
860 lines
28 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "HwndTerminal.hpp"
#include <windowsx.h>
#include "../../types/TermControlUiaProvider.hpp"
#include <DefaultSettings.h>
#include "../../renderer/base/Renderer.hpp"
#include "../../renderer/dx/DxRenderer.hpp"
#include "../../cascadia/TerminalCore/Terminal.hpp"
#include "../../types/viewport.cpp"
#include "../../types/inc/GlyphWidth.hpp"
using namespace ::Microsoft::Terminal::Core;
static LPCWSTR term_window_class = L"HwndTerminalClass";
static constexpr bool _IsMouseMessage(UINT uMsg)
return uMsg == WM_LBUTTONDOWN || uMsg == WM_LBUTTONUP || uMsg == WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK ||
LRESULT CALLBACK HwndTerminal::HwndTerminalWndProc(
HWND hwnd,
UINT uMsg,
WPARAM wParam,
LPARAM lParam) noexcept
#pragma warning(suppress : 26490) // Win32 APIs can only store void*, have to use reinterpret_cast
HwndTerminal* terminal = reinterpret_cast<HwndTerminal*>(GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA));
if (terminal)
if (_IsMouseMessage(uMsg) && terminal->_CanSendVTMouseInput())
if (terminal->_SendMouseEvent(uMsg, wParam, lParam))
return 0;
switch (uMsg)
if (lParam == UiaRootObjectId)
return UiaReturnRawElementProvider(hwnd, wParam, lParam, terminal->_GetUiaProvider());
return 0;
terminal->_singleClickTouchdownPos = std::nullopt;
if (WI_IsFlagSet(wParam, MK_LBUTTON))
return 0;
if (terminal->_terminal->IsSelectionActive())
const auto bufferData = terminal->_terminal->RetrieveSelectedTextFromBuffer(false);
LOG_IF_FAILED(terminal->_CopyTextToSystemClipboard(bufferData, true));
return 0;
return DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
catch (...)
return 0;
static bool RegisterTermClass(HINSTANCE hInstance) noexcept
if (GetClassInfoW(hInstance, term_window_class, &wc))
return true;
wc.style = 0;
wc.lpfnWndProc = HwndTerminal::HwndTerminalWndProc;
wc.cbClsExtra = 0;
wc.cbWndExtra = 0;
wc.hInstance = hInstance;
wc.hIcon = nullptr;
wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(nullptr, IDC_ARROW);
wc.hbrBackground = nullptr;
wc.lpszMenuName = nullptr;
wc.lpszClassName = term_window_class;
return RegisterClassW(&wc) != 0;
HwndTerminal::HwndTerminal(HWND parentHwnd) :
_desiredFont{ L"Consolas", 0, 10, { 0, 14 }, CP_UTF8 },
_actualFont{ L"Consolas", 0, 10, { 0, 14 }, CP_UTF8, false },
_uiaProvider{ nullptr },
_uiaProviderInitialized{ false },
_pfnWriteCallback{ nullptr },
_multiClickTime{ 500 } // this will be overwritten by the windows system double-click time
HINSTANCE hInstance = wil::GetModuleInstanceHandle();
if (RegisterTermClass(hInstance))
_hwnd = wil::unique_hwnd(CreateWindowExW(
#pragma warning(suppress : 26490) // Win32 APIs can only store void*, have to use reinterpret_cast
SetWindowLongPtr(_hwnd.get(), GWLP_USERDATA, reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(this));
HRESULT HwndTerminal::Initialize()
_terminal = std::make_unique<::Microsoft::Terminal::Core::Terminal>();
auto renderThread = std::make_unique<::Microsoft::Console::Render::RenderThread>();
auto* const localPointerToThread = renderThread.get();
_renderer = std::make_unique<::Microsoft::Console::Render::Renderer>(_terminal.get(), nullptr, 0, std::move(renderThread));
RETURN_HR_IF_NULL(E_POINTER, localPointerToThread);
auto dxEngine = std::make_unique<::Microsoft::Console::Render::DxEngine>();
const auto pfn = std::bind(&::Microsoft::Console::Render::Renderer::IsGlyphWideByFont, _renderer.get(), std::placeholders::_1);
RECT windowRect;
GetWindowRect(_hwnd.get(), &windowRect);
const COORD windowSize{ gsl::narrow<short>(windowRect.right - windowRect.left), gsl::narrow<short>(windowRect.bottom - windowRect.top) };
// Fist set up the dx engine with the window size in pixels.
// Then, using the font, get the number of characters that can fit.
const auto viewInPixels = Viewport::FromDimensions({ 0, 0 }, windowSize);
RETURN_IF_FAILED(dxEngine->SetWindowSize({ viewInPixels.Width(), viewInPixels.Height() }));
_renderEngine = std::move(dxEngine);
_terminal->SetBackgroundCallback([](auto) {});
_terminal->Create(COORD{ 80, 25 }, 1000, *_renderer);
_terminal->SetDefaultBackground(RGB(5, 27, 80));
_terminal->SetDefaultForeground(RGB(255, 255, 255));
_terminal->SetWriteInputCallback([=](std::wstring & input) noexcept { _WriteTextToConnection(input); });
_multiClickTime = std::chrono::milliseconds{ GetDoubleClickTime() };
return S_OK;
void HwndTerminal::RegisterScrollCallback(std::function<void(int, int, int)> callback)
void HwndTerminal::_WriteTextToConnection(const std::wstring& input) noexcept
if (!_pfnWriteCallback)
auto callingText{ wil::make_cotaskmem_string(input.data(), input.size()) };
void HwndTerminal::RegisterWriteCallback(const void _stdcall callback(wchar_t*))
_pfnWriteCallback = callback;
::Microsoft::Console::Types::IUiaData* HwndTerminal::GetUiaData() const noexcept
return _terminal.get();
HWND HwndTerminal::GetHwnd() const noexcept
return _hwnd.get();
void HwndTerminal::_UpdateFont(int newDpi)
_currentDpi = newDpi;
auto lock = _terminal->LockForWriting();
// TODO: MSFT:20895307 If the font doesn't exist, this doesn't
// actually fail. We need a way to gracefully fallback.
_renderer->TriggerFontChange(newDpi, _desiredFont, _actualFont);
IRawElementProviderSimple* HwndTerminal::_GetUiaProvider() noexcept
if (nullptr == _uiaProvider && !_uiaProviderInitialized)
std::unique_lock<std::shared_mutex> lock;
#pragma warning(suppress : 26441) // The lock is named, this appears to be a false positive
lock = _terminal->LockForWriting();
if (_uiaProviderInitialized)
return _uiaProvider.Get();
LOG_IF_FAILED(::Microsoft::WRL::MakeAndInitialize<::Microsoft::Terminal::TermControlUiaProvider>(&_uiaProvider, this->GetUiaData(), this));
catch (...)
_uiaProvider = nullptr;
_uiaProviderInitialized = true;
return _uiaProvider.Get();
HRESULT HwndTerminal::Refresh(const SIZE windowSize, _Out_ COORD* dimensions)
auto lock = _terminal->LockForWriting();
// Invalidate everything
// Convert our new dimensions to characters
const auto viewInPixels = Viewport::FromDimensions({ 0, 0 },
{ gsl::narrow<short>(windowSize.cx), gsl::narrow<short>(windowSize.cy) });
const auto vp = _renderEngine->GetViewportInCharacters(viewInPixels);
// If this function succeeds with S_FALSE, then the terminal didn't
// actually change size. No need to notify the connection of this
// no-op.
// TODO: MSFT:20642295 Resizing the buffer will corrupt it
// I believe we'll need support for CSI 2J, and additionally I think
// we're resetting the viewport to the top
RETURN_IF_FAILED(_terminal->UserResize({ vp.Width(), vp.Height() }));
dimensions->X = vp.Width();
dimensions->Y = vp.Height();
return S_OK;
void HwndTerminal::SendOutput(std::wstring_view data)
HRESULT _stdcall CreateTerminal(HWND parentHwnd, _Out_ void** hwnd, _Out_ void** terminal)
// In order for UIA to hook up properly there needs to be a "static" window hosting the
// inner win32 control. If the static window is not present then WM_GETOBJECT messages
// will not reach the child control, and the uia element will not be present in the tree.
auto _hostWindow = CreateWindowEx(
auto _terminal = std::make_unique<HwndTerminal>(_hostWindow);
*hwnd = _hostWindow;
*terminal = _terminal.release();
return S_OK;
void _stdcall TerminalRegisterScrollCallback(void* terminal, void __stdcall callback(int, int, int))
auto publicTerminal = static_cast<HwndTerminal*>(terminal);
void _stdcall TerminalRegisterWriteCallback(void* terminal, const void __stdcall callback(wchar_t*))
const auto publicTerminal = static_cast<HwndTerminal*>(terminal);
void _stdcall TerminalSendOutput(void* terminal, LPCWSTR data)
const auto publicTerminal = static_cast<HwndTerminal*>(terminal);
HRESULT _stdcall TerminalTriggerResize(void* terminal, double width, double height, _Out_ COORD* dimensions)
const auto publicTerminal = static_cast<HwndTerminal*>(terminal);
const SIZE windowSize{ static_cast<short>(width), static_cast<short>(height) };
return publicTerminal->Refresh(windowSize, dimensions);
void _stdcall TerminalDpiChanged(void* terminal, int newDpi)
const auto publicTerminal = static_cast<HwndTerminal*>(terminal);
void _stdcall TerminalUserScroll(void* terminal, int viewTop)
const auto publicTerminal = static_cast<const HwndTerminal*>(terminal);
const unsigned int HwndTerminal::_NumberOfClicks(til::point point, std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point timestamp) noexcept
// if click occurred at a different location or past the multiClickTimer...
const auto delta{ timestamp - _lastMouseClickTimestamp };
if (point != _lastMouseClickPos || delta > _multiClickTime)
// exit early. This is a single click.
_multiClickCounter = 1;
return _multiClickCounter;
HRESULT HwndTerminal::_StartSelection(LPARAM lParam) noexcept
const til::point cursorPosition{
auto lock = _terminal->LockForWriting();
const bool altPressed = GetKeyState(VK_MENU) < 0;
const til::size fontSize{ this->_actualFont.GetSize() };
const auto clickCount{ _NumberOfClicks(cursorPosition, std::chrono::steady_clock::now()) };
// This formula enables the number of clicks to cycle properly between single-, double-, and triple-click.
// To increase the number of acceptable click states, simply increment MAX_CLICK_COUNT and add another if-statement
const unsigned int MAX_CLICK_COUNT = 3;
const auto multiClickMapper = clickCount > MAX_CLICK_COUNT ? ((clickCount + MAX_CLICK_COUNT - 1) % MAX_CLICK_COUNT) + 1 : clickCount;
if (multiClickMapper == 3)
_terminal->MultiClickSelection(cursorPosition / fontSize, ::Terminal::SelectionExpansionMode::Line);
else if (multiClickMapper == 2)
_terminal->MultiClickSelection(cursorPosition / fontSize, ::Terminal::SelectionExpansionMode::Word);
_singleClickTouchdownPos = cursorPosition;
_lastMouseClickTimestamp = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
_lastMouseClickPos = cursorPosition;
return S_OK;
HRESULT HwndTerminal::_MoveSelection(LPARAM lParam) noexcept
const til::point cursorPosition{
auto lock = _terminal->LockForWriting();
const til::size fontSize{ this->_actualFont.GetSize() };
RETURN_HR_IF(E_NOT_VALID_STATE, fontSize.area() == 0); // either dimension = 0, area == 0
if (this->_singleClickTouchdownPos)
const auto& touchdownPoint{ *this->_singleClickTouchdownPos };
const auto distance{ std::sqrtf(std::powf(cursorPosition.x<float>() - touchdownPoint.x<float>(), 2) + std::powf(cursorPosition.y<float>() - touchdownPoint.y<float>(), 2)) };
if (distance >= (std::min(fontSize.width(), fontSize.height()) / 4.f))
_terminal->SetSelectionAnchor(touchdownPoint / fontSize);
// stop tracking the touchdown point
_singleClickTouchdownPos = std::nullopt;
this->_terminal->SetSelectionEnd(cursorPosition / fontSize);
return S_OK;
void _stdcall TerminalClearSelection(void* terminal)
const auto publicTerminal = static_cast<const HwndTerminal*>(terminal);
bool _stdcall TerminalIsSelectionActive(void* terminal)
const auto publicTerminal = static_cast<const HwndTerminal*>(terminal);
const bool selectionActive = publicTerminal->_terminal->IsSelectionActive();
return selectionActive;
// Returns the selected text in the terminal.
const wchar_t* _stdcall TerminalGetSelection(void* terminal)
const auto publicTerminal = static_cast<const HwndTerminal*>(terminal);
const auto bufferData = publicTerminal->_terminal->RetrieveSelectedTextFromBuffer(false);
// convert text: vector<string> --> string
std::wstring selectedText;
for (const auto& text : bufferData.text)
selectedText += text;
auto returnText = wil::make_cotaskmem_string_nothrow(selectedText.c_str());
return returnText.release();
Delegate all character input to the character event handler (#4192) My basic idea was that `WM_CHAR` is just the better `WM_KEYDOWN`. The latter fails to properly support common dead key sequences like in #3516. As such I added some logic to `Terminal::SendKeyEvent` to make it return false if the pressed key represents a printable character. This causes us to receive a character event with a (hopefully) correctly composed code unit, which then gets sent to `Terminal::SendCharEvent`. `Terminal::SendCharEvent` in turn had to be modified to support potentially pressed modifier keys, since `Terminal::SendKeyEvent` isn't doing that for us anymore. Lastly `TerminalInput` had to be modified heavily to support character events with modifier key states. In order to do so I merged its `HandleKey` and `HandleChar` methods into a single one, that now handles both cases. Since key events will now contain character data and character events key codes the decision logic in `TerminalInput::HandleKey` had to be rewritten. ## PR Checklist * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed * [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. ## Validation Steps Performed * See #3516. * I don't have any keyboard that generates surrogate characters. Due to this I modified `TermControl::_SendPastedTextToConnection` to send the data to `_terminal->SendCharEvent()` instead. I then pasted the test string ""𐐌𐐜𐐬" and ensured that the new `TerminalInput::_SendChar` method still correctly assembles surrogate pairs. Closes #3516 Closes #3554 (obsoleted by this PR) Potentially impacts #391, which sounds like a duplicate of #3516
2020-04-07 21:09:28 +02:00
static ControlKeyStates getControlKeyState() noexcept
struct KeyModifier
int vkey;
ControlKeyStates flags;
constexpr std::array<KeyModifier, 5> modifiers{ {
{ VK_RMENU, ControlKeyStates::RightAltPressed },
{ VK_LMENU, ControlKeyStates::LeftAltPressed },
{ VK_RCONTROL, ControlKeyStates::RightCtrlPressed },
{ VK_LCONTROL, ControlKeyStates::LeftCtrlPressed },
{ VK_SHIFT, ControlKeyStates::ShiftPressed },
} };
ControlKeyStates flags;
for (const auto& mod : modifiers)
const auto state = GetKeyState(mod.vkey);
const auto isDown = state < 0;
if (isDown)
flags |= mod.flags;
Delegate all character input to the character event handler (#4192) My basic idea was that `WM_CHAR` is just the better `WM_KEYDOWN`. The latter fails to properly support common dead key sequences like in #3516. As such I added some logic to `Terminal::SendKeyEvent` to make it return false if the pressed key represents a printable character. This causes us to receive a character event with a (hopefully) correctly composed code unit, which then gets sent to `Terminal::SendCharEvent`. `Terminal::SendCharEvent` in turn had to be modified to support potentially pressed modifier keys, since `Terminal::SendKeyEvent` isn't doing that for us anymore. Lastly `TerminalInput` had to be modified heavily to support character events with modifier key states. In order to do so I merged its `HandleKey` and `HandleChar` methods into a single one, that now handles both cases. Since key events will now contain character data and character events key codes the decision logic in `TerminalInput::HandleKey` had to be rewritten. ## PR Checklist * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed * [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. ## Validation Steps Performed * See #3516. * I don't have any keyboard that generates surrogate characters. Due to this I modified `TermControl::_SendPastedTextToConnection` to send the data to `_terminal->SendCharEvent()` instead. I then pasted the test string ""𐐌𐐜𐐬" and ensured that the new `TerminalInput::_SendChar` method still correctly assembles surrogate pairs. Closes #3516 Closes #3554 (obsoleted by this PR) Potentially impacts #391, which sounds like a duplicate of #3516
2020-04-07 21:09:28 +02:00
return flags;
bool HwndTerminal::_CanSendVTMouseInput() const noexcept
// Only allow the transit of mouse events if shift isn't pressed.
const bool shiftPressed = GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) < 0;
return !shiftPressed && _focused && _terminal->IsTrackingMouseInput();
bool HwndTerminal::_SendMouseEvent(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) noexcept
const til::point cursorPosition{
const til::size fontSize{ this->_actualFont.GetSize() };
short wheelDelta{ 0 };
if (uMsg == WM_MOUSEWHEEL)
wheelDelta = HIWORD(wParam);
return _terminal->SendMouseEvent(cursorPosition / fontSize, uMsg, getControlKeyState(), wheelDelta);
catch (...)
return false;
void HwndTerminal::_SendKeyEvent(WORD vkey, WORD scanCode, bool keyDown) noexcept
Delegate all character input to the character event handler (#4192) My basic idea was that `WM_CHAR` is just the better `WM_KEYDOWN`. The latter fails to properly support common dead key sequences like in #3516. As such I added some logic to `Terminal::SendKeyEvent` to make it return false if the pressed key represents a printable character. This causes us to receive a character event with a (hopefully) correctly composed code unit, which then gets sent to `Terminal::SendCharEvent`. `Terminal::SendCharEvent` in turn had to be modified to support potentially pressed modifier keys, since `Terminal::SendKeyEvent` isn't doing that for us anymore. Lastly `TerminalInput` had to be modified heavily to support character events with modifier key states. In order to do so I merged its `HandleKey` and `HandleChar` methods into a single one, that now handles both cases. Since key events will now contain character data and character events key codes the decision logic in `TerminalInput::HandleKey` had to be rewritten. ## PR Checklist * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed * [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. ## Validation Steps Performed * See #3516. * I don't have any keyboard that generates surrogate characters. Due to this I modified `TermControl::_SendPastedTextToConnection` to send the data to `_terminal->SendCharEvent()` instead. I then pasted the test string ""𐐌𐐜𐐬" and ensured that the new `TerminalInput::_SendChar` method still correctly assembles surrogate pairs. Closes #3516 Closes #3554 (obsoleted by this PR) Potentially impacts #391, which sounds like a duplicate of #3516
2020-04-07 21:09:28 +02:00
const auto flags = getControlKeyState();
_terminal->SendKeyEvent(vkey, scanCode, flags, keyDown);
void HwndTerminal::_SendCharEvent(wchar_t ch, WORD scanCode) noexcept
if (_terminal->IsSelectionActive())
if (ch == UNICODE_ESC)
// ESC should clear any selection before it triggers input.
// Other characters pass through.
if (ch == UNICODE_TAB)
// TAB was handled as a keydown event (cf. Terminal::SendKeyEvent)
Delegate all character input to the character event handler (#4192) My basic idea was that `WM_CHAR` is just the better `WM_KEYDOWN`. The latter fails to properly support common dead key sequences like in #3516. As such I added some logic to `Terminal::SendKeyEvent` to make it return false if the pressed key represents a printable character. This causes us to receive a character event with a (hopefully) correctly composed code unit, which then gets sent to `Terminal::SendCharEvent`. `Terminal::SendCharEvent` in turn had to be modified to support potentially pressed modifier keys, since `Terminal::SendKeyEvent` isn't doing that for us anymore. Lastly `TerminalInput` had to be modified heavily to support character events with modifier key states. In order to do so I merged its `HandleKey` and `HandleChar` methods into a single one, that now handles both cases. Since key events will now contain character data and character events key codes the decision logic in `TerminalInput::HandleKey` had to be rewritten. ## PR Checklist * [x] CLA signed * [x] Tests added/passed * [x] I've discussed this with core contributors already. ## Validation Steps Performed * See #3516. * I don't have any keyboard that generates surrogate characters. Due to this I modified `TermControl::_SendPastedTextToConnection` to send the data to `_terminal->SendCharEvent()` instead. I then pasted the test string ""𐐌𐐜𐐬" and ensured that the new `TerminalInput::_SendChar` method still correctly assembles surrogate pairs. Closes #3516 Closes #3554 (obsoleted by this PR) Potentially impacts #391, which sounds like a duplicate of #3516
2020-04-07 21:09:28 +02:00
const auto flags = getControlKeyState();
_terminal->SendCharEvent(ch, scanCode, flags);
void _stdcall TerminalSendKeyEvent(void* terminal, WORD vkey, WORD scanCode, bool keyDown)
const auto publicTerminal = static_cast<HwndTerminal*>(terminal);
publicTerminal->_SendKeyEvent(vkey, scanCode, keyDown);
void _stdcall TerminalSendCharEvent(void* terminal, wchar_t ch, WORD scanCode)
const auto publicTerminal = static_cast<HwndTerminal*>(terminal);
publicTerminal->_SendCharEvent(ch, scanCode);
void _stdcall DestroyTerminal(void* terminal)
const auto publicTerminal = static_cast<HwndTerminal*>(terminal);
delete publicTerminal;
// Updates the terminal font type, size, color, as well as the background/foreground colors to a specified theme.
void _stdcall TerminalSetTheme(void* terminal, TerminalTheme theme, LPCWSTR fontFamily, short fontSize, int newDpi)
const auto publicTerminal = static_cast<HwndTerminal*>(terminal);
auto lock = publicTerminal->_terminal->LockForWriting();
// Set the font colors
for (size_t tableIndex = 0; tableIndex < 16; tableIndex++)
// It's using gsl::at to check the index is in bounds, but the analyzer still calls this array-to-pointer-decay
[[gsl::suppress(bounds .3)]] publicTerminal->_terminal->SetColorTableEntry(tableIndex, gsl::at(theme.ColorTable, tableIndex));
publicTerminal->_desiredFont = { fontFamily, 0, 10, { 0, fontSize }, CP_UTF8 };
// When the font changes the terminal dimensions need to be recalculated since the available row and column
// space will have changed.
RECT windowRect;
GetWindowRect(publicTerminal->_hwnd.get(), &windowRect);
COORD dimensions = {};
const SIZE windowSize{ windowRect.right - windowRect.left, windowRect.bottom - windowRect.top };
publicTerminal->Refresh(windowSize, &dimensions);
// Resizes the terminal to the specified rows and columns.
HRESULT _stdcall TerminalResize(void* terminal, COORD dimensions)
const auto publicTerminal = static_cast<const HwndTerminal*>(terminal);
auto lock = publicTerminal->_terminal->LockForWriting();
return publicTerminal->_terminal->UserResize(dimensions);
2019-11-04 22:41:02 +01:00
void _stdcall TerminalBlinkCursor(void* terminal)
const auto publicTerminal = static_cast<const HwndTerminal*>(terminal);
if (!publicTerminal->_terminal->IsCursorBlinkingAllowed() && publicTerminal->_terminal->IsCursorVisible())
2019-11-04 22:41:02 +01:00
void _stdcall TerminalSetCursorVisible(void* terminal, const bool visible)
const auto publicTerminal = static_cast<const HwndTerminal*>(terminal);
2019-11-04 22:41:02 +01:00
void __stdcall TerminalSetFocus(void* terminal)
auto publicTerminal = static_cast<HwndTerminal*>(terminal);
publicTerminal->_focused = true;
void __stdcall TerminalKillFocus(void* terminal)
auto publicTerminal = static_cast<HwndTerminal*>(terminal);
publicTerminal->_focused = false;
// Routine Description:
// - Copies the text given onto the global system clipboard.
// Arguments:
// - rows - Rows of text data to copy
// - fAlsoCopyFormatting - true if the color and formatting should also be copied, false otherwise
HRESULT HwndTerminal::_CopyTextToSystemClipboard(const TextBuffer::TextAndColor& rows, bool const fAlsoCopyFormatting)
std::wstring finalString;
// Concatenate strings into one giant string to put onto the clipboard.
for (const auto& str : rows.text)
finalString += str;
// allocate the final clipboard data
const size_t cchNeeded = finalString.size() + 1;
const size_t cbNeeded = sizeof(wchar_t) * cchNeeded;
wil::unique_hglobal globalHandle(GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_DDESHARE, cbNeeded));
PWSTR pwszClipboard = static_cast<PWSTR>(GlobalLock(globalHandle.get()));
// The pattern gets a bit strange here because there's no good wil built-in for global lock of this type.
// Try to copy then immediately unlock. Don't throw until after (so the hglobal won't be freed until we unlock).
const HRESULT hr = StringCchCopyW(pwszClipboard, cchNeeded, finalString.data());
// Set global data to clipboard
{ // Clipboard Scope
auto clipboardCloser = wil::scope_exit([]() {
RETURN_LAST_ERROR_IF_NULL(SetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, globalHandle.get()));
if (fAlsoCopyFormatting)
const auto& fontData = _actualFont;
Adjusts High DPI scaling to enable differential rendering (#5345) ## Summary of the Pull Request - Adjusts scaling practices in `DxEngine` (and related scaling practices in `TerminalControl`) for pixel-perfect row baselines and spacing at High DPI such that differential row-by-row rendering can be applied at High DPI. ## References - #5185 ## PR Checklist * [x] Closes #5320, closes #3515, closes #1064 * [x] I work here. * [x] Manually tested. * [x] No doc. * [x] Am core contributor. Also discussed with some of them already via Teams. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments **WAS:** - We were using implicit DPI scaling on the `ID2D1RenderTarget` and running all of our processing in DIPs (Device-Independent Pixels). That's all well and good for getting things bootstrapped quickly, but it leaves the actual scaling of the draw commands up to the discretion of the rendering target. - When we don't get to explicitly choose exactly how many pixels tall/wide and our X/Y placement perfectly, the nature of floating point multiplication and division required to do the presentation can cause us to drift off slightly out of our control depending on what the final display resolution actually is. - Differential drawing cannot work unless we can know the exact integer pixels that need to be copied/moved/preserved/replaced between frames to give to the `IDXGISwapChain1::Present1` method. If things spill into fractional pixels or the sizes of rows/columns vary as they are rounded up and down implicitly, then we cannot do the differential rendering. **NOW:** - When deciding on a font, the `DxEngine` will take the scale factor into account and adjust the proposed height of the requested font. Then the remainder of the existing code that adjusts the baseline and integer-ifies each character cell will run naturally from there. That code already works correctly to align the height at normal DPI and scale out the font heights and advances to take an exact integer of pixels. - `TermControl` has to use the scale now, in some places, and stop scaling in other places. This has to do with how the target's nature used to be implicit and is now explicit. For instance, determining where the cursor click hits must be scaled now. And determining the pixel size of the display canvas must no longer be scaled. - `DxEngine` will no longer attempt to scale the invalid regions per my attempts in #5185 because the cell size is scaled. So it should work the same as at 96 DPI. - The block is removed from the `DxEngine` that was causing a full invalidate on every frame at High DPI. - A TODO was removed from `TermControl` that was invalidating everything when the DPI changed because the underlying renderer will already do that. ## Validation Steps Performed * [x] Check at 150% DPI. Print text, scroll text down and up, do selection. * [x] Check at 100% DPI. Print text, scroll text down and up, do selection. * [x] Span two different DPI monitors and drag between them. * [x] Giant pile of tests in https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/5345#issuecomment-614127648 Co-authored-by: Dustin Howett <duhowett@microsoft.com> Co-authored-by: Mike Griese <migrie@microsoft.com>
2020-04-22 23:59:51 +02:00
int const iFontHeightPoints = fontData.GetUnscaledSize().Y; // this renderer uses points already
Refactor the renderer color calculations (#6853) This is a refactoring of the renderer color calculations to simplify the implementation, and to make it easier to support additional color-altering rendition attributes in the future (e.g. _faint_ and _conceal_). ## References * This is a followup to PRs #3817 and #6809, which introduced additional complexity in the color calculations, and which suggested the need for refactoring. ## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments When we added support for `DECSCNM`, that required the foreground and background color lookup methods to be able to return the opposite of what was requested when the reversed mode was set. That made those methods unnecessarily complicated, and I thought we could simplify them considerably just by combining the calculations into a single method that derived both colors at the same time. And since both conhost and Windows Terminal needed to perform the same calculations, it also made sense to move that functionality into the `TextAttribute` class, where it could easily be shared. In general this way of doing things is a bit more efficient. However, it does result in some unnecessary work when only one of the colors is required, as is the case for the gridline painter. So to make that less of an issue, I've reordered the gridline code a bit so it at least avoids looking up the colors when no gridlines are needed. ## Validation Steps Performed Because of the API changes, quite a lot of the unit tests had to be updated. For example instead of verifying colors with two separate calls to `LookupForegroundColor` and `LookupBackgroundColor`, that's now achieved with a single `LookupAttributeColors` call, comparing against a pair of values. The specifics of the tests haven't changed though, and they're all still working as expected. I've also manually confirmed that the various color sequences and rendition attributes are rendering correctly with the new refactoring.
2020-07-11 00:26:34 +02:00
const COLORREF bgColor = _terminal->GetAttributeColors(_terminal->GetDefaultBrushColors()).second;
std::string HTMLToPlaceOnClip = TextBuffer::GenHTML(rows, iFontHeightPoints, fontData.GetFaceName(), bgColor);
_CopyToSystemClipboard(HTMLToPlaceOnClip, L"HTML Format");
std::string RTFToPlaceOnClip = TextBuffer::GenRTF(rows, iFontHeightPoints, fontData.GetFaceName(), bgColor);
_CopyToSystemClipboard(RTFToPlaceOnClip, L"Rich Text Format");
// only free if we failed.
// the memory has to remain allocated if we successfully placed it on the clipboard.
// Releasing the smart pointer will leave it allocated as we exit scope.
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Copies the given string onto the global system clipboard in the specified format
// Arguments:
// - stringToCopy - The string to copy
// - lpszFormat - the name of the format
HRESULT HwndTerminal::_CopyToSystemClipboard(std::string stringToCopy, LPCWSTR lpszFormat)
const size_t cbData = stringToCopy.size() + 1; // +1 for '\0'
if (cbData)
wil::unique_hglobal globalHandleData(GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_DDESHARE, cbData));
PSTR pszClipboardHTML = static_cast<PSTR>(GlobalLock(globalHandleData.get()));
// The pattern gets a bit strange here because there's no good wil built-in for global lock of this type.
// Try to copy then immediately unlock. Don't throw until after (so the hglobal won't be freed until we unlock).
const HRESULT hr2 = StringCchCopyA(pszClipboardHTML, cbData, stringToCopy.data());
UINT const CF_FORMAT = RegisterClipboardFormatW(lpszFormat);
RETURN_LAST_ERROR_IF_NULL(SetClipboardData(CF_FORMAT, globalHandleData.get()));
// only free if we failed.
// the memory has to remain allocated if we successfully placed it on the clipboard.
// Releasing the smart pointer will leave it allocated as we exit scope.
return S_OK;
void HwndTerminal::_PasteTextFromClipboard() noexcept
// Get paste data from clipboard
if (!OpenClipboard(_hwnd.get()))
HANDLE ClipboardDataHandle = GetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT);
if (ClipboardDataHandle == nullptr)
PCWCH pwstr = static_cast<PCWCH>(GlobalLock(ClipboardDataHandle));
void HwndTerminal::_StringPaste(const wchar_t* const pData) noexcept
if (pData == nullptr)
std::wstring text(pData);
COORD HwndTerminal::GetFontSize() const
return _actualFont.GetSize();
RECT HwndTerminal::GetBounds() const noexcept
RECT windowRect;
GetWindowRect(_hwnd.get(), &windowRect);
return windowRect;
RECT HwndTerminal::GetPadding() const noexcept
return { 0 };
double HwndTerminal::GetScaleFactor() const noexcept
return static_cast<double>(_currentDpi) / static_cast<double>(USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI);
void HwndTerminal::ChangeViewport(const SMALL_RECT NewWindow)
HRESULT HwndTerminal::GetHostUiaProvider(IRawElementProviderSimple** provider) noexcept
return UiaHostProviderFromHwnd(_hwnd.get(), provider);