joeduffy dafeb77dff Rename Coconut to Lumi
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2017-05-18 11:38:28 -07:00

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Lumi Formats

Lumi cloud topologies are described using three formats: LumiLangs, LumiPack/LumiIL, and LumiGL.

At the highest level, developers write Lumi packages using a high-level language. There are multiple to choose from, and each is a proper subset of an existing popular programming language; LumiJS is a subset of JavaScript, LumiPy is a subset of Python, LumiRu is a subset of Ruby, and LumiGo is a subset of Go, for example. The restrictions placed on these languages ensure static analyzability, determinism, and compilability into an intermediate form. That said, they retain most of their source language's popular features, including the libraries, so that these languages feel familiar. To distinguish them from their ordinary counterparts, these subsetted language dialects are called LumiLangs.

In the middle, LumiPack is a standard metadata representation for compiled and redistributable Lumi packages. This is the unit of distribution and dependency in the classical package management sense. LumiPack is multi-language and contains internal and exported modules, types, functions, variables, and code. All code is serialized into LumiIL, the LumiPack intermediate language, that can be evaluated by the Lumi toolchain. Because of computations, the final "shape" of a cloud topology is not determined until the LumiPack is evaluated as part of a deployment planning step.

The final shape, Lumi Graph Language (LumiGL), represents a cloud topology with concrete property values and dependencies. A graph can be compared to another graph to compute a delta, a capability essential to incremental deployment and drift analysis. Each graph is a DAG, in which nodes are cloud resources, edges are directed dependencies between them, and all input and output properties are known values. Any given LumiPack can create many possible LumiGL graphs, and identical LumiGL graphs can be created by different LumiPacks, because LumiPack can contain parameterized logic and conditional computations. A LumiGL graph can also be generated from a live environment, something we call a snapshot.

This document describes these formats, the requirements for a high-level LumiLang (although details for each language are specified elsewhere), the LumiPack/LumiIL and LumiGL formats, and the overall compilation process.

Lumi Languages (LumiLangs)

We envision a collection of high-level languages so IT professionals and developers can pick the one they feel most comfortable with. For example, we currently plan to support JavaScript (LumiJS), Python (LumiPy), Ruby (LumiRu), and Go (LumiGo). Furthermore, we imagine translators from other cloud topology formats like AWS CloudFormation and Hashicorp Terraform. These are called metadata languages, or LumiLangs, and we call code artifacts written in them packages.

In principle, there is no limit to the breadth of LumiLangs that Lumi can support -- and it is indeed extensible by 3rd parties -- although we do require that any LumiLang compiles down into LumiPack. This translation requires static code translation -- admittedly an extra step for most dynamic languages -- however, the LumiPack/LumiIL format was designed with these dynamic languages in mind and supports full dynamic dispatch, inspection, and so on.

Configuration versus Runtime Code

It is important to reiterate that LumiLangs are not traditional languages. Packages written in them describe the desired state of a cloud topology of resources. The evaluation of a LumiLang program results in a LumiGL DAG that captures the intended state corresponding to physical entities in a target cloud environment, as well as dependencies between them. The Lumi toolset then takes this DAG, compares it to the existing environment, and "makes it so."

Note that this approach fully embraces the immutable infrastructure philosophy, including embracing cattle over pets. But it leverages the full power of real programming languages.

A LumiLang package itself is just metadata, therefore, and any computations in the language itself exist solely to determine this DAG. This is a subtle but critical point, so it bears repeating: LumiLang code does not actually execute within the target cloud environment, and it alone does not perform side-effects; instead, LumiLang code merely describes the topology of the code and resources, and the Lumi toolchain orchestrates deployments based on analysis of it.

It is possible to mix LumiLang and regular code in the respective source language. This is particularly helpful when associating runtime code to deployment-time artifacts, and is common when dealing with serverless programming. For example, instead of needing to manually separate out the description of a cloud lambda and its code, we can just write a lambda that the compiler will "shred" into a distinct asset that is bundled inside the cloud deployment automatically.

For example, this mixes configuration and runtime code:

let func = new lumi.x.Function(ctx => {
    ctx.write("Hello, Lumi!");

In this LumiJS program, the let func = new lumi.x.Function({}) part uses the LumiJS subset. However, the code inside of the lambda is real JavaScript, and may use NPM packages, perform IO, and so forth. The LumiJS compiler understands how to compile this in a dual mode so that the resulting artifacts can be deployed independently.

In any case, "language bindings" bind certain resource properties to executable code. This executable code can come in many forms, aside from the above lambda example. For example, a container resource may bind to a real, physical Docker container image. As another example, an RPC resource may bind to an entire Go program, with many endpoints implemented as Go functions. A LumiPack is incomplete without being fully bound to the program assets that must be co-deployed.

Restricted Subsets

The restrictions placed on LumiLangs streamline the task of producing cloud topology graphs, and ensure that programs are deterministic. Determinism is important, otherwise two deployments from the exact same source programs might result in two graphs that differ in surprising and unwanted ways. Evaluation of the same program must be idempotent so that graphs and target environments can easily converge and so that failures can be dealt with reliably.

In general, this means LumiLangs may not perform these actions:

  • I/O of any kind (network, file, etc).
  • Syscalls (except for those explicitly blessed as being deterministic).
  • Invocation of non-LumiLang code (including 3rd party packages).
  • Any action that is not transitively analyzable through global analysis (like C FFIs).

Examples of existing efforts to define such a subset in JavaScript, simply as an illustration, include: Gatekeeper, ADsafe, Caja, WebPPL, Deterministic.js, and even JavaScript's own strict mode. There are also multiple attempts to catalogue sources of nondeterminism in JavaScript and its variants.

LumiLangs may in fact consume 3rd party packages (e.g., from NPM, Pip, or elsewhere), but they must be blessed by the LumiLang compiler for your language of choice. This means recompiling packages from source -- and dealing with the possibility that they will fail to compile if they perform illegal operations -- or, preferably, using a package that has already been pre-compiled using a LumiLang compiler, likely in LumiPack format, in which case you are guaranteed that it will work without any unexpected difficulties. The LumiHub contains precompiled LumiPacks for easy consumption.

Each LumiLang program is compiled into a package that leverages the LumiPack and LumiIL formats.

Lumi Package (LumiPack) and Intermediate Language (LumiIL) Formats

Each Lumi package is encoded in LumiPack and serialized in a JSON/YAML form for easy toolability. The full LumiPack and LumiIL specifications are available in the Lumi Package Metadata (LumiPack) design doc.


LumiPack is the unit of sharing and reuse, and includes high-level metadata about the module's contents, in addition to its modules, types, functions, and variables. Each LumiPack can be either a library or an executable. A library is not meant to be instantiated on its own; instead, it packages up abstractions that are useful to other packages. An executable, on the other hand, is executed in order to create a LumiGL graph and cloud topology all on its own.

For example, the package metadata includes things like a name, description, and dependencies:

    "name": "acmecorp/aws-example",
    "description": "Simple example of using AWS resources.",
    "dependencies": {
        "aws": "*",
        "lumi": "1.0",
        "lumijs": "^1.0.7"
    "modules": {
        // LumiIL goes here

LumiPack uses a "JSON-like" type system to ease cross-language reuse and Internet interoperability. This type system may be extended with custom types, including custom resources, functions that encapsulate patterns of common infrastructure logic, and schema types like enums that govern the shape of data and property values being exchanged. Any of these types and functions may or may not be exported from a package.


Executable code artifacts are encoded using a simple intermediate language, LumiIL, that Lumi may evaluate.

This captures a deterministic, bounded set of type system and execution constructs that a subset of most higher level languages can target and consume. The design has been inspired by existing "minimalistic" multi-language intermediate formats, and is very similar to Java bytecode and .NET CIL, with elements of asm.js and WebAssembly mixed in for dynamic translation.

All elements within a package are referred to by tokens. For example, the type token for the AWS Instance resource class, within the aws package and ec2/instance module, would be aws:ec2/instance:Instance.

This IL is fully bound by LumiLang compilers, so that IL processing needn't re-parse, re-analyze, or re-bind the resulting trees. This simplifies the toolchain, particularly given that many languages have their own looking, binding, and scoping rules that would be difficult for Lumi to perform in a language-agnostic way. The IL is an abstract syntax tree (AST)-based IL rather than, say, a stack machine. This choice simplifies the creation of new LumiLang compilers. All order of evaluation is encoded by LumiLang compilers so that again Lumi may remain language-neutral.

An optional verifier can check to ensure ASTs are well-formed:

$ lumi pack verify

Unlike many virtual machines, Lumi aggressively performs verification during evaluation of packages. This catches subtle runtime errors sooner and lets dynamic languages lean on runtime verification. Lumi is concerned more with correctness and reliability than evaluation performance, which for cloud resources is often already measured in seconds.

Planning and Deploying

An executable package is eventually deployed as a stack. This takes one of two forms:

  • Plan: lumi deploy <env> -n generates a plan, a description of a hypothetical deployment, but does not actually mutate anything. This is essentially a "dry run" to see what changes will occur. To do this, the package's main entrypoint is called with the provided arguments. The graph may be incomplete if code depends on resource outputs for conditional execution or property values, resulting in so-called "holes" that will be shown in the plan's output.

  • Deployment: lumi deploy <env> applies a plan to a target environment <env>. The primary difference compared to a plan is that real resources may be created, updated, and deleted. Because side-effecting actions are performed, all outputs are known, and so the resulting graph will be complete. The resulting deployment record is saved locally.

The result of both steps is a LumiGL graph, the latter being strictly more complete than the former.

Lumi Graph Language (LumiGL)

LumiGL is the simplest and final frontier of Lumi's formats. Each LumiGL artifact -- something we just call a graph -- can be an in-memory data structure and/or a serialized into JSON or YAML.

In its most general form, LumiGL is just a graph of objects, their properties, and their dependencies amongst one another. However, LumiGL is used in a very specific way when it comes to Lumi packages, plans, and deployments.

Specifically, when it comes to deployments, each vertex represents a resource object, complete with properties, and each edge is a dependency between resources. Such a graph is required to be a DAG so that resource ordering is well-defined. Each such graph represents the outcome of some deployment activity, either planned or actually having taken place.

Subtly, the graph is never considered the "source of truth"; only the corresponding live running environment can be the source of truth. Instead, the graph describes the intended eventual state that a deployment activity is meant to achieve. A snapshot may be generated from a live environment to capture the actual state of running resources as a LumiGL resource graph. A process called reconciliation compares differences between the two -- either on-demand or as part of a continuous monitoring process -- and resolve any differences (through updates in either direction).

Each vertex in a graph carries the resource's provider-assigned ID, a URN, type, and a set of named property values. The provider ID is opaque to Lumi, and is assigned by the resource provider, while the URN is automatically assigned. An example AWS EC2 instance ID might be i-0c5192a1d67810e1a and URN urn:lumi:prod/acmecorp::acmeinfra::index::aws:ec2/instance:Instance::master-node.

A resource's type tells the LumiGL toolchain how to load a plugin to deal with physical resources that need to be created, read, updated, or deleted, and governs which properties are legal and their expected types. Any module references within the LumiGL file still refer to the respective packages, which are resolved during evaluation. All module references will have been "locked" to a specific version of that LumiPack, however, for repeatability's sake.

Edges between these nodes represent dependencies, and are therefore directed, and must be explicit. The graph itself fully describes the complete set of dependencies. That is, consider a resource A's property whose value was computed by reading the output of some other resource B; this dependency from A on B exists in code, and must therefore be translated into an edge in the resulting graph when evaluating LumiPack/LumiIL and creating LumiGL.

By default, graphs are "complete", and statically link in the resulting graphs from dependency modules. Even though dependencies on 3rd party modules will remain in the form of tokens and URNs, the graph contains the full transitive closure of resources created by all packages run during evaluation. Because the graph is a DAG, any cycles in this graph are illegal and will result in an error. It is ideal if higher- level translation catches this, since each step in the translation process reduces the diagnosability of errors. Dynamic linking is possible for advanced scenarios, and leverages URNs for discovery, but is described elsewhere.

Please refer to the design document for more information about LumiGL graphs.

Resource Providers

In general, the Lumi toolset simply performs an in-order walk of the LumiGL DAG in order to perform a deployment. However, clearly there must be more to this, in order to actually perform mutations in the target environment.

Some objects are simply abstractions. They exist solely as convenient ways to create other objects, but, at the end of the day, there are no physical manifestations of them. Some objects, however, correspond to real physical resources that must be consulted or manipulated during the planning and/or application processes. These are called resources, and are indicated to the Lumi runtime by subclassing from a well-known base class:

export class MyResource extends lumi.Resource {

The extensibility mechanism used to define this logic is part of the Lumi SDK and is called a resource provider. Each package that defines a resource must also carry with it a corresponding resource provider plugin. These plugins are loaded dynamically by the Lumi runtime anytime it needs to interact with a resource in a given package. These plugins implement a simple interface consisting primarily of create, read, update, and delete (CRUD) operations.

Please refer to the resources design document for more details on resources and resource providers.


In this section, we'll walk through a few motivational scenarios beyond the usual compilation process from a high-level LumiLang, to LumiPack, all the way to LumiGL which is deployed to an environment, to see how the file formats are used.

Generating LumiGL from a Live Environment

An existing environment can be used to generate a LumiGL snapshot. This is called graph inference. The result is an ordinary LumiGL resource graph containing a description of all resources, their properties, and their dependencies.

Snapshotting can make adoption of Lumi easier if you already have an environment you wish to model. It can also facilitate identifying "drift" between a desired and actual state; we will see more about this in a moment.

Any LumiGL generated in this manner may have less information than LumiGL generated from true LumiLang source code, due to the possibility of lossy representations and/or missing abstractions in an actual live environment. For example, there could be "hidden" implicit dependencies between resources that cannot be discovered and hence will be missing. Nevertheless, this can be a great first step towards adopting Lumi for your existing environments.

Generating a LumiGL snapshot from a live environment that was created using Lumi, on the other hand, can recover all of this information reliably, thanks to special tagging that Lumi performs.

Even then, because some objects map to physical resources in a deployment -- like a VM, subnet, etc. -- and other objects are mere abstractions, there is a limit to how much "reverse engineering" from a live environment can happen. The creation of an abstraction merely serves to create those physical resources at the "bottom" of the dependency chain.

Comparing Two LumiGLs

A primary feature of LumiGLs is that two of them can be compared to produce a diff. This has several use cases.

Lumi performs a diff between two LumiGL files to determine a delta for purposes of incremental deployment. This allows it to change the live environment only where a difference between actual and desired state exists.

As seen above, LumiGL snapshot can be generated from a live environment. As such, a snapshot can be compared to another graph -- perhaps generated from another live environment -- to determine and reconcile "drift" between them.

This capability can be used to discover differences between environments that are meant to be similar (e.g., in different zones, staging vs. production, etc). Alternatively, this analysis could be used to to compare an environment against a LumiLang program's resulting LumiGL, to identify places where manual changes were made to an actual environment without having made corresponding changes in the sources (be it intentional or accidental).

To cope with some of the potential lossiness during snapshotting, Lumi implements a semantic diff, in addition to a more strict exact diff, algorithm. The semantic diff classifies differences due to lossy inference distinct from ordinary semantically meaningful differences that could be impacting a live environment's behavior.

Creating or Updating LumiLang and LumiPack from LumiGL

All artifacts embed debugging information similar to DWARF or PDB, correlating source lines with the resulting artifacts. As a result, it is possible to raise LumiGL into LumiPack and, from there, raise LumiPack into your favorite LumiLang.

It is, however, important to note one thing before getting into the details. There are many possible LumiPacks that could generate a given LumiGL, due to conditional execution of code. There may even be many possible LumiLang programs that could generate a given LumiPack, since LumiPack's language constructs are intentionally smaller than what might exist in a higher-level programming language. In short, lowering and re-raising is not a round-trippable operation.

Nevertheless, this raising can come in handy for two reasons.

The first is that, thanks to raising, it is possible to reconcile diffs in part by making changes to the source LumiLang programs. If we just altered the LumiGL for a given LumiLang program, the process would be incomplete, because then the developer would be responsible for taking that altered LumiGL and translating it by hand into edits to the program. Automating this process as much as possible is obviously appealing even if -- similar to manual diff resolution when applying source patches -- this process requires a little bit of manual, but tool-assistable, work.

The second helps when bootstrapping an existing environment into Lumi for the first time. Not only can we generate the LumiGL that corresponds to an existing environment, but we can generate a LumiLang in your favorite language, that will generate an equivalent graph. This is called program inference. As with graph inference, the inference might miss key elements like dependencies, and might not include all of the desirable abstractions and metadata, however this can serve as a useful starting point for subsequent refactoring that would introduce such things.