
1566 lines
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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "DxRenderer.hpp"
#include "CustomTextLayout.h"
#include "../../interactivity/win32/CustomWindowMessages.h"
#include "../../types/inc/Viewport.hpp"
#include "../../inc/unicode.hpp"
#include "../../inc/DefaultSettings.h"
#pragma hdrstop
static constexpr float POINTS_PER_INCH = 72.0f;
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Render;
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Types;
// Routine Description:
// - Constructs a DirectX-based renderer for console text
// which primarily uses DirectWrite on a Direct2D surface
DxEngine::DxEngine() :
_isInvalidUsed{ false },
_invalidRect{ 0 },
_invalidScroll{ 0 },
_presentParams{ 0 },
_presentReady{ false },
_presentScroll{ 0 },
_presentDirty{ 0 },
_presentOffset{ 0 },
_isEnabled{ false },
_isPainting{ false },
_displaySizePixels{ 0 },
_foregroundColor{ 0 },
_backgroundColor{ 0 },
_glyphCell{ 0 },
_haveDeviceResources{ false },
_hwndTarget{ static_cast<HWND>(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) },
_sizeTarget{ 0 },
_scale{ 1.0f },
_chainMode{ SwapChainMode::ForComposition },
_customRenderer{ ::Microsoft::WRL::Make<CustomTextRenderer>() }
// Routine Description:
// - Destroys an instance of the DirectX rendering engine
// Routine Description:
// - Sets this engine to enabled allowing painting and presentation to occur
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - Generally S_OK, but might return a DirectX or memory error if
// resources need to be created or adjusted when enabling to prepare for draw
// Can give invalid state if you enable an enabled class.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::Enable() noexcept
return _EnableDisplayAccess(true);
// Routine Description:
// - Sets this engine to disabled to prevent painting and presentation from occuring
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - Should be OK. We might close/free resources, but that shouldn't error.
// Can give invalid state if you disable a disabled class.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::Disable() noexcept
return _EnableDisplayAccess(false);
// Routine Description:
// - Helper to enable/disable painting/display access/presentation in a unified
// manner between enable/disable functions.
// Arguments:
// - outputEnabled - true to enable, false to disable
// Return Value:
// - Generally OK. Can return invalid state if you set to the state that is already
// active (enabling enabled, disabling disabled).
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::_EnableDisplayAccess(const bool outputEnabled) noexcept
// Invalid state if we're setting it to the same as what we already have.
RETURN_HR_IF(E_NOT_VALID_STATE, outputEnabled == _isEnabled);
_isEnabled = outputEnabled;
if (!_isEnabled)
return S_OK;
// Routine Description;
// - Creates device-specific resources required for drawing
// which generally means those that are represented on the GPU and can
// vary based on the monitor, display adapter, etc.
// - These may need to be recreated during the course of painting a frame
// should something about that hardware pipeline change.
// - Will free device resources that already existed as first operation.
// Arguments:
// - createSwapChain - If true, we create the entire rendering pipeline
// - If false, we just set up the adapter.
// Return Value:
// - Could be any DirectX/D3D/D2D/DXGI/DWrite error or memory issue.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::_CreateDeviceResources(const bool createSwapChain) noexcept
if (_haveDeviceResources)
auto freeOnFail = wil::scope_exit([&] { _ReleaseDeviceResources(); });
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_dxgiFactory2->EnumAdapters1(0, &_dxgiAdapter1));
// clang-format off
// This causes problems for folks who do not have the whole DirectX SDK installed
// when they try to run the rest of the project in debug mode.
// As such, I'm leaving this flag here for people doing DX-specific work to toggle it
// only when they need it and shutting it off otherwise.
// Find out more about the debug layer here:
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/direct3d11/overviews-direct3d-11-devices-layers
// You can find out how to install it here:
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/gaming/use-the-directx-runtime-and-visual-studio-graphics-diagnostic-features
// clang-format on
D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL FeatureLevels[] = {
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_dxgiAdapter1->EnumOutputs(0, &_dxgiOutput));
_displaySizePixels = _GetClientSize();
if (createSwapChain)
DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_DESC1 SwapChainDesc = { 0 };
SwapChainDesc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM;
SwapChainDesc.BufferCount = 2;
SwapChainDesc.SampleDesc.Count = 1;
SwapChainDesc.Scaling = DXGI_SCALING_NONE;
switch (_chainMode)
case SwapChainMode::ForHwnd:
// use the HWND's dimensions for the swap chain dimensions.
RECT rect = { 0 };
RETURN_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(GetClientRect(_hwndTarget, &rect));
SwapChainDesc.Width = rect.right - rect.left;
SwapChainDesc.Height = rect.bottom - rect.top;
// We can't do alpha for HWNDs. Set to ignore. It will fail otherwise.
SwapChainDesc.AlphaMode = DXGI_ALPHA_MODE_IGNORE;
case SwapChainMode::ForComposition:
// Use the given target size for compositions.
SwapChainDesc.Width = _displaySizePixels.cx;
SwapChainDesc.Height = _displaySizePixels.cy;
// We're doing advanced composition pretty much for the purpose of pretty alpha, so turn it on.
// It's 100% required to use scaling mode stretch for composition. There is no other choice.
SwapChainDesc.Scaling = DXGI_SCALING_STRETCH;
// With a new swap chain, mark the entire thing as invalid.
_haveDeviceResources = true;
if (_isPainting)
// TODO: MSFT: 21169176 - remove this or restore the "try a few times to render" code... I think
freeOnFail.release(); // don't need to release if we made it to the bottom and everything was good.
// Notify that swap chain changed.
if (_pfn)
return S_OK;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::_PrepareRenderTarget() noexcept
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_dxgiSwapChain->GetBuffer(0, IID_PPV_ARGS(&_dxgiSurface)));
// If in composition mode, apply scaling factor matrix
if (_chainMode == SwapChainMode::ForComposition)
const auto fdpi = static_cast<float>(_dpi);
_d2dRenderTarget->SetDpi(fdpi, fdpi);
DXGI_MATRIX_3X2_F inverseScale = { 0 };
inverseScale._11 = 1.0f / _scale;
inverseScale._22 = inverseScale._11;
::Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDXGISwapChain2> sc2;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Releases device-specific resources (typically held on the GPU)
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void DxEngine::_ReleaseDeviceResources() noexcept
_haveDeviceResources = false;
if (nullptr != _d2dRenderTarget.Get() && _isPainting)
if (nullptr != _d3dDeviceContext.Get())
// To ensure the swap chain goes away we must unbind any views from the
// D3D pipeline
_d3dDeviceContext->OMSetRenderTargets(0, nullptr, nullptr);
// Routine Description:
// - Helper to create a DirectWrite text layout object
// out of a string.
// Arguments:
// - string - The text to attempt to layout
// - stringLength - Length of string above in characters
// - ppTextLayout - Location to receive new layout object
// Return Value:
// - S_OK if layout created successfully, otherwise a DirectWrite error
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::_CreateTextLayout(
_In_reads_(stringLength) PCWCHAR string,
_In_ size_t stringLength,
_Out_ IDWriteTextLayout** ppTextLayout) noexcept
return _dwriteFactory->CreateTextLayout(string,
_glyphCell.cy != 0 ? _glyphCell.cy : (float)_displaySizePixels.cy,
// Routine Description:
// - Sets the target window handle for our display pipeline
// - We will take over the surface of this window for drawing
// Arguments:
// - hwnd - Window handle
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::SetHwnd(const HWND hwnd) noexcept
_hwndTarget = hwnd;
_chainMode = SwapChainMode::ForHwnd;
return S_OK;
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::SetWindowSize(const SIZE Pixels) noexcept
_sizeTarget = Pixels;
return S_OK;
void DxEngine::SetCallback(std::function<void()> pfn)
_pfn = pfn;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDXGISwapChain1> DxEngine::GetSwapChain() noexcept
if (_dxgiSwapChain.Get() == nullptr)
return _dxgiSwapChain;
// Routine Description:
// - Invalidates a rectangle described in characters
// Arguments:
// - psrRegion - Character rectangle
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::Invalidate(const SMALL_RECT* const psrRegion) noexcept
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Invalidates one specific character coordinate
// Arguments:
// - pcoordCursor - single point in the character cell grid
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::InvalidateCursor(const COORD* const pcoordCursor) noexcept
SMALL_RECT sr = Microsoft::Console::Types::Viewport::FromCoord(*pcoordCursor).ToInclusive();
return Invalidate(&sr);
// Routine Description:
// - Invalidates a rectangle describing a pixel area on the display
// Arguments:
// - prcDirtyClient - pixel rectangle
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::InvalidateSystem(const RECT* const prcDirtyClient) noexcept
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Invalidates a series of character rectangles
// Arguments:
// - rectangles - One or more rectangles describing character positions on the grid
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::InvalidateSelection(const std::vector<SMALL_RECT>& rectangles) noexcept
for (const auto& rect : rectangles)
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Scrolls the existing dirty region (if it exists) and
// invalidates the area that is uncovered in the window.
// Arguments:
// - pcoordDelta - The number of characters to move and uncover.
// - -Y is up, Y is down, -X is left, X is right.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::InvalidateScroll(const COORD* const pcoordDelta) noexcept
if (pcoordDelta->X != 0 || pcoordDelta->Y != 0)
POINT delta = { 0 };
delta.x = pcoordDelta->X * _glyphCell.cx;
delta.y = pcoordDelta->Y * _glyphCell.cy;
_invalidScroll.cx += delta.x;
_invalidScroll.cy += delta.y;
// Add the revealed portion of the screen from the scroll to the invalid area.
const RECT display = _GetDisplayRect();
RECT reveal = display;
// X delta first
OffsetRect(&reveal, delta.x, 0);
IntersectRect(&reveal, &reveal, &display);
SubtractRect(&reveal, &display, &reveal);
if (!IsRectEmpty(&reveal))
// Y delta second (subtract rect won't work if you move both)
reveal = display;
OffsetRect(&reveal, 0, delta.y);
IntersectRect(&reveal, &reveal, &display);
SubtractRect(&reveal, &display, &reveal);
if (!IsRectEmpty(&reveal))
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Invalidates the entire window area
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::InvalidateAll() noexcept
const RECT screen = _GetDisplayRect();
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - This currently has no effect in this renderer.
// Arguments:
// - pForcePaint - Always filled with false
// Return Value:
// - S_FALSE because we don't use this.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::InvalidateCircling(_Out_ bool* const pForcePaint) noexcept
*pForcePaint = false;
return S_FALSE;
// Routine Description:
// - Gets the area in pixels of the surface we are targeting
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - X by Y area in pixels of the surface
[[nodiscard]] SIZE DxEngine::_GetClientSize() const noexcept
switch (_chainMode)
case SwapChainMode::ForHwnd:
RECT clientRect = { 0 };
LOG_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(GetClientRect(_hwndTarget, &clientRect));
SIZE clientSize = { 0 };
clientSize.cx = clientRect.right - clientRect.left;
clientSize.cy = clientRect.bottom - clientRect.top;
return clientSize;
case SwapChainMode::ForComposition:
SIZE size = _sizeTarget;
size.cx = static_cast<LONG>(size.cx * _scale);
size.cy = static_cast<LONG>(size.cy * _scale);
return size;
// Routine Description:
// - Helper to multiply all parameters of a rectangle by the font size
// to convert from characters to pixels.
// Arguments:
// - cellsToPixels - rectangle to update
// - fontSize - scaling factors
// Return Value:
// - <none> - Updates reference
void _ScaleByFont(RECT& cellsToPixels, SIZE fontSize) noexcept
cellsToPixels.left *= fontSize.cx;
cellsToPixels.right *= fontSize.cx;
cellsToPixels.top *= fontSize.cy;
cellsToPixels.bottom *= fontSize.cy;
// Routine Description:
// - Retrieves a rectangle representation of the pixel size of the
// surface we are drawing on
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value;
// - Origin-placed rectangle representing the pixel size of the surface
[[nodiscard]] RECT DxEngine::_GetDisplayRect() const noexcept
return { 0, 0, _displaySizePixels.cx, _displaySizePixels.cy };
// Routine Description:
// - Helper to shift the existing dirty rectangle by a pixel offset
// and crop it to still be within the bounds of the display surface
// Arguments:
// - delta - Adjustment distance in pixels
// - -Y is up, Y is down, -X is left, X is right.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void DxEngine::_InvalidOffset(POINT delta) noexcept
if (_isInvalidUsed)
// Copy the existing invalid rect
RECT invalidNew = _invalidRect;
// Offset it to the new position
THROW_IF_WIN32_BOOL_FALSE(OffsetRect(&invalidNew, delta.x, delta.y));
// Get the rect representing the display
const RECT rectScreen = _GetDisplayRect();
// Ensure that the new invalid rectangle is still on the display
IntersectRect(&invalidNew, &invalidNew, &rectScreen);
_invalidRect = invalidNew;
// Routine description:
// - Adds the given character rectangle to the total dirty region
// - Will scale internally to pixels based on the current font.
// Arguments:
// - sr - character rectangle
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void DxEngine::_InvalidOr(SMALL_RECT sr) noexcept
RECT region;
region.left = sr.Left;
region.top = sr.Top;
region.right = sr.Right;
region.bottom = sr.Bottom;
_ScaleByFont(region, _glyphCell);
region.right += _glyphCell.cx;
region.bottom += _glyphCell.cy;
// Routine Description:
// - Adds the given pixel rectangle to the total dirty region
// Arguments:
// - rc - Dirty pixel rectangle
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void DxEngine::_InvalidOr(RECT rc) noexcept
if (_isInvalidUsed)
UnionRect(&_invalidRect, &_invalidRect, &rc);
RECT rcScreen = _GetDisplayRect();
IntersectRect(&_invalidRect, &_invalidRect, &rcScreen);
_invalidRect = rc;
_isInvalidUsed = true;
// Routine Description:
// - This is unused by this renderer.
// Arguments:
// - pForcePaint - always filled with false.
// Return Value:
// - S_FALSE because this is unused.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::PrepareForTeardown(_Out_ bool* const pForcePaint) noexcept
*pForcePaint = false;
return S_FALSE;
// Routine description:
// - Prepares the surfaces for painting and begins a drawing batch
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - Any DirectX error, a memory error, etc.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::StartPaint() noexcept
RETURN_HR_IF(E_NOT_VALID_STATE, _isPainting); // invalid to start a paint while painting.
if (_isEnabled)
const auto clientSize = _GetClientSize();
if (!_haveDeviceResources)
else if (_displaySizePixels.cy != clientSize.cy ||
_displaySizePixels.cx != clientSize.cx)
_dxgiSwapChain->ResizeBuffers(2, clientSize.cx, clientSize.cy, DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM, 0);
_displaySizePixels = clientSize;
_isPainting = true;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Ends batch drawing and captures any state necessary for presentation
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - Any DirectX error, a memory error, etc.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::EndPaint() noexcept
RETURN_HR_IF(E_INVALIDARG, !_isPainting); // invalid to end paint when we're not painting
if (_haveDeviceResources)
_isPainting = false;
hr = _d2dRenderTarget->EndDraw();
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
if (_invalidScroll.cy != 0 || _invalidScroll.cx != 0)
_presentDirty = _invalidRect;
RECT display = _GetDisplayRect();
SubtractRect(&_presentScroll, &display, &_presentDirty);
_presentOffset.x = _invalidScroll.cx;
_presentOffset.y = _invalidScroll.cy;
_presentParams.DirtyRectsCount = 1;
_presentParams.pDirtyRects = &_presentDirty;
_presentParams.pScrollOffset = &_presentOffset;
_presentParams.pScrollRect = &_presentScroll;
if (IsRectEmpty(&_presentScroll))
_presentParams.pScrollRect = nullptr;
_presentParams.pScrollOffset = nullptr;
_presentReady = true;
_presentReady = false;
_invalidRect = { 0 };
_isInvalidUsed = false;
_invalidScroll = { 0 };
return hr;
// Routine Description:
// - Copies the front surface of the swap chain (the one being displayed)
// to the back surface of the swap chain (the one we draw on next)
// so we can draw on top of what's already there.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - Any DirectX error, a memory error, etc.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::_CopyFrontToBack() noexcept
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11Resource> backBuffer;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID3D11Resource> frontBuffer;
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_dxgiSwapChain->GetBuffer(0, IID_PPV_ARGS(&backBuffer)));
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_dxgiSwapChain->GetBuffer(1, IID_PPV_ARGS(&frontBuffer)));
_d3dDeviceContext->CopyResource(backBuffer.Get(), frontBuffer.Get());
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Takes queued drawing information and presents it to the screen.
2019-05-21 08:15:44 +02:00
// - This is separated out so it can be done outside the lock as it's expensive.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or relevant DirectX error
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::Present() noexcept
if (_presentReady)
FAIL_FAST_IF_FAILED(_dxgiSwapChain->Present(1, 0));
/*FAIL_FAST_IF_FAILED(_dxgiSwapChain->Present1(1, 0, &_presentParams));*/
_presentReady = false;
_presentDirty = { 0 };
_presentOffset = { 0 };
_presentScroll = { 0 };
_presentParams = { 0 };
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - This is currently unused.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::ScrollFrame() noexcept
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - This paints in the back most layer of the frame with the background color.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::PaintBackground() noexcept
D2D1_COLOR_F nothing = { 0 };
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Places one line of text onto the screen at the given position
// Arguments:
// - clusters - Iterable collection of cluster information (text and columns it should consume)
// - coord - Character coordinate position in the cell grid
// - fTrimLeft - Whether or not to trim off the left half of a double wide character
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or relevant DirectX error
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::PaintBufferLine(std::basic_string_view<Cluster> const clusters,
COORD const coord,
const bool /*trimLeft*/) noexcept
// Calculate positioning of our origin.
D2D1_POINT_2F origin;
origin.x = static_cast<float>(coord.X * _glyphCell.cx);
origin.y = static_cast<float>(coord.Y * _glyphCell.cy);
// Create the text layout
CustomTextLayout layout(_dwriteFactory.Get(),
// Get the baseline for this font as that's where we draw from
// Assemble the drawing context information
DrawingContext context(_d2dRenderTarget.Get(),
D2D1::SizeF(gsl::narrow<FLOAT>(_glyphCell.cx), gsl::narrow<FLOAT>(_glyphCell.cy)),
// Layout then render the text
RETURN_IF_FAILED(layout.Draw(&context, _customRenderer.Get(), origin.x, origin.y));
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Paints lines around cells (draws in pieces of the grid)
// Arguments:
// - lines - Which grid lines (top, left, bottom, right) to draw
// - color - The color to use for drawing the lines
// - cchLine - Length of the line to draw in character cells
// - coordTarget - The X,Y character position in the grid where we should start drawing
// - We will draw rightward (+X) from here
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or relevant DirectX error
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::PaintBufferGridLines(GridLines const lines,
COLORREF const color,
size_t const cchLine,
COORD const coordTarget) noexcept
const auto existingColor = _d2dBrushForeground->GetColor();
const auto restoreBrushOnExit = wil::scope_exit([&] { _d2dBrushForeground->SetColor(existingColor); });
const auto font = _GetFontSize();
D2D_POINT_2F target;
target.x = static_cast<float>(coordTarget.X) * font.X;
target.y = static_cast<float>(coordTarget.Y) * font.Y;
D2D_POINT_2F start = { 0 };
D2D_POINT_2F end = { 0 };
for (size_t i = 0; i < cchLine; i++)
start = target;
if (lines & GridLines::Top)
end = start;
end.x += font.X;
_d2dRenderTarget->DrawLine(start, end, _d2dBrushForeground.Get());
if (lines & GridLines::Left)
end = start;
end.y += font.Y;
_d2dRenderTarget->DrawLine(start, end, _d2dBrushForeground.Get());
// NOTE: Watch out for inclusive/exclusive rectangles here.
// We have to remove 1 from the font size for the bottom and right lines to ensure that the
// starting point remains within the clipping rectangle.
// For example, if we're drawing a letter at 0,0 and the font size is 8x16....
// The bottom left corner inclusive is at 0,15 which is Y (0) + Font Height (16) - 1 = 15.
// The top right corner inclusive is at 7,0 which is X (0) + Font Height (8) - 1 = 7.
start = target;
start.y += font.Y - 1;
if (lines & GridLines::Bottom)
end = start;
end.x += font.X;
_d2dRenderTarget->DrawLine(start, end, _d2dBrushForeground.Get());
start = target;
start.x += font.X - 1;
if (lines & GridLines::Right)
end = start;
end.y += font.Y;
_d2dRenderTarget->DrawLine(start, end, _d2dBrushForeground.Get());
// Move to the next character in this run.
target.x += font.X;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Paints an overlay highlight on a portion of the frame to represent selected text
// Arguments:
// - rect - Rectangle to invert or highlight to make the selection area
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or relevant DirectX error.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::PaintSelection(const SMALL_RECT rect) noexcept
const auto existingColor = _d2dBrushForeground->GetColor();
const auto selectionColor = D2D1::ColorF(_defaultForegroundColor.r,
const auto resetColorOnExit = wil::scope_exit([&] { _d2dBrushForeground->SetColor(existingColor); });
RECT pixels;
pixels.left = rect.Left * _glyphCell.cx;
pixels.top = rect.Top * _glyphCell.cy;
pixels.right = rect.Right * _glyphCell.cx;
pixels.bottom = rect.Bottom * _glyphCell.cy;
D2D1_RECT_F draw = { 0 };
draw.left = static_cast<float>(pixels.left);
draw.top = static_cast<float>(pixels.top);
draw.right = static_cast<float>(pixels.right);
draw.bottom = static_cast<float>(pixels.bottom);
_d2dRenderTarget->FillRectangle(draw, _d2dBrushForeground.Get());
return S_OK;
// Helper to choose which Direct2D method to use when drawing the cursor rectangle
enum class CursorPaintType
// Routine Description:
// - Draws a block at the given position to represent the cursor
// - May be a styled cursor at the character cell location that is less than a full block
// Arguments:
// - options - Packed options relevant to how to draw the cursor
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or relevant DirectX error.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::PaintCursor(const IRenderEngine::CursorOptions& options) noexcept
// if the cursor is off, do nothing - it should not be visible.
if (!options.isOn)
return S_FALSE;
// Create rectangular block representing where the cursor can fill.
D2D1_RECT_F rect = { 0 };
rect.left = static_cast<float>(options.coordCursor.X * _glyphCell.cx);
rect.top = static_cast<float>(options.coordCursor.Y * _glyphCell.cy);
rect.right = static_cast<float>(rect.left + _glyphCell.cx);
rect.bottom = static_cast<float>(rect.top + _glyphCell.cy);
// If we're double-width, make it one extra glyph wider
if (options.fIsDoubleWidth)
rect.right += _glyphCell.cx;
CursorPaintType paintType = CursorPaintType::Fill;
switch (options.cursorType)
case CursorType::Legacy:
// Enforce min/max cursor height
ULONG ulHeight = std::clamp(options.ulCursorHeightPercent, s_ulMinCursorHeightPercent, s_ulMaxCursorHeightPercent);
ulHeight = (ULONG)((_glyphCell.cy * ulHeight) / 100);
rect.top = rect.bottom - ulHeight;
case CursorType::VerticalBar:
// It can't be wider than one cell or we'll have problems in invalidation, so restrict here.
// It's either the left + the proposed width from the ease of access setting, or
// it's the right edge of the block cursor as a maximum.
rect.right = std::min(rect.right, rect.left + options.cursorPixelWidth);
case CursorType::Underscore:
rect.top = rect.bottom - 1;
case CursorType::EmptyBox:
paintType = CursorPaintType::Outline;
case CursorType::FullBox:
return E_NOTIMPL;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<ID2D1SolidColorBrush> brush = _d2dBrushForeground;
if (options.fUseColor)
// Make sure to make the cursor opaque
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_d2dRenderTarget->CreateSolidColorBrush(_ColorFFromColorRef(OPACITY_OPAQUE | options.cursorColor), &brush));
switch (paintType)
case CursorPaintType::Fill:
_d2dRenderTarget->FillRectangle(rect, brush.Get());
case CursorPaintType::Outline:
_d2dRenderTarget->DrawRectangle(rect, brush.Get());
return E_NOTIMPL;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Updates the default brush colors used for drawing
// Arguments:
// - colorForeground - Foreground brush color
// - colorBackground - Background brush color
// - legacyColorAttribute - <unused>
// - isBold - <unused>
// - isSettingDefaultBrushes - Lets us know that these are the default brushes to paint the swapchain background or selection
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or relevant DirectX error.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::UpdateDrawingBrushes(COLORREF const colorForeground,
COLORREF const colorBackground,
const WORD /*legacyColorAttribute*/,
const bool /*isBold*/,
bool const isSettingDefaultBrushes) noexcept
_foregroundColor = _ColorFFromColorRef(colorForeground);
_backgroundColor = _ColorFFromColorRef(colorBackground);
// If this flag is set, then we need to update the default brushes too and the swap chain background.
if (isSettingDefaultBrushes)
_defaultForegroundColor = _foregroundColor;
_defaultBackgroundColor = _backgroundColor;
// If we have a swap chain, set the background color there too so the area
// outside the chain on a resize can be filled in with an appropriate color value.
/*if (_dxgiSwapChain)
const auto dxgiColor = s_RgbaFromColorF(_defaultBackgroundColor);
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Updates the font used for drawing
// Arguments:
// - pfiFontInfoDesired - Information specifying the font that is requested
// - fiFontInfo - Filled with the nearest font actually chosen for drawing
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or relevant DirectX error
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::UpdateFont(const FontInfoDesired& pfiFontInfoDesired, FontInfo& fiFontInfo) noexcept
const auto hr = _GetProposedFont(pfiFontInfoDesired,
const auto size = fiFontInfo.GetSize();
_glyphCell.cx = size.X;
_glyphCell.cy = size.Y;
return hr;
[[nodiscard]] Viewport DxEngine::GetViewportInCharacters(const Viewport& viewInPixels) noexcept
short widthInChars = static_cast<short>(viewInPixels.Width() / _glyphCell.cx);
short heightInChars = static_cast<short>(viewInPixels.Height() / _glyphCell.cy);
return Viewport::FromDimensions(viewInPixels.Origin(), { widthInChars, heightInChars });
// Routine Description:
// - Sets the DPI in this renderer
// Arguments:
// - iDpi - DPI
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::UpdateDpi(int const iDpi) noexcept
_dpi = iDpi;
// The scale factor may be necessary for composition contexts, so save it once here.
_scale = _dpi / static_cast<float>(USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI);
return S_OK;
// Method Description:
// - Get the current scale factor of this renderer. The actual DPI the renderer
// is USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI * GetScaling()
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - the scaling multiplier of this render engine
float DxEngine::GetScaling() const noexcept
return _scale;
// Method Description:
// - This method will update our internal reference for how big the viewport is.
// Does nothing for DX.
// Arguments:
// - srNewViewport - The bounds of the new viewport.
// Return Value:
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::UpdateViewport(const SMALL_RECT /*srNewViewport*/) noexcept
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Currently unused by this renderer
// Arguments:
// - pfiFontInfoDesired - <unused>
// - pfiFontInfo - <unused>
// - iDpi - <unused>
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::GetProposedFont(const FontInfoDesired& pfiFontInfoDesired,
FontInfo& pfiFontInfo,
int const iDpi) noexcept
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteTextFormat2> format;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteTextAnalyzer1> analyzer;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteFontFace5> face;
return _GetProposedFont(pfiFontInfoDesired,
// Routine Description:
// - Gets the area that we currently believe is dirty within the character cell grid
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - Rectangle describing dirty area in characters.
[[nodiscard]] SMALL_RECT DxEngine::GetDirtyRectInChars() noexcept
r.Top = (SHORT)(floor(_invalidRect.top / _glyphCell.cy));
r.Left = (SHORT)(floor(_invalidRect.left / _glyphCell.cx));
r.Bottom = (SHORT)(floor(_invalidRect.bottom / _glyphCell.cy));
r.Right = (SHORT)(floor(_invalidRect.right / _glyphCell.cx));
// Exclusive to inclusive
return r;
// Routine Description:
// - Gets COORD packed with shorts of each glyph (character) cell's
// height and width.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - Nearest integer short x and y values for each cell.
[[nodiscard]] COORD DxEngine::_GetFontSize() const noexcept
return { (SHORT)(_glyphCell.cx), (SHORT)(_glyphCell.cy) };
// Routine Description:
// - Gets the current font size
// Arguments:
// - pFontSize - Filled with the font size.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::GetFontSize(_Out_ COORD* const pFontSize) noexcept
*pFontSize = _GetFontSize();
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Currently unused by this renderer.
// Arguments:
Merged PR 3215853: Fix spacing/layout for block characters and many retroactively-recategorized emoji (and more!) This encompasses a handful of problems with column counting. The Terminal project didn't set a fallback column counter. Oops. I've fixed this to use the `DxEngine` as the fallback. The `DxEngine` didn't implement its fallback method. Oops. I've fixed this to use the `CustomTextLayout` to figure out the advances based on the same font and fallback pattern as the real final layout, just without "rounding" it into cells yet. - `CustomTextLayout` has been updated to move the advance-correction into a separate phase from glyph shaping. Previously, we corrected the advances to nice round cell counts during shaping, which is fine for drawing, but hard for column count analysis. - Now that there are separate phases, an `Analyze` method was added to the `CustomTextLayout` which just performs the text analysis steps and the glyph shaping, but no advance correction to column boundaries nor actual drawing. I've taken the caching code that I was working on to improve chafa, and I've brought it into this. Now that we're doing a lot of fallback and heavy lifting in terms of analysis via the layout, we should cache the results until the font changes. I've adjusted how column counting is done overall. It's always been in these phases: 1. We used a quick-lookup of ranges of characters we knew to rapidly decide `Narrow`, `Wide` or `Invalid` (a.k.a. "I dunno") 2. If it was `Invalid`, we consulted a table based off of the Unicode standard that has either `Narrow`, `Wide`, or `Ambiguous` as a result. 3. If it's still `Ambiguous`, we consult a render engine fallback (usually GDI or now DX) to see how many columns it would take. 4. If we still don't know, then it's `Wide` to be safe. - I've added an additional flow here. The quick-lookup can now return `Ambiguous` off the bat for some glyph characters in the x2000-x3000 range that used to just be simple shapes but have been retroactively recategorized as emoji and are frequently now using full width color glyphs. - This new state causes the lookup to go immediately to the render engine if it is available instead of consulting the Unicode standard table first because the half/fullwidth table doesn't appear to have been updated for this nuance to reclass these characters as ambiguous, but we'd like to keep that table as a "generated from the spec" sort of table and keep our exceptions in the "quick lookup" function. I have confirmed the following things "just work" now: - The windows logo flag from the demo. (⚫⚪💖✅🌌😊) - The dotted chart on the side of crossterm demo (•) - The powerline characters that make arrows with the Consolas patched font (██) - An accented é - The warning and checkmark symbols appearing same size as the X. (✔⚠🔥) Related work items: #21167256, #21237515, #21243859, #21274645, #21296827
2019-05-02 01:13:53 +02:00
// - glyph - The glyph run to process for column width.
// - pResult - True if it should take two columns. False if it should take one.
// Return Value:
Merged PR 3215853: Fix spacing/layout for block characters and many retroactively-recategorized emoji (and more!) This encompasses a handful of problems with column counting. The Terminal project didn't set a fallback column counter. Oops. I've fixed this to use the `DxEngine` as the fallback. The `DxEngine` didn't implement its fallback method. Oops. I've fixed this to use the `CustomTextLayout` to figure out the advances based on the same font and fallback pattern as the real final layout, just without "rounding" it into cells yet. - `CustomTextLayout` has been updated to move the advance-correction into a separate phase from glyph shaping. Previously, we corrected the advances to nice round cell counts during shaping, which is fine for drawing, but hard for column count analysis. - Now that there are separate phases, an `Analyze` method was added to the `CustomTextLayout` which just performs the text analysis steps and the glyph shaping, but no advance correction to column boundaries nor actual drawing. I've taken the caching code that I was working on to improve chafa, and I've brought it into this. Now that we're doing a lot of fallback and heavy lifting in terms of analysis via the layout, we should cache the results until the font changes. I've adjusted how column counting is done overall. It's always been in these phases: 1. We used a quick-lookup of ranges of characters we knew to rapidly decide `Narrow`, `Wide` or `Invalid` (a.k.a. "I dunno") 2. If it was `Invalid`, we consulted a table based off of the Unicode standard that has either `Narrow`, `Wide`, or `Ambiguous` as a result. 3. If it's still `Ambiguous`, we consult a render engine fallback (usually GDI or now DX) to see how many columns it would take. 4. If we still don't know, then it's `Wide` to be safe. - I've added an additional flow here. The quick-lookup can now return `Ambiguous` off the bat for some glyph characters in the x2000-x3000 range that used to just be simple shapes but have been retroactively recategorized as emoji and are frequently now using full width color glyphs. - This new state causes the lookup to go immediately to the render engine if it is available instead of consulting the Unicode standard table first because the half/fullwidth table doesn't appear to have been updated for this nuance to reclass these characters as ambiguous, but we'd like to keep that table as a "generated from the spec" sort of table and keep our exceptions in the "quick lookup" function. I have confirmed the following things "just work" now: - The windows logo flag from the demo. (⚫⚪💖✅🌌😊) - The dotted chart on the side of crossterm demo (•) - The powerline characters that make arrows with the Consolas patched font (██) - An accented é - The warning and checkmark symbols appearing same size as the X. (✔⚠🔥) Related work items: #21167256, #21237515, #21243859, #21274645, #21296827
2019-05-02 01:13:53 +02:00
// - S_OK or relevant DirectWrite error.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::IsGlyphWideByFont(const std::wstring_view glyph, _Out_ bool* const pResult) noexcept
Merged PR 3215853: Fix spacing/layout for block characters and many retroactively-recategorized emoji (and more!) This encompasses a handful of problems with column counting. The Terminal project didn't set a fallback column counter. Oops. I've fixed this to use the `DxEngine` as the fallback. The `DxEngine` didn't implement its fallback method. Oops. I've fixed this to use the `CustomTextLayout` to figure out the advances based on the same font and fallback pattern as the real final layout, just without "rounding" it into cells yet. - `CustomTextLayout` has been updated to move the advance-correction into a separate phase from glyph shaping. Previously, we corrected the advances to nice round cell counts during shaping, which is fine for drawing, but hard for column count analysis. - Now that there are separate phases, an `Analyze` method was added to the `CustomTextLayout` which just performs the text analysis steps and the glyph shaping, but no advance correction to column boundaries nor actual drawing. I've taken the caching code that I was working on to improve chafa, and I've brought it into this. Now that we're doing a lot of fallback and heavy lifting in terms of analysis via the layout, we should cache the results until the font changes. I've adjusted how column counting is done overall. It's always been in these phases: 1. We used a quick-lookup of ranges of characters we knew to rapidly decide `Narrow`, `Wide` or `Invalid` (a.k.a. "I dunno") 2. If it was `Invalid`, we consulted a table based off of the Unicode standard that has either `Narrow`, `Wide`, or `Ambiguous` as a result. 3. If it's still `Ambiguous`, we consult a render engine fallback (usually GDI or now DX) to see how many columns it would take. 4. If we still don't know, then it's `Wide` to be safe. - I've added an additional flow here. The quick-lookup can now return `Ambiguous` off the bat for some glyph characters in the x2000-x3000 range that used to just be simple shapes but have been retroactively recategorized as emoji and are frequently now using full width color glyphs. - This new state causes the lookup to go immediately to the render engine if it is available instead of consulting the Unicode standard table first because the half/fullwidth table doesn't appear to have been updated for this nuance to reclass these characters as ambiguous, but we'd like to keep that table as a "generated from the spec" sort of table and keep our exceptions in the "quick lookup" function. I have confirmed the following things "just work" now: - The windows logo flag from the demo. (⚫⚪💖✅🌌😊) - The dotted chart on the side of crossterm demo (•) - The powerline characters that make arrows with the Consolas patched font (██) - An accented é - The warning and checkmark symbols appearing same size as the X. (✔⚠🔥) Related work items: #21167256, #21237515, #21243859, #21274645, #21296827
2019-05-02 01:13:53 +02:00
Cluster cluster(glyph, 0); // columns don't matter, we're doing analysis not layout.
// Create the text layout
CustomTextLayout layout(_dwriteFactory.Get(),
{ &cluster, 1 },
Merged PR 3215853: Fix spacing/layout for block characters and many retroactively-recategorized emoji (and more!) This encompasses a handful of problems with column counting. The Terminal project didn't set a fallback column counter. Oops. I've fixed this to use the `DxEngine` as the fallback. The `DxEngine` didn't implement its fallback method. Oops. I've fixed this to use the `CustomTextLayout` to figure out the advances based on the same font and fallback pattern as the real final layout, just without "rounding" it into cells yet. - `CustomTextLayout` has been updated to move the advance-correction into a separate phase from glyph shaping. Previously, we corrected the advances to nice round cell counts during shaping, which is fine for drawing, but hard for column count analysis. - Now that there are separate phases, an `Analyze` method was added to the `CustomTextLayout` which just performs the text analysis steps and the glyph shaping, but no advance correction to column boundaries nor actual drawing. I've taken the caching code that I was working on to improve chafa, and I've brought it into this. Now that we're doing a lot of fallback and heavy lifting in terms of analysis via the layout, we should cache the results until the font changes. I've adjusted how column counting is done overall. It's always been in these phases: 1. We used a quick-lookup of ranges of characters we knew to rapidly decide `Narrow`, `Wide` or `Invalid` (a.k.a. "I dunno") 2. If it was `Invalid`, we consulted a table based off of the Unicode standard that has either `Narrow`, `Wide`, or `Ambiguous` as a result. 3. If it's still `Ambiguous`, we consult a render engine fallback (usually GDI or now DX) to see how many columns it would take. 4. If we still don't know, then it's `Wide` to be safe. - I've added an additional flow here. The quick-lookup can now return `Ambiguous` off the bat for some glyph characters in the x2000-x3000 range that used to just be simple shapes but have been retroactively recategorized as emoji and are frequently now using full width color glyphs. - This new state causes the lookup to go immediately to the render engine if it is available instead of consulting the Unicode standard table first because the half/fullwidth table doesn't appear to have been updated for this nuance to reclass these characters as ambiguous, but we'd like to keep that table as a "generated from the spec" sort of table and keep our exceptions in the "quick lookup" function. I have confirmed the following things "just work" now: - The windows logo flag from the demo. (⚫⚪💖✅🌌😊) - The dotted chart on the side of crossterm demo (•) - The powerline characters that make arrows with the Consolas patched font (██) - An accented é - The warning and checkmark symbols appearing same size as the X. (✔⚠🔥) Related work items: #21167256, #21237515, #21243859, #21274645, #21296827
2019-05-02 01:13:53 +02:00
UINT32 columns = 0;
*pResult = columns != 1;
return S_OK;
// Method Description:
// - Updates the window's title string.
// Arguments:
// - newTitle: the new string to use for the title of the window
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::_DoUpdateTitle(_In_ const std::wstring& /*newTitle*/) noexcept
return PostMessageW(_hwndTarget, CM_UPDATE_TITLE, 0, (LPARAM) nullptr) ? S_OK : E_FAIL;
// Routine Description:
// - Locates a suitable font face from the given information
// Arguments:
// - familyName - The font name we should be looking for
// - weight - The weight (bold, light, etc.)
// - stretch - The stretch of the font is the spacing between each letter
// - style - Normal, italic, etc.
// Return Value:
// - Smart pointer holding interface reference for queryable font data.
[[nodiscard]] Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteFontFace5> DxEngine::_FindFontFace(const std::wstring& familyName,
DWRITE_FONT_STYLE style) const
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteFontFace5> fontFace;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteFontCollection> fontCollection;
THROW_IF_FAILED(_dwriteFactory->GetSystemFontCollection(&fontCollection, false));
UINT32 familyIndex;
BOOL familyExists;
THROW_IF_FAILED(fontCollection->FindFamilyName(familyName.c_str(), &familyIndex, &familyExists));
if (familyExists)
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteFontFamily> fontFamily;
THROW_IF_FAILED(fontCollection->GetFontFamily(familyIndex, &fontFamily));
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteFont> font;
THROW_IF_FAILED(fontFamily->GetFirstMatchingFont(weight, stretch, style, &font));
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteFontFace> fontFace0;
return fontFace;
// Routine Description:
// - Updates the font used for drawing
// Arguments:
// - desired - Information specifying the font that is requested
// - actual - Filled with the nearest font actually chosen for drawing
// - dpi - The DPI of the screen
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or relevant DirectX error
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT DxEngine::_GetProposedFont(const FontInfoDesired& desired,
FontInfo& actual,
const int dpi,
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteTextFormat2>& textFormat,
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteTextAnalyzer1>& textAnalyzer,
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteFontFace5>& fontFace) const noexcept
const std::wstring fontName(desired.GetFaceName());
const auto face = _FindFontFace(fontName, weight, stretch, style);
THROW_IF_NULL_ALLOC_MSG(face, "Failed to find the requested font");
const UINT32 spaceCodePoint = UNICODE_SPACE;
UINT16 spaceGlyphIndex;
THROW_IF_FAILED(face->GetGlyphIndicesW(&spaceCodePoint, 1, &spaceGlyphIndex));
INT32 advanceInDesignUnits;
THROW_IF_FAILED(face->GetDesignGlyphAdvances(1, &spaceGlyphIndex, &advanceInDesignUnits));
// The math here is actually:
// Requested Size in Points * DPI scaling factor * Points to Pixels scaling factor.
// - DPI = dots per inch
// - PPI = points per inch or "points" as usually seen when choosing a font size
// - The DPI scaling factor is the current monitor DPI divided by 96, the default DPI.
// - The Points to Pixels factor is based on the typography definition of 72 points per inch.
// As such, converting requires taking the 96 pixel per inch default and dividing by the 72 points per inch
// to get a factor of 1 and 1/3.
// This turns into something like:
// - 12 ppi font * (96 dpi / 96 dpi) * (96 dpi / 72 points per inch) = 16 pixels tall font for 100% display (96 dpi is 100%)
// - 12 ppi font * (144 dpi / 96 dpi) * (96 dpi / 72 points per inch) = 24 pixels tall font for 150% display (144 dpi is 150%)
// - 12 ppi font * (192 dpi / 96 dpi) * (96 dpi / 72 points per inch) = 32 pixels tall font for 200% display (192 dpi is 200%)
float heightDesired = static_cast<float>(desired.GetEngineSize().Y) * static_cast<float>(USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI) / POINTS_PER_INCH;
// The advance is the number of pixels left-to-right (X dimension) for the given font.
// We're finding a proportional factor here with the design units in "ems", not an actual pixel measurement.
// For HWND swap chains, we play trickery with the font size. For others, we use inherent scaling.
// For composition swap chains, we scale by the DPI later during drawing and presentation.
if (_chainMode == SwapChainMode::ForHwnd)
heightDesired *= (static_cast<float>(dpi) / static_cast<float>(USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI));
const float widthAdvance = static_cast<float>(advanceInDesignUnits) / fontMetrics.designUnitsPerEm;
// Use the real pixel height desired by the "em" factor for the width to get the number of pixels
// we will need per character in width. This will almost certainly result in fractional X-dimension pixels.
const float widthApprox = heightDesired * widthAdvance;
// Since we can't deal with columns of the presentation grid being fractional pixels in width, round to the nearest whole pixel.
const float widthExact = round(widthApprox);
// Now reverse the "em" factor from above to turn the exact pixel width into a (probably) fractional
// height in pixels of each character. It's easier for us to pad out height and align vertically
// than it is horizontally.
const auto fontSize = widthExact / widthAdvance;
// Now figure out the basic properties of the character height which include ascent and descent
// for this specific font size.
const float ascent = (fontSize * fontMetrics.ascent) / fontMetrics.designUnitsPerEm;
const float descent = (fontSize * fontMetrics.descent) / fontMetrics.designUnitsPerEm;
// We're going to build a line spacing object here to track all of this data in our format.
DWRITE_LINE_SPACING lineSpacing = {};
// We need to make sure the baseline falls on a round pixel (not a fractional pixel).
// If the baseline is fractional, the text appears blurry, especially at small scales.
// Since we also need to make sure the bounding box as a whole is round pixels
// (because the entire console system maths in full cell units),
// we're just going to ceiling up the ascent and descent to make a full pixel amount
// and set the baseline to the full round pixel ascent value.
// For reference, for the letters "ag":
// aaaaaa ggggggg <===================================
// a g g | |
// aaaaa ggggg |<-ascent |
// a a g | |---- height
// aaaaa a gggggg <-------------------baseline |
// g g |<-descent |
// gggggg <===================================
const auto fullPixelAscent = ceil(ascent);
const auto fullPixelDescent = ceil(descent);
lineSpacing.height = fullPixelAscent + fullPixelDescent;
lineSpacing.baseline = fullPixelAscent;
// Create the font with the fractional pixel height size.
// It should have an integer pixel width by our math above.
// Then below, apply the line spacing to the format to position the floating point pixel height characters
// into a cell that has an integer pixel height leaving some padding above/below as necessary to round them out.
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteTextFormat> format;
Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IDWriteTextAnalyzer> analyzer;
fontFace = face;
// The scaled size needs to represent the pixel box that each character will fit within for the purposes
// of hit testing math and other such multiplication/division.
COORD coordSize = { 0 };
coordSize.X = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(widthExact);
coordSize.Y = gsl::narrow<SHORT>(lineSpacing.height);
const auto familyNameLength = textFormat->GetFontFamilyNameLength() + 1; // 1 for space for null
const auto familyNameBuffer = std::make_unique<wchar_t[]>(familyNameLength);
THROW_IF_FAILED(textFormat->GetFontFamilyName(familyNameBuffer.get(), familyNameLength));
const DWORD weightDword = static_cast<DWORD>(textFormat->GetFontWeight());
// Unscaled is for the purposes of re-communicating this font back to the renderer again later.
// As such, we need to give the same original size parameter back here without padding
// or rounding or scaling manipulation.
COORD unscaled = desired.GetEngineSize();
COORD scaled = coordSize;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Helps convert a GDI COLORREF into a Direct2D ColorF
// Arguments:
// - color - GDI color
// Return Value:
// - D2D color
[[nodiscard]] D2D1_COLOR_F DxEngine::_ColorFFromColorRef(const COLORREF color) noexcept
// Converts BGR color order to RGB.
const UINT32 rgb = ((color & 0x0000FF) << 16) | (color & 0x00FF00) | ((color & 0xFF0000) >> 16);
switch (_chainMode)
case SwapChainMode::ForHwnd:
return D2D1::ColorF(rgb);
case SwapChainMode::ForComposition:
// Get the A value we've snuck into the highest byte
const BYTE a = ((color >> 24) & 0xFF);
const float aFloat = a / 255.0f;
return D2D1::ColorF(rgb, aFloat);
// Routine Description:
// - Helps convert a Direct2D ColorF into a DXGI RGBA
// Arguments:
// - color - Direct2D Color F
// Return Value:
[[nodiscard]] DXGI_RGBA DxEngine::s_RgbaFromColorF(const D2D1_COLOR_F color) noexcept
rgba.a = color.a;
rgba.b = color.b;
rgba.g = color.g;
rgba.r = color.r;
return rgba;