Commit graph

15 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Mike Griese d5d2b7727f
Warn the user if the keyboard service is disabled (#8095)
## Summary of the Pull Request


With this PR, the Terminal will check to make sure the "Touch, Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service" is enabled at startup. If it isn't, then the Terminal won't be able to receive keyboard input (see #4448 and the 20 linked issues to that one).

## References

* See #4448 for more details

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #7886 
* [ ] Should this make #4448 not-open as well?
* [x] I work here
* [n/a] Tests added/passed
* [x] Docs:

## Validation Steps Performed

I manually set the service to "Disabled", restarted the machine, verified the dialog opens (and that I'm unable to type in the Terminal), then re-set the service to automatic and rebooted, and the dialog doesn't appear.
2020-11-04 21:44:53 +00:00
Mike Griese 3b2ee448f9
Add support for "Always on top" mode (#6903)
This PR adds support for always on top mode, via two mechanisms:
* The global setting `alwaysOnTop`. When set to true, the window will be
  created in the "topmost" group of windows.  Changing this value will
  hot-reload whether the window is in the topmost group.
* The action `toggleAlwaysOnTop`, which will toggle the `alwaysOnTop`
  property at runtime.

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

All "topmost" windows maintain an internal z-ordering relative to one
another, but they're all always above all other "non-topmost" windows.
So multiple Windows Terminal windows which are both `alwaysOnTop` will
maintain a z-order relative to one another, but they'll all be on top of
all other windows.

## Validation Steps Performed

Toggled always on top mode, both in the settings and also at runtime,
and verified that it largely did what I expected.

Closes #3038
2020-07-14 21:02:18 +00:00
Mike Griese 1c8e83d52d
Add support for focus mode (#6804)
## Summary of the Pull Request

Add support for "focus" mode, which only displays the actual terminal content, no tabs or titlebar. The edges of the window are draggable to resize, but the window can't be moved in borderless mode.

The window looks _slightly_ different bewteen different values for `showTabsInTitlebar`, because switching between the `NonClientIslandWindow` and the `IslandWindow` is _hard_.

`showTabsInTitlebar` | Preview
-- | --
`true` | ![image](
`false` | ![image](

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #2238 
* [x] I work here
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Requires documentation to be updated

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

* **KNOWN ISSUE**: Upon resizing the NCIW, the top frame margin disappears, making that border disappear entirely. 6356aaf has a bunch of WIP work for me trying to fix that, but I couldn't get it quite right.

## Validation Steps Performed
* Toggled between focus and fullscreen a _bunch_ in both modes.
2020-07-13 17:40:20 +00:00
greg904 985f85ddca
Add settings to warn about large or multiline pastes (#6631)
Before sending calling the `HandleClipboardData` member function on
the `PasteFromClipboardEventArgs` object when we receive a request
from the `TermControl` to send it the clipboard's text content, we
now display a warning to let the user choose whether to continue or
not if the text is larger than 5 KiB or contains the _new line_
character, which can be a security issue if the user is pasting the
text in a shell.

These warnings can be disabled with the `largePasteWarning` and
`multiLinePasteWarning` global settings respectively.

Closes #2349
2020-07-01 19:43:28 +00:00
Mike Griese 8987486e85
Add support for --fullscreen, --maximized (#6139)
## Summary of the Pull Request

Adds two new flags to the `wt.exe` alias:

* `--maximized,-M`: Launch the new Terminal window maximized. This flag cannot be combined with `--fullscreen`.
* `--fullscreen,-F`: Launch the new Terminal window fullscreen. This flag cannot be combined with `--maximized`.

## References
* This builds on the work done in #6060.
* The cmdline args megathread: #4632

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #5801
* [x] I work here
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

* I had to move the commandline arg parsing up a layer from `TerminalPage` to `AppLogic`, because `AppLogic` controls the Terminal's settings, including launch mode settings. This seems like a reasonable change, to put both the settings from the file and the commandline in the same place.
  - **Most of the diff is that movement of code**

* _"What happens when you try to pass both flags, like `wtd -M -F new-tab`?"_:

## Validation Steps Performed
* Ran a bunch of commandlines to see what happened.
2020-06-01 21:57:30 +00:00
Mike Griese 6ce3357bab
Add support for displaying the version with wt --version (#5501)
## Summary of the Pull Request
Here's 3000 words:


## References
* #4632 

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #5494
* [x] I work here
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [n/a] Requires documentation to be updated
2020-05-04 20:56:15 +00:00
Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) d57ef135cc
On second thought, embed the third-party notices in the package (#5673)
This commit introduces a NOTICE.html file that will be embedded into the
package. It will be stamped down with the real notices during a branded
release build (as part of the build pipeline.)

It, in part, reverts some of the really good work in determining the
commit hash at build time. That work will be preserved in history.

This is more compliant with our duties to the OSS we consume.
2020-04-30 15:06:13 -07:00
Leon Liang e358b96746
Add a Third-Party notices link to the about dialog (#5508)
## Summary of the Pull Request
This PR will add a link to the version of `` in GitHub at the commit that the build was on. It uses the same approach for generating our settings files, where we'll create a header file with the commit hash assigned to a `wstring_view` during build time.

<!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting-->
## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #5139
* [x] CLA signed.
* [x] Tests added/passed

<!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well -->
## Validation Steps Performed
The link is there and goes to the expected ``.
2020-04-28 20:22:44 +00:00
Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) d7123d571b
Convert the About and Close All Tabs dialogs to xaml (#5140)
## Summary of the Pull Request

This pull request replaces about a hundred lines of manual xaml DOM code with a few lines of actual xaml, and wires up bound properties and event handlers in the good and correct way.

As part of this change, I've replaced the giant TextBlock in the about dialog with StackPanels, and replaced the Hyperlinks with HyperlinkButtons. This is in line with other platform applications.

URLs are _not_ localizable resources, so I moved them into the about dialog's xaml. Per #5138, we'll likely change them so that they get localization for "free" (dispatching based on the browser's language, without having to localize the URL in the application).
2020-03-27 21:00:32 +00:00
Mike Griese b3fa88eaed
Process actions sync. on startup; don't dupe nonexistent profile (#5090)
This PR has evolved to encapsulate two related fixes that I can't really
untie anymore.

#2455 - Duplicating a tab that doesn't exist anymore

This was the bug I was originally fixing in #4429. 

When the user tries to `duplicateTab` with a profile that doesn't exist
anymore (like might happen after a settings reload), don't crash.

As I was going about adding tests for this, got blocked by the fact that
the Terminal couldn't open _any_ panes while the `TerminalPage` was size
0x0. This had two theoretical solutions: 

* Fake the `TerminalPage` into thinking it had a real size in the test -
  probably possible, though I'm unsure how it would work in practice.
* Change `Pane`s to not require an `ActualWidth`, `ActualHeight` on

Fortuately, the second option was something else that was already on my
backlog of bugs. 

#4618 - `wt` command-line can't consistently parse more than one arg

Presently, the Terminal just arbitrarily dispatches a bunch of handlers
to try and handle all the commands provided on the commandline. That's
lead to a bunch of reports that not all the commands will always get
executed, nor will they all get executed in the same order. 

This PR also changes the `TerminalPage` to be able to dispatch all the
commands sequentially, all at once in the startup. No longer will there
be a hot second where the commands seem to execute themselves in from of
the user - they'll all happen behind the scenes on startup. 

This involved a couple other changes areound the `TerminalPage`
* I had to make sure that panes could be opened at a 0x0 size. Now they
  use a star sizing based off the percentage of the parent they're
  supposed to consume, so that when the parent _does_ get laid out,
  they'll take the appropriate size of that parent.
* I had to do some math ahead of time to try and calculate what a
  `SplitState::Automatic` would be evaluated as, despite the fact that
  we don't actually know how big the pane will be. 
* I had to ensure that `focus-tab` commands appropriately mark a single
  tab as focused while we're in startup, without roundtripping to the
  Dispatcher thread and back

## References

#4429 - the original PR for #2455
#5047 - a follow-up task from discussion in #4429
#4953 - a PR for making panes use star sizing, which was immensly
        helpful for this PR.

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

`CascadiaSettings::BuildSettings` can throw if the GUID doesn't exist.
This wraps those calls up with a try/catch.

It also adds a couple tests - a few `SettingsTests` for try/catching
this state. It also adds a XAML-y test in `TabTests` that creates a
`TerminalPage` and then performs som UI-like actions on it. This test
required a minor change to how we generate the new tab dropdown - in the
tests, `Application::Current()` is _not_ a `TerminalApp::App`, so it
doesn't have a `Logic()` to query. So wrap that in a try/catch as well.

While working on these tests, I found that we'd crash pretty agressively
for mysterious reasons if the TestHostApp became focused while the test
was running. This was due to a call in
`TSFInputControl::NotifyFocusEnter` that would callback to
`TSFInputControl::_layoutRequested`, which would crash on setting the
`MaxSize` of the canvas to a negative value. This PR includes a hotfix
for that bug as well. 

## Validation Steps Performed

* Manual testing with a _lot_ of commands in a commandline
* run the tests
* Team tested in selfhost

Closes #2455
Closes #4618
2020-03-25 17:03:32 -07:00
Mike Griese 830c22b73e Add support for commandline args to wt.exe (#4023)
## Summary of the Pull Request

Adds support for commandline arguments to the Windows Terminal, in accordance with the spec in #3495

## References

* Original issue: #607
* Original spec: #3495

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #607
* [x] I work here
* [x] Tests added/passed
* [ ] We should probably add some docs on these commands
* [x] The spec (#3495) needs to be merged first!

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments

🛑 **STOP** 🛑 - have you read #3495 yet? If you haven't, go do that now.

This PR adds support for three initial sub-commands to the `wt.exe` application:
* `new-tab`: Used to create a new tab.
* `split-pane`: Used to create a new split.
* `focus-tab`: Moves focus to another tab.

These commands are largely POC to prove that the commandlines work. They're not totally finished, but they work well enough. Follow up work items will be filed to track adding support for additional parameters and subcommands

Important scenarios added:
* `wt -d .`: Open a new wt instance in the current working directory #878
* `wt -p <profile name>`: Create a wt instance running the given profile, to unblock  #576, #1357, #2339
* `wt ; new-tab ; split-pane -V`: Launch the terminal with multiple tabs, splits, to unblock #756 

## Validation Steps Performed

* Ran tests
* Played with it a bunch
2020-01-27 15:34:12 +00:00
Mike Griese 388b975663
Enable fullscreen mode (#3408)
## Summary of the Pull Request

Enables the `toggleFullscreen` action to be able to enter fullscreen mode, bound by default to <kbd>alt+enter</kbd>.

The action is bubbled up to the WindowsTerminal (Win32) layer, where the window resizes itself to take the entire size of the monitor.

This largely reuses code from conhost. Conhost already had a fullscreen mode, so I figured I might as well re-use that.

## References

Unfortunately there are still very thin borders around the window when the NonClientIslandWindow is fullscreened. I think I know where the problem is. However, that area of code is about to get a massive overhaul with #3064, so I didn't want to necessarily make it worse right now.  

A follow up should be filed to add support for "Always show / reveal / never show tabs in fullscreen mode". Currently, the only mode is "never show tabs".

Additionally, some of this code (particularily re:drawing the nonclient area) could be re-used for #2238.

## PR Checklist
* [x] Closes #531, #3411
* [x] I work here
* [n/a] Tests added/passed 😭
* [x] Requires documentation to be updated

## Validation Steps Performed
* Manually tested both the NonClientIslandWindow and the IslandWindow.

* Cherry-pick commit 8e56bfe

* Don't draw the tab strip when maximized

(cherry picked from commit bac4be7c0f3ed1cdcd4f9ae8980fc98103538613)

* Fix the vista window flash for the NCIW

(cherry picked from commit 7d3a18a893c02bd2ed75026f2aac52e20321a1cf)

* Some code cleanup for review

(cherry picked from commit 9e22b7730bba426adcbfd9e7025f192dbf8efb32)

* A tad bit more notes and cleanup

* Update schema, docs

* Most of the PR comments

* I'm not sure this actually works, so I'm committing it to revert it and check

* Update some comments that were lost.

* Fix a build break?

* oh no
2019-11-05 13:40:29 -06:00
Kaiyu Wang ce3028e12f
Clean up boundary between terminal app and terminal page (#2208)
* change 1: add settings pointer and some member variables to page

* clean up the boundary between Page and App - First working version

* First CR review change

* Sync and remove declaration of TraceLogger provider

* Code review round 2 - apply missed new changes

* remove useless comment

* CR change round 3

* CR minor changes

* apply changes from Aug 6th to Aug 14th

* Code review changes round 4

* Apply changes on Aug 16

* Cr changes on 8/20

* CR changes on 8-26

* correct syncing mistakes and fix formatting issues

* CR changes on 8-29

* CR changes 9-4

* apply new changes of App

* Format fix
2019-09-04 14:34:06 -07:00
Mike Griese 8ffff8ea37
Enable dragging with the entire titlebar (#1948)
* This definitely works for getting shadow, pointy corners back

  Don't do anything in NCPAINT. If you do, you have to do everything. But the
  whole point of DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea is to let you paint the NC area in
  your normal paint. So just do that dummy.

  * This doesn't transition across monitors.
  * This has a window style change I think is wrong.
  * I'm not sure the margins change is important.

* The window style was _not_ important

* Still getting a black xaml islands area (the HRGN) when we switch to high DPI

* I don't know if this affects anything.

* heyo this works.

  I'm not entirely sure why. But if we only update the titlebar drag region when
  that actually changes, it's a _lot_ smoother. I'm not super happy with the
  duplicated work in _UpdateDragRegion and OnSize, but checking this in in case
  I can't figure that out.

* Add more comments and cleanup

* Try making the button RightCustomContent

* * Make the MinMaxClose's drag bar's min size the same as a caption button
* Make the new tab button transparent, to see how that looks
* Make sure the TabView doesn't push the MMC off the window

* Create a TitlebarControl

  * The TitlebarControl is owned by the NCIW. It consists of a Content, DragBar,
    and MMCControl.
  * The App instatntiates a TabRowControl at runtime, and either places it in
    the UI (for tabs below titlebar) or hangs on to it, and gives it to the NCIW
    when the NCIW creates its UI.
  * When the NCIW is created, it creates a grid with two rows, one for the
    titlebar and one for the app content.
  * The MMCControl is only responsible for Min Max Close now, and is closer to
    the window implementation.
  * The drag bar takes up all the space from the right of the TabRow to the left
    of the MMC
  * Things that **DON'T** work:
    - When you add tabs, the drag bar doesn't update it's size. It only updates
    - The MMCControl's Min and Max buttons don't seem to work anymore.
      - They should probably just expose their OnMinimizeClick and
        OnMaximizeClick events for the Titlebar to handle minimizing and
    - The drag bar is Magenta (#ff00ff) currently.
    - I'm not _sure_ we need a TabRowControl. We could probably get away with
      removing it from the UI tree, I was just being dumb before.

* Fix the MMC buttons not working

  I forgot to plumb the window handle through

* Make the titlebar less magenta

* Resize the drag region as we add/remove tabs

* Move the actual MMC handling to the TitlebarControl

* Some PR nits, fix the titlebar painting on maximize

* Put the TabRow in our XAML

* Remove dead code in preparation for review

* Horrifyingly try Gdi Plus as a solution, that is _wrong_ though

* Revert "Horrifyingly try Gdi Plus as a solution, that is _wrong_ though"

This reverts commit e038b5d921.

* This fixes the bottom border but breaks the titlebar painting

* Fix the NC bottom border

* A bunch of the more minor PR nits

* Add a MinimizeClick event to the MMCControl

  This works for Minimize. This is what I wanted to do originally.

* Add events for _all_ of the buttons, not just the Minimize btn

* Change hoe setting the titlebar content works

  Now the app triggers a callcack on the host to set the content, instead of the host querying the app.

* Move the tab row to the bottom of it's available space

* Fix the theme reloading

* PR nits from @miniksa

* Update src/cascadia/WindowsTerminal/NonClientIslandWindow.cpp

Co-Authored-By: Michael Niksa <>

* This needed to be fixed, was missed in other PR nits

* runformat

  wait _what_

* Does this fix the CI build?
2019-07-18 17:21:33 -05:00
Dustin L. Howett (MSFT) 122f0de382
Move most of TerminalApp's runtime Xaml to a .xaml file and class (#1885) 2019-07-09 14:47:30 -07:00