Schuyler Rosefield 75e2b5fae7
Persist window layout cont. save multiple windows (#11083)
<!-- Enter a brief description/summary of your PR here. What does it fix/what does it change/how was it tested (even manually, if necessary)? -->
## Summary of the Pull Request
Continuation of https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/pull/10972 to handle multiple windows, requires that to be merged first. 

<!-- Other than the issue solved, is this relevant to any other issues/existing PRs? --> 
## References

<!-- Please review the items on the PR checklist before submitting-->
## PR Checklist
* [x] Also closes #766
* [x] CLA signed. If not, go over [here](https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com/microsoft/Terminal) and sign the CLA
* [ ] Tests added/passed
* [ ] Documentation updated. If checked, please file a pull request on [our docs repo](https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/terminal) and link it here: #xxx
* [x] Schema updated.
* [ ] I've discussed this with core contributors already. If not checked, I'm ready to accept this work might be rejected in favor of a different grand plan. Issue number where discussion took place: #xxx

<!-- Provide a more detailed description of the PR, other things fixed or any additional comments/features here -->
## Detailed Description of the Pull Request / Additional comments
Rough changelog:
Normally saving is triggered to occur every 30s, or sooner if a window is created/closed. The existing behavior of saving on last close is maintained to bypass that throttling. The automatic saving allows for crash recovery. Additionally all window layouts will be saved upon taking the `quit` action.

For loading we will check if we are the first window, that there are any saved layouts, and if the setting is enabled, and then depending on if we were given command line args or startup actions.

- create a new window for each saved layout, or
- take the first layout for our self and then a new window for each other layout.

This also saves the layout when the quit action is taken.

Misc changes
- A -s,--saved argument was added to the command line to facilitate opening all of the windows with the right settings. This also means that while a terminal session is running you can do wt -s idx to open a copy of window idx. There isn't a stable ordering of which idx each window gets saved as (it is whatever the iteration order of _peasants is), so it is just a cute hack for now.
- All position calculation has been moved up to AppHost this does mean we need to awkwardly pass around positions in a couple of unexpected places, but no solution was perfect.
- Renamed "Open tabs from a previous session" to "Open windows from a previous session". (not reflected in video below)
- Now save runtime tab color and window names
- Only enabled for non-elevated windows
- Add some change tracking to ApplicationState

<!-- Describe how you validated the behavior. Add automated tests wherever possible, but list manual validation steps taken as well -->
## Validation Steps Performed
2021-09-27 21:18:39 +00:00

629 lines
27 KiB

// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Licensed under the MIT license.
#include "pch.h"
#include "WindowManager.h"
#include "MonarchFactory.h"
#include "CommandlineArgs.h"
#include "../inc/WindowingBehavior.h"
#include "FindTargetWindowArgs.h"
#include "WindowManager.g.cpp"
#include "../../types/inc/utils.hpp"
using namespace winrt;
using namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal;
using namespace winrt::Windows::Foundation;
using namespace ::Microsoft::Console;
namespace winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Remoting::implementation
// Register with COM as a server for the Monarch class
// Instantiate an instance of the Monarch. This may or may not be in-proc!
bool foundMonarch = false;
while (!foundMonarch)
// _createMonarchAndCallbacks will initialize _isKing
foundMonarch = true;
catch (...)
// If we fail to find the monarch,
// stay in this jail until we do.
// IMPORTANT! Tear down the registration as soon as we exit. If we're not a
// real peasant window (the monarch passed our commandline to someone else),
// then the monarch dies, we don't want our registration becoming the active
// monarch!
_registrationHostClass = 0;
// A thread is joinable once it's been started. Basically this just
// makes sure that the thread isn't just default-constructed.
if (_electionThread.joinable())
void WindowManager::SignalClose()
if (_monarch)
void WindowManager::ProposeCommandline(const Remoting::CommandlineArgs& args)
// If we're the king, we _definitely_ want to process the arguments, we were
// launched with them!
// Otherwise, the King will tell us if we should make a new window
_shouldCreateWindow = _isKing;
std::optional<uint64_t> givenID;
winrt::hstring givenName{};
if (!_isKing)
// The monarch may respond back "you should be a new
// window, with ID,name of (id, name)". Really the responses are:
// * You should not create a new window
// * Create a new window (but without a given ID or name). The
// Monarch will assign your ID/name later
// * Create a new window, and you'll have this ID or name
// - This is the case where the user provides `wt -w 1`, and
// there's no existing window 1
const auto result = _monarch.ProposeCommandline(args);
_shouldCreateWindow = result.ShouldCreateWindow();
if (result.Id())
givenID = result.Id().Value();
givenName = result.WindowName();
// TraceLogging doesn't have a good solution for logging an
// optional. So we have to repeat the calls here:
if (givenID)
TraceLoggingBoolean(_shouldCreateWindow, "CreateWindow", "true iff we should create a new window"),
TraceLoggingUInt64(givenID.value(), "Id", "The ID we should assign our peasant"),
TraceLoggingWideString(givenName.c_str(), "Name", "The name we should assign this window"),
TraceLoggingBoolean(_shouldCreateWindow, "CreateWindow", "true iff we should create a new window"),
TraceLoggingPointer(nullptr, "Id", "No ID provided"),
TraceLoggingWideString(givenName.c_str(), "Name", "The name we should assign this window"),
// We're the monarch, we don't need to propose anything. We're just
// going to do it.
// However, we _do_ need to ask what our name should be. It's
// possible someone started the _first_ wt with something like `wt
// -w king` as the commandline - we want to make sure we set our
// name to "king".
// The FindTargetWindow event is the WindowManager's way of saying
// "I do not know how to figure out how to turn this list of args
// into a window ID/name. Whoever's listening to this event does, so
// I'll ask them". It's a convoluted way of hooking the
// WindowManager up to AppLogic without actually telling it anything
// about TerminalApp (or even WindowsTerminal)
auto findWindowArgs{ winrt::make_self<Remoting::implementation::FindTargetWindowArgs>(args) };
_raiseFindTargetWindowRequested(nullptr, *findWindowArgs);
const auto responseId = findWindowArgs->ResultTargetWindow();
if (responseId > 0)
givenID = ::base::saturated_cast<uint64_t>(responseId);
TraceLoggingBoolean(_shouldCreateWindow, "CreateWindow", "true iff we should create a new window"),
TraceLoggingUInt64(givenID.value(), "Id", "The ID we should assign our peasant"),
TraceLoggingWideString(givenName.c_str(), "Name", "The name we should assign this window"),
else if (responseId == WindowingBehaviorUseName)
givenName = findWindowArgs->ResultTargetWindowName();
TraceLoggingBoolean(_shouldCreateWindow, "CreateWindow", "true iff we should create a new window"),
TraceLoggingUInt64(0, "Id", "The ID we should assign our peasant"),
TraceLoggingWideString(givenName.c_str(), "Name", "The name we should assign this window"),
TraceLoggingBoolean(_shouldCreateWindow, "CreateWindow", "true iff we should create a new window"),
TraceLoggingUInt64(0, "Id", "The ID we should assign our peasant"),
TraceLoggingWideString(L"", "Name", "The name we should assign this window"),
if (_shouldCreateWindow)
// If we should create a new window, then instantiate our Peasant
// instance, and tell that peasant to handle that commandline.
_createOurPeasant({ givenID }, givenName);
// Spawn a thread to wait on the monarch, and handle the election
if (!_isKing)
// Otherwise, we'll do _nothing_.
bool WindowManager::ShouldCreateWindow()
return _shouldCreateWindow;
void WindowManager::_registerAsMonarch()
void WindowManager::_createMonarch()
// Heads up! This only works because we're using
// "metadata-based-marshalling" for our WinRT types. That means the OS is
// using the .winmd file we generate to figure out the proxy/stub
// definitions for our types automatically. This only works in the following
// cases:
// * If we're running unpackaged: the .winmd must be a sibling of the .exe
// * If we're running packaged: the .winmd must be in the package root
_monarch = create_instance<Remoting::Monarch>(Monarch_clsid,
// NOTE: This can throw! Callers include:
// - the constructor, who performs this in a loop until it successfully
// find a a monarch
// - the performElection method, which is called in the waitOnMonarch
// thread. All the calls in that thread are wrapped in try/catch's
// already.
// - _createOurPeasant, who might do this in a loop to establish us with the
// monarch.
void WindowManager::_createMonarchAndCallbacks()
// Save the result of checking if we're the king. We want to avoid
// unnecessary calls back and forth if we can.
_isKing = _areWeTheKing();
TraceLoggingUInt64(_monarch.GetPID(), "monarchPID", "The PID of the new Monarch"),
TraceLoggingBoolean(_isKing, "isKing", "true if we are the new monarch"),
if (_peasant)
// Inform the monarch of the time we were last activated
if (!_isKing)
// Here, we're the king!
// This is where you should do any additional setup that might need to be
// done when we become the king. This will be called both for the first
// window, and when the current monarch dies.
_monarch.WindowCreated({ get_weak(), &WindowManager::_WindowCreatedHandlers });
_monarch.WindowClosed({ get_weak(), &WindowManager::_WindowClosedHandlers });
_monarch.FindTargetWindowRequested({ this, &WindowManager::_raiseFindTargetWindowRequested });
_monarch.ShowNotificationIconRequested([this](auto&&, auto&&) { _ShowNotificationIconRequestedHandlers(*this, nullptr); });
_monarch.HideNotificationIconRequested([this](auto&&, auto&&) { _HideNotificationIconRequestedHandlers(*this, nullptr); });
_monarch.QuitAllRequested({ get_weak(), &WindowManager::_QuitAllRequestedHandlers });
_BecameMonarchHandlers(*this, nullptr);
bool WindowManager::_areWeTheKing()
const auto ourPID{ GetCurrentProcessId() };
const auto kingPID{ _monarch.GetPID() };
return (ourPID == kingPID);
Remoting::IPeasant WindowManager::_createOurPeasant(std::optional<uint64_t> givenID,
const winrt::hstring& givenName)
auto p = winrt::make_self<Remoting::implementation::Peasant>();
if (givenID)
// If the name wasn't specified, this will be an empty string.
_peasant = *p;
// Try to add us to the monarch. If that fails, try to find a monarch
// again, until we find one (we will eventually find us)
while (true)
catch (...)
// Wrap this in it's own try/catch, because this can throw.
catch (...)
_peasant.GetWindowLayoutRequested({ get_weak(), &WindowManager::_GetWindowLayoutRequestedHandlers });
TraceLoggingUInt64(_peasant.GetID(), "peasantID", "The ID of our new peasant"),
// If the peasant asks us to quit we should not try to act in future elections.
_peasant.QuitRequested([weakThis{ get_weak() }](auto&&, auto&&) {
if (auto wm = weakThis.get())
return _peasant;
// Method Description:
// - Attempt to connect to the monarch process. This might be us!
// - For the new monarch, add us to their list of peasants.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - true iff we're the new monarch process.
// NOTE: This can throw!
bool WindowManager::_performElection()
// Tell the new monarch who we are. We might be that monarch!
// This method is only called when a _new_ monarch is elected. So
// don't do anything here that needs to be done for all monarch
// windows. This should only be for work that's done when a window
// _becomes_ a monarch, after the death of the previous monarch.
return _isKing;
void WindowManager::_createPeasantThread()
// If we catch an exception trying to get at the monarch ever, we can
// set the _monarchWaitInterrupt, and use that to trigger a new
// election. Though, we wouldn't be able to retry the function that
// caused the exception in the first place...
_electionThread = std::thread([this] {
void WindowManager::_waitOnMonarchThread()
// This is the array of HANDLEs that we're going to wait on in
// WaitForMultipleObjects below.
// * waits[0] will be the handle to the monarch process. It gets
// signalled when the process exits / dies.
// * waits[1] is the handle to our _monarchWaitInterrupt event. Another
// thread can use that to manually break this loop. We'll do that when
// we're getting torn down.
HANDLE waits[2];
waits[1] = _monarchWaitInterrupt.get();
const auto peasantID = _peasant.GetID(); // safe: _peasant is in-proc.
bool exitThreadRequested = false;
while (!exitThreadRequested)
// At any point in all this, the current monarch might die. If it
// does, we'll go straight to a new election, in the "jail"
// try/catch below. Worst case, eventually, we'll become the new
// monarch.
// This might fail to even ask the monarch for it's PID.
wil::unique_handle hMonarch{ OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,
static_cast<DWORD>(_monarch.GetPID())) };
// If we fail to open the monarch, then they don't exist
// anymore! Go straight to an election.
if (hMonarch.get() == nullptr)
const auto gle = GetLastError();
TraceLoggingUInt64(peasantID, "peasantID", "Our peasant ID"),
TraceLoggingUInt64(gle, "lastError", "The result of GetLastError"),
exitThreadRequested = _performElection();
waits[0] = hMonarch.get();
auto waitResult = WaitForMultipleObjects(2, waits, FALSE, INFINITE);
switch (waitResult)
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 0: // waits[0] was signaled, the handle to the monarch process
TraceLoggingUInt64(peasantID, "peasantID", "Our peasant ID"),
// Connect to the new monarch, which might be us!
// If we become the monarch, then we'll return true and exit this thread.
exitThreadRequested = _performElection();
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: // waits[1] was signaled, our manual interrupt
TraceLoggingUInt64(peasantID, "peasantID", "Our peasant ID"),
exitThreadRequested = true;
// This should be impossible.
TraceLoggingUInt64(peasantID, "peasantID", "Our peasant ID"),
exitThreadRequested = true;
// Returning any other value is invalid. Just die.
const auto gle = GetLastError();
TraceLoggingUInt64(peasantID, "peasantID", "Our peasant ID"),
TraceLoggingUInt64(gle, "lastError", "The result of GetLastError"),
catch (...)
// Theoretically, if window[1] dies when we're trying to get
// it's PID we'll get here. If we just try to do the election
// once here, it's possible we might elect window[2], but have
// it die before we add ourselves as a peasant. That
// _performElection call will throw, and we wouldn't catch it
// here, and we'd die.
// Instead, we're going to have a resilient election process.
// We're going to keep trying an election, until one _doesn't_
// throw an exception. That might mean burning through all the
// other dying monarchs until we find us as the monarch. But if
// this process is alive, then there's _someone_ in the line of
// succession.
TraceLoggingUInt64(peasantID, "peasantID", "Our peasant ID"),
bool foundNewMonarch = false;
while (!foundNewMonarch)
exitThreadRequested = _performElection();
// It doesn't matter if we're the monarch, or someone
// else is, but if we complete the election, then we've
// registered with a new one. We can escape this jail
// and re-enter society.
foundNewMonarch = true;
catch (...)
// If we fail to acknowledge the results of the election,
// stay in this jail until we do.
TraceLoggingUInt64(peasantID, "peasantID", "Our peasant ID"),
Remoting::Peasant WindowManager::CurrentWindow()
return _peasant;
void WindowManager::_raiseFindTargetWindowRequested(const winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable& sender,
const winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Remoting::FindTargetWindowArgs& args)
_FindTargetWindowRequestedHandlers(sender, args);
bool WindowManager::IsMonarch()
return _isKing;
void WindowManager::SummonWindow(const Remoting::SummonWindowSelectionArgs& args)
// We should only ever get called when we are the monarch, because only
// the monarch ever registers for the global hotkey. So the monarch is
// the only window that will be calling this.
void WindowManager::SummonAllWindows()
if constexpr (Feature_NotificationIcon::IsEnabled())
Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVectorView<winrt::Microsoft::Terminal::Remoting::PeasantInfo> WindowManager::GetPeasantInfos()
// We should only get called when we're the monarch since the monarch
// is the only one that knows about all peasants.
return _monarch.GetPeasantInfos();
uint64_t WindowManager::GetNumberOfPeasants()
if (_monarch)
return _monarch.GetNumberOfPeasants();
return 0;
// Method Description:
// - Ask the monarch to show a notification icon.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
winrt::fire_and_forget WindowManager::RequestShowNotificationIcon()
co_await winrt::resume_background();
// Method Description:
// - Ask the monarch to hide its notification icon.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
winrt::fire_and_forget WindowManager::RequestHideNotificationIcon()
auto strongThis{ get_strong() };
co_await winrt::resume_background();
// Method Description:
// - Ask the monarch to quit all windows.
// Arguments:
// - <none>
// Return Value:
// - <none>
winrt::fire_and_forget WindowManager::RequestQuitAll()
auto strongThis{ get_strong() };
co_await winrt::resume_background();
bool WindowManager::DoesQuakeWindowExist()
return _monarch.DoesQuakeWindowExist();
void WindowManager::UpdateActiveTabTitle(winrt::hstring title)
Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVector<winrt::hstring> WindowManager::GetAllWindowLayouts()
if (_monarch)
return _monarch.GetAllWindowLayouts();
return nullptr;