2021-10-28 07:08:52 -05:00

48 lines
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include <string>
#include <filesystem>
#include <windows.h>
#include <wil/stl.h>
#include <wil/resource.h>
#include <wil/win32_helpers.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
// If we try to do this in the Terminal itself, then there's a bunch of weird
// things that can go wrong and prevent the elevated Terminal window from
// getting created. Specifically, if the origin Terminal exits right away after
// spawning the elevated WT, then ShellExecute might not successfully complete
// the elevation. What's even more, the Terminal will mysteriously crash
// somewhere in XAML land.
// To mitigate this, the Terminal will call into us with the commandline it
// wants elevated. We'll hang around until ShellExecute is finished, so that the
// process can successfully elevate.
#pragma warning(suppress : 26461) // we can't change the signature of wWinMain
int __stdcall wWinMain(HINSTANCE, HINSTANCE, LPWSTR pCmdLine, int)
// All of the args passed to us (something like `new-tab -p {guid}`) are in
// pCmdLine
// Get the path to WindowsTerminal.exe, which should live next to us.
std::filesystem::path module{ wil::GetModuleFileNameW<std::wstring>(nullptr) };
// Swap elevate-shim.exe for WindowsTerminal.exe
// Go!
seInfo.cbSize = sizeof(seInfo);
seInfo.fMask = SEE_MASK_DEFAULT;
seInfo.lpVerb = L"runas"; // This asks the shell to elevate the process
seInfo.lpFile = module.c_str(); // This is `...\WindowsTerminal.exe`
seInfo.lpParameters = pCmdLine; // This is `new-tab -p {guid}`
seInfo.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;