
466 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "precomp.h"
#include "XtermEngine.hpp"
#include "../../types/inc/convert.hpp"
#pragma hdrstop
using namespace Microsoft::Console;
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Render;
using namespace Microsoft::Console::Types;
XtermEngine::XtermEngine(_In_ wil::unique_hfile hPipe,
wil::shared_event shutdownEvent,
const IDefaultColorProvider& colorProvider,
const Viewport initialViewport,
_In_reads_(cColorTable) const COLORREF* const ColorTable,
const WORD cColorTable,
const bool fUseAsciiOnly) :
VtEngine(std::move(hPipe), shutdownEvent, colorProvider, initialViewport),
// Set out initial cursor position to -1, -1. This will force our initial
// paint to manually move the cursor to 0, 0, not just ignore it.
_lastText = VtEngine::INVALID_COORDS;
// Method Description:
// - Prepares internal structures for a painting operation. Turns the cursor
// off, so we don't see it flashing all over the client's screen as we
// paint the new contents.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - S_OK if we started to paint. S_FALSE if we didn't need to paint. HRESULT
// error code if painting didn't start successfully, or we failed to write
// the pipe.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT XtermEngine::StartPaint() noexcept
// Prep us to think that the cursor is not visible this frame. If it _is_
// visible, then PaintCursor will be called, and we'll set this to true
// during the frame.
_nextCursorIsVisible = false;
if (_firstPaint)
// MSFT:17815688
// If the caller requested to inherit the cursor, we shouldn't
// clear the screen on the first paint. Otherwise, we'll clear
// the screen on the first paint, just to make sure that the
// terminal's state is consistent with what we'll be rendering.
_clearedAllThisFrame = true;
_firstPaint = false;
const auto dirtyRect = GetDirtyRectInChars();
const auto dirtyView = Viewport::FromInclusive(dirtyRect);
if (!_resized && dirtyView == _lastViewport)
// TODO: MSFT:21096414 - This is never actually hit. We set
// _resized=true on every frame (see VtEngine::UpdateViewport).
// Unfortunately, not always setting _resized is not a good enough
// solution, see that work item for a description why.
_clearedAllThisFrame = true;
if (!_quickReturn)
if (_WillWriteSingleChar())
// Don't re-enable the cursor.
_quickReturn = true;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - EndPaint helper to perform the final rendering steps. Turn the cursor back
// on.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - S_OK if we succeeded, else an appropriate HRESULT for failing to allocate or write.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT XtermEngine::EndPaint() noexcept
// If during the frame we determined that the cursor needed to be disabled,
// then insert a cursor off at the start of the buffer, and re-enable
// the cursor here.
if (_needToDisableCursor)
// If the cursor was previously visible, let's hide it for this frame,
// by prepending a cursor off.
if (_lastCursorIsVisible)
_buffer.insert(0, "\x1b[25l");
_lastCursorIsVisible = false;
// If the cursor was NOT previously visible, then that's fine! we don't
// need to worry, it's already off.
// If the cursor is moving from off -> on (including cases where we just
// disabled if for this frame), show the cursor at the end of the frame
if (_nextCursorIsVisible && !_lastCursorIsVisible)
// Otherwise, if the cursor previously was visible, and it should be hidden
// (on -> off), hide it at the end of the frame.
else if (!_nextCursorIsVisible && _lastCursorIsVisible)
// Update our tracker of what we thought the last cursor state of the
// terminal was.
_lastCursorIsVisible = _nextCursorIsVisible;
_needToDisableCursor = false;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Write a VT sequence to either start or stop underlining text.
// Arguments:
// - legacyColorAttribute: A console attributes bit field containing information
// about the underlining state of the text.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK if we succeeded, else an appropriate HRESULT for failing to allocate or write.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT XtermEngine::_UpdateUnderline(const WORD legacyColorAttribute) noexcept
bool textUnderlined = WI_IsFlagSet(legacyColorAttribute, COMMON_LVB_UNDERSCORE);
if (textUnderlined != _usingUnderLine)
if (textUnderlined)
_usingUnderLine = textUnderlined;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Write a VT sequence to change the current colors of text. Only writes
// 16-color attributes.
// Arguments:
// - colorForeground: The RGB Color to use to paint the foreground text.
// - colorBackground: The RGB Color to use to paint the background of the text.
// - legacyColorAttribute: A console attributes bit field specifying the brush
// colors we should use.
// - extendedAttrs - extended text attributes (italic, underline, etc.) to use.
// - isSettingDefaultBrushes: indicates if we should change the background color of
// the window. Unused for VT
// Return Value:
// - S_OK if we succeeded, else an appropriate HRESULT for failing to allocate or write.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT XtermEngine::UpdateDrawingBrushes(const COLORREF colorForeground,
const COLORREF colorBackground,
const WORD legacyColorAttribute,
const ExtendedAttributes extendedAttrs,
const bool /*isSettingDefaultBrushes*/) noexcept
//When we update the brushes, check the wAttrs to see if the LVB_UNDERSCORE
// flag is there. If the state of that flag is different then our
// current state, change the underlining state.
// We have to do this here, instead of in PaintBufferGridLines, because
// we'll have already painted the text by the time PaintBufferGridLines
// is called.
// TODO:GH#2915 Treat underline separately from LVB_UNDERSCORE
// The base xterm mode only knows about 16 colors
return VtEngine::_16ColorUpdateDrawingBrushes(colorForeground,
WI_IsFlagSet(extendedAttrs, ExtendedAttributes::Bold),
// Routine Description:
// - Draws the cursor on the screen
// Arguments:
// - options - Options that affect the presentation of the cursor
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or suitable HRESULT error from writing pipe.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT XtermEngine::PaintCursor(const IRenderEngine::CursorOptions& options) noexcept
// PaintCursor is only called when the cursor is in fact visible in a single
// frame. When this is called, mark _nextCursorIsVisible as true. At the end
// of the frame, we'll decide to either turn the cursor on or not, based
// upon the previous state.
// When this method is not called during a frame, it's because the cursor
// was not visible. In that case, at the end of the frame,
// _nextCursorIsVisible will still be false (from when we set it during
// StartPaint)
_nextCursorIsVisible = true;
return VtEngine::PaintCursor(options);
// Routine Description:
// - Write a VT sequence to move the cursor to the specified coordinates. We
// also store the last place we left the cursor for future optimizations.
// If the cursor only needs to go to the origin, only write the home sequence.
// If the new cursor is only down one line from the current, only write a newline
// If the new cursor is only down one line and at the start of the line, write
// a carriage return.
// Otherwise just write the whole sequence for moving it.
// Arguments:
// - coord: location to move the cursor to.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK if we succeeded, else an appropriate HRESULT for failing to allocate or write.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT XtermEngine::_MoveCursor(COORD const coord) noexcept
if (coord.X != _lastText.X || coord.Y != _lastText.Y)
if (coord.X == 0 && coord.Y == 0)
_needToDisableCursor = true;
hr = _CursorHome();
else if (coord.X == 0 && coord.Y == (_lastText.Y + 1))
// Down one line, at the start of the line.
// If the previous line wrapped, then the cursor is already at this
// position, we just don't know it yet. Don't emit anything.
if (_previousLineWrapped)
hr = S_OK;
std::string seq = "\r\n";
hr = _Write(seq);
else if (coord.X == 0 && coord.Y == _lastText.Y)
// Start of this line
std::string seq = "\r";
hr = _Write(seq);
else if (coord.X == _lastText.X && coord.Y == (_lastText.Y + 1))
// Down one line, same X position
std::string seq = "\n";
hr = _Write(seq);
else if (coord.X == (_lastText.X - 1) && coord.Y == (_lastText.Y))
// Back one char, same Y position
std::string seq = "\b";
hr = _Write(seq);
else if (coord.Y == _lastText.Y && coord.X > _lastText.X)
// Same line, forward some distance
short distance = coord.X - _lastText.X;
hr = _CursorForward(distance);
_needToDisableCursor = true;
hr = _CursorPosition(coord);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
_lastText = coord;
if (_lastText.Y != _lastViewport.ToOrigin().BottomInclusive())
_newBottomLine = false;
_deferredCursorPos = INVALID_COORDS;
return hr;
// Routine Description:
// - Scrolls the existing data on the in-memory frame by the scroll region
// deltas we have collectively received through the Invalidate methods
// since the last time this was called.
// Move the cursor to the origin, and insert or delete rows as appropriate.
// The inserted rows will be blank, but marked invalid by InvalidateScroll,
// so they will later be written by PaintBufferLine.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - S_OK if we succeeded, else an appropriate HRESULT for failing to allocate or write.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT XtermEngine::ScrollFrame() noexcept
if (_scrollDelta.X != 0)
// No easy way to shift left-right. Everything needs repainting.
return InvalidateAll();
if (_scrollDelta.Y == 0)
// There's nothing to do here. Do nothing.
return S_OK;
const short dy = _scrollDelta.Y;
const short absDy = static_cast<short>(abs(dy));
if (dy < 0)
// Instead of deleting the first line (causing everything to move up)
// move to the bottom of the buffer, and newline.
// That will cause everything to move up, by moving the viewport down.
// This will let remote conhosts scroll up to see history like normal.
const short bottom = _lastViewport.ToOrigin().BottomInclusive();
hr = _MoveCursor({ 0, bottom });
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
std::string seq = std::string(absDy, '\n');
hr = _Write(seq);
// Mark that the bottom line is new, so we won't spend time with an
// ECH on it.
_newBottomLine = true;
// We don't need to _MoveCursor the cursor again, because it's still
// at the bottom of the viewport.
else if (dy > 0)
// Move to the top of the buffer, and insert some lines of text, to
// cause the viewport contents to shift down.
hr = _MoveCursor({ 0, 0 });
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
hr = _InsertLine(absDy);
return hr;
// Routine Description:
// - Notifies us that the console is attempting to scroll the existing screen
// area. Add the top or bottom rows to the invalid region, and update the
// total scroll delta accumulated this frame.
// Arguments:
// - pcoordDelta - Pointer to character dimension (COORD) of the distance the
// console would like us to move while scrolling.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK if we succeeded, else an appropriate HRESULT for safemath failure
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT XtermEngine::InvalidateScroll(const COORD* const pcoordDelta) noexcept
const short dx = pcoordDelta->X;
const short dy = pcoordDelta->Y;
if (dx != 0 || dy != 0)
// Scroll the current offset
// Add the top/bottom of the window to the invalid area
SMALL_RECT invalid = _lastViewport.ToOrigin().ToExclusive();
if (dy > 0)
invalid.Bottom = dy;
else if (dy < 0)
invalid.Top = invalid.Bottom + dy;
COORD invalidScrollNew;
RETURN_IF_FAILED(ShortAdd(_scrollDelta.X, dx, &invalidScrollNew.X));
RETURN_IF_FAILED(ShortAdd(_scrollDelta.Y, dy, &invalidScrollNew.Y));
// Store if safemath succeeded
_scrollDelta = invalidScrollNew;
return S_OK;
// Routine Description:
// - Draws one line of the buffer to the screen. Writes the characters to the
// pipe, encoded in UTF-8 or ASCII only, depending on the VtIoMode.
// (See descriptions of both implementations for details.)
// Arguments:
// - clusters - text and column counts for each piece of text.
// - coord - character coordinate target to render within viewport
// - trimLeft - This specifies whether to trim one character width off the left
// side of the output. Used for drawing the right-half only of a
// double-wide character.
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or suitable HRESULT error from writing pipe.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT XtermEngine::PaintBufferLine(std::basic_string_view<Cluster> const clusters,
const COORD coord,
const bool /*trimLeft*/) noexcept
return _fUseAsciiOnly ?
VtEngine::_PaintAsciiBufferLine(clusters, coord) :
VtEngine::_PaintUtf8BufferLine(clusters, coord);
// Method Description:
// - Wrapper for ITerminalOutputConnection. Write either an ascii-only, or a
// proper utf-8 string, depending on our mode.
// Arguments:
// - wstr - wstring of text to be written
// Return Value:
// - S_OK or suitable HRESULT error from either conversion or writing pipe.
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT XtermEngine::WriteTerminalW(const std::wstring& wstr) noexcept
return _fUseAsciiOnly ?
VtEngine::_WriteTerminalAscii(wstr) :
// Method Description:
// - Updates the window's title string. Emits the VT sequence to SetWindowTitle.
// Arguments:
// - newTitle: the new string to use for the title of the window
// Return Value:
// - S_OK
[[nodiscard]] HRESULT XtermEngine::_DoUpdateTitle(const std::wstring& newTitle) noexcept
2019-05-21 08:15:44 +02:00
// inbox telnet uses xterm-ascii as its mode. If we're in ascii mode, don't
// do anything, to maintain compatibility.
if (_fUseAsciiOnly)
return S_OK;
const auto converted = ConvertToA(CP_UTF8, newTitle);
return VtEngine::_ChangeTitle(converted);