Pat Gavlin 900379bd38
Add an HCL2 static typechecker and semantic model. (#4087)
These changes add a package for type checking and modeling HCL2
configurations. It is made up of three primary components:

1. A static type system
2. A semantic representation of HCL2 expressions and a binder from HCL2
   native syntax to this representation
3. A semantic representation of HCL2 structural elements and binders
   from HCL2 native syntax to this representation.

The type system is described in the "Extended Types" section of the
specification. The semantic representations of expressions and
structural elements are documented in their implementations.
2020-03-18 09:28:57 -07:00

4.8 KiB

HCL Syntax-Agnostic Information Model Extensions

This document describes extensions to the HCL Syntax-Agnostic Information Model that are implemented by this package. The original specification can be found here.

Extended Types

Primitive Types

The extended type system two additional primitive types, int.

An int is an arbitrary-precision integer value. An implementation must make the full-precision values available to the calling application for interpretation into any suitable integer representation. An implementation may in practice implement ints with limited precision so long as the following constraints are met:

  • Integers are represented with at least 256 bits.
  • An error is produced if an integer value given in source cannot be represented precisely.

Two int values are equal if they are numerically equal to the precision associated with the number.

Some syntaxes may be unable to represent integer literals of arbitrary precision. This must be defined in the syntax specification as part of its description of mapping numeric literals to HCL values.

Structural Types

The extended type system adds a new structural type kind, union.

A union type is constructed of a set of types. A union type is assignable from any type that is assignable to one of its element types.

A union type is traversed by traversing each of its element types. The result of the traversal is the union of the results of the traversals that succeed. When traversing a union with an element type of none, the traversal of none successfully results in none; this allows a traversal of an optional value to return an optional value of the appropriate type.

Eventual Types

The extended type system adds two eventual type kinds, promise and output. These types represent values that are only available asynchronously, and can be used by applications that produce such values to more accurately track which values are available promptly and which are not.

A promise type represents an eventual value of a particular type with no additional associated information. A promise type is assignable from itself or from its element type. Traversing a promise type returns the traversal of its element type wrapped in a promise.

An output type represents an eventual value of a particular type that carries additional application-specific information. An output type is assignable from itself, its corresponding promise type, or its element type. Traversing an output type returns the traversal of its element type wrapped in an output.

Null values

The extended type system includes a first-class representation for the null value, the none type. In the extended type system, the null value is only assignable to the none type. Optional values of type T are represented by the type union(T, none).

Type Conversions and Unification

Primitive Type Conversions

Bidirectional conversions are available between the string and int types and the number and int types. Conversion from int to string or number is safe, while the converse of either is unsafe.

Collection and Structural Type Conversions

Conversion from a type T to a union type is permitted if there is a conversion from T to at least one of the union's element types. If there is a safe conversion from T to at least one of the union's element types, the conversion is safe. Otherwise, the conversion is unsafe.

Eventual Type Conversions

Conversion from a type T to a promise with element type U is permitted if T is a promise with element type V where V is convertible to U or if T is convertible to U. The safety of this conversion depends on the safety of the conversion from V or T to U.

Conversion from a type T to an output with element type U is permitted if T is an output or promise with element type V where V is convertible to U or if T is convertible to U. The safety of this conversion depends on the safety of the conversion from V or T to U.

Type Unification

The int type unifies with number by preferring number, and unifies with string by preferring string.

Two union types unify by producing a new union type whose elements are the concatenation of those of the two input types.

A union type unifies with another type by producing a new union whose element types are the unification of the other type with each of the input union's element types.

A promise type unifies with an output type by producing a new output type whose element type is the unification of the output type's element type and the promise type's element types.

Two promise types unify by producing a new promise type whose element type is the unification of the element types of the two promise types.

Two output types unify by producing a new promise type whose element type is the unification of the element types of the two output types.