joeduffy 5260ff9313 Add a crazy recursive parsing test...and fix some bugs
This change completes my testing of decorator parsing for now.  It tests the token

This turned up some bugs, most notably in the way we returned the "full" token for
the parsed types.  We need to extract the subset of the token consumed by the parsing
routine, rather than the entire thing.  To do this, we introduce a tokenBuffer type
that allows for convenient parsing of tokens (eating, advancing, extraction, etc).
2017-01-24 05:25:08 -08:00

344 lines
10 KiB

// Copyright 2016 Marapongo, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This package contains the core MuIL symbol and token types.
package tokens
import (
// tokenBuffer is a parseable token buffer that simply carries a position.
type tokenBuffer struct {
Tok Type
Pos int
func newTokenBuffer(tok Type) *tokenBuffer {
return &tokenBuffer{
Tok: tok,
Pos: 0,
func (b *tokenBuffer) Curr() Type {
return b.Tok[b.Pos:]
func (b *tokenBuffer) From(from int) Type {
return b.Tok[from:b.Pos]
func (b *tokenBuffer) Eat(s string) {
ate := b.MayEat(s)
contract.Assertf(ate, "Expected to eat '%v'", s)
func (b *tokenBuffer) MayEat(s string) bool {
if strings.HasPrefix(string(b.Curr()), s) {
return true
} else {
return false
func (b *tokenBuffer) Advance(by int) {
b.Pos += by
func (b *tokenBuffer) Done() bool {
return b.Pos == len(b.Tok)
func (b *tokenBuffer) Finish() {
b.Pos = len(b.Tok)
// typePartDelims are separator characters that are used to parse recursive types.
var typePartDelims = MapTypeSeparator + FunctionTypeParamSeparator + FunctionTypeSeparator
// parseNextType parses one type out of the given token, mutating the buffer in place and returning the resulting type
// token. This allows recursive parsing of complex decorated types below (like `map[[]string]func(func())`).
func parseNextType(b *tokenBuffer) Type {
// First, check for decorated types.
tok := b.Curr()
if tok.Pointer() {
ptr := parseNextPointerType(b)
return ptr.Tok
} else if tok.Array() {
arr := parseNextArrayType(b)
return arr.Tok
} else if tok.Map() {
mam := parseNextMapType(b)
return mam.Tok
} else if tok.Function() {
fnc := parseNextFunctionType(b)
return fnc.Tok
} else {
// Otherwise, we have either a qualified or simple (primitive) name. Since we might be deep in the middle
// of parsing another token, however, we only parse up to any other decorator termination/separator tokens.
s := string(tok)
sep := strings.IndexAny(s, typePartDelims)
if sep == -1 {
return tok
} else {
return tok[:sep]
// PointerType is a type token that decorates an element type token turn it into a pointer: `"*" <Elem>`.
type PointerType struct {
Tok Type // the full pointer type token.
Elem Type // the element portion of the pointer type token.
const (
PointerTypeDecors = PointerTypePrefix + "%v"
PointerTypePrefix = "*"
// NewPointerTypeName creates a new array type name from an element type.
func NewPointerTypeName(elem TypeName) TypeName {
return TypeName(fmt.Sprintf(PointerTypeDecors, elem))
// NewPointerTypeToken creates a new array type token from an element type.
func NewPointerTypeToken(elem Type) Type {
return Type(fmt.Sprintf(PointerTypeDecors, elem))
// IsPointerType returns true if the given type token represents an encoded pointer type.
func IsPointerType(tok Type) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(tok.String(), PointerTypePrefix)
// ParsePointerType removes the pointer decorations from a token and returns its underlying type.
func ParsePointerType(tok Type) PointerType {
b := newTokenBuffer(tok)
ptr := parseNextPointerType(b)
if !b.Done() {
contract.Failf("Did not expect anything extra after the pointer type %v; got: '%v'", tok, b.Curr())
return ptr
// parseNextPointerType parses the next pointer type from the given buffer.
func parseNextPointerType(b *tokenBuffer) PointerType {
mark := b.Pos // remember where this token begins.
b.Eat(PointerTypePrefix) // eat the "*" part.
elem := parseNextType(b) // parse the required element type token.
contract.Assert(elem != "")
return PointerType{Tok: b.From(mark), Elem: elem}
// ArrayType is a type token that decorates an element type token to turn it into an array: `"[]" <Elem>`.
type ArrayType struct {
Tok Type // the full array type token.
Elem Type // the element portion of the array type token.
const (
ArrayTypeDecors = ArrayTypePrefix + "%v"
ArrayTypePrefix = "[]"
// NewArrayTypeName creates a new array type name from an element type.
func NewArrayTypeName(elem TypeName) TypeName {
return TypeName(fmt.Sprintf(ArrayTypeDecors, elem))
// NewArrayTypeToken creates a new array type token from an element type.
func NewArrayTypeToken(elem Type) Type {
return Type(fmt.Sprintf(ArrayTypeDecors, elem))
// IsArrayType returns true if the given type token represents an encoded pointer type.
func IsArrayType(tok Type) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(tok.String(), ArrayTypePrefix)
// ParseArrayType removes the array decorations from a token and returns its underlying type.
func ParseArrayType(tok Type) ArrayType {
b := newTokenBuffer(tok)
arr := parseNextArrayType(b)
if !b.Done() {
contract.Failf("Did not expect anything extra after the array type %v; got: '%v'", tok, b.Curr())
return arr
// parseNextArrayType parses the next array type from the given buffer.
func parseNextArrayType(b *tokenBuffer) ArrayType {
mark := b.Pos // remember where this token begins.
b.Eat(ArrayTypePrefix) // eat the "[]" part.
elem := parseNextType(b) // parse the required element type token.
contract.Assert(elem != "")
return ArrayType{Tok: b.From(mark), Elem: elem}
// MapType is a type token that decorates a key and element type token to turn them into a map: `"map[" <Key> "]" <Elem>`.
type MapType struct {
Tok Type // the full map type token.
Key Type // the key portion of the map type token.
Elem Type // the element portion of the map type token.
const (
MapTypeDecors = MapTypePrefix + "%v" + MapTypeSeparator + "%v"
MapTypePrefix = "map["
MapTypeSeparator = "]"
// NewMapTypeName creates a new map type name from an element type.
func NewMapTypeName(key TypeName, elem TypeName) TypeName {
return TypeName(fmt.Sprintf(MapTypeDecors, key, elem))
// NewMapTypeToken creates a new map type token from an element type.
func NewMapTypeToken(key Type, elem Type) Type {
return Type(fmt.Sprintf(MapTypeDecors, key, elem))
// IsMapType returns true if the given type token represents an encoded pointer type.
func IsMapType(tok Type) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(tok.String(), MapTypePrefix)
// ParseMapType removes the map decorations from a token and returns its underlying type.
func ParseMapType(tok Type) MapType {
b := newTokenBuffer(tok)
mam := parseNextMapType(b)
if !b.Done() {
contract.Failf("Did not expect anything extra after the map type %v; got: '%v'", tok, b.Curr())
return mam
// parseNextMapType parses the next map type from the given buffer.
func parseNextMapType(b *tokenBuffer) MapType {
mark := b.Pos // remember where this token begins.
b.Eat(MapTypePrefix) // eat the "map[" prefix.
// Now parse the key part.
key := parseNextType(b)
contract.Assert(key != "")
// Next, we expect to find the "]" separator token; eat it.
// Next, parse the element type part.
elem := parseNextType(b)
contract.Assert(elem != "")
return MapType{Tok: b.From(mark), Key: key, Elem: elem}
// FunctionType is a type token that decorates a set of optional parameter and return tokens to turn them into a function
// type: `(" [ <Param1> [ "," <ParamN> ]* ] ")" [ <Return> ]`).
type FunctionType struct {
Tok Type // the full map type token.
Parameters []Type // the parameter parts of the type token.
Return *Type // the (optional) return part of the type token.
const (
FunctionTypeDecors = FunctionTypePrefix + "%v" + FunctionTypeSeparator + "%v"
FunctionTypePrefix = "("
FunctionTypeParamSeparator = ","
FunctionTypeSeparator = ")"
// NewFunctionTypeName creates a new function type token from parameter and return types.
func NewFunctionTypeName(params []TypeName, ret *TypeName) TypeName {
// Stringify the parameters (if any).
sparams := ""
for i, param := range params {
if i > 0 {
sparams += FunctionTypeParamSeparator
sparams += string(param)
// Stringify the return type (if any).
sret := ""
if ret != nil {
sret = string(*ret)
return TypeName(fmt.Sprintf(FunctionTypeDecors, sparams, sret))
// NewFunctionTypeToken creates a new function type token from parameter and return types.
func NewFunctionTypeToken(params []Type, ret *Type) Type {
// Stringify the parameters (if any).
sparams := ""
for i, param := range params {
if i > 0 {
sparams += FunctionTypeParamSeparator
sparams += string(param)
// Stringify the return type (if any).
sret := ""
if ret != nil {
sret = string(*ret)
return Type(fmt.Sprintf(FunctionTypeDecors, sparams, sret))
// IsFunctionType returns true if the given type token represents an encoded pointer type.
func IsFunctionType(tok Type) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(tok.String(), FunctionTypePrefix)
// ParseFunctionType removes the function decorations from a token and returns its underlying type.
func ParseFunctionType(tok Type) FunctionType {
b := newTokenBuffer(tok)
fnc := parseNextFunctionType(b)
if !b.Done() {
contract.Failf("Did not expect anything extra after the function type %v; got: '%v'", tok, b.Curr())
return fnc
// funcDelims are the set of characters that might delimit function type parameters.
var funcDelims = FunctionTypeParamSeparator + FunctionTypeSeparator
// parseNextFunctionType parses the next function type from the given token, returning any excess.
func parseNextFunctionType(b *tokenBuffer) FunctionType {
mark := b.Pos // remember the start of this token.
b.Eat(FunctionTypePrefix) // eat the function prefix "(".
// Parse out parameters until we encounter and eat a ")".
var params []Type
for !b.MayEat(FunctionTypeSeparator) {
next := parseNextType(b)
if next == "" {
contract.Assert(strings.HasPrefix(string(b.Curr()), FunctionTypeSeparator))
} else {
params = append(params, next)
// Eat the separator, if any, and keep going.
if !b.MayEat(FunctionTypeParamSeparator) {
contract.Assert(strings.HasPrefix(string(b.Curr()), FunctionTypeSeparator))
// Next, if there is anything remaining, parse out the return type.
var ret *Type
if !b.Done() {
if rett := parseNextType(b); rett != "" {
ret = &rett
return FunctionType{Tok: b.From(mark), Parameters: params, Return: ret}