Robert Jordan 89190c6e6c Add support for background image alignment (as one setting) (#1959)
* Implement base background image alignment settings

TerminalSettings now has two new properties:
* BackgroundImageHorizontalAlignment
* BackgroundImageVerticalAlignment

These properties are used in TermControl::_InitializeBackgroundBrush to specify the alignment for TermControl::_bgImageLayer.

This is a base commit that will split into two possible branches:
* Use one setting in profiles.json: "backgroundImageAlignment"
* Use two settings in profiles.json: "backgroundImageHorizontal/VerticalAlignment"

* Implement background image alignment profile setting

Implement background image alignment as one profile setting.
* This has the benefit of acting as a single setting when the user would likely want to change both horizontal and vertical alignment.
* HorizontalAlignment and VerticalAlignment are still stored as a tuple in Profile because they are an optional field. And thus, it would not make sense for one of the alignments to be left unused while the other is not.
* Cons are that the tuple signature is quite long, but it is only used in a small number of locations. The Serialize method is also a little mishapen with the nested switch statements. Empty lines have been added between base-level cases to improve readability.

* Fix capitalization typo for BackgroundImageStretchModeKey

In Profiles.cpp, the key for the image stretch mode json property had a lowercase 'i' in "Backgroundimage", not following proper UpperCamelCase.
The "i" has been capitalized and the two usages of the constant have been updated as well.

* Document Background Image settings

* Adds entries SettingsSchema.md for the original 3 backgroundImage settings in addition to the new backgroundImageAlignment setting.

* Fix setting capitalization error in UsingJsonSettings.md

* The background image example in UsingJsonSettings.md listing a backgroundImageStretchMode of "Fill" has been corrected to "fill".

Fixes #1949.
2019-07-24 21:47:06 -07:00

8.2 KiB

Profiles.json Documentation


Properties listed below affect the entire window, regardless of the profile settings.

Property Necessity Type Default Description
alwaysShowTabs Required Boolean true When set to true, tabs are always displayed. When set to false and showTabsInTitlebar is set to false, tabs only appear after typing Ctrl + T.
defaultProfile Required String PowerShell guid Sets the default profile. Opens by typing Ctrl + T or by clicking the '+' icon. The guid of the desired default profile is used as the value.
initialCols Required Integer 120 The number of columns displayed in the window upon first load.
initialRows Required Integer 30 The number of rows displayed in the window upon first load.
requestedTheme Required String system Sets the theme of the application. Possible values: "light", "dark", "system"
showTerminalTitleInTitlebar Required Boolean true When set to true, titlebar displays the title of the selected tab. When set to false, titlebar displays "Windows Terminal".
showTabsInTitlebar Optional Boolean true When set to true, the tabs are moved into the titlebar and the titlebar disappears. When set to false, the titlebar sits above the tabs.
wordDelimiters Optional String ` ./\()"'-:,.;<>~!@#$%^&* +=[]{}~?\u2502`


Properties listed below are specific to each unique profile.

Property Necessity Type Default Description
acrylicOpacity Required Number 0.5 When useAcrylic is set to true, it sets the transparency of the window for the profile. Accepts floating point values from 0-1.
closeOnExit Required Boolean true When set to true, the selected tab closes when exit is typed. When set to false, the tab will remain open when exit is typed.
colorScheme Required String Campbell Name of the terminal color scheme to use. Color schemes are defined under schemes.
commandline Required String powershell.exe Executable used in the profile.
cursorColor Required String #FFFFFF Sets the cursor color for the profile. Uses hex color format: "#rrggbb".
cursorShape Required String bar Sets the cursor shape for the profile. Possible values: "vintage" ( ▃ ), "bar" ( ┃ ), "underscore" ( ▁ ), "filledBox" ( █ ), "emptyBox" ( ▯ )
fontFace Required String Consolas Name of the font face used in the profile.
fontSize Required Integer 10 Sets the font size.
guid Required String Unique identifier of the profile. Written in registry format: "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}".
historySize Required Integer 9001 The number of lines above the ones displayed in the window you can scroll back to.
name Required String PowerShell Core Name of the profile. Displays in the dropdown menu.
padding Required String 0, 0, 0, 0 Sets the padding around the text within the window. Can have three different formats: "#" sets the same padding for all sides, "#, #" sets the same padding for left-right and top-bottom, and "#, #, #, #" sets the padding individually for left, top, right, and bottom.
snapOnInput Required Boolean true When set to true, the window will scroll to the command input line when typing. When set to false, the window will not scroll when you start typing.
startingDirectory Required String %USERPROFILE% The directory the shell starts in when it is loaded.
useAcrylic Required Boolean false When set to true, the window will have an acrylic background. When set to false, the window will have a plain, untextured background.
background Optional String Sets the background color of the profile. Overrides background set in color scheme if colorscheme is set. Uses hex color format: "#rrggbb".
backgroundImage Optional String Sets the file location of the Image to draw over the window background.
backgroundImageAlignment Optional String center Sets how the background image aligns to the boundaries of the window. Possible values: "center", "left", "top", "right", "bottom", "topLeft", "topRight", "bottomLeft", "bottomRight"
backgroundImageOpacity Optional Number 1.0 Sets the transparency of the background image. Accepts floating point values from 0-1.
backgroundImageStretchMode Optional String uniformToFill Sets how the background image is resized to fill the window. Possible values: "none", "fill", "uniform", "uniformToFill"
colorTable Optional Array[String] Array of colors used in the profile if colorscheme is not set. Colors use hex color format: "#rrggbb". Ordering is as follows: [black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, bright black, bright red, bright green, bright yellow, bright blue, bright magenta, bright cyan, bright white]
cursorHeight Optional Integer Sets the percentage height of the cursor starting from the bottom. Only works when cursorShape is set to "vintage". Accepts values from 25-100.
foreground Optional String Sets the foreground color of the profile. Overrides foreground set in color scheme if colorscheme is set. Uses hex color format: "#rrggbb".
icon Optional String Image file location of the icon used in the profile. Displays within the tab and the dropdown menu.
scrollbarState Optional String Defines the visibility of the scrollbar. Possible values: "visible", "hidden"
tabTitle Optional String Overrides default title of the tab.


Properties listed below are specific to each color scheme. ColorTool is a great tool you can use to create and explore new color schemes. All colors use hex color format.

Property Necessity Type Description
name Required String Name of the color scheme.
foreground Required String Sets the foreground color of the color scheme.
background Required String Sets the background color of the color scheme.
black Required String Sets the color used as ANSI black.
blue Required String Sets the color used as ANSI blue.
brightBlack Required String Sets the color used as ANSI bright black.
brightBlue Required String Sets the color used as ANSI bright blue.
brightCyan Required String Sets the color used as ANSI bright cyan.
brightGreen Required String Sets the color used as ANSI bright green.
brightPurple Required String Sets the color used as ANSI bright purple.
brightRed Required String Sets the color used as ANSI bright red.
brightWhite Required String Sets the color used as ANSI bright white.
brightYellow Required String Sets the color used as ANSI bright yellow.
cyan Required String Sets the color used as ANSI cyan.
green Required String Sets the color used as ANSI green.
purple Required String Sets the color used as ANSI purple.
red Required String Sets the color used as ANSI red.
white Required String Sets the color used as ANSI white.
yellow Required String Sets the color used as ANSI yellow.


Properties listed below are specific to each custom key binding.

Property Necessity Type Description
command Required String The command executed when the associated key bindings are pressed.
keys Required Array[String] Defines the key combinations used to call the command.