Mike Griese c33a97955f
Add a Monarch/Peasant sample app (#8171)
This PR adds a sample monarch/peasant application. This is a type of
application where a single "Monarch" can coordinate the actions of multiple
other "Peasant" processes, as described by the specs in #7240 and #8135.

This project is intended to be a standalone sample of how the architecture would
work, without involving the entirety of the Windows Terminal build. Eventually,
this architecture will be incorporated into `wt.exe` itself, to enable scenarios
* Run `wt` in the current window (#4472)
* Single Instance Mode (#2227)

For an example of this sample running, see the below GIF:


This sample operates largely by printing to the console, to help the reader
understand how it's working through its logic.

I'm doing this mostly so we can have a _committed_ sample of this type of application, kinda like how VtPipeTerm is a sample ConPTY application. It's a lot easier to understand (& build on) when there aren't any window shenanigans, settings loading, Island instantiation, or anything else that the whole of `WindowsTerminal.exe` needs

* [x] I work here
* [x] This is sample code, so I'm not shipping tests for it.
* [x] Go see the doc over in #8135
2021-01-19 21:55:30 +00:00

187 lines
6.3 KiB

#include "pch.h"
#include "SampleMonarch.h"
#include "Monarch.g.cpp"
#include "../../types/inc/utils.hpp"
using namespace winrt;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation;
using namespace ::Microsoft::Console;
namespace winrt::MonarchPeasantSample::implementation
printf("Instantiated a Monarch\n");
uint64_t Monarch::GetPID()
return GetCurrentProcessId();
uint64_t Monarch::AddPeasant(winrt::MonarchPeasantSample::IPeasant peasant)
// This whole algorithm is terrible. There's gotta be a better way
// of finding the first opening in a non-consecutive map of int->object
auto providedID = peasant.GetID();
if (providedID == 0)
printf("Assigned the peasant the ID %lld\n", peasant.GetID());
printf("Peasant already had an ID, %lld\n", peasant.GetID());
_nextPeasantID = providedID >= _nextPeasantID ? providedID + 1 : _nextPeasantID;
auto newPeasantsId = peasant.GetID();
_peasants[newPeasantsId] = peasant;
printf("(the next new peasant will get the ID %lld)\n", _nextPeasantID);
peasant.WindowActivated({ this, &Monarch::_peasantWindowActivated });
return newPeasantsId;
void Monarch::_peasantWindowActivated(const winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable& sender,
const winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable& /*args*/)
if (auto peasant{ sender.try_as<winrt::MonarchPeasantSample::Peasant>() })
auto theirID = peasant.GetID();
winrt::MonarchPeasantSample::IPeasant Monarch::_getPeasant(uint64_t peasantID)
auto peasantSearch = _peasants.find(peasantID);
return peasantSearch == _peasants.end() ? nullptr : peasantSearch->second;
void Monarch::_setMostRecentPeasant(const uint64_t peasantID)
_mostRecentPeasant = peasantID;
printf("\x1b[90mThe most recent peasant is now \x1b[m#%llu\n", _mostRecentPeasant);
void Monarch::SetSelfID(const uint64_t selfID)
this->_thisPeasantID = selfID;
// Right now, the monarch assumes the role of the most recent
// window. If the monarch dies, and a new monarch takes over, then the
// entire stack of MRU windows will go with it. That's not what you
// want!
// In the real app, we'll have each window also track the timestamp it
// was activated at, and the monarch will cache these. So a new monarch
// could re-query these last activated timestamps, and reconstruct the
// MRU stack.
// This is a sample though, and we're not too worried about complete
// correctness here.
bool Monarch::ProposeCommandline(array_view<const winrt::hstring> args, winrt::hstring cwd)
auto argsProcessed = 0;
std::wstring fullCmdline;
for (const auto& arg : args)
fullCmdline += argsProcessed++ == 0 ? L"sample.exe" : arg;
fullCmdline += L" ";
wprintf(L"\x1b[36mProposed Commandline\x1b[m: \"");
bool createNewWindow = true;
if (args.size() >= 3)
// We'll need three args at least - [MonarchPeasantSample.exe, -s,
// id] to be able to have a session ID passed on the commandline.
if (args[1] == L"-s" || args[1] == L"--session")
auto sessionId = std::stoi({ args[2].data(), args[2].size() });
printf("Found a commandline intended for session %d\n", sessionId);
if (sessionId < 0)
printf("That certainly isn't a valid ID, they should make a new window.\n");
createNewWindow = true;
else if (sessionId == 0)
printf("Session 0 is actually #%llu\n", _mostRecentPeasant);
if (auto mruPeasant = _getPeasant(_mostRecentPeasant))
mruPeasant.ExecuteCommandline(args, cwd);
createNewWindow = false;
if (auto otherPeasant = _getPeasant(sessionId))
otherPeasant.ExecuteCommandline(args, cwd);
createNewWindow = false;
printf("I couldn't find a peasant for that ID, they should make a new window.\n");
else if (_windowingBehavior == WindowingBehavior::UseExisting)
if (auto mruPeasant = _getPeasant(_mostRecentPeasant))
mruPeasant.ExecuteCommandline(args, cwd);
createNewWindow = false;
printf("They definitely weren't an existing process. They should make a new window.\n");
return createNewWindow;
void Monarch::ToggleWindowingBehavior()
switch (_windowingBehavior)
case WindowingBehavior::UseNew:
_windowingBehavior = WindowingBehavior::UseExisting;
case WindowingBehavior::UseExisting:
_windowingBehavior = WindowingBehavior::UseNew;
printf("windowingBehavior: ");
switch (_windowingBehavior)
case WindowingBehavior::UseNew:
case WindowingBehavior::UseExisting: