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// <copyright file="VirtualTerminalTests.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
// </copyright>
// <summary>UI Automation tests for the Virtual Terminal feature.</summary>
namespace Conhost.UIA.Tests
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using WEX.Common.Managed;
using WEX.Logging.Interop;
using WEX.TestExecution;
using WEX.TestExecution.Markup;
using Conhost.UIA.Tests.Common;
using Conhost.UIA.Tests.Common.NativeMethods;
using Conhost.UIA.Tests.Elements;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
public class VirtualTerminalTests
private static string VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_KEY_NAME = "VirtualTerminalLevel";
private static int VIRTUAL_TERMINAL_ON_VALUE = 100;
private static string vtAppLocation;
public const int timeout = Globals.Timeout;
public TestContext TestContext { get; set; }
public static void ClassSetup(TestContext context)
Log.Comment("Searching for VtApp.exe in the same directory where this test was launched from...");
vtAppLocation = Path.Combine(context.TestDeploymentDir, "VtApp.exe");
public void RunVtAppTester()
using (RegistryHelper reg = new RegistryHelper())
reg.BackupRegistry(); // we're going to modify the virtual terminal state for this, so back it up first.
VersionSelector.SetConsoleVersion(reg, ConsoleVersion.V2);
bool haveVtAppPath = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(vtAppLocation);
Verify.IsTrue(haveVtAppPath, "Ensure that we passed in the location to VtApp.exe");
if (haveVtAppPath)
using (CmdApp app = new CmdApp(CreateType.ProcessOnly, TestContext, vtAppLocation))
using (ViewportArea area = new ViewportArea(app))
// Get console handle.
IntPtr hConsole = app.GetStdOutHandle();
Verify.IsNotNull(hConsole, "Ensure the STDOUT handle is valid.");
Log.Comment("Check that the VT test app loaded up properly with its output line and the cursor down one line.");
Rectangle selectRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 9, 1);
IEnumerable<string> scrapedText = area.GetLinesInRectangle(hConsole, selectRect);
Verify.AreEqual(scrapedText.Count(), 1, "We should have retrieved one line.");
string testerWelcome = scrapedText.Single();
Verify.AreEqual(testerWelcome, "VT Tester");
WinCon.COORD cursorPos = app.GetCursorPosition(hConsole);
WinCon.COORD cursorExpected = new WinCon.COORD();
cursorExpected.X = 0;
cursorExpected.Y = 1;
Verify.AreEqual(cursorExpected, cursorPos, "Check cursor has moved to expected starting position.");
TestCursorPositioningCommands(app, hConsole, cursorExpected);
TestCursorVisibilityCommands(app, hConsole);
TestAreaEraseCommands(app, area, hConsole);
TestGraphicsCommands(app, area, hConsole);
TestQueryResponses(app, hConsole);
TestVtToggle(app, hConsole);
TestInsertDelete(app, area, hConsole);
private static void TestInsertDelete(CmdApp app, ViewportArea area, IntPtr hConsole)
Log.Comment("--Insert/Delete Commands");
ScreenFillHelper(app, area, hConsole);
Log.Comment("Move cursor to the middle-ish");
Point cursorExpected = new Point();
// H is at 5, 1. VT coords are 1-based and buffer is 0-based so adjust.
cursorExpected.Y = 5 - 1;
cursorExpected.X = 1 - 1;
// Move to middle-ish from here. 10 Bs and 10 Cs should about do it.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
WinCon.SMALL_RECT viewport = app.GetViewport(hConsole);
// The entire buffer should be Zs except for what we're about to insert and delete.
app.UIRoot.SendKeys("O"); // insert
WinCon.CHAR_INFO ciCursor = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, cursorExpected);
Verify.AreEqual(' ', ciCursor.UnicodeChar);
Point endOfCursorLine = new Point(viewport.Right, cursorExpected.Y);
app.UIRoot.SendKeys("P"); // delete
WinCon.CHAR_INFO ciEndOfLine = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, endOfCursorLine);
Verify.AreEqual(' ', ciEndOfLine.UnicodeChar);
ciCursor = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, cursorExpected);
Verify.AreEqual('Z', ciCursor.UnicodeChar);
// Move to end of line and check both insert and delete operations
while (cursorExpected.X < viewport.Right)
// move up a line to get some fresh Z
app.UIRoot.SendKeys("O"); // insert at end of line
ciCursor = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, cursorExpected);
Verify.AreEqual(' ', ciCursor.UnicodeChar);
// move up a line to get some fresh Z
app.UIRoot.SendKeys("P"); // delete at end of line
ciCursor = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, cursorExpected);
Verify.AreEqual(' ', ciCursor.UnicodeChar);
private static void TestVtToggle(CmdApp app, IntPtr hConsole)
WinCon.COORD cursorPos;
Log.Comment("--Test VT Toggle--");
Verify.IsTrue(app.IsVirtualTerminalEnabled(hConsole), "Verify we're starting with VT on.");
app.UIRoot.SendKeys("H-"); // move cursor to top left area H location and then turn off VT.
cursorPos = app.GetCursorPosition(hConsole);
Verify.IsFalse(app.IsVirtualTerminalEnabled(hConsole), "Verify VT was turned off.");
Verify.IsTrue(app.IsVirtualTerminalEnabled(hConsole), "Verify VT was turned back on .");
private static void TestQueryResponses(CmdApp app, IntPtr hConsole)
WinCon.COORD cursorPos;
Log.Comment("---Status Request Commands---");
string expectedTitle = string.Format("Response Received: {0}", "\x1b[?1;0c");
string title = app.GetWindowTitle();
Verify.AreEqual(expectedTitle, title, "Verify that we received the proper response to the Device Attributes request.");
cursorPos = app.GetCursorPosition(hConsole);
expectedTitle = string.Format("Response Received: {0}", string.Format("\x1b[{0};{1}R", cursorPos.Y + 1, cursorPos.X + 1));
title = app.GetWindowTitle();
Verify.AreEqual(expectedTitle, title, "Verify that we received the proper response to the Cursor Position request.");
private static void TestGraphicsCommands(CmdApp app, ViewportArea area, IntPtr hConsole)
Log.Comment("---Graphics Commands---");
ScreenFillHelper(app, area, hConsole);
WinCon.CHAR_INFO ciExpected = new WinCon.CHAR_INFO();
ciExpected.UnicodeChar = 'z';
ciExpected.Attributes = app.GetCurrentAttributes(hConsole);
WinCon.CHAR_INFO ciOriginal = ciExpected;
WinCon.CHAR_INFO ciActual;
Point pt = new Point();
Log.Comment("Set foreground brightness (SGR.1)");
app.FillCursorPosition(hConsole, ref pt);
ciActual = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, pt);
Verify.AreEqual(ciExpected, ciActual, "Verify that foreground brightness got set.");
Log.Comment("Set foreground green (SGR.32)");
app.FillCursorPosition(hConsole, ref pt);
ciActual = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, pt);
Verify.AreEqual(ciExpected, ciActual, "Verify that foreground green got set.");
Log.Comment("Set foreground yellow (SGR.33)");
app.FillCursorPosition(hConsole, ref pt);
ciActual = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, pt);
Verify.AreEqual(ciExpected, ciActual, "Verify that foreground yellow got set.");
Log.Comment("Set foreground blue (SGR.34)");
app.FillCursorPosition(hConsole, ref pt);
ciActual = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, pt);
Verify.AreEqual(ciExpected, ciActual, "Verify that foreground blue got set.");
Log.Comment("Set foreground magenta (SGR.35)");
app.FillCursorPosition(hConsole, ref pt);
ciActual = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, pt);
Verify.AreEqual(ciExpected, ciActual, "Verify that foreground magenta got set.");
Log.Comment("Set foreground cyan (SGR.36)");
app.FillCursorPosition(hConsole, ref pt);
ciActual = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, pt);
Verify.AreEqual(ciExpected, ciActual, "Verify that foreground cyan got set.");
Log.Comment("Set background white (SGR.47)");
app.FillCursorPosition(hConsole, ref pt);
ciActual = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, pt);
Verify.AreEqual(ciExpected, ciActual, "Verify that background white got set.");
Log.Comment("Set background black (SGR.40)");
app.FillCursorPosition(hConsole, ref pt);
ciActual = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, pt);
Verify.AreEqual(ciExpected, ciActual, "Verify that background black got set.");
Log.Comment("Set background red (SGR.41)");
app.FillCursorPosition(hConsole, ref pt);
ciActual = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, pt);
Verify.AreEqual(ciExpected, ciActual, "Verify that background red got set.");
Log.Comment("Set background yellow (SGR.43)");
app.FillCursorPosition(hConsole, ref pt);
ciActual = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, pt);
Verify.AreEqual(ciExpected, ciActual, "Verify that background yellow got set.");
Log.Comment("Set foreground bright red (SGR.91)");
app.FillCursorPosition(hConsole, ref pt);
ciActual = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, pt);
Verify.AreEqual(ciExpected, ciActual, "Verify that foreground bright red got set.");
Log.Comment("Set foreground bright blue (SGR.94)");
app.FillCursorPosition(hConsole, ref pt);
ciActual = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, pt);
Verify.AreEqual(ciExpected, ciActual, "Verify that foreground bright blue got set.");
Log.Comment("Set foreground bright cyan (SGR.96)");
app.FillCursorPosition(hConsole, ref pt);
ciActual = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, pt);
Verify.AreEqual(ciExpected, ciActual, "Verify that foreground bright cyan got set.");
Log.Comment("Set background bright red (SGR.101)");
app.FillCursorPosition(hConsole, ref pt);
ciActual = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, pt);
Verify.AreEqual(ciExpected, ciActual, "Verify that background bright red got set.");
Log.Comment("Set background bright blue (SGR.104)");
app.FillCursorPosition(hConsole, ref pt);
app.UIRoot.SendKeys(Keys.Shift + "5" + Keys.Shift + "`");
ciActual = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, pt);
Verify.AreEqual(ciExpected, ciActual, "Verify that background bright blue got set.");
Log.Comment("Set background bright cyan (SGR.106)");
app.FillCursorPosition(hConsole, ref pt);
app.UIRoot.SendKeys(Keys.Shift + "6" + Keys.Shift + "`");
ciActual = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, pt);
Verify.AreEqual(ciExpected, ciActual, "Verify that background bright cyan got set.");
Render the SGR "underlined" attribute in the style of the font (#7148) This PR updates the rendering of the _underlined_ graphic rendition attribute, using the style specified in the active font, instead of just reusing the grid line at the bottom of the character cell. * Support for drawing the correct underline effect in the grid line renderer was added in #7107. There was already an `ExtendedAttributes` flag defined for the underlined state, but I needed to update the `SetUnderlined` and `IsUnderlined` methods in the `TextAttribute` class to use that flag now in place of the legacy `LVB_UNDERSCORE` attribute. This enables underlines set via a VT sequence to be tracked separately from `LVB_UNDERSCORE` grid lines set via the console API. I then needed to update the `Renderer::s_GetGridlines` method to activate the `GridLines::Underline` style when the `Underlined` attribute was set. The `GridLines::Bottom` style is still triggered by the `LVB_UNDERSCORE` attribute to produce the bottom grid line effect. Validation ---------- Because this is a change from the existing behaviour, certain unit tests that were expecting the `LVB_UNDERSCORE` to be toggled by `SGR 4` and `SGR 24` have now had to be updated to check the `Underlined` flag instead. There were also some UI Automation tests that were checking for `SGR 4` mapping to `LVB_UNDERSCORE` attribute, which I've now substituted with a test of the `SGR 53` overline attribute mapping to `LVB_GRID_HORIZONTAL`. These tests only work with legacy attributes, so they can't access the extended underline state, and I thought a replacement test that covered similar ground would be better than dropping the tests altogether. As far as the visual rendering is concerned, I've manually confirmed that the VT underline sequences now draw the underline in the correct position and style, while grid lines output via the console API are still displayed in their original form. Closes #2915
2020-08-03 14:49:25 +02:00
Log.Comment("Set overline (SGR.53)");
app.FillCursorPosition(hConsole, ref pt);
Render the SGR "underlined" attribute in the style of the font (#7148) This PR updates the rendering of the _underlined_ graphic rendition attribute, using the style specified in the active font, instead of just reusing the grid line at the bottom of the character cell. * Support for drawing the correct underline effect in the grid line renderer was added in #7107. There was already an `ExtendedAttributes` flag defined for the underlined state, but I needed to update the `SetUnderlined` and `IsUnderlined` methods in the `TextAttribute` class to use that flag now in place of the legacy `LVB_UNDERSCORE` attribute. This enables underlines set via a VT sequence to be tracked separately from `LVB_UNDERSCORE` grid lines set via the console API. I then needed to update the `Renderer::s_GetGridlines` method to activate the `GridLines::Underline` style when the `Underlined` attribute was set. The `GridLines::Bottom` style is still triggered by the `LVB_UNDERSCORE` attribute to produce the bottom grid line effect. Validation ---------- Because this is a change from the existing behaviour, certain unit tests that were expecting the `LVB_UNDERSCORE` to be toggled by `SGR 4` and `SGR 24` have now had to be updated to check the `Underlined` flag instead. There were also some UI Automation tests that were checking for `SGR 4` mapping to `LVB_UNDERSCORE` attribute, which I've now substituted with a test of the `SGR 53` overline attribute mapping to `LVB_GRID_HORIZONTAL`. These tests only work with legacy attributes, so they can't access the extended underline state, and I thought a replacement test that covered similar ground would be better than dropping the tests altogether. As far as the visual rendering is concerned, I've manually confirmed that the VT underline sequences now draw the underline in the correct position and style, while grid lines output via the console API are still displayed in their original form. Closes #2915
2020-08-03 14:49:25 +02:00
ciActual = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, pt);
Render the SGR "underlined" attribute in the style of the font (#7148) This PR updates the rendering of the _underlined_ graphic rendition attribute, using the style specified in the active font, instead of just reusing the grid line at the bottom of the character cell. * Support for drawing the correct underline effect in the grid line renderer was added in #7107. There was already an `ExtendedAttributes` flag defined for the underlined state, but I needed to update the `SetUnderlined` and `IsUnderlined` methods in the `TextAttribute` class to use that flag now in place of the legacy `LVB_UNDERSCORE` attribute. This enables underlines set via a VT sequence to be tracked separately from `LVB_UNDERSCORE` grid lines set via the console API. I then needed to update the `Renderer::s_GetGridlines` method to activate the `GridLines::Underline` style when the `Underlined` attribute was set. The `GridLines::Bottom` style is still triggered by the `LVB_UNDERSCORE` attribute to produce the bottom grid line effect. Validation ---------- Because this is a change from the existing behaviour, certain unit tests that were expecting the `LVB_UNDERSCORE` to be toggled by `SGR 4` and `SGR 24` have now had to be updated to check the `Underlined` flag instead. There were also some UI Automation tests that were checking for `SGR 4` mapping to `LVB_UNDERSCORE` attribute, which I've now substituted with a test of the `SGR 53` overline attribute mapping to `LVB_GRID_HORIZONTAL`. These tests only work with legacy attributes, so they can't access the extended underline state, and I thought a replacement test that covered similar ground would be better than dropping the tests altogether. As far as the visual rendering is concerned, I've manually confirmed that the VT underline sequences now draw the underline in the correct position and style, while grid lines output via the console API are still displayed in their original form. Closes #2915
2020-08-03 14:49:25 +02:00
Verify.AreEqual(ciExpected, ciActual, "Verify that overline got set.");
Render the SGR "underlined" attribute in the style of the font (#7148) This PR updates the rendering of the _underlined_ graphic rendition attribute, using the style specified in the active font, instead of just reusing the grid line at the bottom of the character cell. * Support for drawing the correct underline effect in the grid line renderer was added in #7107. There was already an `ExtendedAttributes` flag defined for the underlined state, but I needed to update the `SetUnderlined` and `IsUnderlined` methods in the `TextAttribute` class to use that flag now in place of the legacy `LVB_UNDERSCORE` attribute. This enables underlines set via a VT sequence to be tracked separately from `LVB_UNDERSCORE` grid lines set via the console API. I then needed to update the `Renderer::s_GetGridlines` method to activate the `GridLines::Underline` style when the `Underlined` attribute was set. The `GridLines::Bottom` style is still triggered by the `LVB_UNDERSCORE` attribute to produce the bottom grid line effect. Validation ---------- Because this is a change from the existing behaviour, certain unit tests that were expecting the `LVB_UNDERSCORE` to be toggled by `SGR 4` and `SGR 24` have now had to be updated to check the `Underlined` flag instead. There were also some UI Automation tests that were checking for `SGR 4` mapping to `LVB_UNDERSCORE` attribute, which I've now substituted with a test of the `SGR 53` overline attribute mapping to `LVB_GRID_HORIZONTAL`. These tests only work with legacy attributes, so they can't access the extended underline state, and I thought a replacement test that covered similar ground would be better than dropping the tests altogether. As far as the visual rendering is concerned, I've manually confirmed that the VT underline sequences now draw the underline in the correct position and style, while grid lines output via the console API are still displayed in their original form. Closes #2915
2020-08-03 14:49:25 +02:00
Log.Comment("Clear overline (SGR.55)");
app.FillCursorPosition(hConsole, ref pt);
Render the SGR "underlined" attribute in the style of the font (#7148) This PR updates the rendering of the _underlined_ graphic rendition attribute, using the style specified in the active font, instead of just reusing the grid line at the bottom of the character cell. * Support for drawing the correct underline effect in the grid line renderer was added in #7107. There was already an `ExtendedAttributes` flag defined for the underlined state, but I needed to update the `SetUnderlined` and `IsUnderlined` methods in the `TextAttribute` class to use that flag now in place of the legacy `LVB_UNDERSCORE` attribute. This enables underlines set via a VT sequence to be tracked separately from `LVB_UNDERSCORE` grid lines set via the console API. I then needed to update the `Renderer::s_GetGridlines` method to activate the `GridLines::Underline` style when the `Underlined` attribute was set. The `GridLines::Bottom` style is still triggered by the `LVB_UNDERSCORE` attribute to produce the bottom grid line effect. Validation ---------- Because this is a change from the existing behaviour, certain unit tests that were expecting the `LVB_UNDERSCORE` to be toggled by `SGR 4` and `SGR 24` have now had to be updated to check the `Underlined` flag instead. There were also some UI Automation tests that were checking for `SGR 4` mapping to `LVB_UNDERSCORE` attribute, which I've now substituted with a test of the `SGR 53` overline attribute mapping to `LVB_GRID_HORIZONTAL`. These tests only work with legacy attributes, so they can't access the extended underline state, and I thought a replacement test that covered similar ground would be better than dropping the tests altogether. As far as the visual rendering is concerned, I've manually confirmed that the VT underline sequences now draw the underline in the correct position and style, while grid lines output via the console API are still displayed in their original form. Closes #2915
2020-08-03 14:49:25 +02:00
ciActual = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, pt);
Render the SGR "underlined" attribute in the style of the font (#7148) This PR updates the rendering of the _underlined_ graphic rendition attribute, using the style specified in the active font, instead of just reusing the grid line at the bottom of the character cell. * Support for drawing the correct underline effect in the grid line renderer was added in #7107. There was already an `ExtendedAttributes` flag defined for the underlined state, but I needed to update the `SetUnderlined` and `IsUnderlined` methods in the `TextAttribute` class to use that flag now in place of the legacy `LVB_UNDERSCORE` attribute. This enables underlines set via a VT sequence to be tracked separately from `LVB_UNDERSCORE` grid lines set via the console API. I then needed to update the `Renderer::s_GetGridlines` method to activate the `GridLines::Underline` style when the `Underlined` attribute was set. The `GridLines::Bottom` style is still triggered by the `LVB_UNDERSCORE` attribute to produce the bottom grid line effect. Validation ---------- Because this is a change from the existing behaviour, certain unit tests that were expecting the `LVB_UNDERSCORE` to be toggled by `SGR 4` and `SGR 24` have now had to be updated to check the `Underlined` flag instead. There were also some UI Automation tests that were checking for `SGR 4` mapping to `LVB_UNDERSCORE` attribute, which I've now substituted with a test of the `SGR 53` overline attribute mapping to `LVB_GRID_HORIZONTAL`. These tests only work with legacy attributes, so they can't access the extended underline state, and I thought a replacement test that covered similar ground would be better than dropping the tests altogether. As far as the visual rendering is concerned, I've manually confirmed that the VT underline sequences now draw the underline in the correct position and style, while grid lines output via the console API are still displayed in their original form. Closes #2915
2020-08-03 14:49:25 +02:00
Verify.AreEqual(ciExpected, ciActual, "Verify that overline got cleared.");
Log.Comment("Set negative image video (SGR.7)");
app.FillCursorPosition(hConsole, ref pt);
ciActual = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, pt);
Verify.AreEqual(ciExpected, ciActual, "Verify that negative video got set.");
Log.Comment("Set positive image video (SGR.27)");
app.FillCursorPosition(hConsole, ref pt);
ciActual = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, pt);
Verify.AreEqual(ciExpected, ciActual, "Verify that positive video got set.");
Log.Comment("Set back to default (SGR.0)");
app.FillCursorPosition(hConsole, ref pt);
ciExpected = ciOriginal;
ciActual = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, pt);
Verify.AreEqual(ciExpected, ciActual, "Verify that we got set back to the original state.");
Render the SGR "underlined" attribute in the style of the font (#7148) This PR updates the rendering of the _underlined_ graphic rendition attribute, using the style specified in the active font, instead of just reusing the grid line at the bottom of the character cell. * Support for drawing the correct underline effect in the grid line renderer was added in #7107. There was already an `ExtendedAttributes` flag defined for the underlined state, but I needed to update the `SetUnderlined` and `IsUnderlined` methods in the `TextAttribute` class to use that flag now in place of the legacy `LVB_UNDERSCORE` attribute. This enables underlines set via a VT sequence to be tracked separately from `LVB_UNDERSCORE` grid lines set via the console API. I then needed to update the `Renderer::s_GetGridlines` method to activate the `GridLines::Underline` style when the `Underlined` attribute was set. The `GridLines::Bottom` style is still triggered by the `LVB_UNDERSCORE` attribute to produce the bottom grid line effect. Validation ---------- Because this is a change from the existing behaviour, certain unit tests that were expecting the `LVB_UNDERSCORE` to be toggled by `SGR 4` and `SGR 24` have now had to be updated to check the `Underlined` flag instead. There were also some UI Automation tests that were checking for `SGR 4` mapping to `LVB_UNDERSCORE` attribute, which I've now substituted with a test of the `SGR 53` overline attribute mapping to `LVB_GRID_HORIZONTAL`. These tests only work with legacy attributes, so they can't access the extended underline state, and I thought a replacement test that covered similar ground would be better than dropping the tests altogether. As far as the visual rendering is concerned, I've manually confirmed that the VT underline sequences now draw the underline in the correct position and style, while grid lines output via the console API are still displayed in their original form. Closes #2915
2020-08-03 14:49:25 +02:00
Log.Comment("Set multiple properties in the same message (SGR.1,37,43,53)");
app.FillCursorPosition(hConsole, ref pt);
Render the SGR "underlined" attribute in the style of the font (#7148) This PR updates the rendering of the _underlined_ graphic rendition attribute, using the style specified in the active font, instead of just reusing the grid line at the bottom of the character cell. * Support for drawing the correct underline effect in the grid line renderer was added in #7107. There was already an `ExtendedAttributes` flag defined for the underlined state, but I needed to update the `SetUnderlined` and `IsUnderlined` methods in the `TextAttribute` class to use that flag now in place of the legacy `LVB_UNDERSCORE` attribute. This enables underlines set via a VT sequence to be tracked separately from `LVB_UNDERSCORE` grid lines set via the console API. I then needed to update the `Renderer::s_GetGridlines` method to activate the `GridLines::Underline` style when the `Underlined` attribute was set. The `GridLines::Bottom` style is still triggered by the `LVB_UNDERSCORE` attribute to produce the bottom grid line effect. Validation ---------- Because this is a change from the existing behaviour, certain unit tests that were expecting the `LVB_UNDERSCORE` to be toggled by `SGR 4` and `SGR 24` have now had to be updated to check the `Underlined` flag instead. There were also some UI Automation tests that were checking for `SGR 4` mapping to `LVB_UNDERSCORE` attribute, which I've now substituted with a test of the `SGR 53` overline attribute mapping to `LVB_GRID_HORIZONTAL`. These tests only work with legacy attributes, so they can't access the extended underline state, and I thought a replacement test that covered similar ground would be better than dropping the tests altogether. As far as the visual rendering is concerned, I've manually confirmed that the VT underline sequences now draw the underline in the correct position and style, while grid lines output via the console API are still displayed in their original form. Closes #2915
2020-08-03 14:49:25 +02:00
ciActual = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, pt);
Verify.AreEqual(ciExpected, ciActual, "Verify that we set foreground bright white, background yellow, and underscore in the same SGR command.");
Log.Comment("Set foreground back to original only (SGR.39)");
app.FillCursorPosition(hConsole, ref pt);
app.UIRoot.SendKeys(Keys.Shift + "9" + Keys.Shift + "`");
ciExpected.Attributes &= ~WinCon.CONSOLE_ATTRIBUTES.FOREGROUND_ALL; // turn off all foreground flags
ciExpected.Attributes |= (ciOriginal.Attributes & WinCon.CONSOLE_ATTRIBUTES.FOREGROUND_ALL); // turn on only the foreground part of the original attributes
ciActual = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, pt);
Verify.AreEqual(ciExpected, ciActual, "Verify that we set the foreground only back to the default.");
Log.Comment("Set background back to original only (SGR.49)");
app.FillCursorPosition(hConsole, ref pt);
app.UIRoot.SendKeys(Keys.Shift + "0" + Keys.Shift + "`");
ciExpected.Attributes &= ~WinCon.CONSOLE_ATTRIBUTES.BACKGROUND_ALL; // turn off all foreground flags
ciExpected.Attributes |= (ciOriginal.Attributes & WinCon.CONSOLE_ATTRIBUTES.BACKGROUND_ALL); // turn on only the foreground part of the original attributes
ciActual = area.GetCharInfoAt(hConsole, pt);
Verify.AreEqual(ciExpected, ciActual, "Verify that we set the background only back to the default.");
private static void TestCursorPositioningCommands(CmdApp app, IntPtr hConsole, WinCon.COORD cursorExpected)
WinCon.COORD cursorPos;
Log.Comment("---Cursor Positioning Commands---");
// Try cursor commands
Log.Comment("Press B key (cursor down)");
cursorPos = app.GetCursorPosition(hConsole);
Verify.AreEqual(cursorExpected, cursorPos, "Check cursor has moved down by 1.");
Log.Comment("Press A key (cursor up)");
cursorPos = app.GetCursorPosition(hConsole);
Verify.AreEqual(cursorExpected, cursorPos, "Check cursor has moved up by 1.");
Log.Comment("Press C key (cursor right)");
cursorPos = app.GetCursorPosition(hConsole);
Verify.AreEqual(cursorExpected, cursorPos, "Check cursor has moved right by 1.");
Log.Comment("Press D key (cursor left)");
cursorPos = app.GetCursorPosition(hConsole);
Verify.AreEqual(cursorExpected, cursorPos, "Check cursor has moved left by 1.");
Log.Comment("Move to the right (C) then move down a line (E)");
cursorExpected.X += 3;
cursorPos = app.GetCursorPosition(hConsole);
Verify.AreEqual(cursorExpected, cursorPos, "Check cursor has right by 3.");
cursorExpected.X = 0;
cursorPos = app.GetCursorPosition(hConsole);
Verify.AreEqual(cursorExpected, cursorPos, "Check cursor has moved down by 1 line and reset X position to 0.");
Log.Comment("Move to the right (C) then move up a line (F)");
cursorExpected.X += 3;
cursorPos = app.GetCursorPosition(hConsole);
Verify.AreEqual(cursorExpected, cursorPos, "Check curs has right by 3.");
cursorExpected.X = 0;
cursorPos = app.GetCursorPosition(hConsole);
Verify.AreEqual(cursorExpected, cursorPos, "Check cursor has moved up by 1 line.");
Log.Comment("Check move directly to position 14 horizontally (G)");
cursorExpected.X = 14 - 1; // 14 is the VT position which starts at array offset 1. 13 is the buffer position starting at array offset 0.
cursorPos = app.GetCursorPosition(hConsole);
Verify.AreEqual(cursorExpected, cursorPos, "Check cursor has moved to horizontal position 14.");
Log.Comment("Check move directly to position 14 vertically (v key mapped to d)");
cursorExpected.Y = 14 - 1; // 14 is the VT position which starts at array offset 1. 13 is the buffer position starting at array offset 0.
cursorPos = app.GetCursorPosition(hConsole);
Verify.AreEqual(cursorExpected, cursorPos, "Check cursor has moved to vertical position 14.");
Log.Comment("Check move directly to row 5, column 1 (H)");
// Again -1s are to convert index base 1 VT to console base 0 arrays
cursorExpected.Y = 5 - 1;
cursorExpected.X = 1 - 1;
cursorPos = app.GetCursorPosition(hConsole);
Verify.AreEqual(cursorExpected, cursorPos, "Check cursor has moved to row 5, column 1.");
private static void TestCursorVisibilityCommands(CmdApp app, IntPtr hConsole)
WinCon.COORD cursorExpected;
Log.Comment("---Cursor Visibility Commands---");
Log.Comment("Turn cursor display off. (l)");
Verify.AreEqual(false, app.IsCursorVisible(hConsole), "Check that cursor is invisible.");
Log.Comment("Turn cursor display on. (h)");
Verify.AreEqual(true, app.IsCursorVisible(hConsole), "Check that cursor is visible.");
Log.Comment("---Cursor Save/Restore Commands---");
Log.Comment("Save current cursor position with DEC save.");
cursorExpected = app.GetCursorPosition(hConsole);
Log.Comment("Move the cursor a bit away from the saved position.");
Log.Comment("Restore existing position with DEC restore.");
Verify.AreEqual(cursorExpected, app.GetCursorPosition(hConsole), "Check that cursor restored back to the saved position.");
Log.Comment("Move the cursor a bit away from the saved position.");
Log.Comment("Restore existing position with ANSISYS restore.");
Verify.AreEqual(cursorExpected, app.GetCursorPosition(hConsole), "Check that cursor restored back to the saved position.");
Log.Comment("Move the cursor a bit away from either position.");
Log.Comment("Save current cursor position with ANSISYS save.");
cursorExpected = app.GetCursorPosition(hConsole);
Log.Comment("Move the cursor a bit away from the saved position.");
Log.Comment("Restore existing position with DEC restore.");
Verify.AreEqual(cursorExpected, app.GetCursorPosition(hConsole), "Check that cursor restored back to the saved position.");
private static void TestAreaEraseCommands(CmdApp app, ViewportArea area, IntPtr hConsole)
WinCon.COORD cursorPos;
Log.Comment("---Area Erase Commands---");
ScreenFillHelper(app, area, hConsole);
Log.Comment("Clear screen after");
Globals.WaitForTimeout(); // give buffer time to clear.
cursorPos = app.GetCursorPosition(hConsole);
GetExpectedChar expectedCharAlgorithm;
expectedCharAlgorithm = (int rowId, int colId, int height, int width) =>
if (rowId == (height - 1) && colId == (width - 1))
return ' ';
else if (rowId < cursorPos.Y)
return 'Z';
else if (rowId > cursorPos.Y)
return ' ';
if (colId < cursorPos.X)
return 'Z';
return ' ';
BufferVerificationHelper(app, area, hConsole, expectedCharAlgorithm);
ScreenFillHelper(app, area, hConsole);
Log.Comment("Clear screen before");
expectedCharAlgorithm = (int rowId, int colId, int height, int width) =>
if (rowId == (height - 1) && colId == (width - 1))
return ' ';
else if (rowId < cursorPos.Y)
return ' ';
else if (rowId > cursorPos.Y)
return 'Z';
if (colId <= cursorPos.X)
return ' ';
return 'Z';
BufferVerificationHelper(app, area, hConsole, expectedCharAlgorithm);
ScreenFillHelper(app, area, hConsole);
Log.Comment("Clear line after");
expectedCharAlgorithm = (int rowId, int colId, int height, int width) =>
if (rowId == (height - 1) && colId == (width - 1))
return ' ';
else if (rowId != cursorPos.Y)
return 'Z';
if (colId < cursorPos.X)
return 'Z';
return ' ';
BufferVerificationHelper(app, area, hConsole, expectedCharAlgorithm);
ScreenFillHelper(app, area, hConsole);
Log.Comment("Clear line before");
expectedCharAlgorithm = (int rowId, int colId, int height, int width) =>
if (rowId == (height - 1) && colId == (width - 1))
return ' ';
else if (rowId != cursorPos.Y)
return 'Z';
if (colId <= cursorPos.X)
return ' ';
return 'Z';
BufferVerificationHelper(app, area, hConsole, expectedCharAlgorithm);
delegate char GetExpectedChar(int rowId, int colId, int height, int width);
private static void ScreenFillHelper(CmdApp app, ViewportArea area, IntPtr hConsole)
Log.Comment("Fill screen with junk");
app.UIRoot.SendKeys(Keys.Shift + "`" + Keys.Shift);
Globals.WaitForTimeout(); // give the buffer time to fill.
GetExpectedChar expectedCharAlgorithm = (int rowId, int colId, int height, int width) =>
// For the very last bottom right corner character, it should be space. Every other character is a Z when filled.
if (rowId == (height - 1) && colId == (width - 1))
return ' ';
return 'Z';
BufferVerificationHelper(app, area, hConsole, expectedCharAlgorithm);
private static void BufferVerificationHelper(CmdApp app, ViewportArea area, IntPtr hConsole, GetExpectedChar expectedCharAlgorithm)
WinCon.SMALL_RECT viewport = app.GetViewport(hConsole);
Rectangle selectRect = new Rectangle(viewport.Left, viewport.Top, viewport.Width, viewport.Height);
IEnumerable<string> scrapedText = area.GetLinesInRectangle(hConsole, selectRect);
Verify.AreEqual(viewport.Height, scrapedText.Count(), "Verify the rows scraped is equal to the entire viewport height.");
bool isValidState = true;
string[] rows = scrapedText.ToArray();
for (int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < viewport.Width; j++)
char actual = rows[i][j];
char expected = expectedCharAlgorithm(i, j, rows.Length, viewport.Width);
isValidState = actual == expected;
if (!isValidState)
Verify.Fail(string.Format("Text buffer verification failed at Row: {0} Col: {1} Expected: '{2}' Actual: '{3}'", i, j, expected, actual));
if (!isValidState)