Mike Griese c33a97955f
Add a Monarch/Peasant sample app (#8171)
This PR adds a sample monarch/peasant application. This is a type of
application where a single "Monarch" can coordinate the actions of multiple
other "Peasant" processes, as described by the specs in #7240 and #8135.

This project is intended to be a standalone sample of how the architecture would
work, without involving the entirety of the Windows Terminal build. Eventually,
this architecture will be incorporated into `wt.exe` itself, to enable scenarios
* Run `wt` in the current window (#4472)
* Single Instance Mode (#2227)

For an example of this sample running, see the below GIF:


This sample operates largely by printing to the console, to help the reader
understand how it's working through its logic.

I'm doing this mostly so we can have a _committed_ sample of this type of application, kinda like how VtPipeTerm is a sample ConPTY application. It's a lot easier to understand (& build on) when there aren't any window shenanigans, settings loading, Island instantiation, or anything else that the whole of `WindowsTerminal.exe` needs

* [x] I work here
* [x] This is sample code, so I'm not shipping tests for it.
* [x] Go see the doc over in #8135
2021-01-19 21:55:30 +00:00

120 lines
3.6 KiB

#include "pch.h"
#include "AppState.h"
#include "../../types/inc/utils.hpp"
using namespace winrt;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation;
using namespace ::Microsoft::Console;
void AppState::_setupConsole()
hOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
hInput = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
DWORD dwMode = 0;
GetConsoleMode(hOutput, &dwMode);
SetConsoleMode(hOutput, dwMode);
void AppState::initializeState()
// Initialize the console handles
// Set up WinRT
bool AppState::areWeTheKing(const bool logPIDs)
auto kingPID = monarch.GetPID();
auto ourPID = GetCurrentProcessId();
if (logPIDs)
if (ourPID == kingPID)
printf(fmt::format("We're the\x1b[33m king\x1b[m - our PID is {}\n", ourPID).c_str());
printf(fmt::format("We're a lowly peasant - the king is {}\n", kingPID).c_str());
return (ourPID == kingPID);
void AppState::remindKingWhoTheyAre(const winrt::MonarchPeasantSample::IPeasant& iPeasant)
winrt::com_ptr<MonarchPeasantSample::implementation::Monarch> monarchImpl;
if (monarchImpl)
auto ourID = iPeasant.GetID();
printf("The king is peasant #%lld\n", ourID);
printf("Shoot, we wanted to be able to get the monarchImpl here but couldnt\n");
winrt::MonarchPeasantSample::Monarch AppState::instantiateMonarch()
// Heads up! This only works because we're using
// "metadata-based-marshalling" for our WinRT types. THat means the OS is
// using the .winmd file we generate to figure out the proxy/stub
// definitions for our types automatically. This only works in the following
// cases:
// * If we're running unpackaged: the .winmd but be a sibling of the .exe
// * If we're running packaged: the .winmd must be in the package root
auto monarch = create_instance<winrt::MonarchPeasantSample::Monarch>(Monarch_clsid,
return monarch;
MonarchPeasantSample::IPeasant AppState::_createOurPeasant()
auto peasant = winrt::make_self<MonarchPeasantSample::implementation::Peasant>();
auto ourID = monarch.AddPeasant(*peasant);
printf("The monarch assigned us the ID %llu\n", ourID);
if (areWeTheKing())
return *peasant;
void AppState::createMonarch()
monarch = AppState::instantiateMonarch();
// return true to exit early, false if we should continue into the main loop
bool AppState::processCommandline()
const bool isKing = areWeTheKing(false);
// If we're the king, we _definitely_ want to process the arguments, we were
// launched with them!
// Otherwise, the King will tell us if we should make a new window
const bool createNewWindow = isKing || monarch.ProposeCommandline({ args }, { L"placeholder CWD" });
if (createNewWindow)
peasant = _createOurPeasant();
peasant.ExecuteCommandline({ args }, { L"placeholder CWD" });
return false;
printf("The Monarch instructed us to not create a new window. We'll be exiting now.\n");
return true;