joeduffy 1ae888ce02 Add a sample app that sends a Twilio SMS anytime Mongo is updated
This was an interesting example I found in the Mulesoft GitHub repos.  It seemed like
a perfect candidate for Riff/Mu/Lambda, so I sketched out what it might look like.
2016-10-25 17:23:50 -07:00

15 lines
844 B

# mongo_twilio
This sample sends an SMS via Twilio to any new customer entry added to a MongoDB database.
This is derived from Mulesoft's sample app here:
Assuming we are deploying to AWS, running `$ mu deploy app.js` creates a new CloudFormation stack. That stack includes
a single lambda that is triggered off modifications to the `clients` MongoDB database. This database is not provisioned
by this stack; instead, we use name-based discovery to find an existing database configured in the environment.
In fact, many configuration entries are automatically plumbed around in this example, which are passed manually in the
Mulesoft example. For instance, the Twilio account SID and "from" phone number, are configured per stack deployment.