.Parameters {
if len(args) == 0 {
args[0], _ = rewriteConversions(args[0], model.InputType(param.Type))
args = args[1:]
if x.Signature.VarargsParameter != nil {
for i := range args {
args[i], _ = rewriteConversions(args[i], model.InputType(x.Signature.VarargsParameter.Type))
case *model.IndexExpression:
x.Key, _ = rewriteConversions(x.Key, x.KeyType())
case *model.ObjectConsExpression:
if v := resolveDiscriminatedUnions(x, to); v != nil {
to = v
typecheck = true
for i := range x.Items {
item := &x.Items[i]
var traverser hcl.Traverser
if lit, ok := item.Key.(*model.LiteralValueExpression); ok {
traverser = hcl.TraverseIndex{Key: lit.Value}
} else {
traverser = model.MakeTraverser(model.StringType)
valueType, diags := to.Traverse(traverser)
var valueChanged bool
item.Key, _ = rewriteConversions(item.Key, model.InputType(model.StringType))
item.Value, valueChanged = rewriteConversions(item.Value, valueType.(model.Type))
typecheck = typecheck || valueChanged
case *model.TupleConsExpression:
for i := range x.Expressions {
valueType, diags := to.Traverse(hcl.TraverseIndex{Key: cty.NumberIntVal(int64(i))})
var exprChanged bool
x.Expressions[i], exprChanged = rewriteConversions(x.Expressions[i], valueType.(model.Type))
typecheck = typecheck || exprChanged
case *model.UnaryOpExpression:
x.Operand, _ = rewriteConversions(x.Operand, model.InputType(x.OperandType()))
var typeChanged bool
if typecheck {
diags := x.Typecheck(false)
contract.Assert(len(diags) == 0)
typeChanged = true
// If we can convert a primitive value in place, do so.
if value, ok := convertPrimitiveValues(x, to); ok {
x, typeChanged = value, true
// If the expression's type is directly assignable to the destination type, no conversion is necessary.
if to.AssignableFrom(x.Type()) && sameSchemaTypes(to, x.Type()) {
return x, typeChanged
// Otherwise, wrap the expression in a call to __convert.
return NewConvertCall(x, to), true
// resolveDiscriminatedUnions reduces discriminated unions of object types to the type that matches
// the shape of the given object cons expression. A given object expression would only match a single
// case of the union.
func resolveDiscriminatedUnions(obj *model.ObjectConsExpression, modelType model.Type) model.Type {
modelUnion, ok := modelType.(*model.UnionType)
if !ok {
return nil
schType, ok := GetSchemaForType(modelUnion)
if !ok {
return nil
schType = codegen.UnwrapType(schType)
union, ok := schType.(*schema.UnionType)
if !ok || union.Discriminator == "" {
return nil
objTypes := GetDiscriminatedUnionObjectMapping(modelUnion)
for _, item := range obj.Items {
name, ok := item.Key.(*model.LiteralValueExpression)
if !ok || name.Value.AsString() != union.Discriminator {
lit, ok := item.Value.(*model.TemplateExpression)
if !ok {
discriminatorValue := lit.Parts[0].(*model.LiteralValueExpression).Value.AsString()
if ref, ok := union.Mapping[discriminatorValue]; ok {
discriminatorValue = strings.TrimPrefix(ref, "#/types/")
if t, ok := objTypes[discriminatorValue]; ok {
return t
return nil
// RewriteConversions wraps automatic conversions indicated by the HCL2 spec and conversions to schema-annotated types
// in calls to the __convert intrinsic.
// Note that the result is a bit out of line with the HCL2 spec, as static conversions may happen earlier than they
// would at runtime. For example, consider the case of a tuple of strings that is being converted to a list of numbers:
// [a, b, c]
// Calling RewriteConversions on this expression with a destination type of list(number) would result in this IR:
// [__convert(a), __convert(b), __convert(c)]
// If any of these conversions fail, the evaluation of the tuple itself fails. The HCL2 evaluation semantics, however,
// would convert the tuple _after_ it has been evaluated. The IR that matches these semantics is
// __convert([a, b, c])
// This transform uses the former representation so that it can appropriately insert calls to `__convert` in the face
// of schema-annotated types. There is a reasonable argument to be made that RewriteConversions should not be
// responsible for propagating schema annotations, and that this pass should be split in two: one pass would insert
// conversions that match HCL2 evaluation semantics, and another would insert calls to some separate intrinsic in order
// to propagate schema information.
func RewriteConversions(x model.Expression, to model.Type) model.Expression {
x, _ = rewriteConversions(x, to)
return x
// convertPrimitiveValues returns a new expression if the given expression can be converted to another primitive type
// (bool, int, number, string) that matches the target type.
func convertPrimitiveValues(from model.Expression, to model.Type) (model.Expression, bool) {
var expression model.Expression
switch {
case to.AssignableFrom(from.Type()) || to.AssignableFrom(model.DynamicType):
return nil, false
case to.AssignableFrom(model.BoolType):
if stringLiteral, ok := extractStringValue(from); ok {
if value, err := convert.Convert(cty.StringVal(stringLiteral), cty.Bool); err == nil {
expression = &model.LiteralValueExpression{Value: value}
case to.AssignableFrom(model.IntType), to.AssignableFrom(model.NumberType):
if stringLiteral, ok := extractStringValue(from); ok {
if value, err := convert.Convert(cty.StringVal(stringLiteral), cty.Number); err == nil {
expression = &model.LiteralValueExpression{Value: value}
case to.AssignableFrom(model.StringType):
if stringValue, ok := convertLiteralToString(from); ok {
expression = &model.TemplateExpression{
Parts: []model.Expression{&model.LiteralValueExpression{
Value: cty.StringVal(stringValue),
if expression == nil {
return nil, false
diags := expression.Typecheck(false)
contract.Assert(len(diags) == 0)
return expression, true
// extractStringValue returns a string if the given expression is a template expression containing a single string
// literal value.
func extractStringValue(arg model.Expression) (string, bool) {
template, ok := arg.(*model.TemplateExpression)
if !ok || len(template.Parts) != 1 {
return "", false
lit, ok := template.Parts[0].(*model.LiteralValueExpression)
if !ok || model.StringType.ConversionFrom(lit.Type()) == model.NoConversion {
return "", false
return lit.Value.AsString(), true
// convertLiteralToString converts a literal of type Bool, Int, or Number to its string representation. It also handles
// the unary negate operation in front of a literal number.
func convertLiteralToString(from model.Expression) (string, bool) {
switch expr := from.(type) {
case *model.UnaryOpExpression:
if expr.Operation == hclsyntax.OpNegate {
if operandValue, ok := convertLiteralToString(expr.Operand); ok {
return "-" + operandValue, true
case *model.LiteralValueExpression:
if stringValue, err := convert.Convert(expr.Value, cty.String); err == nil {
return stringValue.AsString(), true
return "", false