Justin Van Patten 42a1896bf9
[codegen/python] Delete dead code around casing tables (#7647)
Coincident with the release of Pulumi 3.0, we updated the provider SDK codegen for Python to no longer use casing tables for translating Python snake_case names to Pulumi camelCase names (and vice versa). Instead, the mapping is encoded in decorators applied on class properties.

Some of the code that was used to generate and use the casing tables has persisted. This commits removes this code, as it's no longer necessary, and will improve the quality of our generated examples.
2021-07-27 08:37:49 -07:00

132 lines
4.7 KiB

// Copyright 2016-2020, Pulumi Corporation.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Pulling out some of the repeated strings tokens into constants would harm readability,
// so we just ignore the goconst linter's warning.
// nolint: lll, goconst
package python
import (
// DocLanguageHelper is the Python-specific implementation of the DocLanguageHelper.
type DocLanguageHelper struct{}
var _ codegen.DocLanguageHelper = DocLanguageHelper{}
// GetDocLinkForPulumiType is not implemented at this time for Python.
func (d DocLanguageHelper) GetDocLinkForPulumiType(pkg *schema.Package, typeName string) string {
return ""
// GetDocLinkForResourceType returns the Python API doc for a type belonging to a resource provider.
func (d DocLanguageHelper) GetDocLinkForResourceType(pkg *schema.Package, modName, typeName string) string {
// The k8s module names contain the domain names. For now we are stripping them off manually so they link correctly.
if modName != "" {
modName = strings.ReplaceAll(modName, ".k8s.io", "")
modName = strings.ReplaceAll(modName, ".apiserver", "")
modName = strings.ReplaceAll(modName, ".authorization", "")
var path string
var fqdnTypeName string
switch {
case pkg.Name != "" && modName != "":
path = fmt.Sprintf("pulumi_%s/%s", pkg.Name, modName)
fqdnTypeName = fmt.Sprintf("pulumi_%s.%s.%s", pkg.Name, modName, typeName)
case pkg.Name == "" && modName != "":
path = modName
fqdnTypeName = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", modName, typeName)
case pkg.Name != "" && modName == "":
path = fmt.Sprintf("pulumi_%s", pkg.Name)
fqdnTypeName = fmt.Sprintf("pulumi_%s.%s", pkg.Name, typeName)
return fmt.Sprintf("/docs/reference/pkg/python/%s/#%s", path, fqdnTypeName)
// GetDocLinkForResourceInputOrOutputType is not implemented at this time for Python.
func (d DocLanguageHelper) GetDocLinkForResourceInputOrOutputType(pkg *schema.Package, modName, typeName string, input bool) string {
return ""
// GetDocLinkForFunctionInputOrOutputType is not implemented at this time for Python.
func (d DocLanguageHelper) GetDocLinkForFunctionInputOrOutputType(pkg *schema.Package, modName, typeName string, input bool) string {
return ""
// GetLanguageTypeString returns the Python-specific type given a Pulumi schema type.
func (d DocLanguageHelper) GetLanguageTypeString(pkg *schema.Package, moduleName string, t schema.Type, input bool) string {
typeDetails := map[*schema.ObjectType]*typeDetails{}
mod := &modContext{
pkg: pkg,
mod: moduleName,
typeDetails: typeDetails,
typeName := mod.typeString(t, input, false /*acceptMapping*/)
// Remove any package qualifiers from the type name.
if !input {
typeName = strings.ReplaceAll(typeName, "outputs.", "")
// Remove single quote from type names.
typeName = strings.ReplaceAll(typeName, "'", "")
return typeName
func (d DocLanguageHelper) GetFunctionName(modName string, f *schema.Function) string {
return PyName(tokenToName(f.Token))
// GetResourceFunctionResultName returns the name of the result type when a function is used to lookup
// an existing resource.
func (d DocLanguageHelper) GetResourceFunctionResultName(modName string, f *schema.Function) string {
return title(tokenToName(f.Token)) + "Result"
// GetPropertyName returns the property name specific to Python.
func (d DocLanguageHelper) GetPropertyName(p *schema.Property) (string, error) {
return PyName(p.Name), nil
// GetEnumName returns the enum name specific to Python.
func (d DocLanguageHelper) GetEnumName(e *schema.Enum, typeName string) (string, error) {
name := fmt.Sprintf("%v", e.Value)
if e.Name != "" {
name = e.Name
return makeSafeEnumName(name, typeName)
// GetModuleDocLink returns the display name and the link for a module.
func (d DocLanguageHelper) GetModuleDocLink(pkg *schema.Package, modName string) (string, string) {
var displayName string
var link string
if modName == "" {
displayName = pyPack(pkg.Name)
} else {
displayName = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", pyPack(pkg.Name), strings.ToLower(modName))
link = fmt.Sprintf("/docs/reference/pkg/python/%s", displayName)
return displayName, link