Carlos Zamora ea1bb2ed93
Add 'copyFormatting' global setting (#5299)
## Summary of the Pull Request
Implements `copyFormatting` as a global setting. When enabled, formatting such as font and foreground/background colors are copied to the clipboard on _all_ copy operations.

Also updates the schema and docs.

## References
#5212 - Spec for Formatted Copying
#4191 - Setting to enable/disable formatted copy

#5263 - PR prematurely merged without approval of #5212 

This feature will also have an impact on these yet-to-be-implemented features:
- #5262 - copyFormatting Keybinding Arg for Copy
- #1553 - Pointer Bindings
- #4191 - add array support for `copyFormatting`

## Detailed Description of the Pull Request
We already check if the hstring passed into the clipboard is empty before setting it. So the majority of the changes are actually just adding the global setting in.

## Validation Steps Performed
| `copyFormatting` | Mouse Copy | Keyboard Copy |
| not set (`false`) | ✔ | ✔ |
| `true` | ✔ | ✔ |
| `false` | ✔ | ✔ |
2020-04-09 23:32:38 +00:00

569 lines
19 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "GlobalAppSettings.h"
#include "../../types/inc/Utils.hpp"
#include "../../inc/DefaultSettings.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include "JsonUtils.h"
#include <sstream>
using namespace TerminalApp;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Settings;
using namespace winrt::TerminalApp;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Data::Json;
using namespace winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml;
using namespace ::Microsoft::Console;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::UI::Xaml::Controls;
static constexpr std::string_view KeybindingsKey{ "keybindings" };
static constexpr std::string_view DefaultProfileKey{ "defaultProfile" };
static constexpr std::string_view AlwaysShowTabsKey{ "alwaysShowTabs" };
static constexpr std::string_view InitialRowsKey{ "initialRows" };
static constexpr std::string_view InitialColsKey{ "initialCols" };
static constexpr std::string_view RowsToScrollKey{ "rowsToScroll" };
static constexpr std::string_view InitialPositionKey{ "initialPosition" };
static constexpr std::string_view ShowTitleInTitlebarKey{ "showTerminalTitleInTitlebar" };
static constexpr std::string_view ThemeKey{ "theme" };
static constexpr std::string_view TabWidthModeKey{ "tabWidthMode" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view EqualTabWidthModeValue{ L"equal" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view TitleLengthTabWidthModeValue{ L"titleLength" };
static constexpr std::string_view ShowTabsInTitlebarKey{ "showTabsInTitlebar" };
static constexpr std::string_view WordDelimitersKey{ "wordDelimiters" };
static constexpr std::string_view CopyOnSelectKey{ "copyOnSelect" };
static constexpr std::string_view CopyFormattingKey{ "copyFormatting" };
static constexpr std::string_view LaunchModeKey{ "launchMode" };
static constexpr std::string_view ConfirmCloseAllKey{ "confirmCloseAllTabs" };
static constexpr std::string_view SnapToGridOnResizeKey{ "snapToGridOnResize" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view DefaultLaunchModeValue{ L"default" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view MaximizedLaunchModeValue{ L"maximized" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view LightThemeValue{ L"light" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view DarkThemeValue{ L"dark" };
static constexpr std::wstring_view SystemThemeValue{ L"system" };
static constexpr std::string_view DebugFeaturesKey{ "debugFeatures" };
#ifdef _DEBUG
static constexpr bool debugFeaturesDefault{ true };
static constexpr bool debugFeaturesDefault{ false };
GlobalAppSettings::GlobalAppSettings() :
_keybindings{ winrt::make_self<winrt::TerminalApp::implementation::AppKeyBindings>() },
_alwaysShowTabs{ true },
_confirmCloseAllTabs{ true },
_initialRows{ DEFAULT_ROWS },
_initialCols{ DEFAULT_COLS },
_showTitleInTitlebar{ true },
_showTabsInTitlebar{ true },
_theme{ ElementTheme::Default },
_tabWidthMode{ TabViewWidthMode::Equal },
_copyOnSelect{ false },
_copyFormatting{ false },
_launchMode{ LaunchMode::DefaultMode },
_debugFeatures{ debugFeaturesDefault }
std::unordered_map<std::wstring, ColorScheme>& GlobalAppSettings::GetColorSchemes() noexcept
return _colorSchemes;
const std::unordered_map<std::wstring, ColorScheme>& GlobalAppSettings::GetColorSchemes() const noexcept
return _colorSchemes;
void GlobalAppSettings::SetDefaultProfile(const GUID defaultProfile) noexcept
_defaultProfile = defaultProfile;
GUID GlobalAppSettings::GetDefaultProfile() const noexcept
return _defaultProfile;
AppKeyBindings GlobalAppSettings::GetKeybindings() const noexcept
return *_keybindings;
bool GlobalAppSettings::GetAlwaysShowTabs() const noexcept
return _alwaysShowTabs;
void GlobalAppSettings::SetAlwaysShowTabs(const bool showTabs) noexcept
_alwaysShowTabs = showTabs;
bool GlobalAppSettings::GetShowTitleInTitlebar() const noexcept
return _showTitleInTitlebar;
void GlobalAppSettings::SetShowTitleInTitlebar(const bool showTitleInTitlebar) noexcept
_showTitleInTitlebar = showTitleInTitlebar;
ElementTheme GlobalAppSettings::GetTheme() const noexcept
return _theme;
void GlobalAppSettings::SetTheme(const ElementTheme theme) noexcept
_theme = theme;
TabViewWidthMode GlobalAppSettings::GetTabWidthMode() const noexcept
return _tabWidthMode;
void GlobalAppSettings::SetTabWidthMode(const TabViewWidthMode tabWidthMode)
_tabWidthMode = tabWidthMode;
std::wstring GlobalAppSettings::GetWordDelimiters() const noexcept
return _wordDelimiters;
void GlobalAppSettings::SetWordDelimiters(const std::wstring wordDelimiters) noexcept
_wordDelimiters = wordDelimiters;
bool GlobalAppSettings::GetCopyOnSelect() const noexcept
return _copyOnSelect;
void GlobalAppSettings::SetCopyOnSelect(const bool copyOnSelect) noexcept
_copyOnSelect = copyOnSelect;
bool GlobalAppSettings::GetCopyFormatting() const noexcept
return _copyFormatting;
LaunchMode GlobalAppSettings::GetLaunchMode() const noexcept
return _launchMode;
void GlobalAppSettings::SetLaunchMode(const LaunchMode launchMode)
_launchMode = launchMode;
bool GlobalAppSettings::GetConfirmCloseAllTabs() const noexcept
return _confirmCloseAllTabs;
void GlobalAppSettings::SetConfirmCloseAllTabs(const bool confirmCloseAllTabs) noexcept
_confirmCloseAllTabs = confirmCloseAllTabs;
bool GlobalAppSettings::DebugFeaturesEnabled() const noexcept
return _debugFeatures;
#pragma region ExperimentalSettings
bool GlobalAppSettings::GetShowTabsInTitlebar() const noexcept
return _showTabsInTitlebar;
void GlobalAppSettings::SetShowTabsInTitlebar(const bool showTabsInTitlebar) noexcept
_showTabsInTitlebar = showTabsInTitlebar;
std::optional<int32_t> GlobalAppSettings::GetInitialX() const noexcept
return _initialX;
std::optional<int32_t> GlobalAppSettings::GetInitialY() const noexcept
return _initialY;
#pragma endregion
// Method Description:
// - Applies appropriate settings from the globals into the given TerminalSettings.
// Arguments:
// - settings: a TerminalSettings object to add global property values to.
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void GlobalAppSettings::ApplyToSettings(TerminalSettings& settings) const noexcept
// Method Description:
// - Serialize this object to a JsonObject.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - a JsonObject which is an equivalent serialization of this object.
Json::Value GlobalAppSettings::ToJson() const
Json::Value jsonObject;
jsonObject[JsonKey(DefaultProfileKey)] = winrt::to_string(Utils::GuidToString(_defaultProfile));
jsonObject[JsonKey(InitialRowsKey)] = _initialRows;
jsonObject[JsonKey(InitialColsKey)] = _initialCols;
jsonObject[JsonKey(RowsToScrollKey)] = _rowsToScroll;
jsonObject[JsonKey(InitialPositionKey)] = _SerializeInitialPosition(_initialX, _initialY);
jsonObject[JsonKey(AlwaysShowTabsKey)] = _alwaysShowTabs;
jsonObject[JsonKey(ShowTitleInTitlebarKey)] = _showTitleInTitlebar;
jsonObject[JsonKey(ShowTabsInTitlebarKey)] = _showTabsInTitlebar;
jsonObject[JsonKey(WordDelimitersKey)] = winrt::to_string(_wordDelimiters);
jsonObject[JsonKey(CopyOnSelectKey)] = _copyOnSelect;
jsonObject[JsonKey(CopyFormattingKey)] = _copyFormatting;
jsonObject[JsonKey(LaunchModeKey)] = winrt::to_string(_SerializeLaunchMode(_launchMode));
jsonObject[JsonKey(ThemeKey)] = winrt::to_string(_SerializeTheme(_theme));
jsonObject[JsonKey(TabWidthModeKey)] = winrt::to_string(_SerializeTabWidthMode(_tabWidthMode));
jsonObject[JsonKey(KeybindingsKey)] = _keybindings->ToJson();
jsonObject[JsonKey(ConfirmCloseAllKey)] = _confirmCloseAllTabs;
jsonObject[JsonKey(SnapToGridOnResizeKey)] = _SnapToGridOnResize;
jsonObject[JsonKey(DebugFeaturesKey)] = _debugFeatures;
return jsonObject;
// Method Description:
// - Create a new instance of this class from a serialized JsonObject.
// Arguments:
// - json: an object which should be a serialization of a GlobalAppSettings object.
// Return Value:
// - a new GlobalAppSettings instance created from the values in `json`
GlobalAppSettings GlobalAppSettings::FromJson(const Json::Value& json)
GlobalAppSettings result;
return result;
void GlobalAppSettings::LayerJson(const Json::Value& json)
if (auto defaultProfile{ json[JsonKey(DefaultProfileKey)] })
auto guid = Utils::GuidFromString(GetWstringFromJson(defaultProfile));
_defaultProfile = guid;
JsonUtils::GetBool(json, AlwaysShowTabsKey, _alwaysShowTabs);
JsonUtils::GetBool(json, ConfirmCloseAllKey, _confirmCloseAllTabs);
JsonUtils::GetInt(json, InitialRowsKey, _initialRows);
JsonUtils::GetInt(json, InitialColsKey, _initialCols);
if (auto rowsToScroll{ json[JsonKey(RowsToScrollKey)] })
//if it's not an int we fall back to setting it to 0, which implies using the system setting. This will be the case if it's set to "system"
if (rowsToScroll.isInt())
_rowsToScroll = rowsToScroll.asInt();
_rowsToScroll = 0;
if (auto initialPosition{ json[JsonKey(InitialPositionKey)] })
_ParseInitialPosition(GetWstringFromJson(initialPosition), _initialX, _initialY);
JsonUtils::GetBool(json, ShowTitleInTitlebarKey, _showTitleInTitlebar);
JsonUtils::GetBool(json, ShowTabsInTitlebarKey, _showTabsInTitlebar);
JsonUtils::GetWstring(json, WordDelimitersKey, _wordDelimiters);
JsonUtils::GetBool(json, CopyOnSelectKey, _copyOnSelect);
JsonUtils::GetBool(json, CopyFormattingKey, _copyFormatting);
if (auto launchMode{ json[JsonKey(LaunchModeKey)] })
_launchMode = _ParseLaunchMode(GetWstringFromJson(launchMode));
if (auto theme{ json[JsonKey(ThemeKey)] })
_theme = _ParseTheme(GetWstringFromJson(theme));
if (auto tabWidthMode{ json[JsonKey(TabWidthModeKey)] })
_tabWidthMode = _ParseTabWidthMode(GetWstringFromJson(tabWidthMode));
if (auto keybindings{ json[JsonKey(KeybindingsKey)] })
auto warnings = _keybindings->LayerJson(keybindings);
// It's possible that the user provided keybindings have some warnings
// in them - problems that we should alert the user to, but we can
// recover from. Most of these warnings cannot be detected later in the
// Validate settings phase, so we'll collect them now. If there were any
// warnings generated from parsing these keybindings, add them to our
// list of warnings.
_keybindingsWarnings.insert(_keybindingsWarnings.end(), warnings.begin(), warnings.end());
JsonUtils::GetBool(json, SnapToGridOnResizeKey, _SnapToGridOnResize);
// GetBool will only override the current value if the key exists
JsonUtils::GetBool(json, DebugFeaturesKey, _debugFeatures);
// Method Description:
// - Helper function for converting a user-specified cursor style corresponding
// CursorStyle enum value
// Arguments:
// - themeString: The string value from the settings file to parse
// Return Value:
// - The corresponding enum value which maps to the string provided by the user
ElementTheme GlobalAppSettings::_ParseTheme(const std::wstring& themeString) noexcept
if (themeString == LightThemeValue)
return ElementTheme::Light;
else if (themeString == DarkThemeValue)
return ElementTheme::Dark;
// default behavior for invalid data or SystemThemeValue
return ElementTheme::Default;
// Method Description:
// - Helper function for converting a CursorStyle to its corresponding string
// value.
// Arguments:
// - theme: The enum value to convert to a string.
// Return Value:
// - The string value for the given CursorStyle
std::wstring_view GlobalAppSettings::_SerializeTheme(const ElementTheme theme) noexcept
switch (theme)
case ElementTheme::Light:
return LightThemeValue;
case ElementTheme::Dark:
return DarkThemeValue;
return SystemThemeValue;
// Method Description:
// - Helper function for converting the initial position string into
// 2 coordinate values. We allow users to only provide one coordinate,
// thus, we use comma as the separator:
// (100, 100): standard input string
// (, 100), (100, ): if a value is missing, we set this value as a default
// (,): both x and y are set to default
// (abc, 100): if a value is not valid, we treat it as default
// (100, 100, 100): we only read the first two values, this is equivalent to (100, 100)
// Arguments:
// - initialPosition: the initial position string from json
// initialX: reference to the _initialX member
// initialY: reference to the _initialY member
// Return Value:
// - None
void GlobalAppSettings::_ParseInitialPosition(const std::wstring& initialPosition,
std::optional<int32_t>& initialX,
std::optional<int32_t>& initialY) noexcept
const wchar_t singleCharDelim = L',';
std::wstringstream tokenStream(initialPosition);
std::wstring token;
uint8_t initialPosIndex = 0;
// Get initial position values till we run out of delimiter separated values in the stream
// or we hit max number of allowable values (= 2)
// Non-numeral values or empty string will be caught as exception and we do not assign them
for (; std::getline(tokenStream, token, singleCharDelim) && (initialPosIndex < 2); initialPosIndex++)
int32_t position = std::stoi(token);
if (initialPosIndex == 0)
if (initialPosIndex == 1)
catch (...)
// Do nothing
// Method Description:
// - Helper function for converting X/Y initial positions to a string
// value.
// Arguments:
// - initialX: reference to the _initialX member
// initialY: reference to the _initialY member
// Return Value:
// - The concatenated string for the the current initialX and initialY
std::string GlobalAppSettings::_SerializeInitialPosition(const std::optional<int32_t>& initialX,
const std::optional<int32_t>& initialY) noexcept
std::string serializedInitialPos = "";
if (initialX.has_value())
serializedInitialPos += std::to_string(initialX.value());
serializedInitialPos += ", ";
if (initialY.has_value())
serializedInitialPos += std::to_string(initialY.value());
return serializedInitialPos;
// Method Description:
// - Helper function for converting the user-specified launch mode
// to a LaunchMode enum value
// Arguments:
// - launchModeString: The string value from the settings file to parse
// Return Value:
// - The corresponding enum value which maps to the string provided by the user
LaunchMode GlobalAppSettings::_ParseLaunchMode(const std::wstring& launchModeString) noexcept
if (launchModeString == MaximizedLaunchModeValue)
return LaunchMode::MaximizedMode;
return LaunchMode::DefaultMode;
// Method Description:
// - Helper function for converting a LaunchMode to its corresponding string
// value.
// Arguments:
// - launchMode: The enum value to convert to a string.
// Return Value:
// - The string value for the given LaunchMode
std::wstring_view GlobalAppSettings::_SerializeLaunchMode(const LaunchMode launchMode) noexcept
switch (launchMode)
case LaunchMode::MaximizedMode:
return MaximizedLaunchModeValue;
return DefaultLaunchModeValue;
// Method Description:
// - Helper function for converting the user-specified tab width
// to a TabViewWidthMode enum value
// Arguments:
// - tabWidthModeString: The string value from the settings file to parse
// Return Value:
// - The corresponding enum value which maps to the string provided by the user
TabViewWidthMode GlobalAppSettings::_ParseTabWidthMode(const std::wstring& tabWidthModeString) noexcept
if (tabWidthModeString == TitleLengthTabWidthModeValue)
return TabViewWidthMode::SizeToContent;
// default behavior for invalid data or EqualTabWidthValue
return TabViewWidthMode::Equal;
// Method Description:
// - Helper function for converting a TabViewWidthMode to its corresponding string
// value.
// Arguments:
// - tabWidthMode: The enum value to convert to a string.
// Return Value:
// - The string value for the given TabWidthMode
std::wstring_view GlobalAppSettings::_SerializeTabWidthMode(const TabViewWidthMode tabWidthMode) noexcept
switch (tabWidthMode)
case TabViewWidthMode::SizeToContent:
return TitleLengthTabWidthModeValue;
return EqualTabWidthModeValue;
// Method Description:
// - Adds the given colorscheme to our map of schemes, using its name as the key.
// Arguments:
// - scheme: the color scheme to add
// Return Value:
// - <none>
void GlobalAppSettings::AddColorScheme(ColorScheme scheme)
std::wstring name{ scheme.GetName() };
_colorSchemes[name] = std::move(scheme);
// Method Description:
// - Return the warnings that we've collected during parsing the JSON for the
// keybindings. It's possible that the user provided keybindings have some
// warnings in them - problems that we should alert the user to, but we can
// recover from.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
std::vector<TerminalApp::SettingsLoadWarnings> GlobalAppSettings::GetKeybindingsWarnings() const
return _keybindingsWarnings;