Josh Soref 42f7403bf5
ci: update to Spell check to 0.0.17a (#9014)
### Plurals and paste tenses
In the past, plurals `foo`+`s` and past tenses `foo`+`ed` were
automatically tolerated. This turned out to be a bad design choice on my

The basic example is that `potatos` would sometimes be treated as a
mistake and sometimes not (depending on the presence of `potato`).

You can see in this PR, that this logic resulted in `Applys` being
accepted as a word along with `AppContainered` -- there's nothing
intrinsically wrong w/ the latter, but unfortunately in order to screen
out the former, my shortcut just couldn't stick around. This means that
the `dictionary`/`expect` files will grow perhaps by a tiny bit, but as
you can see, not really by much.

This is also why `thereses` (a user) was accepted as a word in the past
(therese is in the base dictionary, so `therese` + `s` was acceptable).

### Pull requests

When GitHub initially introduced GitHub Actions, the event for
`pull_request` was created without enough permission for a tool like
this to work properly. I worked around that by using the `schedule`
event. In 2020, they introduced a replacement event
`pull_request_target` which has enough permission. This means that I can
stop relying on the `schedule` event.

### Miscellaneous

* I've folded together some `expect/` files since now is as good a time
  as any.
* I've included a hint about `excludes.txt` (I added a similar one for
  our primary repo recently, and it came up this week in
  `microsoft/terminal` -- @zadjii-msft)
* I've standardized on a default of `.github/actions/spelling` to make
  the out of the box experience easier for new adopters, so I'm applying
  that change here -- if you're attached to the old directory name,
  specifying it is still supported. -- note the directory rename may
  cause a merge conflict for people with open PRs and changes to the
  contents, this shouldn't be a big problem.
2021-02-03 11:17:38 -08:00

28 lines
2.1 KiB

:pencil2: Contributor please read this
By default the command suggestion will generate a file named based on your commit. That's generally ok as long as you add the file to your commit. Someone can reorganize it later.
:warning: The command is written for posix shells. You can copy the contents of each `perl` command excluding the outer `'` marks and dropping any `'"`/`"'` quotation mark pairs into a file and then run `perl file.pl` from the root of the repository to run the code. Alternatively, you can manually insert the items...
If the listed items are:
* ... **misspelled**, then please *correct* them instead of using the command.
* ... *names*, please add them to `.github/actions/spelling/dictionary/names.txt`.
* ... APIs, you can add them to a file in `.github/actions/spelling/dictionary/`.
* ... just things you're using, please add them to an appropriate file in `.github/actions/spelling/expect/`.
* ... tokens you only need in one place and shouldn't *generally be used*, you can add an item in an appropriate file in `.github/actions/spelling/patterns/`.
See the `README.md` in each directory for more information.
:microscope: You can test your commits **without** *appending* to a PR by creating a new branch with that extra change and pushing it to your fork. The [check-spelling](https://github.com/marketplace/actions/check-spelling) action will run in response to your **push** -- it doesn't require an open pull request. By using such a branch, you can limit the number of typos your peers see you make. :wink:
:clamp: If you see a bunch of garbage and it relates to a binary-ish string, please add a file path to the `.github/actions/spelling/excludes.txt` file instead of just accepting the garbage.
File paths are Perl 5 Regular Expressions - you can [test](
https://www.regexplanet.com/advanced/perl/) yours before committing to verify it will match your files.
`^` refers to the file's path from the root of the repository, so `^README\.md$` would exclude [README.md](https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/blob/main/README.md) (on whichever branch you're using).